Remember in one second ~ ~ Mobile visit:

The earliest ghost-faced person discovered by Lin Fan earlier had a long steel drill inserted into his head and body, which directly penetrated the brainstem and the body's key points, but did not die.

Lin Fan sneaked in, and assassinated with a knife, not wasting too much time.

But behind this road, a few sawtooth steel clips appeared. This thing is not a mouse clip, but a bear catch!

How thick is the skin and fat of a bear?

This thing can catch even bears, not to mention people. If a person steps on it, his legs will be abolished immediately, and the instant tension will get stuck in the bones and bite.

There are three bear traps here. On the trail less than two meters, the layout is left and right, set here.

If someone is panicking, they will surely win.

However, Lin Fan has a memory of "evil spirit possession", which can predict many things in advance and counter-exploit.

However, these bear traps should be removed, and parts can be obtained to make crossbow arrows. Otherwise, they will be wasted if they are used counter-attacked and struck by ghosts.

Before the ghost faces had noticed this, Lin Fan squatted down, sneaked over, and removed the three bear traps in the shadow of the building one by one to get some parts.

However, when the third bear trap was dismantled, the ghost faces here heard the sound, turned around to see Lin Fan, and rushed quickly.

Lin Fan pulled out the left wheel and immediately snapped the trigger twice. The accuracy is enough in a distance of less than three meters.

Two rounds of bullets had penetrated into the eyes of the ghost-faced person, and half of his head was lifted off. The body fell to Lin Fan's feet.

At this time, Lin Fan searched back again. There were two buildings, left and right. Lin Fan came to the right building more than ten meters away, and a ghost face came out from the building.

The ghost-faced man was facing Lin Fan. Lin Fan sneaked in and immediately assassinated with a short knife. Then he entered the house and got hundreds of melatonin and a few pistol bullets.

There is also an explosive organ midway here. It is straightened by a half-height clue and traversed there. If there is insufficient light, it is easy to trigger and be killed.

Lin Fan squatted down to clear the trap, came out of the house, and went back to the building on the left to search, but it is obvious that there is such an explosion trap.

Lin Fan knew the road, lifted it, and got a part. Then destroyed the boxes around and collected hundreds of melatonin.

Out of this group of buildings, the grass is half a person tall, and in the front is a wooden door constructed by a stump.

But there were two bodies lying in the grass not far away!

If he walks normally, he will immediately resurrect the attack, but Lin Fan knows the routine here, so sneaks in and loses a match.

The match ignited the "corpses" as if they were earthworms. These corpses were alive and burned to ashes by the match after a few screams.

The two corpses also contributed 100 melatonin.

Come to the wooden door, there is a mechanism, Lin Fan went to shake the gear handle, raised the wooden door, and then quickly passed.

When we came to the wooden door, the weeds were more than half a person tall. Looking into the distance, we could see a wooden house without a door, but there were no ghosts.

But who knows if a bear trap is set in this weed!

The density of the bushes is too influential to detect. Lin Fan needs to investigate carefully to pass, but in the end, he was shocked and did not step on the legendary bear trap.

When he came to the wooden house, Lin Fan broke the box and got hundreds of melatonin. There was also a syringe, which could be kept for spare. Now the vitality is full.

After searching here, Lin Fan moved forward.

But this is already a village!

Ghosts will come up together.

Lin Fan can't deal with that much.

And there is no oil or water to fish here.

Lin Fan directly asked the ghost-host to sneak into the bridge, and there was a huge wooden door opposite, but the urine of the plot certainly couldn't be opened.

The purpose of Lin Fan is to jump into the river.

However, the forced plot didn't hide much. As soon as Lin Fan came up to the stone bridge, he was followed by a dozen ghost faces and swarmed up.

Lin Fan ran to the scorched wood on the bridge so that he would not jump down and fall to the shore and fell to death. There was a river cushion, which should not die.

The ghost-faced chaser came up very quickly. One ghost-faced man rushed to Jiaomu fiercely and wanted to throw Lin Fan down.

Lin Fanyu went over, borrowed power from this ghost-faced person, and at the same time avoided another ghost-faced person holding a torch and swept into the river.

Ghosts on the bridge stared at the river, lacking in interest, and spreading apart.

Lin Fan emerged from the river at this time, and swam over to the shore and beach under the bridge. After landing, he got a syringe in a simple wooden shed.

There are only two syringes available now, and Lin Fan counts this syringe again. It is already full. If you encounter it again, you cannot carry it.

However, Lin Fan did not hurt the blood, and basically did not use a syringe.

Continue to go forward, go up the stone steps under the bridge, and get a few rounds of pistol bullets and matches, but around the corner, several dead bodies piled here.

Lin Fan lost a match and burned the corpses. It did not resurrect.

Go further up to the height of the bridge, where there is a small wooden door.

Entering from here, you entered a village with a faint mist everywhere.

However, the small wooden door that came in before was collapsed and buried by the debris next to it!

Lin Fan can no longer exit through here.

The buildings in the village are illuminated, but the surroundings are silent.

In the hood not far away, some corpses hung in the air were shaking in the wind.

Lin Fan came to the building on the left. At the position of the upper staircase, a hatchet was stuck here.

According to the "Evil Spirit Possession" rule, the hatchet can kill the ghost face one strike, but it can only be used once.

Lin Fan did not go to the second floor for the time being, but searched on the first floor and got hundreds of melatonin. However, after passing through the hall, a new type of bomb trap appeared on the side wall.

This bomb trap has an icon, 80% of which is red, and only 20% is blue. When the pointer is turned, if the blue icon cannot be fixed, the bomb will immediately explode.

However, Lin Fan felt that this operation was not so difficult, and it was easily lifted to get parts and hundreds of melatonin.

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