Ruins of the past

Chapter 890 The Door to All Wonders 05 and Breakthrough of Common Sense

Chapter 890 The Door to All Wonders 0.5 and Breakthrough of Common Sense

"Book of Deep Space", "Code of Evil Spirits", "Star of the Emperor", "Book of the Emperor", "Scroll of the Stars"...

The large library that Zhan Tian broke into collected the taboo knowledge that the Vatican's masters from all over the world had found from all over the world, as well as various feedbacks obtained during the sacrifice to the emperor.

That was also an unprecedented harvest for Chu Qiguang, and it was a rich collection in the world.

One after another, the classics turned into pure information, injected into Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​consciousness from the other side of the void, and turned into waves of turbulent waves.

The waves erupted with twisted power that was enough to set off a series of demon-infested natural disasters, turning tens or hundreds of thousands of creatures into monsters.

But the terrible disaster was blocked, suppressed, absorbed and finally healed by Chu Qiguang's body.

This time, Chu Qiguang's super high resistance to demon dye did not disappoint him, and the knowledge that surged out of his mind made him feel even more relaxed.

The Ring of Foolishness on the chest erupted with waves of scalding heat, releasing one gift after another along with the surge of knowledge.

A large amount of knowledge was integrated into his memory and became part of his accumulation, constantly broadening Chu Qiguang's understanding of the universe, his views on the world, and even his understanding of the way of heaven.

"According to the Code of Evil Spirits, although ghosts are a type of monster, their incorporeal form is closer to the original form of monsters. They are terrifying creations of a great civilization..."

"The Star of the Emperor is the condensed breath power of the God of the Emperor. It surrounds the planet and is the power that protects the world..."

"The ancient evil is shining among the stars, and many evil gods are watching the mortal world. Only by relying on the protection of the Emperor can we resist the influence of the evil gods..."

"The method of making Imperial Holy Water is to start from the lowest level of talismanic water. After continuous prayers and sacrifices, you can obtain miraculous holy water..."

"The deep space ritual is a mysterious ritual to communicate with the gods outside the sky. It originally originated from the study of the Dictionary of Evil Gods by Lu Yue, the first bishop in the history of the Holy See..."

"The extraterrestrial magic from the stars is said to be the dark power created by a certain evil god observing the trajectory of the stars..."

All kinds of knowledge, some are the secrets in the dark history of that world, some are the mysteries about Huangtian, some are the knowledge of talismans passed down by Huangtian, and there are many cognitions related to the outer world, the universe, and the starry sky. , Taoism and various rituals.

Even the deep space rituals included ways to communicate with other outer worlds, including the hometowns of several so-called evil gods that Chu Qiguang helped Zhan Tian kill.

‘We are all old acquaintances. I think I can take some time to visit them one by one in the future. ’

This fruit of hard work was finally harvested, and it indeed brought Chu Qiguang a rich harvest.

A large amount of cognitive and historical knowledge can help him understand the universe and the God of Heaven better.

Although the knowledge of many rituals, Taoism, and talismans was different from the system he had been practicing, it was enough to give him profound thoughts and insights.

"The harvest of this wave of knowledge is too rich. In addition to the gifts that I can use in full, there are so many specific knowledge contents... It is impossible for me to study them one by one."

Chu Qiguang thought for a moment and decided to store the knowledge collected in the outer world into the Chamber of Commerce's knowledge base for exchange by the strong men in this world.

"The knowledge of another world... I'm afraid it will also have an impact on our world. There will definitely be many new martial arts and Taoism, and new technologies will be born as a result."

"And knowing for sure the existence of other worlds will inevitably have various cognitive impacts."

However, in Chu Qiguang's view, facing the gradual invasion of Huangtian World, such an impact is a necessary preparation.

It is far better to contact and accept the existence of other worlds bit by bit than to go into full-scale war with other worlds all at once.

Next, Chu Qiguang looked at his harvest of gifts.

Today, he has a total of 3,000 profound gifts, 2,300 dark gifts, and 1,500 cursed gifts.

'It's a pity that the foundation of that world is far inferior to the world I am in. Otherwise, harvesting the knowledge of an entire world might be enough for me to break through the realm and even reach the abyss? ’

Although the number of profound gifts is not enough for Chu Qiguang to break through to the next level, it still allows him to continue to promote the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Record" and "Refining Soul Record" series of rectification methods, and to cultivate his own third sect of holy rectification "" "Nine Nether Records".

