Romanian Eagle

Chapter 41 The Turkish Revolution

People in Ottoman Turkey, where Asia and Europe meet in 1908, under the rule of Abdul Hamid II. There is growing dissatisfaction with the sultan's mediocre intelligence and his inability to lead Ottoman Turkey out of the predicament. This sentiment supports the growth of a group called the Young Turk.

Young Turk was founded in Istanbul in 1894. The original leader was Ahmed Lisa. In May 1889, students from four medical schools in the capital established an anti-authoritarian group, named the Ottoman League, later renamed the League Progress Council, which Europeans called the Young Turk Party. Soon many young students, officers, intellectuals and exiles joined the party. It represented the interests of the bourgeoisie and liberal landowners, advocated maintaining the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire, opposed autocracy, and demanded the restoration of the 1876 constitution.

On the night of July 2, 1908, Major Niazibey, the head of the Young Turks party in Resne, was instigating an uprising of his soldiers.

Soldiers, in Macedonia, we guard the territory of the motherland, but the Sudan does not care for our territory at all. Now Bulgaria is protected by Russia, Cyprus is occupied by the British, and Bosnia and Herzegovina is hosted by Austria-Hungary. In the country, Sudan relies on the secret police. To maintain his rule, the people are also suffering more and more, which requires a group of insightful people to wake up our people. And we will become such people, are you willing?

Faced with the impassioned speech of his superior standing in front of the stage, most of his subordinates, who were members of the Young Turk Party, also rallied.

Let's revolt.

Overthrow the rule of Abdul Hamid II.

Let's do it.

Major Niazibei was pleased to see that most of the soldiers and officers had called for an uprising. At this moment, a discordant voice came out.

We have revolted, what should we do if other troops come to suppress it. A thin soldier in the crowd expressed his worries, and then a scolding words rushed to his face.

You coward.


What are you afraid of, the people are on our side.

Seeing his backbone refute the soldier's words loudly, Major Niazibei stepped forward and motioned for them to listen to him. Looking at the soldiers who were quietly looking at him, Major Niazibei explained the reason for doing so. We are just the beginning. Enver in the Macedonian army is also our people. This uprising is supported by the entire Macedonian army.

The soldiers who were watching heard that this matter was relieved after the support of the entire legion, and there was no resistance to the uprising.

After seeing this, Major Niazibei continued to speak. We will start taking action tomorrow, and the people cannot be allowed to accept such a miserable life again.

Niazibei, who was the first to launch, knew that this uprising was completely premature. It is because Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary, etc. have already negotiated a plot to divide up Turkey's European territory. In early June, the Russian tsar and the British king met in Levi and reached an agreement on further reforms in the Macedonian region and the establishment of a military police force if necessary.

The Young Turks were forced to start the planned uprising more than a year early. Now Major Niazibei has no certainty about the success of the uprising. Only by letting go can save the motherland, Turkey, from this misery.

The next day, Major Niazibei brought the soldiers to the city of Leishna. The police in the city had absolutely no idea what the soldiers were going to do. They stepped forward to ask and got the answer that they were going to the city on business, which made the police who asked them confused. .

Seeing the gloomy faces of these soldiers, they did not dare to intercept these heavily armed soldiers. The only thing I could do was to report to the police chief of Nishna that there were soldiers entering the city. The police chief was also confused and called the barracks. This made the police chief sank in his heart and ordered all the policemen to go back to the police station to get their equipment.

The police chief who did not see the group of soldiers was relieved when he rushed to the city hall with the armed police. Seeing a group of police officers running up from a distance, armed, the mayor asked the chief of police. What's going on here. The police chief told the mayor what happened today,

Could it be? The mayor looked at the police chief and asked, and the police chief nodded to the mayor, indicating that it was what he thought.

Major Niazibei came to the telegraph company address while two city officials were playing a puzzle. The message in hand is transmitted to all parts of the country by radio waves. Opposes the government and the Levere agreement and demands liberty, equality, fraternity.

After the telegram, Major Niazibei and his subordinates retreated while handing out leaflets with the same words as the telegram. It is also against the government and the Léville agreement, demanding liberty, equality, and fraternity.

The officials at the city hall soon got the news that Major Niazibei had already left the city with his soldiers, What should we do now? the police chief asked the mayor. Wait for the news from Skopje, we are only municipal officials, not the army. The shrewd mayor also refused to let go. There is a tradition of mutiny in the Turkish army, and every official will know how to protect himself.

After Major Niazibei led the soldiers out of the city, Brothers, we have no way out now. I will take you up the mountain to fight guerrillas. Be sure to hand over the rights of Sudan to the people. At the end of Niazibei Major Yi shouted. The motherland is with us. This sentence got everyone's response and they all shouted. The motherland is with us.

Enver also got the news after Niazibei sent the cable to the country. Matt Ismail Enver was born on November 22, 1881 to a wealthy merchant family in Istanbul. His father, Sule Emini Ahmed, was a civil engineer. Abdul Hamid II close advisor. In 1903, Enver graduated with honors from the Istanbul Military Academy, received the rank of captain of the cavalry, and was sent to work in the Third Macedonian Army.

Now Enver has become a central member of the Young Turk Party, responsible for establishing guerrillas in the countryside to promote the spread of revolutionary ideas among the people, and, if necessary, as a refuge for members of the association to escape the Sudanese authorities.

How long do we have to prepare now? Enver asked his confidant.

One more week to prepare...

It's been too long, our brothers are waiting for support, and we will start operations in three days. Enver interrupted his confidant. Enver has an idea for the uprising of the Young Turks. This time the uprising can't get the first one, but the second one is acceptable.

Three days later, Enver followed the actions of Major Niazibei and led his troops up the mountain to fight guerrillas, determined to overthrow the tyranny at all costs, and electrified the monarch to demand a constitution. The uprising quickly swept through many units of the 3rd and 2nd Corps in Macedonia, and soon the Young Turks became the real masters of the entire Macedonian region.

On July 20th, the residents of Monasti (now Bitoli, Yugoslavia) staged an uprising; on the 23rd, the insurgent army marched into Thessaloniki, announced the restoration of the 1876 constitution, and electrified Sudan to restore the constitution within a time limit, otherwise it would be Enter Istanbul. Abdulhamid II felt that the situation was over, and was forced to announce the restoration of the constitution on the 24th and reopen the parliament.

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