Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 1: Awake in 2002

003 Team Building

Wei Dongsheng once again declined the network administrator's kindness.

The webmaster logs in to the game account and does not have F12 to start the plug-in leveling. Instead, he picks up a **** and goes to the zombie hole to mine. Although Wei Dongsheng didn't have a registered account to play with the webmaster, he still kept a polite smile because of the patience of adult thinking, which made the young webmaster even more talkative. According to the webmaster, the money in the current version is very tight. Poor players always dig and save enough money before buying medicine to upgrade; skill books are even more scarce, and Taoist dog books and warriors’ half-moon scimitars are even more popular. The price is so high that Taoist priests with dogs are all gods, and no one will PK with gods.

In the previous life, in the original time and space, Wei Dongsheng never played online games in the real sense during high school. When he arrived at university, he had enough spare time and his own computer, so he went back to review the legendary game. Wei Dongsheng didn't have the patience to upgrade the official website step by step. He entertained himself with the legendary stand-alone version and the dormitory LAN private server. So when it comes to legends, Wei Dongsheng always thinks about version 1.76 "Reloading" and version 1.8 "Dragon". Looking back and tasting the original version 1.50, he always feels that Ya is a rough set of private servers.

The network manager has saved enough money for mining, manipulated virtual characters to take risks, level up, and slowly indulge in the game world.

Wei Dongsheng retrieved the information he wanted, got up and left the small Internet cafe.

In the original time and space of the past, when Wei Dongsheng recruited new employees for training, he often said: "IT is not Internet_Technology, but Idea and Team."

Idea is idea and direction; Team is team and execution. First look at the direction, and then set up an executive team. This is Wei Dongsheng’s self-concept, as well as Wei Dongsheng’s business philosophy. Now that the direction has been determined, the next step is to form a team, an excellent team that maximizes the benefits of legendary plug-ins and private servers.

Wei Dongsheng’s first entrepreneurial venture in his previous life was a mobile game. With the concept of knowing yourself and the enemy, he deliberately studied the plug-in industry.

Non-industry professionals will always have a serious misunderstanding when mentioning plug-ins. They think that those who can make plug-ins are computer experts. In fact, on the contrary, the threshold of game plug-in is very low, even lower than that of online novels. Especially in the future Yilangu, with this quick and simple development tool, junior high school students with zero foundation can use Yilangu's various libraries to develop game plug-ins in a short period of time. In the network environment in 2002, perhaps because plug-ins have not yet become a black industry, perhaps because the Internet has not yet spread to every household, the plug-in industry has not yet been captured by Yi Language. The current plug-ins, the mainstream languages ​​are Delphi, VB, VC++, etc., the level is relatively high, but the high is limited.

In addition, plug-in practitioners often separate plug-in and auxiliary plug-in internally. Display health bar, automatic path finding, automatic killing monsters, automatic blood replenishment, etc. All those who do not modify the game data are auxiliary plug-ins. From the perspective of the player, the auxiliary plug-in is already very powerful, but in the eyes of plug-in practitioners, the auxiliary plug-in fart is not because it does not make money.

Everyone copy the software code together. Junior high school students can learn the technology in two months. Who is willing to pay for it? It is not reliable to expect to sell to game players. Because of the low threshold and high competition, many plug-ins have made auxiliary parts free in order to attract passenger flow. Few players are willing to pay for pure auxiliary plug-ins. Just like what Wei Dongsheng saw and heard in small Internet cafes, in order to attract customers, Internet cafes will collect many free plug-ins or crack plug-ins. No matter how many users there are, it is difficult for plug-in producers to make money.

If you want to make money from plug-ins, you have to modify the game data and become a real plug-in to directly challenge game developers and operators.

Technically, this is not difficult.

For example, the simplest memory base address method, search for the memory base address corresponding to red, blue, and skill, and modify the value to be a plug-in. This kind of plug-in has a very small amount of code. If the key base address can be found quickly and accurately, the plug-in can be written in two or three days, and it can be sold to a game studio to obtain a profit of 20,000 to 30,000. Well, this is the market in 2012. Although you can't wait and see, you can compare and understand the considerable profits of real plug-ins.

The plug-in industry is profitable, but there is no way to drop it from the sky. There are many key nodes, such as how to get the trust of the transaction object to trust their own source code, how to ensure the security of the transaction, such as the update frequency of the plug-in, and how to deal with the large-scale account ban on the official website, etc. As far as Wei Dongsheng knows, the downfall of many plug-in practitioners is often not because of insufficient technology, but because of greedy partners or trading partners.

To plan ahead, you must first form a credible team, and then run the plug-in and private server.

The profit you get is the profit.

Who can serve as Wei Dongsheng's partner in 2002?

Wei Dongsheng quickly flashed an old friend in his mind, Huo Yongshan.

Huo Yongshan was Wei Dongsheng’s good playmate in junior high school, and another classmate, in that chaotic junior high school, stood up to the title of "Liangshan Three Young Masters" that was embarrassing to think of now. In the previous life, Wei Dongsheng, Huo Yongshan, and another classmate were in the middle of junior high school age as an alliance and worshipped brothers of different surnames. They vowed not to be born in the same year and the same month, but to die on the same day and the same year. It is a pity that the vows cannot be reflected in reality. After the change in the third grade of junior high school, Wei Dongsheng, Huo Yongshan and another classmate all matured. Huo Yongshan continued to walk his black rivers and lakes road, calling friends and calling friends to become a local snake chief. A few years later, he was chosen by a certain official and **** for his merits in contracting and demolition. He immediately became the eunuch's real estate tycoon white gloves.

