Chapter 69 Bardos’s olive branch, daughter Millie was bullied?

“Why didn’t it move, Brother Kahn.”

Seeing that the seven super dragon balls were still standing in the space without moving, Sophia couldn’t help scratching her head and wondered.

“Don’t worry, wait a little quietly.”

Kahn said calmly.

“Is it…”


As soon as Bardos wanted to say something, a violent vibration suddenly occurred in the surrounding space. Followed by.

Under the gaze of the three of Kahn, the seven super dragon balls that originally stood quietly in the universe suddenly bloomed with red light on the big red stars inside!


Seeing this scene, Sophia’s eyes widened with excitement.

“Here it comes!”

Followed by.

One after another purple thunder and lightning connected the seven super dragon balls together, and the vibration of the universe became more and more violent.


When the light of the big red stars inside the Super Dragon Ball bloomed to the extreme, just like the Dragon Ball of Earth, a dazzling golden light bloomed from the seven Super Dragon Balls.

The dazzling golden light refracted and almost illuminated the entire sixth and seventh universes! I don’t know how long it took.

When the golden light gradually dissipated, Kahn and Sophia opened their eyes again.

Their gaze once again looked at the space in front of them, and they saw an inexplicable creature with a deep golden body and a huge size that they couldn’t fit in.


“Brother Kahn, what is this…”

Sophia’s red eyes trembled slightly, and she was shocked. Because this creature is so large that it is impossible to peek into its full picture with the naked eye alone.

Therefore, for a while, Sophia did not realize that the golden creature in front of her was the super dragon.

“Super Divine Dragon.”

As soon as Kahn’s words fell, he only heard a strange sound suddenly.

“He’s going to wake up.”

Bardos Zhu’s lips raised slightly, and he looked at the super divine dragon in front of him with interest. Then.

I saw that the super divine dragon, whose eyes were originally closed, as if in a deep sleep, slowly opened the huge dragon eyes glowing with crimson light.

And when the dragon eyes of the super divine dragon opened, an indescribable divine aura surged into the hearts of Kahn and Sophia.

“Well… What a shock! ”

Seeing such a huge creature open its eyes for the first time caused a great visual impact on Sophia!


The awakened super divine dragon dragon mouth was open, and a shocking dragon groan resounded throughout the universe! The huge crimson dragon eyes also refracted two crimson rays at this moment.

Then, I saw the super divine dragon stretching out his indescribably large dragon body, and now the three of Kahn finally got a glimpse of the full picture of the super divine dragon.

His whole body is dazzling gold, with the form of an oriental dragon, but also has a pair of bat wings of a western dragon! After a dragon groan, the Super Divine Dragon soared at a jaw-dropping speed, surpassing the galaxy in the blink of an eye. Now.

In the sight of the three of Kahn, only the golden light that filled the eyeballs remained! Shock!

Even Kahn was only shocked in his heart.

It is worthy of being a super divine dragon, and this kind of posture is not comparable to other divine dragons at all. At last.

When the golden light dispersed again, the three of Kahn had already entered the body of the super dragon. Surrounded by a dazzling sky full of stars, it is like a dream.

And right in front of them was an abyss gate that didn’t know where to go.

Kahn and Bardos looked at each other, and the two immediately took Sophia, who was still in shock and had not recovered for a long time, straight through the abyss gate.

Entering the abyss gate, the core of the super dragon was also presented in the sight of the three of Kahn.

With the arrival of the three of Kahn, the Super Divine Dragon Dragon’s mouth opened slightly, and he spoke a piece of the language of God in the language of God that Kahn and Sophia could not understand at all.

“Brother Kahn, what did he say?”

Sophia looked black with a question mark.

“It probably means that saying your wishes and the like is almost the same as the divine dragon of the earth.”

Kahn explained succinctly.

“So it is.”

Immediately, Bardos gestured, “Mr. Kahn, please say what you want to fulfill.” ”

No surprises.

Through Bardos’s communication in the language of God, Kahn successfully obtained the immortal body through the Super Divine Dragon. In this way, when he faced the God of Destruction in the future, he would have more confidence.

After making a wish, the Super Divine Dragon also turned into seven Super Dragon Balls, scattered in seven directions, and swept into the depths of the sixth and seventh universes respectively.

“Mr. Kahn.”

“With your current strength, you can completely serve as the God of Destruction, I don’t know if you have considered this.”

After making a wish, Bardos threw an olive branch directly to Kahn.

Bardos has been thinking about this these days.

