Chapter 81 Kahn’s idea, Paobados has a baby!

Just a few seconds.

The city, which had been destroyed by Broly, was restored under the noses of Vegeta and others.

Such means, where have they seen Vegeta, they stayed in place on the spot, and the whole person was stupid.

“Yes, yes, that’s pretty much it just now, so Your Highness Vegeta you’re alive again!”

It took a while for Naba to come to his senses and exclaim.

Vegeta’s eyelids jumped wildly. What does it mean that Lao Tzu is alive again?

However, it is indeed shocking that Kahn’s hand of turning back time to restore the city is indeed shocking. Otherwise, it will take a lot of work to rebuild the city.

After doing all this, Kahn landed back on the square and said to Naba: “Naba, carry Broly in and rest.” ”


Just now, Broly’s monster-like performance really scared Naba enough. He looked at Broly, who was lying on the ground in a coma, and was very embarrassed.

Although he was still afraid that Broly would suddenly wake up and himself, Naba did not dare to disobey Kahn’s order. He could only obediently carry Broly back to the palace.

……. Palace lobby.

To the left and right of Kahn, two fair-skinned, rich and generous earth girls are hammering his thighs, and behind them stands a girl massaging Kahn’s shoulders.

They worked so hard that they naturally hoped that Kahn would be able to honor them tonight.

“Vegeta, your strength has increased much more slowly than I expected.”

Kahn’s gaze fell on Vegeta directly opposite, and he said rather disappointed.

Vegeta’s original combat strength was already more than 700,000, but with his own cultivation method and gravity cultivation room, it took a full three years to reach three million combat power?

Even if Kahn caught a chicken and put it in the gravity cultivation room to cultivate for three years, the chicken had more than this combat power.

“Brother Kaen, I’ve been working hard to cultivate!”

Vegeta said,

“I don’t know why, why it’s so slow.”

To know.

At that time, Kahn only took two months to train Millie from a scumbag to the point where she could transform into a super race. And he started with a combat strength of more than 700,000, and it took three years as a result.

It’s a shame to say it.

But Vegeta did his best.

“Are you sure?”

Kahn raised an eyebrow, a little incredulous.

“I promise!”

Vegeta swore by it.

Kahn nodded thoughtfully, with Vegeta’s desire for strength and Super Saiyan, he would indeed do his best to cultivate.

Kahn, who knows Vegeta’s character, can be trusted by this. But what’s the problem?

With a slight groan, Kahn’s eyes froze slightly,

“Vegeta, are you sure you used the gravity cultivation room when you were cultivating?”


The only reason why it took Vegeta three years to increase his normal combat power from more than 700,000 to 3 million was that he didn’t use the gravity cultivation room.

Sure enough, as Kahn expected, he saw Vegeta confused and asked, “Gravity cultivation room?” What is that. ”


Kahn’s hypotension was successfully cured by Vegeta.

Dare I give you the whole gravity cultivation room technology and principle from my husband, you don’t look at it at all!” This girl’s estimation is in a hurry to become stronger in cultivation, where can she care about a gravity cultivation room that she has never heard of? Vegeta was also a little overwhelmed for a while.

“Vegeta, I remember telling you, don’t think that you can be proud of yourself when you cultivate to Super Saiyan, Super Saiyans are at best a starting point in our Saiyan nation.”

Kahn’s words suddenly changed.

“Yes, I remember.”

Vegeta nodded.

Kahn also nodded, and then said: “Above the Super Saiyan, there are Super Saiyan Two, Super Saiyan Three, Super Saiyan Four, or Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.” ”

“The improvement of each stage of transformation, the strength is a qualitative leap, if you want to become a real strong, you are still far behind!”


Hearing that there were so many transformations above the Super Saiyan, Vegeta, Naba, and Raditz were all dumbfounded. Although he doubted it in his heart, the words came out of Kahn’s mouth, so there is no need to doubt the authenticity.

“Brother Kaen, do we Saiyans really have so many transformations??”

Vegeta blinked, still incredulous.


Kahn rolled his eyes and said, “You see I have time to have fun with you?” ”

Confirming that what Kahn said was true, Vegeta’s eyes immediately flashed with determination, and threatened: “Brother Kaen, I want to become Super Saiyan Four, or that Super Saiyan of the God of Super Saiyan!” ”

Since there is a more powerful transformation, Vegeta is naturally unwilling to stay only at the point of super-one.

He’s going to get stronger!

Not to mention catching up with Kahn, at least become a real powerhouse!

