Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 285: Super powerful positioning bomber

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Wakanda's mechanized troops are all customized weapons for the swarm. Take this, a six-wheeled double-row, super-weight armored car. The shell is permeated with artificial Edman alloy, and the hollow sandwich uses vibrating gold as a shock absorption plate. The plastic is triple-quakeproof, which is immune to penetration damage by armor-piercing projectiles and splash damage from explosions.

The drive is improved by the Ark reactor, because ordinary motors can't drive such a terrible steel giant of more than 100 tons.

On the roof is a catapult modified by two mortars, which can be filled with magma bombs, liquid nitrogen bombs, plasma bombs, etc ... It is one of the anti-swarm vehicles developed by Tony himself.

The AI ​​system in the car is all controlled by Jarvis, intelligently connected, connected to a large number of satellites, multiple scanning, and providing topographic maps without dead ends.

"Report !!!! It is found that the air target is coming and is moving very fast. It is expected to collide with our army in half a minute!"

"The satellite image shows that it has appeared ... it is the Zerg unit: Allosaurus."

"According to the original information of the intelligence, the allosaurus can shoot parasitic blade worms through the tail. The blade worms will eject in the form of explosions on three targets, which can be powerful against air units."

"Load a sonic bomb and blast these ghosts down."

"The sonic bomb is ready. It is ready to strike the alien dragon at any time. Please issue a launch order."

Sonic bombs are developed from infrasound shock wave devices, which can instantly generate infrasound wave ripples with a radius of tens of meters for trillions of times.

Infrasound waves will pass through the surface of the body, instantly destroying internal organs and other organs, which include the brain and heart, causing the organism to die immediately, but there is no damage to its appearance.

It is one of the ammunition modified by Mr. Wonder, Ant-Man and Dr. Banner.

Thirty or forty thousand alien dragons are extremely scattered, but they are still black and black, blocking large areas of sky, and only shadows are flashing on the ground.

boom! boom! boom……

Hundreds of thousands of armored vehicles pushing across the forest and bombarding "sonic bombs" into the sky at the same time, causing insurmountable infrasound diffusion ripples.

However, Allosaurus is a highly mobile Zerg air unit. There are multiple levels of altitude in the air that can be switched, not only against the ground, but also ascending into space.

Therefore, in order to cover the attack in the largest range, the sonic bombs all exploded at the same level, and were quickly avoided by being lifted by different dragons.

However, the alien dragon's blade worm hit the armored vehicle and penetrated only a few centimeters deep, and then exploded to produce a half-centimeter diffuse flat pit.

This revived the defeated Wakanda military.

"Zerg's Allosaurus cannot break the armored layer of the armored vehicle and is retreating. Is it chasing?"

"Follow me ... to the heart of Wakanda to support the king !!!"

"Long live Wakanda ... Long live Wakanda ..."

Hundreds of thousands of armored vehicles advanced and chased the other dragons quickly.

However, no one found that a red blood mark appeared at random locations inside the armored vehicle attacked by the alien dragon! !!

While these armoured vehicles were chasing, they had actually arrived in the ambush circle of poisonous insects, and the Allosaurus had long disappeared.

boom! !!

These single super-heavy armored vehicles valued at 35 million US dollars were instantly heard a loud muffled sound from the inside of the vehicle.


The armoured vehicle force was completely stopped.

The commander of this unit, Colonel Black Cowd, asked, "What's going on? Faulty armored vehicle! What happened? Answer ... **** ... go and see two infantry soldiers."

The four follow-up infantry soldiers used to locate the faulty armored vehicle and opened the gates behind them, only to find that there was already flesh and blood, a lot of electronic equipment was carrying electric flashes, and strangely there was a pool of green on the armor deck The liquid is converging!


At this time, the liquid aggregated into a poisonous explosive, quickly rolled to the car door, exploded, and exploded again. Come and see all four soldiers were blown apart! !!

Colonel Cowd did not know how the poisonous worm entered the armored vehicle, but the first reaction was: "There is an ambush, hurry up, rush over, the armored vehicle hits the front station ..."

However, when the armored vehicle unit was operating again, its internal positioning blood pattern immediately echoed more poisonous explosives in the vicinity for teleportation.

When the Allosaurus and Poison Blast are in the same battlefield, as long as the Allosaurus marks the blood veins on the target and the Poison Blast is within the maximum range of the Allosaurus, the Poison Blast will teleport to the target's body by marking the blood veins internal.

Now the alien dragon is far from the ambush circle of poisonous insects, but the markings on the inside of the armored vehicle are still there. The sensing range of the blood mark is the maximum range of the allosaurus.

A large number of poisonous explosives successfully sensed the marked blood streaks, instantly teleported to the interior of the armored vehicle, and then instantly exploded, killing all six soldiers, including the driver and artillery in the enclosed space, blasting all internal equipment and stopping the armored vehicle again. go ahead.

The armored vehicle troops who did not know what was going on only rushed forward, but the more they rushed forward, the greater the number of poisonous blasts. These armored vehicles, all marked with bloodstains, kept making noises.

No more than 40,000 poisonous insects keep changing

In the blood-marked armored vehicle, in a space of less than 10 square meters, even the weakened toxin poisonous insects of level 1 are enough to kill human soldiers inside.

However, the more rushed forward, the more muffled, and Colonel Cowd roared immediately: "No ... retreat ... retreat !!"

At this time, more than 20,000 armored vehicles stopped moving ... no soldiers answered.

But even these armored vehicles are now backwards, it is too late, because of the "location bombing" capability of poisonous insects, as long as they have positioning blood marks, they can move instantly.

The distance between the armored vehicle and the armored vehicle is only tens of meters, and a single poisonous blast can explode in four armored vehicles before they completely die.

Hundreds of thousands of highly-configured armored vehicles were directly bombed from the inside by the strange attack of poisonous insects, just like dominoes, teleport, explode, teleport, explode, then teleport, and then explode ... just a few minutes ... all of the armored vehicles, including Lt. Col .... all dead. ,, ...

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