Chu Qiguang had already obtained this system of Zhengfa when he suppressed the fish-men clan. He also understood that the inspiration for this system of Taoism came from the power of the Outer Distortion Empire, and was combined with the local Taoism.

According to Chu Qiguang's deduction, this series of ghost-type dharma can very well complement his magical powers, allowing his magical powers to be further improved in the future, and combined with Mengwang to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than ten.

In Chu Qiguang's view, the significance of this was even greater than his breakthrough into the realm of Shenyou.

In the blink of an eye, more than 1,700 profound gifts were consumed, and the knowledge from "Nine Nether Records" also emerged in his mind one by one.

Surging ghost power soared into the sky, and transformations emerged one after another inside and outside his body.

The 'spiritual realm' that originally belonged to the transformation of gods first ushered in waves of sublimation, turning into a starry sky dream that can freely transform dreams and ghosts into each other.

Then there was another manifestation of transformation, the 'Deep Space Call' that could affect the Star God's dreams turned into a Star God's Call that could further expand the dream.

The original touch of liberation that can transcend ghosts has been transformed into the touch of reincarnation during sublimation. In the process of transcending ghosts, there is an extremely small chance of enlightening their wisdom and turning them into self-aware ghosts.

Although there are only three transformations of Sainthood, each one is more terrifying than the last.

Chu Qiguang guessed that if the original Star God was not seriously injured, or was not discovered by the Great Xia Dynasty, but recovered silently after cultivating.

I'm afraid that the entire world has now become a paradise for ghosts and monsters, and has even become an outpost of the so-called aberration empire outside that day.

In the collection of the Holy See, there are also classics that mention the existence of the Aberration Empire.

It is said that the powerful aberrations among them can make the creatures of an entire world twist and go crazy in their sleep, turning them into pathetic monsters and becoming the minions of the empire.

"The Aberration Empire should be using methods similar to this kind of transformation into saints, right?"

"It is said that the aberrations (monsters) in the Aberration Empire have no ability to reproduce. They rely on such infection and corruption to transform other creatures into their own compatriots."

Although he has mastered the three sage transformations of Dream of the Starry Sky, Call of the Star God and Touch of Reincarnation, Chu Qiguang does not intend to use them to create ghosts in large quantities.

After all, there have been enough racial conflicts in society now, and it is hard to say whether the ghosts created will attract the attention of the Abnormal Empire.

After consuming a wave of profound gifts, Chu Qiguang set his sights on the 2,300 dark gifts.

The gift of darkness has always been used by Chu Qiguang to improve various martial arts, Taoism and even transformation.

But he has not consumed the Gift of Darkness all this time, because under the pressure of waves of battles, the improvement of realm is always placed first.

The collection speed of Dark Gift is much slower than that of Deep Gift, so they have not been able to catch up with the opportunity to use it.

But now Chu Qiguang is not in a hurry to pursue the realm of Shenyou, but focuses on his own magical powers that can completely change the world.

Chu Qiguang's self-created magical power has been somewhat successful after repeated deductions and tests over the years. Its basic Taoist technique is the Gate of Wonders, which is also the name of this magical power.

Now he wants to try to see if he can use the Gift of Darkness to directly improve the level of the Gate of Wonders, thus greatly saving his training time.

So the next moment, a full 1800 Dark Gifts were consumed in an instant, and the Gate of Wonders also underwent huge changes in his mind in an instant.

I saw Chu Qiguang forming seals with his hands, the magical book suddenly appeared, and transformations poured into his body.

A huge door opened above him, and a total of six transformation powers, including Everyone Like Me, Book of Divine Powers, Enlightenment from Heretics, Thousand Enlightenments of Fools, Dreams of the Starry Sky, and Call of the Star God, were poured into it.

Driven by the gift of darkness, the self-created magical powers suddenly made huge progress.

Nowadays, the gates of wonders can be brought together with the dream network, allowing people to contact the gates of wonders through dreams, and borrow and extract transformations in dreams.

