
Chapter 405 Gnar’s presence

The so-called team battle is a 5V5 battle.

In the chaotic and fierce battle situation, it is impossible for any hero to escape the relationship.

The wild boar girl on the purple side used her big move first.

The top laner on the blue side, Sword Girl, was imprisoned and frozen. The wheel mother pressed in a set of small combos, and the damage of the combo directly wiped out half of Irelia's health bar in an instant.

Immediately, Dao Mei didn't retreat but advanced, and the two stages of displacement were sudden, but she also gave the opponent's ADC Wheel Mother a fatal threat.

Similarly, the purple square wild boar girl who is at the front of her own formation is also paying the price for her brave charge. The opponent's mid laner Rambo's Q skill has been activated and is aimed at Sejuani, who is spraying fire and burning like crazy. The blue side's ADC Punishment Arrow also quickly keeps up with the damage output.

Still at the same time——

It's not just the ADC wheel mother on the purple side who has been hit by the opponent's top lane support with extremely fierce frontal cuts.

The ADC Varus on the blue side also encountered a target from his opponent the next second after the team battle broke out.

That was Gnar, the top laner on the purple side. After he took the big lead against Wild Boar Girl, Lost Fang under the control of Sun Zheng quickly followed him into the field.

A boomerang is thrown.

Pole vaulting in.

Flat A.

The anger in the rage gauge can be charged from two-thirds to full almost instantaneously in a chaotic and fierce battlefield.

Immediately, Gnar let out an astonishing roar from his petite body, and his body suddenly swelled into a ferocious and terrifying beast that fell down, slamming into the middle of the battle circle, right in front of the opponent's blue square formation.

It was also until this moment.

The three commentators on the commentary desk who had just focused all their attention on Dao Mei's forceful face-cutting operation suddenly noticed that the same shocking situation was happening on the other side of the battlefield:

"Naru's coming in too!"

"The sword girl and Japanese girl on the blue side just jumped out to cut the wheel mother. Without the front row, no one is there to keep an eye on Gnar!"

"Now...Nar seems to be able to show off his skills!!"


The blue and purple armies on the field seemed to have reached a tacit understanding as soon as the team battle broke out.

The key to victory in Magic City is the opponent's ADC wheel mother, no matter the cost.

Xiacheng's decisive victory also focused on the opponent's back row.

You want to touch my AD.

I will also cut the double C in your back row!

In the back row of the audience, the three LPL players couldn't help but be moved at the same time, and subconsciously wanted to get up:

"This Nal!"

Just a moment ago, they were amazed at Chen Ting's decisive and bold face-forward operation of two-stage movement of Dao Mei, who did not retreat but advanced.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the opposing purple square top Danal immediately counterattacked with the same degree of threat!

Of course, the core of the four-guarantee-one lineup in the purple Fangxia City decisive victory only has one AD. Once the wheel mother is taken down by concentrated fire, the entire lineup will lose 80 to 90% of its combat effectiveness.

But by the same token -

The AD and mid laner on the blue side also bear almost half of the damage of their lineup.

If Double C is accused, killed, or swaps with Wheel Mom...

It’s hard to say what will happen next, who will win or lose!

The members of the top 16 teams in the front row of the auditorium couldn't help but look shocked and changed their expressions. On the side of the King's team, Overlord slapped his thigh hard and exclaimed:

"This Gnar! There are two brushes!"

"I underestimated him earlier!"

By this fourth game of BO5, for all the audience commentators on and off the stage, they basically had a very real and intuitive understanding of the Xiacheng decisive team.

Basically, this is a one-for-four team with AD as the leader.

The other four team members could only say that they were trying not to become a burden to AD.

If you really want to say it, there is probably only one top laner, which is barely bearable. But after the first three games, the top laners of both teams competed against each other, and Xiacheng's top laner was basically the winner. It was suppressed from beginning to end.

Therefore, the audience did not pay more attention and expect more to the top orderer of Xiacheng's decisive victory.

But Sun Zheng himself did not give up just because of this.

The first three rounds of BO5.

Every time he selected a lane hero, he played extremely cautiously and conscientiously.

Even though his personal ability was suppressed by his opponent's decisive top laner, even though he was never able to perform some stunning carry operations, his emotional state was always calm and stable.

Work hard to maintain your highest alertness and calmest state.

I never gave up or gave up, and I never felt sorry for myself.


All are looking for opportunities.

Finally, it was the most crucial baron team battle in the fourth game of BO5 that allowed him to find this opportunity.

When the wild boar girl of his own team took the lead, Gnar, the top laner controlled by Sun Zheng, did not immediately enter the field without thinking and rushed to the front row to attract firepower and damage.

Because he knew that such an approach was the crudest and most unprofitable.

He is just a living target for the opponent to be beaten.

Sharing a little bit of damage for your own AD cannot truly fulfill the role and responsibility that a top laner should have.

Four guarantees and one.

The output depends entirely on the wheel mother.

But that doesn't mean that the Goddess of War in divine attire can sweep and harvest at will. There still needs to be a sufficient environment.

And he, Shannar, shoulders this responsibility and mission.

When he saw his opponent's top laner not retreating but advancing forward, she immediately jumped in front of her own ADC with two steps of movement, and her opponent's support Japanese girl also directly followed up with a dodge.

Sun Zheng did not panic like the other teammates around him.

At this moment when the chaotic battle situation suddenly changed.

But it made him suddenly calm down.

From such a chaotic situation, I found the best timing angle with the calmest and clearest perspective.

Go back and protect AD?

Impossible. If you do this, it will only make the opponent more unscrupulous and fully press in, pouring out damage directly to the full limit. Not to mention that the wheel mother cannot protect them, the other members of them will also be completely melted by the opponent's damage in an instant.

In a desperate situation, if you change your perspective, you can see a glimmer of hope outside of the crisis.

Sun Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up at this moment:

The opponent's knife girl can cut her own AD if she fights to the death.

His gnar...

Likewise, there is this ability.

"I'll drive in the back row on the opposite side!"

Sun Zheng's angry shout sounded on the purple team's voice channel.

The moment the words fell.

The Lost Fang, whose anger tank was full and transformed into a giant beast, was accompanied by a burst of bright golden light. The figure disappeared in an instant and then appeared in the back row of the blue square army formation on the battlefield——

Carrying an astonishing momentum, he rushed in front of the opponent's blue side mid laner Rambo and ADC Verus!

Big move——

"Na ah"!

The giant beast Gnar suddenly raised his thick arms high, and slapped his opponent's double C on the blue side with a slap that was so shrill and terrifying that it made people numb their scalp!

Here’s an update, it’s been another busy week, friends, take a rest early, see you tomorrow~

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