Ruins of the past

Chapter 843 Approaching

"Why haven't you broken through yet?"

"Obviously the profound gift has exceeded 2200, but it still doesn't work?"

Seeing the uncertain brightness and destruction, which represented the enlightenment options of "Vajra Phases", Chu Qiguang felt a little anxious in his heart.

The consumption of the profound gifts of "Vajra Phases" far exceeded his expectations.

"Is there something missing?"

"No, neither the Seeker's eyes nor the Ring of Foolishness have this reaction."

"I have studied the "Vajra Phases", and it does not require any special breakthrough props. Now that the Ring of Foolishness cannot work, it should be because the number of profound gifts is not enough."

And for some reason recently, the collection of knowledge and the collection of Buddha's Fire have all slowed down again.

There is even a demon clan martial god named Duo whose red-warm demon dye has suddenly increased and needs to be cultivated.

The engineering team had an accident and had to temporarily stop work.

A team transporting classics also encountered floods and was delayed for half a month...

It felt like there were all kinds of things going against him.

And this subtle change also subtly affected Chu Qiguang's mentality.

It even made him feel that his cultivation efficiency had decreased with the changes in his state of mind.

"Do you want to increase the overtime hours?"

Chu Qiguang hesitated for a while, then suddenly thought: "Am I a little too impatient lately?"

He closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, suppressing the ups and downs of thoughts in his heart again.

"At times like this, you can't be anxious."

"Work steadily, the employees are still working, and my profound gifts are still growing. It won't be long before I can break through to the Holy Spirit."

at the same time.

Dragon Snake Mountain.

Huang Daoxu sat cross-legged in a cave.

I saw that the rock walls of the cave were covered with various spells taught by the Heavenly Master, as well as portraits of Taoist Xuanyuan.

Fu Nanzi stood not far behind Huang Daoxu, with a heavy look of worry on his face: "Brother, do you really want to do this? If you do this, even if you succeed in breaking through to the Saint, you will never have the chance to go further. ."

"Senior brother, with your qualifications, you have every chance to go further in this era."

"Besides, even if you defeat the demon clan outside the territory, as well as Huang Tian and his envoys, your role will be even greater at that time..."

Fu Nanzi looked at Huang Daoxu in front of him. He seemed to have some changes in his thinking since he came back from Shuzhou last time, which made him feel extremely puzzled.

Huang Daoxu said: "If even the current demon clan outside the territory is unable to resist, what's the future?"

"Although Chu Qiguang says to the outside world that he has reached the realm of sainthood, you and I both know that he has not."

"But his talent is above mine, but he is still young and cannot truly match Xuanyuan's divine power. If he wants to make a breakthrough in a short period of time... it will be too difficult for him."

"Junior brother, every generation has its own responsibilities."

As Huang Daoxu spoke, his fingertips drew spells in the air, which filled the entire cave in the blink of an eye.

"The young people like Chu Qiguang need time to grow up before they can protect the human race from wind and rain in the future."

"What an old-timer like me should do now is buy more time for them."

“Then trust that they can grow in the ‘future’.”

Fu Nanzi said unwillingly: "But..."

Huang Daoxu murmured: "It is destiny for demons to conquer humans. How can we disobey destiny if we don't pay a price?"

East China Sea.

On an island.

Ji Haoran sat on the cliff, watching the ebb and flow of the tide in front of him, and many memories of his youth emerged in his heart.

This small island in the East China Sea is his hometown. He grew up here, practiced martial arts here, learned Taoism here, and established his ambition to inherit the legacy of Daxia, maintain the Gang Qi layer, and protect the human race.

At this moment, behind Ji Haoran, eight swords were stuck on the ground, swaying in the wind.

When the sword trembled, there seemed to be a faint whistling sound coming from it, like someone whispering softly.

In recent months, Ji Haoran not only integrated all the descendants of Daxia he could find, but also spent a lot of time to finally collect several other divine swords.

Now, in addition to the Nine Heavens Roaring Sword integrated into his body, the other eight Great Xia Divine Swords are already in his hands, and the nine divine swords have gathered together.

The voice of the Heavenly Holy Emperor sounded along with the trembling of the sword: "Have you decided? If I were to be reborn in you, my memory, my consciousness, and my knowledge would all overwhelm yours."

"It's like the ocean swallowed the creek."

"From now on, you are me. As for you... you are dead."

Ji Haoran said: "How many saints are there in the demon clan?"