And during the process of entering the dream, the power of the ghost realm can also be used to borrow part of the dreamer's unused brain power and spiritual power to further expand the influence of the dream and the gate of wonders.

In other words, the more people who enter the dream, the more people the Dream Network and the Gate of Wonders can carry and serve. It can be called a good magical power that everyone can do for me and I can do for everyone.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'This can be considered the 0.5 version of the Gate of Wonders. New testers can be added. ’

He secretly estimated that the current Gate of Wonders could communicate with a maximum of 5,000 to 10,000 people, which was obviously another qualitative improvement.

But transformation alone is not enough. Chu Qiguang's next goal is to allow the Gate of All Wonders to spread martial arts, Taoism, and even supernatural powers.

I saw his hands forming seals, the book of magical powers reappeared, the door to all wonders was taken away by his thought, and the immeasurable heart seal of the future was injected into his body.

But soon Chu Qiguang frowned. The next moment, the power of the future immeasurable heart seal was included in the magical book, and the gate of all wonders appeared above his head again.

"This is the limitation of the magical book. I can't use two magical powers at the same time. I can only use one temporarily..."

"Is there any way to use these two magical powers at the same time?"

"If these two magical powers can be possessed and used at the same time, not only will the deduction work be greatly accelerated, but my combat power will also increase dramatically."

While Chu Qiguang was studying magical powers, a large number of orders were conveyed through the blood pool and Jin Nu.

The second phase of testing on the Gate of Wonders is about to begin, and a group of testers need to be screened.

The knowledge of another world is about to be revealed to the world, and preparations need to be made.

The deep space ritual from the Holy See has been learned by Chu Qiguang, and Jin Nu began to make arrangements for the preparations required for the ritual.

Soon, Chu Qiguang's will will set foot in the next world to collect new resources for him and his world.

Xinghan 2 years, June.

Night City.

Emperor Tai Tai disguised himself as a fish-man and walked on the streets.

Over the years, he has remained anonymous and hidden in many ways, watching countries such as Da Zhu and Da Tai being defeated one after another.

He endured the grief of losing his country and his family in order to one day defeat Chu Qiguang and bring the world back to the right path.

But under the leadership of Chu Qiguang, the world in front of him became increasingly unfamiliar to him.

For example, Emperor Tai Tai wanted to find a place to stay after coming to Night City.

But they found that all kinds of bridge holes, dilapidated temples, and wooden sheds where they could have lived casually were all gone.

Even lying down casually on the ground would attract the attention of the Public Security Bureau, who wanted to arrange for him to be moved to a residence specially designed to accommodate refugees.

Emperor Tai Tai casually got rid of those peace officers and wanted to simply find an inn to stay, but found that everything had to be paid for with the universal Qi and blood.

However, Emperor Tai Tai was unwilling to handle the universal account, so he could only wander around the streets these days without a fixed residence.

‘This is a terrible country. Chu Qiguang’s surveillance and spies are everywhere. Everyone’s martial arts power, location information, and personal property are all under his control. ’

'But the people here have been completely brainwashed and have completely given up their freedom for the sake of a little profit. ’

Looking at the numb smiles and pale happiness of the people and monsters on the street, Emperor Tai Tai felt only a lonely sadness.

‘I’m afraid they and I are the only ones in this world who can still stay awake and are willing to fight against Chu Qiguang, right? ’

Thinking of the senior master who saved him, Emperor Tai Tai felt a burst of admiration and fear in his heart.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable even to him now. It is precisely because of the opponent's existence that he has been able to keep working hard over the years and wait for the opportunity.

And all kinds of persistence finally paid off for him. With the help of the Emperor's Angel, he obtained the heart relics passed down by the Buddha, and with the help of the destiny of demons to conquer people, after a two-pronged approach, he made great achievements in cultivation. breakthrough.

Today's Emperor Tai Tai has broken through the realm of meditation and completed the "Maha Ten Vehicles of Samatha-Visitation" of the Fanjing Sect.

'Now I can enlighten the dojo and transform the protector at will within the dojo. I can use the protector to replace the dead and injured, exchange spatial locations, and store the transformation of magical powers. The original magical powers have also been sublimated again. As long as one thought remains alive, the body will not die... '

After Emperor Tai Tai entered the realm of Shenyou, not only did his combat power increase significantly, but his already extremely powerful life-saving ability also increased dramatically.

