Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,290 Stop it

Wulong Sea Area, Qinglian Island.

Master Huang Long, Mrs. Jindie and Liu Haodong frantically attacked the formation in the inner city. The aura of the formation flickered and dimmed. The magic power in Fairy Ziyue's body drained rapidly, and her face turned pale.

Fairy Ziyue personally controls the formation and concentrates on defense. Even if Huanglong has the spiritual treasure in hand, it is impossible to break the formation so quickly, otherwise the fourth-level formation will be too worthless.

The most important thing is that the Qinglian Immortal Couple has not yet appeared. Huanglong doesn't want to reveal his identity, so he keeps a hand in case of any eventuality.

Jin Yu drove the golden jade bottle and released a large piece of golden flame. The golden flame rolled and turned into golden fireballs, flying towards Zhao Meier.

Naturally, Zhao Meier did not dare to take a hard hit. Her body was flexible and turned into a breeze, avoiding Jin Yu's attacks.


A series of roars sounded, and the golden fireballs fell on the ground, creating huge craters. The pits were filled with hot air and puffs of black smoke.

Zhao Meier is a ghost cultivator, not a ghost. There is a big difference between the two. A ghost cultivator has his own cultivation system, while a ghost is just a powerful individual.

If fighting alone, Zhao Meier has a high chance of killing Jin Yu, but with Huang Long and three Nascent Soul cultivators at the side, if Zhao Meier kills Jin Yu, Huang Long and three others may find the flaw and gather fire to kill her. .

Therefore, she did not use thunderous means to deal with Jin Yu, but entangled with Jin Yu. Once the Huang Long masters and three people invaded the inner city, that would be her chance.

In addition, she knew the truth of capsizing in the gutter and did not rush forward. While fighting with Jin Yu, she observed Jin Yu's magical powers and prepared for a sneak attack later.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, make a quick decision, if this continues, he will be able to overcome his inner demons."

Liu Haodong frowned, glanced at the growing black thundercloud, and said via voice transmission.

Cutting off a person's path is a very serious matter. The Qinglian Immortal Couple has not come back yet. If the Qinglian Immortal Couple suddenly comes back, they will be in trouble.

The longer the delay, the greater the risk.

Master Huang Long nodded, with a cold light in his eyes. He turned over his hand and took out a green talisman about a foot long. On the surface of the talisman was a lifelike green dragon. The green dragon seemed to be a living thing, wandering around.

The Dragon Transformation Talisman, this is a secret talisman passed down from the Five Dragon Palace. It is said that it is refined with the spirit of a fourth-level dragon, which can transform into a dragon and attack the enemy. However, if it is used less than once, it will be scrapped when the power is exhausted.

The Green Lotus Immortal Couple hasn't shown up yet, and Huang Long is unwilling to use his magical power to reveal his identity. In fact, he can't break the formation immediately even if he uses his real magical power.

Wang Qingshan's potential is too great and we must not let him have a baby.

Master Huang Long took a deep breath, and slapped the dragon transforming talisman in his hand towards his body. A flash of green light flashed, and his whole body was covered by the dazzling green light.

There was a flash of green light, and a green dragon that was more than a hundred feet long flew out of the green light, opened its bloody mouth, and a ball of green light flew out, hitting the green light curtain all of a sudden.


The cyan light group exploded, a strong wind swept out, and the cyan light curtain suddenly sank.

Madam Jindee and Liu Haodong intensified their attacks one after another. The roar continued, and the light of the cyan light curtain dimmed, looming like tissue paper that could be punctured at any time.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and a green dragon rushed towards it. Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the green dragon's huge body hit the green light curtain, and the green light screen instantly shattered.

There was a muffled sound, and the array disk in Fairy Ziyue's hand shattered instantly.

