Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1173: This is an era when everyone is eating grass

In Yanluo's Vulcan Cannon, there are flame magic bullets. In addition to the speed advantage, there is also a repelling impact caused by the second explosion, which is quite a revision and improvement of the Vulcan Cannon.

So Lin Fan didn't want to be bombarded like a charred ugly duckling.

The Skyhawk boomerang re-awakened at this time and helped Lin Fan a lot, and the separated **** wheels were not single but plural again, and they could be used to determine the time and strength of the bondage.

Obviously, at this moment, Lin Fan didn't have time to accumulate energy, but he could still do it by throwing a binding wheel over.

Being stuck by the rotating binding wheel, Yan Luo is like a rooster that can tap dance, and the Vulcan cannon is constantly jetting in the air. This evening is really a strange illusion of a fireworks scene.

Then, Lin Fan took the knife and fell, the rebellious blade, without any obstruction, chopped off the heads of Kunt and Yan Luo.

A few meters high neck blood brought down the curtain for this firework.

The rest of Quint's men were panicked, the boss hung up, running like a mouse, and no one came back to say any words of revenge. The reality was incredible.

Lin Fan thought that at this time, there would always be a few loyal buddies who jumped out to fight for their boss.

But obviously, the boss, Quint, failed.

"Liya, put away the high-voltage electric batons, we have to get back to the chariot." Lin Fan knew that it was night, and the outside world had become more dangerous. If you mess around outside, you might overturn the car.

Lin Fan took the burden to life.

Pan Sen can go by himself.

Lya drew back all that could be picked up into the chariot.

After closing the chariot's door, locking it, and entering camouflage mode again, Léa and Pan Sen let out a sigh of relief.

"Lin Fan, you are too good..."

Léa's expression was exhausted, she was physically exhausted, but her eyes were full of excitement.

Lin Fan felt that Léa's green eyes were very beautiful, just like the clear emerald stone in the river.

"Yeah, Kunt and Yanluo, both of them are very powerful firepower, at least in our circle... You can defeat them so easily, kill them, it's incredible... You are an engineer? Go to the jungle every day?"

Pan Sen also admired Lin Fan's strength.

Lin Fan shrugged.

"We are in the wilderness now, there is probably no way to go back to the city, so there is no takeaway to eat."

Lin Fan missed yesterday's caviar sushi.

High-quality ingredients can make the black light virus recover more quickly.

"Sorry, today, ours should treat you to a big meal, but Lin Fan, we will go back tomorrow and sell this three-star medicinal material and the corpses of these clips. We can make a lot of money and take you to eat more. More and more advanced dishes, definitely. And we will each give out half of the reward as a gift." Liya is very grateful to Lin Fan for everything they have done for their brothers and sisters.

This is like saving their lives.

Whether it was in the fork-road lair or in the chariot encounter that came back, they would definitely be dead without Lin Fan.

The warriors and plasma scorpions in the Fork Road Lair have special abilities. This is unexpected. Not all Araqi Zergs will have them. Therefore, this three-star medicinal material should be worth a lot.

And from Quint's language, it can be seen that the information on this medicinal material was obtained by Quint.

I want Lin Fan and others to be the vanguard, consume the clips inside, and then get the chariot, go in with Yan Luo to clean up the mess.

But the accident lies with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan solved this problem.

Quint thought that Lin Fan and the others would be exhausted and had no resistance, but Quint was wrong again, so Lin Fan counter-killed.

So sometimes intelligence errors can really kill people.

Especially those who think they have a chance to win.

But there are too few aliens like Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took out the three-star medicinal materials. He hurriedly before and didn't have time to look at this thing. Now that he is free, he can observe it.

"This is a three-star broken grass. It is a secondary medicine for the third-order breakthrough of diamonds. It is worth 100 sun gold coins. It is enough for you to live a luxurious life for ten years, but I do not recommend that you sell it."

Lin Fanye has read the materials in the library of the constellation, and of course there are basic knowledge about herbs, metals and monsters.

Broken grass is one of the most important secondary drugs of genetic medicine. As long as you kill a Tier 3 diamond monster and extract its genetic chain, you can gain new abilities, or mutate the original abilities, and break through the barrier of life to advance to the ranks. Diamond level three.

It is not that everyone is born equal.

There is no such thing as the same starting line.

Therefore, whether it is congenital deficiency or acquired deficiency, genetic medicine is needed to supplement it.

It's just that in history, the number of poor people who can reach the strongest is very few.

Another turning point is that you can join the army. In the army, if you build merits, you can use abundant resources.

Therefore, the way out for the poor is in the military. Many of the most powerful people, 80%, were poor before joining the army.

But under the trend of the times, the heirs of these strong men no longer need to worry so much and have a higher advantage to crush the deficiencies of others.

"With 100 sun gold coins, we can buy many things, weapons, exoskeletons, even small aircraft, tank defense systems, etc., and we can have a broader prospect."

Pan Sen has used medical equipment to clean up his wound.

Attracted by the sun gold coin, his spirit is not sluggish, but rather active.

But Léa had other ideas.

"Brother, if we have it and break through the third level of diamonds, we can have the future..."

But Penson felt that Léa was impractical.

"Lyya, stop dreaming, it's impossible for us, in this wilderness... and we can't even break through the second-order diamond, let alone a treasure like the third-order."

Lin Fan proposed at this time.

"We can buy Tier 2 Broken Grass and replace it with Tier 3 Broken Grass. Maybe we can exchange for some high-quality gene chains as potential. How about? That way, we can leave a lot of sun gold coins and sell copper coins that hold dead bodies. Certainly not less."

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