Chapter Twenty-Six Bulma is making a time machine? Tell you a story

In Bulma’s lab.

There are piles of precision parts, scattered and scattered, in almost every corner.

“Dr. Brive, these are…”

Kahn looked around and asked.

As a Saiyan warrior, Kahn is completely ignorant of technology.

So he doesn’t know exactly what these precision parts are used for.

Dr. Brive studied these delicate parts for a long time and frowned: “Based on these scattered parts alone, I can’t see what Bulma wants to study.” ”

These parts can be combined in many ways, which makes Dr. Brive, one of the best scientists on Earth, feel one head and two big.



Dr. Briff seems to have made a new discovery.

He found a drawing from the drawer of the lab table, on which a pattern resembled a space wormhole, and there were many notes on the drawing.

Combined with these delicate parts in the laboratory, Dr. Briff couldn’t help but gasp and exclaimed, “Bulma… She’s working on a time machine! ”

It’s so bold and crazy!

Not to mention a time machine that can travel through time and space.

If it weren’t for the spaceship that Kahn brought, Earth’s technology wouldn’t even have left the solar system!

How dare Bulma think about it!

“When… Time machine?! ”

Kahn’s eyes widened in disbelief.

If memory serves, even the Bulma in the original book who is super in the period does not know the principle of the time machine, and only the Bulma of the future time and space, in that endless despair condition.

Only then did he make a time machine to allow Trunks to return to the main space-time for help.

For now, however.

Bulma, who is less than eight years old, is actually studying the time machine???

What does she want to do?

“However, I don’t think Bulma can really build a time machine, if the total progress of the project to make a time machine is the sea, then Bulma’s progress has just reached a lake.”

Dr. Briff added: “And she didn’t understand the principle, and now she is only in a conceptual state, she must have suffered some major blow, and wanted to study a time machine to go back in time and change the course of history.” ”

“A major blow… changing the course of history…”

Kahn muttered, and a flash of light flashed.

“Dr. Brive, I think I probably got it.”

Say it.

Kahn left quickly.

Coming out of the Universal Capsule Company, Kahn performed his dancing skills, came to Bulma’s aristocratic school, and took her to the lawn of Xidu Park.

Kahn sat on the lawn and stared at Bulma, who was pouting for a few seconds, before he spoke: “Bulma, tell me, what do you want to do when you study the time machine.” ”

“Hmph, it’s none of your business!”

Bulma pouted and huffed.

Although she still didn’t want to see Kahn, she was obviously much less angry than she was more than a month ago.

“I guess you studied making a time machine to go back in time and change me, right?” Kahn smiled helplessly and said.

“You… How do you know! ”

What scheming can Bulma, who is less than eight years old, have? After being poked by Kahn for her purpose, she was a little panicked for a while.

Confirming that his guess was correct, Kahn felt quite helpless.

Since he was poked by Kahn, Bulma no longer hid it, and complained: “Big brother, you are too careful, I originally thought that you only had a girlfriend from sister Sophia, but it turned out that your family …”

“me off!”

“Big brother, you are not the Prince Charming I want at all!”

Say it.

Bulma also stomped her foot angrily and waved her small pink fist.

It would have been.

Bulma thought that even if Kahn had Sophia’s girlfriend, she was not unacceptable, but she had visited Kahn’s house since the day she summoned the dragon.

Her three views were about to collapse

Kahn’s family actually raised twenty or thirty high-quality girls with big breasts and upturned asses and beautiful appearances.

This was a great blow to Bulma’s young heart.


Kahn was directly amused.

No wonder he went to Dr. Briff to make the gravity cultivation room more than a month ago, and when he stopped by to see Bulma, she would drive herself away so resistantly.

So it was, so it was.

“Bulma, big brother tell you a story, do you want to listen to it.”

“What story?”

Bulma pricked up her ears, she wanted to hear how Kahn had to explain, otherwise she wouldn’t forgive Kahn.

“Once upon a time there was a planet called Planet Vegeta, and there lived a people called the Saiyans, who were a very barbaric people who invaded other planets and then sold the invading planet to aliens at a high price for money to make a living.”

“Until one day, the Saiyans were ruled by force by a cosmic emperor named Frieza.”

“Later, Frieza was worried that the Saiyans would bottom out, so he summoned the vast majority of the Saiyans back and destroyed the planet, leaving the number of Saiyans very low…”

Kahn patiently told stories about the Saiyans and himself.

After listening.

Bulma was shocked!

Although she is less than eight years old this year, her IQ is far higher than that of her peers, and she knows that the hero of Kahn’s story is actually Kahn himself.

He is to revive his people while avoiding the pursuit of the cosmic emperor Frieza.

Only then did he come to Earth, find the girls of the earth to bear children for themselves by spending money, and revive the Saiyan nation.

What Kahn said was the truth, except that he didn’t tell Bulma about the Dofu system.

“So, big brother, aren’t you really spending your heart just to revive your own nation?” Bulma asked.


Kahn shook his head and said, “When it comes to flowers, I’m still a little fancy, but if it weren’t for the revival of my nation, I definitely wouldn’t be like this.” ”

If he doesn’t bother with such words, Kahn can’t say it.

What man doesn’t care?

Dr. Brive is still sneaking outside, and because of this, he and Mrs. Brive are a little stiff, and the two often have a cold war.

“Hmph, big brother is really such a person!”

Bulma hummed arrogantly.

However, from Bulma’s tone, Kahn could hear that her anger had subsided a lot.

“I’m going back to school, send me back!”

“Before I go back, let me ask you one more question, is your time machine still researching?” Kahn asked.

“Don’t study, big brother, you are such a person, even if I succeed in research and go back to the past, it won’t change you!”


Although but.

Bulma’s anger has indeed subsided a lot.

In addition to the flower heart, Kahn has another image of a national hero in her heart.


From the perspective of the Saiyan nation, in order to revive their own nation, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their bodies to keep having children, which is indeed a national hero.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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