Rise of Qinglian

2444 The double-eyed rat shows its strengths

Deep in the wilderness, there is a vast black dense forest. Looking around, there are black trees more than a hundred feet high, with lush branches and leafy branches, and huge tree crowns. They block a lot of sunlight and make the dense forest look a bit dark.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Li Long, Liu Sen and Qin Rong walked forward slowly. Liu Sen held a glittering golden dharma plate in his hand. The runes on the surface of the dharma plate flashed and emitted an astonishing wave of spiritual energy. This was A low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Demon Spirit Plate, with this treasure, all monsters below level 7 within a million miles radius can be discovered by the Demon Spirit Plate. The higher the level of the monster, the more intense the reaction of the Demon Spirit Plate, but some people have extraordinary talents. The demon beasts can naturally avoid the demon spirit disk.

The seven treasures of Zhenhai Palace, the All Souls Plate, can detect monsters below the eighth level within a radius of 100 million miles. The Demon Spirit Plate is just an imitation. Even so, with this treasure in hand, hunting monsters will be easier. You can Improve your survival rate in the wilderness.

After all, Zhenhai Palace is a veteran force in Xuanling Continent, with a profound foundation, far inferior to that of the Wang family.

After a while, the demon spirit plate in Liu Sen's hand suddenly made a loud roar.

Wang Changsheng and others were shocked and stopped suddenly.

Liu Sen punched a spell into the demon spirit disk, and countless runes rushed out. They turned around and suddenly turned into two arrows. The arrows pointed in different directions and had different lengths.

"There are two sixth-level monsters coming, one coming from the northeast, which is about 400,000 miles away, and one coming from the northwest, which is more than 200,000 miles away. If we move forward at the current speed, we will definitely encounter A sixth-order monster coming from the northeast."

Liu Sen analyzed.

"It's better to do less than to do more, Junior Brother Liu, set up a formation to avoid them!"

Li Long ordered.

Liu Sen responded, raised his right hand, and thousands of white-light-flashing formation flags flew out and floated in mid-air.

His method changed and he shouted: "Disperse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the thousands of formation flags suddenly lit up and turned into thousands of rays of light, flying in different directions and disappearing into the ground.

Liu Sen took out a seven-cornered array disk with white light flashing and entered several magic formulas.

A white mist suddenly surged out of the ground, covering a radius of ten miles.

After a while, the white mist dissipated, and Wang Changsheng and the five disappeared.

More than an hour later, a golden escaping light flew from a distance. It was a giant golden dove with a sharp beak and long feathers, and countless golden arcs beating on its body.

The golden giant dove did not notice anything unusual and flew directly over the dense forest.

More than two hours later, a giant blue dog more than ten feet long appeared in the dense forest. The giant blue dog's eyes were golden, and there were some golden spiritual patterns on its body.

A sixth-level mid-level windwalking dog with a very sensitive sense of smell.

The Windwalker entered the dense forest. It suddenly stopped, opened its huge mouth, and sprayed out a thick blue beam of light, heading straight for a certain void.

A golden light suddenly lit up in a certain void, colliding with the cyan light pillar.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the cyan light pillar was like tissue paper, falling apart.

Before the Windwalker could see the enemy, there was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky, and a silver thundercloud covering hundreds of miles suddenly appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

Thousands of millstone-thick silver lightning pierced the sky and struck at the Windwalker.

A green light surged out of the Wind Walker's limbs, and he was about to avoid it. A white mist suddenly surged out from under his body, turning into a dense white rope, entangling the Wind Walker's limbs.


A ray of blue light shot up into the sky and suddenly turned into a blurry shadow of a giant dog. As soon as the shadow of the giant dog appeared, it opened its mouth and sprayed out a burst of blue hurricane, blowing away thousands of silver lightning strikes. Eight falls.

A deafening sound of thunder sounded, and a two-foot-long cyan thunder spear suddenly appeared in front of the giant dog's shadow. Countless cyan arcs were spread across the surface of the cyan thunder spear, exuding a violent aura.

The eyes of the giant dog phantom each shot out a ray of blue light, striking the blue thunder spear. The thunder light of the blue thunder spear surged, and countless blue arcs of electricity surged out, defeating the two rays of blue light.