This gave him the confidence to go to Night City to find out Chu Qiguang's true identity.

'If Chu Qiguang has also broken through to the realm of Shenyou, then naturally everything should be considered in the long run, but if he fails to break through...'

Thinking of this, Emperor Tai Tai's eyes flashed with a cold light.

A month later, after repeated investigations, Emperor Tai Tai was able to confirm that Chu Qiguang was in the underground space of the Sala Palace.

On this day, he used illusions and broke into the Sala Palace. He felt as if he was in a deserted place along the way.

When he went deep into the underground of Salo Palace and came to Chu Qiguang, a hint of joy immediately flashed in his eyes.

"Chu Qiguang, I didn't expect that you haven't broken through the realm of Shenyou yet."

"Having occupied a lot of cultivation resources in the world, but still unable to make any breakthrough for more than ten years, this is probably destiny."

Emperor Tai Tai sighed and walked slowly in front of Chu Qiguang: "The difference in realm is like a chasm, so you don't have to struggle."

"But since you are also a generational genius, I can give you time to leave a last message."

Just when Emperor Tai Tai thought that the overall situation was under control, Chu Qiguang in front of him suddenly said: "If you dream, what would you like to dream about?"

Emperor Tai Tai was slightly startled. When he came to his senses, he found that he had returned to his position outside Salo Palace.

His expression changed, and he rushed into the palace again, came in front of Chu Qiguang, and stretched out his hand to kill him.

But the next moment, he came to the outside of Salo Palace again.

"What's going on? What kind of Taoist magic is this?"

"If Chu Qiguang hadn't broken through Shenyou, he wouldn't have been my opponent..."

"But why am I the one who fell under his spell now?"

Emperor Tai Tai rushed towards Chu Qiguang again and again, but the other party was like an out-of-reach phantom, and every impact would bring him back to the door of the Sala Palace.

Even after he began to take action in other directions in Night City, no matter where he went or what he did, everything would eventually return to the moment when he came outside the Sala Palace.

It was as if his time was forever fixed at this moment. No matter how he resisted or acted, he could no longer push his time forward one minute or one second. All futures seemed to have turned into a dream at this moment.

Finally, Emperor Tai Tai came to Chu Qiguang again, and couldn't help asking the other person the question in his heart: "Chu Qiguang, have you also broken through to the Shenyou realm?"


Emperor Tai Tai didn't believe it: "It's impossible, if you are not in the realm of Shenyou..."

In front of him, Chu Qiguang was using the Fearless Seal with one hand and the Wish Seal with the other, exuding an aura of infinite courage and future changes for all living beings.

At the same time, the wonderful doors above Chu Qiguang's head opened, and infinite wisdom seemed to flow out of it and spread to every corner of the world.

Just listen to him saying lightly: "The difference in realm is indeed an iron law of this world. According to common sense, it is difficult for the Tongsheng realm to defeat the Shenyou realm no matter what."

"But I've gone beyond the norm."

Emperor Tai Tai still didn't believe it: "It's impossible... It's only been more than ten years. Even if you occupy the world's resources, how can you violate the iron law that generations of strangers have been unable to break for thousands of years..."

But I heard Chu Qiguang say softly: "With my talent, one year of cultivation is equivalent to ten years of cultivation for a little demon like you."

"And after I create the immeasurable heart seal of the future, one day of practice is equivalent to the months of hard work I spent in the past."

"To me, it's just more than ten years of practice, but to you, my magical powers at the moment have been accumulated over thousands of years."

"What do you do to win?"

Emperor Tai Tai gritted his teeth, still instinctively unwilling to believe what Chu Qiguang said.

He tried his best to break through Chu Qiguang's magical power, but he saw the earth sinking, the Buddhist world reversed, and even thousands of people and demons being transformed into protectors by him...

But no matter how earth-shaking the Emperor Tai Tai was, he still returned to the gate of the Sala Palace in reincarnations.

Chu Qiguang walked slowly in front of him, looked at Emperor Tai Tai whose fighting spirit was constantly being wiped out, and said calmly: "Are you willing to join my sect and prove my magical power?"

"Me?" Emperor Tai Tai slowly raised his head and said with confusion and disbelief: "Are you willing to teach me?"

