Romanian Eagle

Chapter 83, Naval Programs

After Lomodan and Nestaku left the palace, they came to the German embassy non-stop.

Your Excellency, Romanian Rear Admiral Lomodan, and Fleet Commander Nestaku are here to visit. The secretary opened the door and said to Ambassador Baslob, who was checking the information in the office.

After hearing his secretary's report, Basrober put the note in his hand in the drawer and said. Invite the two generals to come in.

Lomodan and Nestaku walked into the office under the leadership of the secretary. Seeing the two of them coming in, Ambassador Basrober smiled as if he had met friends for many years. I haven't seen the two generals for a long time. Are you here today to catch up with me, or do you have something to do?

The ghost is looking for you to reminisce. Both of them scolded in their minds, but they also smiled, and Lomodan stepped forward to talk about it. This time, I want to buy a warship.

As soon as the German ambassador heard Lomodan's words, he knew that it should not be a small boat, otherwise the two leaders of the Romanian navy would not have come together.

Baslob said after taking the call. The Romanian Navy is indeed too weak and needs to strengthen itself. I wonder how big a warship you are going to buy?

Facing the ambassador's question, Lomodan still answered. If your country can provide part of the loan, we intend to purchase a Königsberg-class cruiser.

How much money do you have? Baslob asked the key question.

Nestaku answered the ambassador's question. We now have funding of 3.26 million gold marks.

After Baslob heard Nestaku's answer, he calculated in his heart according to his understanding. The gap is not too big, almost 1.7 million gold marks.

I can't do anything about this right now, but I will report it to the country. The two need to wait patiently. Baslob said to the two.

no problem.

Originally, they did not expect the German ambassador to agree immediately. This time, they just came to see Germany's attitude first. After all, everyone likes a good ship, and if you can buy a warship with good performance, who will watch the bad.

After sending the two away. Baslob sent a telegram to the country to report the incident and wait for the government to reply.

After Lomodan and Nestaku left the German embassy, ​​they returned to the Admiralty. This is an old-fashioned two-story building. Compared with the Ministry of War and the General Staff, it can be said to be much shabby. Whoever made them lack funds, they can only take care of it. After they came back, everyone in the Admiralty was very happy when they told the conditions that the crown prince had promised to give. For naval officers and soldiers, they have finally changed from picked up children to adopted ones. This is considered the progress of the Navy.

There are still some people in the Navy who are not satisfied with this plan, and Lieutenant Colonel Midrafeel is speaking his opinion with his friend Captain Birke. Now Midraphael is the captain of the gunboat formation and usually leads the gunboats in daily training, so he has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Does General Lomodan have only this cruiser in his eyes?

Midraphale, why can't you keep your mouth shut, you will be killed by it sooner or later. Birke also had nothing to do with his friend's virtue.

Bilke, can't let people speak their minds. Midraphael began to complain about his friends.

Okay, tell me your plan. Birke also wanted to hear his friends' opinions.

I think the cruiser should be scrapped, and funds should be used to strengthen the construction of lightning strike ships and fortresses, especially the fort in Constanta. The Navy needs to make its own changes to meet the needs of the country. If no one else can do anything, we will what to do.

Birke heard the meaning of the friend, because Romania's main false enemy was Russia. Facing the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Romanian Navy has no chance. Now that Constanta is becoming more and more important, the caliber of warships is getting bigger and bigger, and most of the fort built before are also old-fashioned, and the construction of large-caliber fort is urgent.

Birke knew that what his friend was talking about was an urgent need at the moment, and he could only talk about it. It's a pity that you are not the head of the Romanian Navy. Midraphael, you are only a mid-level officer now. If you really have an idea, you should keep it in your heart. You can only realize your dream when you take that position.

Okay Bilk, I will try my best to achieve it. Midraphael said to his friend seriously.

While the Romanian naval officers were expressing their views, the telegram from Ambassador Baslob was also placed on the table of Prime Minister Helvig. For him, who only took office last year, he is no different from the previous prime minister. He is a marionette of the Kaiser. This telegram, like everything else that needs to be reported to the Kaiser, was brought to Wilhelm II by the chancellor. The recent fierce naval competition between Germany and Britain has distracted a lot of the Kaiser's attention.

Helviger picks up what's important.

Okay Your Majesty.

Helwig took out the first document, the report of Ambassador Baslob.

Your Highness, this is the report of Romania's purchase of a cruiser.

Wilhelm II has been more sensitive to warships recently, and this report aroused his interest.

Bring it here, I'll take a look.

The Prime Minister handed him the report. William II saw this as a report that the Romanian Navy wanted to purchase a Koenigsberg-class cruiser, but a loan was required for payment. After reading it, William II said to Prime Minister Herwig with a smile.

These Romanians always like to take out loans, don't they have any money?

The Prime Minister also checked the information and replied. His Royal Highness estimates that they really don't have it, and they got the money by issuing government bonds. I heard that the Prime Minister in Romania had a quarrel with the chief of staff because he owed money to the army.

I have a very good impression of the chief of the general staff named Preshan. He is a very capable person. William II continued to speak after commenting on Preshan. About this loan, it can be included in the Romanian loan. The more they take, the more they can't get rid of us. Tell them we can provide a loan to buy the latest Kolburg-class cruiser.

After sending Prime Minister Herwig away, Wilhelm II's dissatisfaction with Austria-Hungary intensified. If it wasn't to win over Romania, would he need to do this? Originally, on the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania's actions made him very satisfied. As a result, in Transylvania, the Hungarians began to oppress the local Romanians again, and the relationship between the two countries plummeted. The Kaiser also had a headache. The loan from the Romanian Navy gave him a chance to improve.

The German government's reply made Lomodan and Nestaku overjoyed, and they were anxious to report the news from Germany to the crown prince.

In the palace, Edel looked at the desk, his eyes revealing the eagerness of Lomodan and Nestaku. Although he knew the Kaiser's intentions, he wanted to ease the relationship between Austria-Hungary and them, and pulled them into the chariot to fight for Germany. But Edel couldn't refuse, this was a request from a military service, and he could only agree.

I agree to this condition, you can talk to the German side.

After seven days of negotiation, a satisfactory result was finally achieved, so the announcement was made. Romania has purchased a newest Kolburg-class cruiser from Germany. The ship is built by Kiel Shipyard and will start construction at the end of September. It is expected to start sea trials in April the following year and will be delivered to the Romanian Navy in June. In order to better meet the needs of Romania, the ship changed the main gun to eight 150-caliber single guns, and the others remained unchanged.

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