If Kahn is willing to be the destroyer of the sixth universe, when one day she can no longer stand the elephant pa, she will go to the whole king to tell the elephant pa, and directly ask the whole king to remove the destruction god of the elephant pa.

Kahnwan smiled and declined: “Bardos, thank you for your kindness, but I don’t have this to think about for the time being.” ”

God of Destruction.

It’s a cliché.

A migrant worker who can’t even guarantee his own safety. Who is stupid eggs.

Now Kahn already has the power of the God of Destruction level, and he is still young, and he must not look at the God of Destruction.

If there is a great destruction god who does not need to work and can take his destiny into his own hands. Then Kahn is not unthinkable.

However, even if there is such a priesthood, Kahn estimates that the threshold for becoming the Great God of Destruction must be much higher than that of the God of Destruction.

“Well, it doesn’t matter, if you are interested in the God of Destruction, you can contact me at any time.”

“Okay, Mr. Kahn, I’ve done you with this little favor, so I’ll leave first.”

Bardos smiled charmingly and did not linger too much here.

After saying hello, he turned into a colorful streamer and left.

After watching Bardos leave, Kahn also took Sophia back to Earth with a teleportation.


Over the Western Capital.

“I’m finally back, I’m so tired.”

Sophia stretched out and took a breath of fresh earthly air.

“How’s that, it’s enjoyable.”

Kahn laughed.

“It’s enjoyable!”

Sophia said with a satisfied look: “The super divine dragon is too spectacular and domineering, I really want to see it more.” ”

After seeing the super divine dragon, the sense of divinity of the earth divine dragon in Sophia’s mind has disappeared.

“Okay, I haven’t come back for more than half a year, let’s go home first.”

“Dad, Mom, why did you come back, where did you go during this time?” Can’t find anyone! ”

As soon as Kahn and Sophia entered the living room, a childish voice like a silver bell followed.

Kahn fixed his eyes and saw that the person who spoke was a little loli who was about one meter and six meters tall.

She wore a pink dress, a cute face that resembled Kahn, like a porcelain doll, and the three thousand blue silk was tied into a long ponytail hanging behind her.

In addition, she also has a pair of beautiful eyes like rubies, which are breathtaking.

“Milly, don’t you have to go to school today?”

Kahn asked.


The little loli, wearing a pink dress, is Milly, Kahn and Sophia’s first child. Mo is about fifteen years old this year.

“Today is the weekend, dad, didn’t you wake up.”

Millie said with a look of disdain.

“Huh? Is that so? ”

Kahn smiled and said, “Hehe, Dad forgot.” ”

“Cut, when you look at your father, your memory is not good.”

“Hey, dad is getting older, and his memory is starting to deteriorate, you understand.”

Kahn said with a playful smile. As he spoke, Kahn was already sitting on the couch.

“Milly, how do you talk to your father!”

Sophia crossed her hands at her waist and educated.

Milly waved her little hand and said straightforwardly: “It’s okay, Mom, Dad won’t care, right!” ”

“Of course.”

Kahn said very cooperatively: “Of course, my daughter has to be hurt by me, by the way, do you have anything to do with your father and mother?” ”

Millie grinned, then sat down next to Kahn, took Kahn’s arm and said: “Hee-hee, it’s okay to find mom, find dad you’re okay!” ”


Kahn raised his eyebrows and said with interest, “Let’s talk about it.” ”

“That’s right, Dad, I was bullied at school!”

Milly angrily told her story of being bullied at school.

It turned out that because Millie was cute and beautiful and had money at home, she was more sought after by boys in school, which also caused the jealousy of some other girls.

So the girls banded together to warn Milly to stay away from the boys in the future, or else she would have to make a date with her grove.

Can Millie, who has been spoiled since childhood to adulthood, be angry with this? So it’s not about coming home and asking for someone to come.

Millie knows that her father is very strong, but she does not expect Kahn to go to school to stand out for her, but wants to become stronger through cultivation and protect her dignity.

When Kahn listened, can this be endured?

Immediately slapped the table, and the table shattered in response: “What are you kidding?” My daughter can be bullied, daddy teaches you a few tricks, you go to school and her and it’s over. ”

“Well, it’s worthy of being a dad, domineering enough!”

Millie gave a thumbs up and said excitedly. Looking at the father and daughter who hit it off, Sophia held her forehead with a headache.

But Kahn is also right, their daughter must not be bullied.

“By the way, Milly, do you have any favorite boys at school?”

Kahn suddenly turned around and asked.

“Of course not!”

Milly said with a look of disgust: “Those boys in school are all looking at our family’s money, so I don’t like them!” ”

“Hee-hee, I still like daddy more!”

PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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