The Heavenly Saint Emperor said: "According to what I checked with the Gangqi layer, there are at least three of them. In addition to those three, there is also a golden body of Xuanxuzi hiding. Maybe he has recovered to the level of Tongsheng, maybe he is about to return to Shenyou."

Ji Haoran said again: "What about our side?"

After the Heavenly Saint Emperor was silent for a moment, he said: "Not one."

Ji Haoran laughed miserably: "The gap is so huge, has the human race actually withered to this point?"

"Are people from one generation to the next? Is our generation a lot worse than yours?"

The Heavenly Saint Emperor said: "The victory of demons over humans is the destiny carved by the emperor."

"Destiny is the most difficult thing to resist in this world."

"The so-called destiny is hard to disobey. It is originally impossible for people to defeat destiny."

Ji Haoran said: "Is there no one who can defeat fate?"

For some reason, the figure of Chu Qiguang suddenly appeared in Ji Haoran's mind. After all, he was the most incredible person among all the people he knew.

The Heavenly Holy Emperor said: "No one can... only God can do it."

"And all we can do is find some loopholes in the given destiny."

Ji Haoran suddenly asked: "What about the demon? Can the able to break the fate of demons defeating humans?"

The Central Plains, a piece of Gobi outside the northwest.

As far as the eye can see, tens of thousands of monster armies are setting up camp.

These monsters are of mixed types and have different equipment, and even chaos often breaks out in the camp.

Among them, rabbit monsters, rat monsters and other weak monsters don't even have weapons or armor. They just come wearing a shabby coat. They spend most of their time transporting supplies, setting up camps and doing hard work.

The more powerful monsters, such as tiger monsters, bear monsters, and lion monsters, are well-equipped and full of energy and blood. Any one of them will be served by seven or eight weak monsters, and they will punch and kick the lower-level monsters at every turn.

Juno and his brother stood on a cliff together, scanning the tents with their eyes, and found that the tents were so endless that they could not be seen to the end.

Juno frowned and said, "Martin, how many cannon fodder did these barbarians like Dazhu bring here?"

The younger brother, known as Martin, shrugged and said, "Maybe a few million, who knows the specific number."

At this moment, a young man with two wings on his back rose into the sky and came to them: "Are you from Datai?"

Martin said: "Yes, we are here to ask for an audience with the Prince and His Majesty the Emperor."

The harpy said: "I have already reported it to my superiors. Please wait here for a while."

Martin nodded, and then asked curiously: "You bring so many troops, what will you do with supplies? What will you do with food?"

"Food?" The harpy said casually, "Isn't it everywhere? You carry it with you."

At this moment, Juno saw a lion demon grabbing a rabbit demon and gnawing on it. She frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

Martin's face was also a little ugly. This kind of behavior was absolutely barbaric in Da Tai. He couldn't help but show his disdain for Da Zhu in his heart.

After a while, another harpy flew over, looked at them and said, "They have left here with the vanguard and headed for the Central Plains."

Martin said thoughtfully: "Oh? Then it seems that His Majesty is ready to take action?"

Juno's expression changed slightly. From what she understood, His Majesty had successfully broken through to the Holy Realm.

In her opinion, if the coalition of monsters from outside the territory really defeated the human race and broke through the Gang Qi layer, that would definitely not be a good thing.

Year 21 of Yongan, at the end of December.

The cold winter has enveloped the entire Shuzhou.

But at this moment, the streets of Jinrong City are still bustling with people coming and going.

The common people are no longer sallow and thin, and all of them have rosy complexions moistened by abundant energy and blood. They are also wearing thick cotton clothes to resist the severe cold.

Rich people not only have stronger bodies, but many of them also have qi and blood machines running in their homes, emitting heat that warms the entire room.

More warriors than in previous years were able to walk on the streets wearing only a single piece of clothing.

And on the top of the Star Building, a figure stood alone.

Chu Qiguang looked at Jinrong City in front of him, his eyes were extremely calm, and his heart became more and more peaceful.

"It brings together the hard work of tens of millions of people for countless days and months."

He turned around and entered the Buddhist world.

“Integrating resources from several states.”

With a flash of his body, he quickly cut across the sky, arrived in front of the sun over the City of Night, and walked into it step by step.

"The results are finally here...2356 profound gifts."

"Breakthrough, Vajra Forms."

In the 21st year of Yong'an, on December 30, Chu Qiguang completed the "Vajra Phases" and officially entered the realm of sainthood.

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