Looking at the girl's tangled thoughts, Bai Ziyu immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued.

Sudden attack, Kuraki Reina's eyes widened, and her snow-white arms kept beating the strong back.

But gradually, the movements became smaller and smaller, and in the end she couldn't help but hug the strong waist.

Just as the two were kissing each other, a cry suddenly broke the warm atmosphere.


Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw Chunchuan Zhimei holding breakfast, looking at me with blushing cheeks.

Suddenly, a strong sense of shyness surged into Kuraki Reina's heart.

Subconsciously, she buried her head deep in Bai Ziyu's arms.

"I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything! You go on! You go on~!"

After saying this in a hurry, Chunchuan Zhimei turned around and left in a hurry. She was so flustered that she accidentally bumped into the door, causing her to stumble.

After she left, Bai Ziyu gently stroked the three thousand waterfall-like purple hair, and said in a gentle voice:"Zhimei has left now, you can come out, Lingcai-chan was very cute just now!"

Hearing this, Kuraki Lingcai's originally white jade ears seemed to be painted with a layer of gorgeous rouge. It was red and very tempting!

Lifting her head slightly, the girl said coquettishly:"No, don't call me so intimately, I haven't forgiven you yet~"

Gently holding the snow-white tender hand and putting it on her chest, Bai Ziyu's eyes were full of sincerity:"It doesn't matter, I will use my life to make up for the mistakes I made last night!" As soon as these words came out, they were instantly killed!

As a young girl who has been longing for Mary Sue-style love since childhood, how can she resist such a fierce offensive?

Although she didn't say anything, her beautiful hazel eyes were filled with a faint ripple.

There was no way, the other person looked too much like the prince charming in her mind.

Handsome, gentle, and responsible.

If she wasn't dissatisfied with the family's forced marriage for her, her attitude would not have been so bad after getting along with him several times before.

How could a rookie in love be an opponent of an experienced old hunter?!

Seeing that the other party was already moved, Bai Ziyu immediately launched the final attack.

This time, the girl was sober and deeply felt it for a long time. She lowered her head and gently kissed Kuraki Reina, who had faint tears in the corners of her eyes. The smile on Bai Ziyu's mouth was even harder to suppress than AK. Sure enough, since ancient times, deep affection cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

The silent expression of love by Yushan Haoyi in the original play is not suitable for Bai Ziyu at all. He still prefers to take the initiative.

And this method often has amazing effects.

In just one morning, he raised his favorability to 90 points, which was proof of that!

Slowly pulling his arm out from under the pillow, Bai Ziyu turned over and got out of bed.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw a blue-haired girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, sitting on the sofa, holding a book and reading it with interest.

Seeing her, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he walked forward slowly, bent down slightly and smiled faintly:"Miss, I have never seen you in the Kuraki family. May I ask who you are?..."

Being called Miss, the blue-haired girl blushed immediately.

I don't know if she was angry or embarrassed!

But the next moment, she gave the answer.

"My name is Higashi Io, and I'm Xiao Lingcai's cousin. Also, I'm a man!"


Hearing this, Bai Ziyu froze in his place, and then asked with a look of doubt:"Are you a man?!"

The other party, in terms of height and appearance, was completely the image of a beautiful girl, without any male characteristics at all.

Even his voice was very crisp, without any masculine strength.

Bai Ziyu's appearance immediately made Dong Yixu feel that his dignity as a man seemed to be challenged, and his cheeks became even redder:"You......"

Fortunately, Chunchuan Zhimei came over in time:"Master, Master Dongyi, what are you doing?"

Seeing the other party, Dongyi's eyes immediately flashed with a gleam, and he quickly stood up and came to his side:"Zhimei, it's good that you are here, tell this guy whether I am a man or not!"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu frowned slightly, this kid is not honest!

Chunchuan Zhimei, who also reacted, said indifferently:"Master Dongyi can only be called a boy now, not a real man!"

· 0Request flowers··· ··

As soon as these words came out, a hint of embarrassment immediately appeared on Dong Yixu's pretty face.

But this emotion came and went quickly.

The next moment, he looked at Bai Ziyu with a little provocation:"You heard it, I am a man, and who are you?!"

"Master Dongyi, this is the young lady's fiancé, the future master of the Kuraki family, so I hope you can be more respectful, otherwise if the young lady and the lady hear it......"

Hearing this, Dong Yixu's eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief:"He is Xiao Lingcai's fiancé?!"



"Hello! I am Haoyi Yushan, nice to meet you, Dongyi Xiao..., Mr. Dongyi!"......

A moment later, at the corner of the stairs, Chunchuan Zhimei nestled in Bai Ziyu's arms, her cheeks rosy, her breath sweet:"Master just deliberately angered Master Dongyi, was it for Zhimei?"

His right hand slightly increased the strength, and Bai Ziyu's face showed a bit of"embarrassment"":"I didn't expect Zhimei to see through it, is it that obvious?!"

Her cheeks became more and more rosy, and the little maid stretched out her snow-white hands and gently stroked the broad chest, whispering softly:"The master is willing to do this for Zhimei, Zhimei is really happy! Very happy!"

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu slowly moved his right hand up and gently stroked the light yellow hair:"Silly~"

In just two words, Chunchuan Zhimei heard too much from it!

The next moment, the beautiful eyebrows that seemed like green feathers slowly bent into a crescent.

Then, the favorability of the top of her head broke through the 90-point mark and reached 95 points. After a brief tenderness with the little maid, Bai Ziyu slowly let her go, seemingly slowly but anxiously walking towards the back mountain.

Originally, it was agreed to tell a story with Kuraki Mizuna in the morning, but it accidentally took so long. The other party should be waiting anxiously now!?

In the cave, the girl who was standing in front of the door and waiting quietly heard the familiar footsteps, and her face suddenly became happy.

Then she hugged the hydrangea and hurried along the wooden trestle....


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