Chu Qiguang said matter-of-factly: "I am willing to save all sentient beings so that all sentient beings can gain the magical power of freedom and ease."

"Of course that includes you."

"But my magical powers don't need to be taught."

"Sent to you directly."

The next moment, Emperor Tai Tai only felt his mind swaying. The magical power called the Future Infinite Heart Seal was poured directly into his body, and countless future possibilities emerged in front of him.

He was like a fish jumping out of the long river of time for the first time, seeing countless changes in the future.

After a long time, he looked at Chu Qiguang blankly, tears slowly falling in his eyes.

"There are such magical powers in the world..."

At the same time, the power of demon dye gradually gathered in his eyes.

Chu Qiguang sighed and withdrew his magical power: "It's a pity that your capacity can't bear this magical power."

Ten Thousand Buddhas East District in Night City.

In the core area of ​​the city center.

The Buddha of Immortality is circulating his energy and blood in the house he rented.

'I have re-cultivated the "Maha Ten Vehicles of Samatha-Vipassana" and officially entered the realm of meditation. ’

‘As far as I know, Chu Qiguang has been unable to break through Shenyou. ’

‘Even if Chu Qiguang cannot be killed, it is not difficult to defeat him. ’

‘Do you want to take action? ’

‘Should I wait until I recover the strength of the next Shenyou Zhengfa? ’

Just as the Buddha was thinking carefully, he saw a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, and Emperor Tai Tai with a bare head and a monk's robe had appeared in front of him.

At the same time, Chu Qiguang's voice also reached the ears of the Immortal Buddha.

"This is Emperor Tai Tai. After he completed the "Maha Ten Vehicles Samatha-Vipassana", he was moved by my Buddhist teachings and has voluntarily joined my disciples to practice."

"You take him with you for a while, and then we can work hard together."

Buddha Buddha looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment. Emperor Tai Tai nodded and said: "Brother Buddha Buddha, from now on everyone will practice under the master's seat. Please give me your advice."

But deep doubts arose in the mind of the Indestructible Buddha, and he remembered his last defeat at the hands of Chu Qiguang.

"Is all this before me true or false?"

"Is he really the Emperor of Taitai?"

"Am I really practicing in Night City?"

"Have I really restored the practice of "Maha Ten Vehicles Samatha-Vipassana"?

"Or was he once again involved in Chu Qiguang's magical power when he was thinking?"

Looking at the Tai Tai Emperor who had his hair cut off and became a monk in front of him, the Buddha was suddenly confused and confused.

On the other side is the Sala Palace.

Chu Qiguang felt the Gate of Wonders and the Infinite Heart Seal of the Future operating simultaneously in his body, and thought to himself: "When these two magical powers are used together, it is indeed infinitely wonderful."

At the same time, because of the human-cat complementary skills, he felt waves of intense sleepiness from Jiaojiao's body.

Ever since he and Jiaojiao completed the art of human-cat complementation and lent each other the immeasurable future heart seal, Chu Qiguang had the ability to use two magical powers at the same time.

In the future, the immeasurable heart seal is too powerful, and only special beings like Jiaojiao, or powerful Shenyou like Emperor Tai Tai, can survive by borrowing this magical power.

Jiaojiao was able to borrow it for a long time without caring about the influence of the magic dye.

However, Jiaojiao also fell into a deep sleep again after borrowing the immeasurable heart seal of the future, and she didn't know what strange abilities she would awaken when she woke up.

Chu Qiguang could only hold back his sleepiness and continued to use the Gate of Wonders and the Infinite Future Heart Seal at the same time.

Countless dreams turned into all kinds of future bubbles, appearing back and forth in his mind.

At the same time, users of the Gate of Wonders are constantly feeding back new transformation information. Almost every day, new transformation power and qi and blood power are stored in the Gate of Wonders.

Chu Qiguang's accumulation and foundation continued to skyrocket at an unimaginable speed every minute.

A month later, news came from Jinnu: "Mr. Chu, preparations for the deep space ceremony are complete."

The light in Chu Qiguang's eyes gradually converged, and the seals on his hands changed, and he saw that the materials needed for various rituals had been moved directly in front of him in the flash of golden light.

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