Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 287: Poor human reconnaissance company

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Captain Cranton suddenly felt weird ahead. "How so quiet! In the forest of Wakanda, especially at this time, the insects are screaming, but now they are deserted."

"Captain ... it may be that our exclusion team has stunned the bug away. And what does it matter?" A mean sergeant asked.

Captain Clanton doubted: "No, during this time, the Zerg did not move. We did not cover it with armored vehicles. Why not come to attack us, there must be an ambush here."

As the military elite of Wakanda, Clanton was educated in advanced strategies, anti-reconnaissance and command operations.

"The swamp was attacked! Maybe the Zerg has gone there ... And Wakanda's territory is so large. No matter how many Zerg are scattered, there will be omissions." The sergeant black sergeant analyzed.

Cranton raised his hand and said, "The whole army announced that the troops should be careful, we will go out to the forest immediately, but the more we can not take it lightly at this time, strengthen our alert, and send a few more reconnaissance companies to the front in case of any movement , With a flare. "

"Yes, Captain," the black sergeant immediately shouted. "One, two, come with me ..."

The black sergeant, named Rosako, was very strong and was the deputy promoted by Cranton.

Counting the previous reconnaissance company, Cranton now has three reconnaissance companies conducting investigations, and the advancement of the army has slowed down.

Rosako took hundreds of soldiers to cast a net in the forest. He was vigilant, carrying grenade launchers and foam rubber bazookas, ready to fight.

But a few minutes passed ...

The reconnaissance company did not find anything.

Rosaco was now passing by a big tree. "I said nothing ... right ... Captain was suspicious." But Rosako felt a little uncomfortable at the neck! !!

"... Ah ... Ah!" Exclaimed a soldier standing behind Rosako: "head ... head ... sergeant!"

When Rosako passed the big tree, the weakly recognized toughened spider silk was cut across the neck. This touch immediately fell his head to the ground, spraying blood of three to four meters high from the neck, and then the body was soft to the ground. .

The soldiers who saw this scene with their own eyes immediately panicked! !!

"There is an ambush! Send a flare!"

"Where is it! Where is the enemy?"

"Semaphore! Semaphore ... found ... send a letter ..."

Under the scout's legs, a scout was suddenly covered with barbs, the thickness of an adult arm, and a bone spear of two or three meters high rushed out, penetrating the entire body of the scout, passing through the back of the head, and then returning instantly ground.

"Ahh ... it's a bug ..."

"Run! Run away ..."

"Hurry up and report to Captain Clanton!"


The reconnaissance company used squads as a unit to investigate. Now Sergeant Rosako, who took the lead, died, and then lost the soldier with a signal flare, and now only the remaining six soldiers are left.

However, under the attack of the strange lurkers, these soldiers have been panicked, and even panicked, and have forgotten all the things they usually learn, just like ordinary people.

It's just dangerous to run around in the ambush circle of the lurkers. The lurkers only need to adjust the height of the toughened spider silk slightly in the ground, and these soldiers will run away a few meters away and become different. Just another headless body.

A lurker can now cover all within a radius of about 40 meters and perform a "grass fern dance" at any time to kill a large number of light armor units.

Then the corpse was pulled underground and devoured by the lurkers!

The same thing happened in dozens of reconnaissance squads, and the same thing was that no flare was sent, and no one escaped alive. Even the bodies disappeared.

A walkie-talkie landed on the ground with the voice of Captain Cranton (radio): Hey ... hey ... Sergeant Rosaco ... please hear ... what happened over there? Hey……

Captain Clanton found that all the reconnaissance company had lost contact, knowing that there was an ambush in front, but he wanted to bypass the forest and go to the swamp? The "temperature difference bomb" that fell into the swamp without being detonated there was a huge death trap, which was fatal to a large range of infantry. And I do n’t have time to go to the river again and walk along the waterway ... The king is still waiting for support! !!

Captain Clanton had to make a very stupid, but very realistic decision, roaring: "Soldier, the king is now in danger. We are the early support forces. We must reach the king's side. The front may be There are unknown Zerg units waiting, strengthen their alert, concentrate their troops, and be ready to cover fire ... at any time. "

"For the King ... for Wakanda!"

"We are the glory of Wakanda ..."

"Chong ... support His Majesty the King!"

Gwen, lying on the cobweb, had known that human soldiers came in in large numbers through the tremor of the spider silk. "Hee hee hee ... it's time for those wounded to become alienated combatants!"

The wounded, who escaped from the armored vehicle, thought that they were lucky to be seriously injured, but did not know that Gwen deliberately stopped the acid from corroding to ensure that these wounded were alive as a way of transmission of "alienated combatants."

When the infantry division came in the ambush circle of the lurkers,

When losing or losing, there will still be escape after being arrested. At this time, the alien troops will appear in the rear forces.

Captain Clanton was more worried as he moved forward, and even stopped, staring at the area where the soldiers in front were walking in a daze. "Did I do it right ..."

"Report! Captain ... the wounded returnees had lesions, their bodies were alienated, their claws and fangs grew, and they were killed." A request from the rear medical team suddenly came over the radio.

Captain Cranton immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Kill, kill immediately. Find out if it is contagious ..."

"Yes ... ah ... captain ... has ... contagious ... save ... life ..." The voice on the radio was intermittent.

Captain Cranton frowned. "Hey, medical team, talk ... hey ..."

"..." But the flustered screams kept coming from the medical team's radio. ,, ...

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