There was a flash of green light, and the green thunder spear penetrated the body of the giant dog phantom. Countless green arcs surged out wildly. The giant dog phantom let out a shrill scream and dissipated into dots of spiritual light.

The Dharma was broken, and the Windwalker suddenly let out a miserable cry.

A golden afterimage flashed past, and Li Long suddenly appeared in front of the wind-walking dog, with golden light shining all over his body, like a golden Buddha statue.

The wind-walking dog opened its bloody mouth and sprayed out countless cyan wind blades, which hit Li Long one after another. There was a muffled sound of "clang", but he was unscathed.

Li Long is a pure physical practitioner, so he is naturally not afraid of the attacks of the Wind-walking Dog.

Before the Windwalker could use its other magical powers, thousands of silver lightning struck its body one after another, and it screamed in pain.

Li Long's body suddenly surged, his right fist was wrapped in a ball of golden light, and he hit the windwalker dog's head.

The surface of the Windwalker dog's body glowed with green light, and it opened its huge mouth and sprayed out a stream of green light. Li Long suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light and disappeared.

The blue light hit the ground, and a thick blue crystal suddenly appeared on the ground.

In a flash of golden light, Li Long appeared above the Wind Walker Dog and smashed his fists into the Wind Walker Dog's head.

A shrill wail sounded, the Windwalker's body twitched, and blood flowed from its head. Li Long's body glowed with golden light and disappeared.

The roar of thunder came from high in the sky, and a silver thunder pillar with a diameter of a hundred feet fell from the sky and struck the Wind Walker dog's head. The dazzling golden thunder light drowned the Wind Walker dog's body, and a powerful air wave swept away, thousands of A black tree was uprooted by the powerful air wave.

After a while, the lightning dissipated and the Windwalker fell to the ground. There was a huge bloody hole on his head and his body was charred.

Li Long and Qin Rong teamed up and killed a sixth-level mid-level Windwalker dog without any effort.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan nodded secretly. Zhao Yunxiao sent Li Long and three others to perform the task. The strength of the three was indeed not weak.

Li Long put away the body of the Windwalker, Liu Sen put away the formation flag and the spirit of the Windwalker, and they continued to move forward.

Along the way, they encountered many sixth-level monsters. With the help of the monster spirit disk, they either avoided them in advance, or used formations to hide them, waiting for the monsters to leave before setting out on their way.

Half a month later, they appeared in a vast green bamboo forest, the five of them looking wary.

"Senior Brother Li, we have discovered something."

Wang Changsheng said.

Li Long frowned and looked at Liu Sen. Liu Sen's face was full of confusion, but the demon spirit plate did not respond at all.

The double-eyed rat emerged from Wang Changsheng's chest and chirped excitedly.

Since entering the wild land, it has discovered elixirs many times. However, Wang Changsheng's reaction to seeing the double-eyed rat was not very strong. He felt that the elixir was not old enough, so he was not interested in doing it. This trip was led by Li Long. The final say.

"Sixth level spirit rat!"

Qin Rong was a little surprised. Very few spirit rats could grow to the sixth level.

"My spirit rat discovered the elixir of a high age, at least ten thousand years old, otherwise its reaction would not be so violent."

Wang Changsheng explained.

"Elixir of life!"

Li Long looked hesitant.

"Now that we have met, this is our opportunity."

Qin Rong said with a smile that it was a rare trip to a wild land, and she also hoped to get more resources for cultivating immortals.

Li Long nodded and agreed.

"Go! Take us to find the elixir."

Wang Changsheng took out a small green jujube and fed it to the double-eyed rat.

The double-eyed rat ate the jujube, jumped to the ground, and burrowed into the ground. Soon, a dirt bag bulged out from the ground. The dirt bag moved quickly, and Wang Changsheng and the other five people quickly followed.

Half an hour later, the bag stopped outside a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

The double-eyed rat emerged from the ground, climbed back onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and made a series of "chichiji" sounds, seeming to be reporting something to Wang Changsheng.

"The elixir is in the valley, protected by powerful monsters."

Wang Changsheng explained, feeding the double-eyed rat a small green date.

Liu Sen punched several spells into the demon spirit plate, but the demon spirit plate didn't respond.

He frowned. If this happened, either there was a seventh-level monster in the valley, or the monster was gifted and proficient in the art of concealment.

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