Revival of the Gods

Chapter 992: 3 cents will resort

"Nothing, no problem..." Xiao Hua touched his nose and screamed like a stick, saying, "You can kill the water demon, don't bother with the younger generation!"

"You were hurt by the fire dance?" The third fairy will hold a giant knife. He looks at Xiao Hua's shoulder and nods. "Well, it's also a man, give..."

Said, the fairy will be thrown to Xiaohua a crystal box: "This is the elixir I used, the most..."

Waiting for the immortal to finish, "呜..." The fire and dance water demon is the first to force, the whole body is the star of the flashing starlight, and the fire has rolled up several tentacles and simultaneously hit Xiaohua and others. !

Looking at the tentacle mad dance, if the meteor transits, Xiao Hua and others do not dare to neglect, hurriedly urged the body shape to fight. Xiao Hua’s hands were arrogant and volleyed. I thought that the fire dance would directly hit back, but it was unexpected to Xiao Hua’s surprise that the fire dance tentacles actually stunned and shot to Xiaohua sideways!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly danced to the tentacles, but the tentacles suddenly split and turned into two fists. “Hey...” Xiao Hua was helpless, and hurriedly pulled back the wishful sticks and shot them separately!

"I will wait!" Bao Tong and Bao Shan solved the stun of the whole body, and each took the fairy to fly. Although they lost their faces before, they could have a hard time at this time, and they all joined the battle group.

The fire dance is so powerful that there are tentacles on the demon body of the water, and they greet Hashan and Bao Tong.

About half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua found 蹊跷, I saw three celestial will be intentionally or unintentionally divided between himself and Jiang Meihua and others, and in their attack and killing seven people have been surrounded by fire and water in the center.

"I am afraid that there is something wrong..." Xiao Hua’s eyes turned slightly. He didn’t mind treating others with kindness, but he didn’t dare to believe in others too much!

However, just after Xiao Hua’s thoughts started, the voice of the long-handed warrior was heard in the ear: “This little friend, the identity of the old man, you don’t have to know, this matter involves some secrets, but the old man can’t explain clearly. Today, I am waiting for the fire and water demon to fight, need to rely on the power of small friends, I do not know if the small friends are willing!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at Jiang Meihua. Sure enough, Jiang Meihua was also listening to it, and obviously there were other cents that would be heard.

Xiao Hua blocked the tentacles of the fire and water demon. The voice replied: "At this time, the key to life and death has come, what is secret, the younger generation does not want to know, only to get out of danger, if anything, the seniors please."

The battle will be said, one will not be inspected by the fire and dance water demon tentacle on the armor, the battle will be a battle, the armor has been torn a big piece! The war will hurriedly wave the long scorpion to block the tentacles, and then he said with a sigh of relief: "Well, the old man has a long story! This fire dance water demon has ... the power of the spirit fairy, not you and me, seven people can resist, and this fire dance Water enchanting, at this time it is afraid that it will be waiting for other warriors to come over, so I will show you that there is absolutely no other warfare to come over. !"

"I have waited for three people to practice a combination, but you can't wait for four people to participate, so the old man hopes that you will be divided into four corners to hold the fire and dance water, I will wait for my strength!"

Xiao Hua frowned, and asked: "It's that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple!"

"The younger generation thinks that even if the three seniors used the technique of the combination, it is not the enemy of this fire and dance demon!"

The war will look at Xiao Hua up and down, some accidents, but he thought a little, and said: "You are right! I am not the enemy of this fire dance, but Liu Hu, oh, The fairy with a knife, he has a fairy that specifically restrains the fire and water demon..."

When I first said that I was in a hurry, the war was again hit by the tentacle and I couldn’t even say anything.

Waiting for him to fly back again, Xiao Hua said: "I understand, this fire dance water demon body crystal nucleus is uncertain, Liu predecessors may not be able to make merit even if they push the fairy, and Liu predecessors must be only one hit. Force, so I want to cooperate!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Good to say!" Xiao Hua nodded without hesitation.

The war will slap a shoulder and swallow the beast, "Hey..." A beggar is printed inside the beast, while the other two are also in the war, and the three seals are urging. A ring of halo was born to cover the three.

"So..." The warrior said a few words in the ring halo, and said to Xiao Hua, "Little friends listen to the old man's order, and attack the fire and dance demon!"

"Good to say!" Xiao Hua still promised.

Seeing Xiao Hua did not ask much, the war is also very happy, at this time the ring halo has been formed, the fire dance water demon in the center, the previous three immortals will each move, then the move is neat It seems that the power is three points stronger than before!

However, the attack of the Fire Dance Water Demon has once again strengthened. Xiao Hua’s wishful shot is not only hard to pick up, but also the part that has been defeated has begun to decrease.

"This demon is too embarrassed!" Xiao Hua sighed a little, but turned to think, people are gathering the strength of the Yuanxian, if this is not even the wisdom, talk about He Lixing Yaozu?

"Beginning..." Xiao Hua’s ear suddenly sounded the command of the immortal!

Xiao Hua did not dare to be light and slow, his hands swayed, and he wished to rise up, and his heart muttered "long and long..."

"Hey..." Ruyi’s stick screamed, as if the glass was broken and thick and long, "Call..." Xiao Hua was full of strength, and the arms had already produced a feather, like a chicken feet. , hit the fire dancing dragon demon!

"Oh..." Ruyi was broken, and a whirlpool of whirlpool was born on the side of the fire and water demon. The whirlpool is now only a sigh, and the flame of the fire and water demon has been annihilated, revealing the inside. Yellow and black star marks.

"Oh?" The war will be a little surprised at the power of Xiao Hua. At this time, Jiang Meihua also roared, and the dragon gun in his hand turned into a roaring golden dragon. The mouth spit out the gun tip and slammed into the fire dancing water demon. Burning, gold silk lingering, tearing all the fierce gas will be shrouded in fire dancing.

Bao Ting and Bao Shan do not have to say that the two have long been tacitly standing on the opposite side of the fire and dance water demon ring and scimitar sacrifice, also the fire dance water demon!

"Kill, kill, kill!" The three warriors are quite happy, and at the same time roaring, among the rotating halos, there are three great lights!

The first weight is a long gun like a rock. It comes from all directions, and every shot has a golden light like electricity!

The second is the long wave of the long, such a long scorpion gave birth to the Suzaku virtual shadow, including the flame hidden space secrets followed by the rifle.

The third weight is the knife light, such as the Tao, this knife light snow, gave birth to clear, there are countless tiny dragons in the water.


Xiao Hua’s wishful shot was shot down. In the wind, the tentacles that fired the water and the water were smashed, and the wind was more like an awl breaking into the fire and dancing demon, tearing the monsters of hundreds of feet in size!

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