After junior high school, although they both went to high school in Wuping County, Wei Dongsheng and Huo Yongshan went farther and farther and met less and less frequently. However, the friendship between the two is still there. In 2015, Wei Dongsheng failed to start his own business for the first time. He returned to his hometown and met Huo Yongshan by chance. Huo Yongshan gave out 5 million yuan without saying anything. Angel funding supported Wei Dongsheng to continue his business.

Huo Yongshan is trustworthy and trustworthy. The transition from black to gray to white is enough to prove his ability and vision. On September 12, 2002, Huo Yongshan had just walked out of the junior high school campus. The relationship between brothers has not been diluted by time, or it may become a fetter for Wei Dongsheng to draw him.

There are three high schools in Wuping County, one high, two high and three high. There is a saying in the county town that can simply interpret the difference between the three high schools: "The goal of top students in the first high school is Qingbei, the goal of top students in the second high school is one book; the goal of top students in the third high school is two books." Wu Ping, one high school There are approximately 1,400 students in each grade, of which 8,900 can pass the exam. Wu Ping's three-high, record-breaking best score in recent years is 17 two. Different from the militarized and closed management of Wu Ping No. 1 High School, the teachers of Wu Ping No. 3 High School no longer have illusions about student performance. Students want to learn, but do not want to learn. Therefore, it was supposed to be the afternoon class time. Wei Dongsheng came to the vicinity of Wuping Third High School, only to find that the surrounding Internet cafes were full of students who were truant.

Asking to make sure that Wu Ping's third high school ends at 5:30 in the afternoon. Wei Dongsheng stepped on the time to arrive at Huo Yongshan's classroom at 5 o'clock. He discovered that this was a self-study class, and the student skipping rate was as high as 90%. There is no teacher in the classroom, and it is difficult to know where Huo Yongshan has skipped class if he wants to come. Wei Dongsheng asked the only six students in the classroom: "Who knows where Huo Yongshan has gone?"

The six students raised their heads, but no one answered.

Wei Dongsheng asked another question, but no one answered, and I don't know whether Wei Dong's growth is annoying or Huo Yongshan's annoying.

Well, it should be the latter, it must be the latter.

Wei Dongsheng scanned the six students and found that a thin student was particularly timid. He hurriedly shrank his head when he met him. He didn't know that such an action made him more conspicuous. Wei Dongsheng walked towards the thin student and patted him on the shoulder: "Man, what do you call it?"

The thin students trembled with fright, their heads lowered.

Wei Dongsheng was a bit speechless.

Wei Dongsheng was about to continue to ask, when suddenly there was a sound of falling textbooks. A female student stood up and said, "Get out of our classroom."

Looking intently, the female student glared with cross-brows and looked like a big sister. The female student is still young, with unobstructed curves, matched with the rustic school uniforms, there is no characteristic at first glance. At this moment, Hengdao stood up immediately, and her graceful cheeks suddenly bloomed. Wei Dongsheng became more and more bored. It was really unlucky. He was just asking for directions. As for swearing at him? Wei Dongsheng didn't believe in the doctrine of "good men don't fight women", and immediately sought justice. At this moment, Wei Dongsheng suddenly felt that the female student was a little familiar again, and he asked, "Are you Ran Xiqian?"

The girl student snorted.

Not answering is the default.

Wei Dongsheng suddenly, the hot-tempered female student turned out to be Ran Xiqian.

In her previous life, Ran Xiqian was Huo Yongshan's wife, and Huo Yongshan regarded her as a favorite of her heart, very affectionate. In the future, Huo Yongshan will mix the rivers and lakes to become a tyrant, saying "Hedong is a sky, saying that rain does not make fog", which means that in Hedong Province, Huo Yongshan said that it will rain today, God dare not fog. But behind the scenes, there is another saying in this sentence, "Hedong is a sky, and the sky is Ran Xiqian", which means that if Huo Yongshan is this day, there will be Ran Xiqian in the sky. If Huo Yongshan is offended, he can still negotiate for benefits. If he offends Ran Xiqian, he will wait. Just die.

In the impression, Huo Yongshan fell in love with Ran Xiqian at first sight, and he went crazy after arriving at Wu Ning San Gao. Ran Xiqian hated Huo Yongshan very much at first, but Huo Yongshan has treated her like a day before slowly accepting it, but he always taboo his black arena career. It is precisely to marry Ran Xiqian upright and bright that Huo Yongshan desperately whitewashes herself, turning black rivers and lakes into gray rivers and lakes, and gray rivers and lakes becoming white gloves for other people's homes.

Recalling Huo Yongshan's simple and rude pursuit of Ran Xiqian, Wei Dongsheng suddenly understood the disgust and fear of the six students. Needless to say, Ran Xiqian must hate Huo Yongshan's black rivers and lakes acting style, while Huo Yongshan is jealous because of Ran Xiqian's actions to protect classmates, and even more specifically bullies thin male students. Over time, when encountering a stranger who came to Huo Yongshan, the thin male student was afraid of conditioned reflex, and Ran Xiqian was conditioned to hate it.

Knowing the entanglement of cause and effect, Wei Dongsheng was too lazy to intervene in Huo Yongshan and Ran Xiqian's emotional drama, and straightforwardly stated his position: "I have a business case with Huo Yongshan. If you know where he is, please tell me."

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