Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 845: Train robbery

The Ibis artillery is installed on the interstellar fortress. Although this can no longer allow the interstellar fortress to be lifted off, when the planet is divided into mines, it does not require too much security to ensure the safety of the mine.

Another research achievement of Staitman: Doomsday turret.

According to the buried characteristics of the Zerg, Stadtman analyzed from the essence of the Zerg, set out to design, and combined with the Swann Armory to create this doomsday turret.

Doomsday turret is an architectural-grade flamethrower, with a multi-caliber hydraulic spray device, which will intelligently sense enemy signals, identify and perform incineration operations.

When there are no enemies, these doomsday turrets can be immediately retracted into the soil layer, modified and hidden, to restrain the Zerg ambush while marching.

At the same time, it also effectively restrained the spread of Zerg's fungus tumor.

When Lin Fan returned to the bridge, Horner was about to make a leap ... The next moment, the Huberian appeared above the planet Tasannis.

Horner explained: "According to the latest news we received, the empire seems to be transporting something important ... the train is going to a processing station."

"Lin Fan, you are right, the empire is doing something weird again. It seems that there is something valuable that made the empire return to this cemetery so hard."

Horner added: "But because the train is fully equipped with anti-scanning devices, we can only intercept a few more trains, hope we are lucky enough."

"Honer, this is not your style, is there no more constructive plan?" Renault wondered.

Horner said embarrassingly: "If you have, I am willing to listen to the ears. Now this is probably the best strategy."

"Robbing the train! This thing will definitely make Tykes euthanized, so do it." Renault decided.

After ten minutes ...

The airborne warehouse is positioned in the middle of multiple tracks. From the topographic map, there are two mines. Renault chooses the base as the largest mine.

Because Tasannis was the main star of the past empire, some of the empire's technology was not recovered, but was abandoned here.

One of them is the Rattlesnake Chariot.

The power of the Executioner's electromagnetic cannon is impressive.

Swann thought that the empire had never made these prototypes, and now got a fairly complete body, immediately decomposed and uploaded the design drawings, which can be assembled in a heavy factory.

However, Yuan Shui could not save the near fire. Lin Fan's short-term task was to recover the nearby rattlesnake chariot and send experienced drivers to operate it.

These things are the nemesis of the tank, because they can move at a rapid speed, and use electromagnetic guns to constantly counter the target.

Even if it is not as high as the speed of a fiery chariot, it is still more than half. And move while attacking, this is a rare ability of a few tactical equipment.

Lin Fan went back and forth around the mine a few times and quickly recovered more than 30 rattlesnake tanks. The magnetic levitation can ensure the stability of the car body. The double-mounted electromagnetic gun on the roof can continue to produce a strong current hot melt impact beam on the target No matter how strong the armor is, it cannot be blocked for too long.

However, according to the scan of the Huberian, there are more than 60 Rattlesnake chariots in the vicinity, and Lin Fan only found more than 30 vehicles.

Dispatch fire-fighting chariots and reaper, cast a net to search for more abandoned rattlesnake chariots, and find out the track and terrain conditions.

After half an hour ...

A train exited the tunnel to the west.

However, the mines of Lin Fan and Renault are on the way that three rails must pass, and there are only four rails here.

Now Lin Fan ’s fleet has reached more than 100 Rattlesnake chariots, and the heavy factory is still extremely efficient with sufficient resources.

In the search for the rattlesnake chariot, the reaper also found some scorpion corpses, which Stetman determined were very valuable, and brought the transport plane back to the Huberian.

The first train, because Emperor ** was oversight, did not find the strength of Lin Fan and Renault, there was no **** force at all, and Lin Fan used the rattlesnake convoy to explode halfway.

Emperor ** only became alert, but the train was not late, and he had to travel as usual, but he only sent an escort.

And Lin Fan had a countermeasure early to build bunker clusters along the road.

Tai Kesi wanted to bring a large number of marines to destroy the station, but Lin Fan did not give troops, and Tai Kesi could only wait for the train at Renault's mine.

Four Marines, with a Marauder outside, such a configuration, counting the fangs turret, the firepower of the bunker is still very good.

Even if it does n’t beat the train, the Empire ’s guard forces are unable to resist ... As for the train, it is handed over to the ambushing Rattlesnake chariot.

The two trains were intercepted, and a large amount of crystal mines and gas were given to Lin Fan in vain, which made the emperor at the station a little anxious and sent an elite raider force: Hammer Security.

Want to use this squadron to make surprise attacks on Renault's base.

Tai Kesi couldn't hold back any longer. On the three-barrel machine gun bar, with a new recruit, under the cover of the Ibis artillery in the Star Fortress, the elite troops of the emperor's elite were left with no residue. under.

Then the third train was killed again.

The emperor's forces in the station came out in large numbers and wanted to build a bunker cluster along the way, but Lin Fan had already established a bunker cluster, so the emperor's army was a step behind and could not form a scale.

So by the time the fifth train came out, Emperor ** finally had a new tactic to transform the locomotive device and let the train travel at a very high speed.

But in exchange for high speed, it is impossible to send troops to escort.

At this time, the Rattlesnake chariot can show its skills, the presence of the induction tower, and the positioning of the Huberian. Lin Fan can appear on the track in front of the train in advance.

A large number of electromagnetic guns bombed together, even if the speed was increased, the Rattlesnake chariot could barely keep up.

The speed-up train was exploded before reaching the processing station.

Then the emperor's station became much quieter, as if there were no other tricks, and the train could only be speeded up.

When it came to the eighth car, Emperor ** this time the last train of the supply train, finally got what Emperor ** wanted to send away ... an old model federal adjutant.

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