
Chapter 422 Deal

Zhou Mo told Lin Feng that even after he got through the most difficult days at the beginning, for a long time afterwards, because he didn't want to be hurt by the situation, he still didn't play games for a long time.

He also told Lin Feng that one day more than half a year ago, a group of teenagers who were still in junior high school came to his convenience store, which became an opportunity for him to return to the League of Legends.

He said that it was also a very accidental accident when he learned the news about Lin Feng again.

He also said that as soon as he learned the news, he also guessed that someone would return to the game.

At that time, his mood was also complicated at the beginning, with relief, but also inevitably a bit of resentment.

Lin Feng couldn't help but lower his head again after hearing this.

He can understand the thoughts and moods of his former partners in front of him.

After all, when he was already destined to be unable to return to the professional arena, he suddenly learned that the "culprit" who caused all his tragedies had reappeared. This feeling of disparity would be difficult for anyone else to accept.

But then Zhou Mo laughed again and told Lin Feng in a gentle and calm tone that his complicated mood at that time did not last long.

He began to pay attention to and follow Lin Feng's games.

Big, small, all kinds.

I carefully watched all the information I could collect on the Internet and the videos I searched for.

He said that he even found the video of an exhibition match at last year's MSI Mid-Season Invitational and saw an unexpected but seemingly destined matchup between someone and F-Han Shihao in the bottom lane.

There was also an earlier high school sixteen-school league.

Jingo Cup.

Then to the National College League.

There were even internal training matches of major teams during this year's finals that accidentally leaked online.

"I dug them all out."

Zhou Mo said to Lin Feng with a smile like this, as if he was joking:

"How about it, is it thorough enough?"

Lin Feng nodded blankly,

Indeed, he never thought that when he thought he had completely lost contact with his former ADC partner and had no news from each other, the other party turned out to be silently paying attention to him.

Zhou Mo continued speaking slowly.

He said that he saw Lin Feng's consistent style and strength displayed in this match after match, and saw someone's continuous efforts to improve and improve, and it seemed that he was returning to his peak appearance bit by bit.

He said that he saw not only Lin Feng, but also others.

He said he was very happy to see Tian Tian finally overcome his personal weaknesses and grow into the top top laner in the national server and even the world - just as everyone expected of him back then.

He said he was very relieved to learn that Eleven was finally no longer sitting on the bench in that third-rate LSPL team. He could reunite with someone and once again assume the position of the main core jungler. Given time, he would definitely find his way again. Go back to the world-class wild king's state in the S1 season.

There was a pause.

Zhou Mo continued.

He also said that he paid more attention to the other members of the new team who fought alongside Lin Feng.

Tang Bingyao.

Zeng Rui.

Chen Ting.

He said that he could effortlessly feel the amazing talent and potential from these people, the overwhelming enthusiasm and yearning for e-sports, and the unabashed desire to win. Desire and fighting spirit.

"Just like us back then."

Zhou Mo said, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a sigh:

"I miss it so much."

"Seeing them - seeing you, is like seeing our shadow again."

Lin Feng's head hung lower and lower as he heard this, and as if he could see what the former was thinking, Zhou Mo laughed again and waved his hand:

"Nothing else, don't think too much about it."

"I know very well what kind of character you are, so I can imagine how much struggle and pain you had at the time, and how difficult it was to make such a decision to return to the game."

"When I learned the news about your return, actually... I was also very happy."

"I was thinking - that guy should finally cheer up."

The laughter was clear and clear, seeming to sweep away the dull atmosphere of the night.

Lin Feng slowly raised his head.

Their eyes finally met again.

Zhou Momo really looked at Lin Feng:

"If we don't be reasonable and insist on taking responsibility, all of this can be attributed to our final defeat in the finals, right?"

Lin Feng nodded heavily and replied in a low voice:

"Yes, it's my problem."

Zhou Mo smiled: "Okay, then count it as your problem."

Then his expression became slightly serious:

"Then, now that you're back, it's time to calculate the general ledger again, right?"

"Since we continue to use the team name of Battle, we must also shoulder the responsibilities of the year."

Vaguely seeming to feel something from the words of his partner in front of him, Lin Feng subconsciously stood up straight:


As he spoke, he took a deep breath, as if to emphasize and make a promise:


Feeling the almost unthinking determination in someone's words, Zhou Mo's eyes lit up slightly:


He looked at Lin Feng:

"Then consider this an agreement."

"As a condition for forgiveness..."

"I promise to forgive you. If you feel that you are not worthy of this forgiveness now, then try your best——"

"Try hard to lead this new team, return to the professional e-sports circle, and then enter the world championships, and then meet the SSK team led by that guy."


"Beat them."

"Get that championship trophy that we missed that year."

"On that day, come and tell me that you finally deserve that forgiveness."

"at last."

"Everything, just write it off."

One sentence after another, with a calm yet shocking power, echoed in the night sky under the soft light of the street lights.

Zhou Mo looked at Lin Feng: "Deal?"

Lin Feng was silent and nodded heavily, as if with ruthless determination:

"make a deal!"

Zhou Mo laughed, then stood up from the stone pier, opened his arms and stretched out comfortably:

"Then the problem is solved. I will wait for that day - it should be a very exciting day."

After saying this, he paused and then spoke as if sighing:

"The only regret... is that I can't personally participate in such a wonderful scene. "

This sentence was about to make Lin Feng bow his head sadly again, but Zhou Mo suddenly smiled again, with a somewhat cunning look on his face:

"Speaking of -"

"If it were still the same year."

"In today's game, if I take the field, no matter where I am... you and Aqiu are no match for me~"

Lin Feng was startled when he heard this, and then finally smiled for the first time on his face:


Here's an update, I've been lying in bed all day. . I didn't bother to code properly. . I review.

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