Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 301: Light breaks

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Illumination is not a piece of iron, but it is only temporarily united.

Thunder God stood up and retorted: "Only Asgard could be detained for such a dangerous criminal! Only then can the Zerg be obedient!"

"Are you looking down on our technology!" Tony also stood up.

Thor looked at Dr. Strange, and asked, "Dr. Strange, how do we deal with this Zerg master, I think it's safer to take him back to Asgard, Zerg can't hit the fairy palace."

"This is a good way. The conditions for our negotiations should be turned to use, so that the Zerg deal with the tide of corpses, and then remove them from the world, and restore peace to the world." Dr. Qi Wei proposed more constructive opinions.

Tony argued disapprovingly, "Dr. Strange, our ionic cell is also very strong ..."

"This is not a question of solidity, but a question of distance. If you can't find the master, those Zerg will be obedient and used by us." Dr. Doom reminded at this moment.

Dr. Strange agrees: "It's exactly this way, Tony, Asgard is the farthest world now, and only Thor can pass, which is the key to our use of Zerg."

Lin Fan sneered secretly. These superheroes are now planning impossible things. Will the Zerg be used? Stupid person dreaming! This is nothing more than a spy strategy of his own.

"Universe Rubik's Cube," Mr. Wonder reminded coldly at this moment.

But this sentence once again caused contradictions! !!

Dr. Doom immediately said: "Latovinia needs to have research rights on the Rubik's Cube."

"No, this is the secret treasure to be returned to the fairy palace. It is impossible to stay here. For the young race of mankind, the cosmic cube is an infinite mystery, how could it be studied to understand it." Thunder God disagreed.

Dr. Strange did not stand by Thor this time, but said: "Thunder, the cosmic cube can make the light stronger. The enemies we face are getting stronger and stronger. With more infinite gems, we can guarantee the planet. future."

"Dr. Strange, the eyes of your Agomoto should also not be used by you. Forcibly changing the cause and effect will only lead to more unpredictable future changes." Thor is not planning to concede.

Rocky's mental projection reminded: "There is also a scepter of the mind, which can control the power of the mind. It must be taken back. These infinite gems can only be placed in the treasure house of Asgard. It is impossible for mortals to use them. "

The scepter of the mind was given to Loki by the tyrant, but was previously snatched by Lin Fan. Loki now took the opportunity to bring Thor to Asgard, so that Loki would have the opportunity to retrieve the scepter of the mind again. .

Banner yelled, "I'm angry when I see you, and mortals can crush you as a **** !!"

The Black Panther was on Tony's side and said, "I think the problem of the ownership of infinite gems should be left. This will definitely bring a breakthrough in technology. After we have studied it, you can take it back to Asgard. "

"Impossible! You know what this is? It's a relic of God ... the power of God ... of course it must be in the hands of God." Rocky's spirit projected from the avenue.

Thor is now unable to come to Taiwan by Loki, and because infinite gems are too precious to be left outside. "Your race needs something simpler. The mysteries of these infinite gems will not be thoroughly studied for tens of thousands of years ... I will ask God Odin to give you some compensation."

King Magnet came to search for "Zerg Master", there is no cosmic cube, and there is no scepter of mind. This can be seen as long as the eyes are not blind, but there is something else to find. "what is this?"

Lin Fan sneered secretly. What Wang Wanwang got was a Zerg organism similar to a recorder, with the voice of Dr. Doom inside.

Now the light will be split because of the "interest" problem.

Lin Fan wants to rupture Latovinia and Wakanda.

Wakanda is not far from the days of perdition.

At this time, this thing happened to be opened by Wanci Wang! !!

Audio recording: Dr. Doom's voice ... With this mother mine, my robot army can not be afraid of energy strikes, produce a steady stream of gold, and it is not necessary to rule the world.

The panther immediately angered: "Doctor Doom!"

"I didn't get the parent mine." Dr. Doom explained: "It was the Zerg dominator who transported the Zhen gold mines away."

The Black Panther already knew that the Zhenjin Mine had collapsed, but it was impossible to know what was going on inside, but all the instruments that could not have been detected could all be detected, proving that the Zhenjin Mine inside had disappeared!

However, Dr. Doom's behavior is the same as that of a friend and a thief. If a thief steals 100 yuan, this person considers himself unlucky, but is deceived by a friend for 100 yuan. Then I don't know what to think.

But Black Panther knew that the population of Wakanda still needed Latovinia relief, and could not tear his face with Dr. Doom and forcibly calm down: "I hope this thing will not affect the people of Wakanda, I will put this Things are over. "

"..." Dr. Doom explained no more.

Lin Fan sneered secretly, the nails between Wakanda and Latovinia have been buried. As long as the population cannot return to Wakanda, the people of Latvia must be

Will fight back, this is not the doctor behind the doomsday monarch can suppress it.

At that time, Latovinia will also perish.

Wang Wanzhi said wisely: "It seems that this Zerg master also wants to break Vakanda and Latovinia and create greater chaos. Fortunately, we have caught him ... but the cosmic cube and the scepter of the mind are not there. On him. "

"Come on ... master ... where did you hide the cosmic cube and the scepter of the mind?" Loki's mental projection growled. "Let me draw his soul out of magic ..."

"Slow ... Rocky, we have to make sure that the Zerg Master is alive. Once he dies, it is unpredictable whether the Zerg Master will appear again." Dr. Strange and others did not understand the Zerg's social structure at all, thinking that like humans, the Old King Die, and let the new king regain the leadership to gain leadership, so the value of this Zerg dominance is lost. ,, ...

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