Her sleeves flicked, and two golden lights flew out. They were a humanoid puppet beast about ten feet tall and a huge golden luan bird. These were two fourth-order puppet beasts, one of which was obtained from Zhenjun Lieyang. One was obtained from Yuan Gang, but both fourth-level puppet beasts were damaged, especially the humanoid puppet beast, which was seriously damaged and could barely be driven.

The golden Luan bird flapped its wings, a strong wind blew up, and turned into a golden light and flew towards the blue dragon.

The left arm of the humanoid puppet beast was missing, leaving only its right arm. It smashed the right hand towards the blue dragon in the air.

The void made a buzzing sound, and bits of golden light emerged, turning into a golden fist shadow more than ten feet in size, heading straight for the blue dragon.

"Stop her."

The green dragon spit out human words, opened its mouth and spewed out a blue hurricane dozens of feet high, blowing away the golden Luan bird that rushed towards it. The golden fist shadow collided with the green hurricane, and they all died together, erupting with a huge roar.

Liu Haodong and Mrs. Jindie took action one after another, attacking the golden Luan Bird and the humanoid puppet beast.

Fairy Ziyue turned over her hand, and a shiny red net bag appeared in her hand. Before she could throw it out, a green light lit up above her head, and a green dragon claw of more than ten feet appeared strangely and headed towards her. Take a hard shot.

Fairy Ziyue's reaction was not slow either. Purple light radiated from her body. On one side of her body, a green dragon's claw slapped her towering chest hard. She let out a scream and flew towards the ground like a meteorite falling to the ground.


Fairy Ziyue smashed down on a green attic, directly punching through the attic to create a hole several feet wide. Life or death was unknown.

There was a loud sound in the sky, and a blue light ball as big as a house fell from the sky, and like lightning, it entered the attic where Fairy Ziyue was.

There was a loud noise that shook the earth, and a ball of cyan sun emerged halfway up the mountain. The entire mountain peak shook violently, and a powerful air wave spread in all directions. Dozens of houses were shattered by the powerful force, and some people escaped. The Wang family monk who failed to catch up was shocked to death on the spot, with all his internal organs shattered.

The green dragon ignored Fairy Ziyue and flew towards the place where the black thunder cloud was, very fast.

At this moment, a dazzling blue light suddenly flew out from the ground and instantly arrived in front of the cyan dragon.

The cyan dragon's tail swiped suddenly and collided with the blue light.


There was a loud noise that shook the earth, and the blue light exploded, turning into dots of blue light and disappearing. The cyan dragon's tail was dripping with blood, and many scales fell off.

Wang Youwei and the other five were holding Tianhai mirrors, their faces slightly pale.

The Tianhai Mirror is a set of magic weapons that can be used to stack attacks. Otherwise, they would not be able to hurt each other.

"court death."

The green dragon flew into a rage, opened its bloody mouth, and with a flash of green light, a ball of blue light as big as a house flew out and hit them.

Wang Qingqi quickly took out a small red cauldron with a simple shape, inserted a magic formula, and billowing flames gushed out.

The red flame collided with the green light and was immediately shattered into pieces. The green light also exploded and turned into countless sharp green wind blades, striking in all directions.

A large number of houses collapsed, and a few low-level monks were pierced through the bodies by dense green wind blades.

The green dragon slapped its claws toward the void below, making a loud sound as it burst through the air, and dozens of green lights flew out and headed straight down.

Several screams sounded, mixed with a huge roar.

The green dragon ignored it and flew towards the black thunder cloud.

"Stop it, don't let it disturb Qingshan's attack on the Nascent Soul stage."

An angry woman shouted.

Fairy Ziyue flew out of the ruins. Her breath was sluggish, her body was scarred, there was a terrifying blood hole on her left shoulder, and her bones were vaguely visible.

Wang Qingshan is at the critical moment of conceiving a baby and cannot be disturbed.

There was a slight muffled sound on the ground, and a yellow ball as big as a house rolled down from Qinglian Peak. The yellow ball rolled bigger and bigger. When it reached the foot of the mountain, the yellow ball was already the size of a small mountain.

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