Ruins of the past

Chapter 864 Battle

On the grassland.

A demon serf is tending sheep in the pasture.

He looks young, but his face has been weathered. After all, he has not lived a very good life since he was a slave since he was a child.

At this moment, there were bursts of loud noises in the sky, like thunder and lightning.

As soon as the herdsman looked up, he saw golden and black rays of light flashing through the air at high speed, like two meteors, crossing the sky and falling towards the ground in the distance.

Just when the serf was shocked by the sight before him, the sound of horse hooves was heard.

"Young...Master, Miss."

The young man on horseback glanced at the serf and shouted: "You! Come with me to the front to have a look."

Another girl said: "Brother, why don't we go back and tell daddy what happened?"

At least the young man smiled and said: "The thing that fell from the sky that day must be a good treasure. If the other brothers know about it, there is no way I can share it."

The three monsters were running fast, and along the way they saw huge potholes all over the ground, as if they had been punched open by a giant's palm.

There are also deep ravines ranging from tens to hundreds of meters, as if the earth has been torn apart by something.

The three monsters became more and more frightened as they watched. Just when they were thinking of retreating, the ground in front of them suddenly sank a section, and then began to tilt.

The three monsters screamed and rolled down along with the sloping ground.

When they came back to their senses, they saw that a hundred meters in radius had turned into a deep pit, and the surrounding rock walls were more than ten meters high, making it impossible for them to find their way back.

At the same time, two voices came from the center of the pit. The sound waves blew through their bodies like strong winds, making them tremble.

The voices on both sides spoke pure Chinese, which neither the serf nor the girl could understand at all.

However, the young master had hired a teacher, learned a lot of Chinese, and could understand the content.

"Chu Qiguang, do you plan to keep running north like this? Then you won't be able to find anyone to help you."

"Abortion Emperor, you have been chasing me from Yongzhou to the grassland for three days and three nights. Don't you have anything serious to do?"

"Chu Qiguang, if you give me random nicknames, it only shows that you are already anxious. But at our level, how can we get angry over just a few words?"

"You're not angry. Why are you explaining so much? After a stone is thrown into a group of dogs, only the dog that was hit will bark the hardest..."


The sound of gas explosions resounded through the sky, and the smoke and dust spread out like clouds, instantly swallowing up the three peeking monsters.

For a moment, the whole world was filled with strong winds and flying sand and rocks. The three monsters could only see the flickering light all over the sky, and the continuous huge roars made them dizzy, their bodies trembled, and they huddled up like frightened little animals.

At the same time, a sound echoed through the sky again.

"Chu Qiguang, since you have read the knowledge in Huangtian, you should understand that the world is bigger than the Huangtian family."

"But if we continue to guard the Gangqi layer, continue to sit in the well and watch the sky, and remain stagnant, it will be nothing more than a death struggle like withered bones in a grave."

With a crackling explosion, the earth was suddenly torn apart, and a bottomless canyon appeared in front of the three monsters. They were so horrified that they rolled and crawled back.

In the strong wind, another voice boomed: "Emperor Tai Tai, do you think the current human and demon tribes can deal with Huang Tian?"

"Now that we are killing each other, and then opening up the Gang Qi layer, there is only one ending, that is, everyone will become the slave of Emperor Tian, ​​and there will never be a chance to stand up again."

Suddenly, the three monsters felt their bodies tighten, as if something had penetrated into their sea of ​​consciousness and forcibly controlled their bodies, making them stand upright one by one.

And the smoke and dust in the sky spread again with the voice of Emperor Tai Tai.

"Chu Qiguang, look at the two males among these three little demons."

"One is a serf, his name is Aba. The other is a monster noble, his name is Arslan."

"Aba has been herding herds since he was a child. He doesn't know a single word and doesn't know any martial arts or Taoism. If nothing unexpected happens, his life will be the same as that of his father, his grandfather, his grandfather's grandfather, and his grandfather's grandfather. Grandpa is the same... he will herd cattle for Arslan's family all his life until he dies."

"This Arslan is different. He has been learning writing, mathematics, and martial arts since he was a child. In addition to Daqian language, he is also proficient in Dahan language and is familiar with the history of the two countries."

"With his talent, it will not be difficult to become a fifth-level warrior in the future. In the future, he will be able to have at least hundreds of slaves like Abba."

"Tell me, does Aba have a chance to catch up with Arslan and get rid of his status as a slave?"

"No, Chu Qiguang, you and I both understand that there is no chance at all, unless..."

While he was talking, the serf named Aba suddenly screamed and rolled around while holding his head. Azlan and his sister looked horrified.

At this time, Abba only felt knowledge pouring into his mind, streams of yellow air were replacing his blood, and the muscles on his body were inflating as if inflated, and his whole body quickly swelled to More than two meters high.

Feeling the infinite power rushing through his body, Abba roared angrily and stepped out, creating a big pit.

He watched with joy as his body became stronger, fell to his knees, and kept kowtowing towards the sky.

Obviously, in his opinion, the existence that caused the landslide and cracked the earth and gave him powerful power at will was undoubtedly a god, and he was now enlightened by the god who descended to earth.

"Unless there is an outside force that breaks the balance and gives Aba a chance, this is the only way he can catch up with Azlan."

"Chu Qiguang, we are serfs, and Huang Tian is the ruler of the entire grassland."

"His progress in one day is worth our months or even years of accumulation."

"It is absolutely impossible to fight against Huang Tian with the power of this world alone. On the contrary, the longer we stay in this closed world, the greater the gap between us and Huang Tian will be."

"We... have been in a dead situation for a long time, and now we can only survive in death.

But at this moment, Aba suddenly screamed again, and black air appeared on his body, which was the breath of demon dye.

His body began to mutate violently, gradually transforming into a monster.

Chu Qiguang's voice came from the sky: "If you seek help from any external force without distinguishing, it may not necessarily bring about good results, and it is very likely to lead to worse consequences."

"Just like this serf, the sudden power and knowledge caused him to burst out with magic and become a monster... just because you are too impatient, Emperor of Taitai."

The next moment, soft light came from behind, and a demon-conquering charm fell gently on his head.

Abba, who was shrouded in talismans, gradually stopped screaming, and the demon dye in his body seemed to have stabilized.

"Chu Qiguang, everything is risky. The reason why I dare to do this is because I know you are here. Look at this serf... Wasn't he cured by you? And his future has been determined from now on. Change, he will no longer be a slave..."

The two voices gradually faded away, leaving the three monsters with frightened faces, looking at the flickering and shrinking light at the end of the sky.

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