Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1156: There are too many tyrants

In the first level and the second problem, 30% of the mentally retarded universe were eliminated.

This includes Yuga Khan.

Not only the hospital, the supermarket, and the reservoir are not guarded, but the crawler's high speed invades the deepest part and takes away the core.

At the same time, more and more people in the universe are paying attention to the progress of this sand table competition...

When humans have food, water and medicine, basic life problems are solved, but humans need to establish a safe environment to live in the monster invasion, so the third problem for the contestants is to hold on to the four directions and let humans build one Fence, protect yourself from being attacked by monsters.

The terrain this time is ten square kilometers, with a surviving population of 1,000.

The map is a nine-square grid, consisting of a network of three vertical blocks and three horizontal blocks. It was originally combined with a viaduct and was a landmark building in this city.

Monsters will attack from four directions, with 100,000 troops.

Only 10,000 will be paid out in each direction at the beginning.

This time the main attacker was a crawler, and there were no zombies involved, followed by the famous tyrant.

The tyrant has tenacious vitality and extremely terrifying power.

The physical fitness surpasses the crawler by several grades.

The machine gun tower might be a little behind for such heavy armored units.

8,000 creepers, 2,000 tyrants, such biochemical forces can easily destroy a city.

And this is just a force in one direction.

Workers among humans are building fences, and the fences are set to be invincible, so the key to this problem is to delay time. As long as the fences are built successfully, humans can survive successfully.

But there is another setting, the tower is also invincible, monsters cannot attack the tower.

The grenade tower is a new advancement of the machine gun tower. In the second puzzle, only 3% of all contestants received this reward, and this advanced tower can greatly enhance the current advantage.

The grenade has a huge lethality and range second only to the artillery turret, and its rate of fire is much higher than that of the artillery turret, and it comes with a hot magma terrain, which has a very high strategic significance.

Lin Fan now has 9,000 materials and can build 90 machine gun towers at once.

The location of the core is in the middle of ten kilometers.

After the monster comes in from the four entrances, there will be streets with nine square grid lines, and the core can be obtained in the shortest time.

Therefore, the line of defense must be arranged before the monster enters within ten kilometers.

Because of the rules of the sand table world, buildings and streets can all be placed in towers, and monsters cannot cause damage to the tower.

But the same tower cannot block all routes, otherwise the monster will have the ability to penetrate the tower.

Although this is a rule that needs to be discovered, Lin Fan will never be told to others.

Because there are always people who are clever.

For example, Thanos.

Lin Fan dismantled all unnecessary buildings within ten kilometers, replaced them with materials, and placed a machine gun tower around the four entrances to form a fence, so that any monster coming in would have to withstand a large number of machine guns.

Because there were not enough materials, Lin Fan could only demolish the east wall to supplement the west wall and slowly build it.

Jiugongge became a maze prison.

Lin Fan just made the roadblocks longer, it took longer for crawlers and tyrants to pass, and combined the four directions under one direction.

And because it is the first floor, when Lin Fan designed it, there was still room for it.

For example, there will be a pile of ruins blocking the main entrance in four directions.

And in the next ten minutes, half an hour and one hour, it will completely collapse, and monsters will flood into all four entrances.

But this was enough for Lin Fan to fill the machine gun towers one by one.

When a large number of crawlers come from entrance A, the machine gun towers of the first row and the second row can be cross-fired, and the crawlers who step on the street will be turned into hornet's nests.

The dead monster will provide Lin Fan with more materials.

Even if creepers entered the second row of streets, the second row of machine guns and the third row of machine guns still fired crossfire, and the firepower was not weakened much.

The crawlers who came in the first wave were given away for free, completely unable to break through the bullet storm arranged by Lin Fan.

Then came B import, C import and D import, and were impacted by monsters accordingly. Lin Fan used a machine gun tower to build a wall and let the monsters imported from BCD come to the A import side to get deeper...

A lot of time was delayed, and a lot of materials dropped from the crawler corpses, making Lin Fan's construction more and more massive.

In addition to the machine gun towers on the first and second circles, the grenade tower was used on the third circle, which can radiate even more to the first street.

The stun effect has greatly slowed down the crawler's attack speed. The human workers are extremely safe, the construction speed is faster, and the fence is constantly getting taller and thicker.

The fourth circle is the artillery tower as the main tower.

The attack range of the artillery tower is wide, the explosion radius is large, the lethality is amazing, but the attack speed is slow.

But now that the front machine guns and grenades are used as continuous firepower, the artillery turret only needs to be the icing on the cake, increasing the total amount of damage taken by the creeper in a position.

And in the second wave, there are tyrants, but with restraints.

The tyrant in the restrained clothing state was easily beaten to the second state, his whole body was horny, his figure swelled, and a large number of machine gun bullets were flew away by his muscles...

Except for the grenade tower and artillery tower that can cause damage to the second-state tyrant, the damage of the machine gun tower is minimal. If there are not many tyrants now, these tyrants will rush into the depths with firepower. After all, Lin Fan Without so many materials, as long as you enter the fourth street, there is no protection.

There were more than 3000 creepers and 800 tyrants in the third wave, and this number must be multiplied by four.

However, the magma terrain created after the explosion of the grenade tower is very convenient and can cause damage at all times. It is not as strong as the radiation of the energy tower, but half of the energy tower is in operation.

In the end, in order to resist this wave of attack, Lin Fan also used a tornado to blow a large number of tyrants out of the range. They had to walk again and take twice the damage.

When Lin Fan built a row of street energy towers, huge radiation fields, crossed together, even heavy armored units like tyrants would be ignored by the armor, and their vitality would drop rapidly.

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