Otherwise, once Kahn’s sons and daughters grow up, their strength and catch up, then his hard-won throne may be in jeopardy.

Kahn immediately roared, “Then what are you still doing here?” Don’t go to find the technical and principled information of the gravity cultivation room I gave you? ”

Shouted by Kahn, Vegeta immediately hurriedly left the lobby and went to find the technical principle information of the gravity cultivation room.

Vegeta left, and Naba and Raditz did not dare to stay here longer, and quickly followed Vegeta.


Looking at Vegeta’s scrambling appearance, several earth girls who were massaging Kahn couldn’t help but laugh.


Vegeta went back and rummaged for a long time before he found out the technical principle information of the gravity cultivation room from what Kahn gave him.

“This is the gravity cultivation room?”

Vegeta also didn’t know how much the gravity cultivation room helped his cultivation. However, judging from Kahn’s attention, it is definitely not too bad.

So he let Kikono develop it non-stop according to the technology and principle of the gravity cultivation room provided by Kahn.

With technology and principles, for a cosmic-level genius scientist like Kikono, developing a gravity cultivation room is simply a matter of minutes.

It only took Kikono a few days to make the gravity cultivation room. Even the extreme gravity multiplier has been increased to 100,000 times!

After the first gravity cultivation room came out, under Kahn’s signal, Vegeta ordered Kikono to go into mass production. After all, Kahn has more than a hundred sons and daughters, how can one gravity cultivation room be enough? At least one person!

After having the gravity training room….

Not only Vegeta, Kahn’s more than a hundred sons and daughters, but also Naba and Raditz’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds. Plus the systematic cultivation method given by Kahn.

In less than half a year, it has already been possible to transform into a super form per capita.

During this time, under Kahn’s hard work, more than thirty earth girls who migrated to Kahn Star and lived in the palace also became pregnant one after another.

After these thirty earth girls became pregnant.

Kahn is also going back and forth between Kahn Star and Earth, after all, he still hopes that among the more than thirty pregnant girls, there will be another super soldier.

【Ding! Saiyan Terran +1, the comprehensive evaluation is a genius warrior, congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: 100 million combat power, comfortable and extremely skillful. 】

【Ding! Saiyan Terran +1, comprehensive evaluation as a genius warrior, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: 100 million combat power….]

As time passed, those more than thirty earth girls were also born one after another.

Of the more than thirty newborns, eighty percent are genius warriors, and the rest are elite warriors.

Not to mention the rewards of elite warriors, even if they are genius warriors, in addition to the rewards given in the previous few times, they are still slightly useful. Later, only the basic 100 million combat effectiveness rewards remained.

According to the explanation of the system, the rewards of the genius warrior clan have all been taken by Kahn.

If you continue to give birth to genius warrior clansmen, you can only get the basic reward of 100 million combat power all the time.

“Made, in this way, it has to be a super soldier.”

It’s night.

On the roof of the palace, Kahn sat here alone and grumbled.

The reward given by the genius warrior clan was already better than nothing for Kahn. But the probability of a super-soldier newborn is extremely low.

“Is there any way to stably give birth to a newborn who is comprehensively evaluated as a super soldier?”

Kahn held his chin and said thoughtfully: “My strength and genes are strong, but the strength and genes of these girls of Bulma are not very good.” ”

It’s not that Kahn dislikes Bulma and them, but if his strength wants to go to another level, he can cultivate to the 5.8 month of the Year of the Monkey by cultivating from the third cultivation alone.

Not to mention surpassing angels, I’m afraid it’s difficult to even level angels by cultivating by yourself!

Even if he can cultivate to the strength of the angel level, it is definitely not something that can be done in ten years and eight years. After all, the gap in strength between angels and destroyers is too big!

And if your own strength can’t step on the top of the pyramid of the Dragon Ball world…

Kahn’s own fate, the fate of his wife and children, is always in the hands of the Supreme God King, and under this premise, Kahn never knows which tomorrow or accident will come first.

Therefore, even if Kahn now has the terrifying power of the God of Destruction level, or even surpasses the God of Destruction, this still does not mean that he can be rotten.


If he has a child with a sister whose strength and genes are no less than him, or even stronger than him, can he stably give birth to a child born as a super soldier?

An ultimate warrior even one level higher than a super soldier?

As soon as this idea flashed through his mind, a tall figure appeared in Kahn’s mind. That’s right.

It’s Angel Bardos!

“Hey, Bardos is not bad either, if I can soak Bardos and let her give me a baby, then it will be stable!”


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