Chapter 10 Bulma Tied? Death from the sky!


Sophia’s ruby eyes were full of deep doubts, “Brother Kahn, can people be resurrected after death?” ”


This kind of thing of resurrection is completely beyond Sophia’s comprehension.


Kahn said concisely for Sophia: “On Earth, there is a thing called dragon balls, and if you gather seven, you can summon the divine dragon to fulfill your wishes, and the resurrection of the dead is within the power of the divine dragon.” ”

Of course.

The premise is unnatural death.

People who die naturally cannot be resurrected through the divine dragon, unless they are super divine dragons who can truly fulfill any wish!

Kahn didn’t think about finding Super Dragon Ball, but Super Dragon Ball is too difficult to find.

After all, seven Super Dragon Balls are distributed in the sixth and seventh universes, and even if there is Dragon Ball Super Bulma’s Super Dragon Ball radar, it is definitely a big project to find a needle in a haystack.

So for the current Kahn, finding Super Dragon Ball is tantamount to dreaming.

Finding Earth Dragon Ball is more realistic.

“So amazing?”

Sophia’s mouth opened wide in surprise, and for a while she was also deeply interested in the dragon that Kahn said could bring the dead back to life.

She wanted to see what the dragon that could bring the dead back to life looked like.



“Then hurry up and sleep, tomorrow I will take you to find Dragon Ball.”

Kahn has decided to start looking for Dragon Ball to resurrect some female Saiyans tomorrow, otherwise it is not a way to give birth to low-level warriors with Earth women.

After all, now he can guarantee quantity, but quality must also be raised.

Otherwise, the addition of 3,300 combat strength will have to be added to the Year of the Monkey to surpass the 120 million Frieza?

Early the next morning.

Kahn came to Bun Mountain again, and Guan Son Gohan borrowed the four planets that he had collected for many years.

It is worth mentioning that Kahn went to Bunzi Mountain this time and learned that Sun Wukong recently fell from the cliff due to his good activity, resulting in a heavy head injury, which also caused the original fierce Sun Wukong to become lively and cheerful.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t take care of it.” For this matter, Son Gohan showed great self-remorse.

After all, Sun Wukong can accidentally fall off a cliff and cause a heavy head injury, and he is directly responsible.

Kahn glanced at Sun Wukong, who was still wrapped in bandages on his head and his eyes became clearer, and shook his head: “Mr. Sun, in fact, you don’t have to blame yourself so much, which may be a good thing for Wukong.” ”


If it weren’t for such a fall when he was a child, there would be no kind-hearted Monkey King in the future.

The kind-hearted Monkey King is the Monkey King that Kahn is familiar with.

Instead of the Monkey King, who retains the violent and bloodthirsty nature of the Saiyan.

“Well… Meddlesome? Sun Gohan was stunned.

He had never heard of a child breaking his head as a good thing.

“You will understand later, Mr. Sun, I still have something to do and leave first.”

Before leaving, Kahn turned back and repeatedly instructed: “And what I told you when I first came, don’t forget, the night of the full moon must not let Goku see the full moon, otherwise the consequences will be serious.” ”

“The old man has always remembered this matter, don’t worry.”

Because Kahn’s tone was very solemn when he first explained, he let Sun Wukong spend in the house every month in the past year.

Kahn nodded, and then called Sophia, who was playing with Sun Wukong, to leave Bun Mountain.


Universal capsule company.

Today, Dr. and Mrs. Briff are taking Bulma to school as usual.

Six-year-old Bulma was bouncing ahead with a school bag, and her private car had been waiting at the door for a long time.


What Dr. and Mrs. Brive didn’t know was that several pairs of vicious eyes like poisonous snakes had set their eyes on their youngest daughter Bulma.

“Bulma, study hard in school.”

When they arrived at the door, Dr. and Mrs. Brive stopped and smiled goodbye to Bulma.

“Got it.”

Bulma replied without looking back, and was ready to get into the car.


At this moment, a sharp and piercing brake sound sounded, and a maglev car produced by Universal Capsule Company stopped.

Then, under the noses of Dr. and Mrs. Brive, they forcibly kidnapped Bulma into the car and rode away.

Until this point.

Dr. and Mrs. Brive, who had experienced the kidnapping for the first time, reacted.

They also did not expect that someone would dare to kidnap Bulma in front of them in broad daylight!


“Quick, chase!”

Dr. Brive did not dare to hesitate and quickly boarded the private car.

The driver wearing sunglasses nodded, then slapped the floor oil, and the car instantly sped away.

As an international metropolis of the earth, Xidu is prosperous but also has many evils breeding.

Things like kidnappers kidnapping rich children to demand ransom have become common in Xidu.

Only this time, it was Bulma’s turn.

Speaking of which, this gang of kidnappers is also really bold, to kidnap Bulma, only Bulma goes to school and after school.

After school hours, there are many people and it is difficult to start, so they specifically picked Bulma to do it when she went to school.


Dr. and Mrs. Brive waited to get into the car to chase, and two figures fell from the sky and landed in front of the universal capsule company.

It was Kahn and Sophia who rushed back from Bun Mountain.

Originally, after Kahn got the Four Planets from Son Gohan, he planned to take the Four Planets and ask Dr. Brive to help make a Dragon Ball radar.

Coincidentally, he witnessed Bulma’s kidnapping.

“Brother Kahn, it seems that the little girl named Bulma was kidnapped just now.” Sophia pursed her lips lightly and muttered.

She couldn’t see very well in the air, but she thought it should be Bulma.

Kahn bowed his head and said, “Sophia, you wait here, I’ll go back.” ”

If someone else was kidnapped, Kahn wouldn’t bother to care.

But the other party is tied to Bulma, then the righteous Kahn cannot sit idly by.

After all, Kahn is still thinking about how to fool Bulma, the future Dragon Ball goddess.

Here it goes.

Laying the foundation from a young age is undoubtedly the most perfect.


Kahn performed a dance technique and chased after him at a faster speed.

“Hehe, the thousand gold of the universal capsule company, the ransom should be able to get 100 million yuan!” In the car, a man with a scar on his face said with a sinister smile.

“One hundred million yuan? I said that you are inevitably too underestimating the thousand dollars of the universal company, less than one billion yuan! ”

Another kidnapper couldn’t help but turn over the platinum.

If you kidnap the thousands of gold of Universal Capsule Company, you will want a ransom of 100 million yuan? What about appearance?

When the kidnappers brazenly talked about Bulma’s ransom, Bulma was already scared to tears.

“Stop crying, if you cry again, scratch your face and believe it or not!”

One of the kidnappers frightened viciously.

When he said this, Bulma cried even harder.

Crying is called a pear blossom with rain, shocking the world to cry ghosts.

The kidnappers are also helpless, after all, in their opinion, this is a billion yuan on the move, how long is it enough for them to be dashing?

“What’s going on with this kid? Don’t get in the way, hurry up and get out of the way for Lao Tzu! ”

At this moment, the kidnapper in charge of the beginning suddenly muttered nervously.

Before the other three kidnappers could react, a huge inertia and loud noise came, and the car was forcibly stopped.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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