Ionia, Shuxin Pavilion

Ruiwen took a newspaper bought from outside and returned to the Cultivation Pavilion, while holding a lot of vegetables and meat and other foods in her hand.

Recently, Ruiwen has begun to learn to cook.

“Shopkeeper, look, isn’t this Nanxi City the place that the customer predicted last time? And why are so many people afraid of me, and I have no malice. ”

Ruiwen puffed out her mouth dumbly, her eyes were full of doubts, and then took the newspaper and handed it to Li Fulang.

Just went out to buy something, and people avoided Ruiwen along the way, which made Ruiwen very suspicious.

She just carries a big sword behind her back, is she so afraid?

Li Fuxian took the newspaper and glanced at his mouth, are you carrying the storm sword to buy vegetables?

People are small citizens, see you carrying a big sword to buy vegetables, don’t be scared to death?

Although it is said that there is force in Ionia, you are too unscrupulous like this!

With a slander in his heart, Li Fulang still read the newspaper.

“The Noxus squad attacked Nanxi City, completely destroying Nanxi City, killing and injuring countless people!”

Large blood-red characters are prominently displayed in the newspaper.

In an instant, Li Fuwan’s face became gloomy, wasn’t this Nanxi City detonated? Why did you still blame Noxus?

“Ruiwen? Which newspaper sells your newspaper? ”

Hearing this, Ruiwen tilted her head and thought for a while, blinked her eyes blankly, and shook her head.

“I don’t know, but the people at their newspaper seem to be very enthusiastic about me, that’s why I buy the newspaper!”

Ruiwen carefully thought about the scene at that time, and then pointed to the storm sword behind her and explained to Li Fulang.

“I’m not carrying the Storm Sword, they are a little afraid of me and don’t talk to me, but the people in this newspaper are very enthusiastic, and they want me to participate in some kind of brotherhood or something, but I refused!”

Hearing this, Li Fuxian showed an expression on his face.

This newspaper was indeed opened by the Brotherhood of Navoli!

Ember blew up Nanxi City, and then the Brotherhood of Navoli took control of the fishing boat and blamed Noxus for the case, stirring up a popular revolt.

The more the Ionians hated Noxus, the more beneficial the Brotherhood of Navoli became!

After all, the Navoli Brotherhood started with war, and it also preached ideas such as rebelling against Noxus and unifying Ionia.

“It’s a good trick! Hum! ”

Li Fuxian snorted coldly and knocked on the Storm Great Sword, “Storm, don’t let any cats and dogs approach Ruiwen in the future!” ”

“Ruiwen is our Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and if there is such a situation in the future, you will consciously make a move yourself!”

In case Ruiwen was really tricked away, then Li Fulang had no place to cry.

The Storm Great Sword groaned softly, responding to Li Fuwan’s words.

The group of squinted guys just now, he wanted to hack directly to death!

After being nagged by Ruiwen for a long time, Storm Great Sword gradually accepted the fact that he was controlled by Ruiwen.


Ruiwen’s face turned red when she heard this, and she clenched her fists delicately, what does the shopkeeper mean by this?

I am a person from the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

Is this a recognition of yourself?

Ruiwen was like a deer bumping into her heart, and began her own cranky thoughts.

“What do you think? Let’s go cook, Ruiwen! The memory magic food that I want you to learn today, have you learned it? ”

Seeing Ruiwen standing dumbfounded, Li Fuxiang couldn’t help but be speechless for a while, and rubbed Ruiwen’s head.

Li Fulang opened up a lot of privileges to Ruiwen, such as cooking books, Ruiwen can watch the whole book for free, and there is no need to pay gold coins at all.

This is for the all-round development of Ruiwen and cultivate Ruiwen into a multi-faceted talent!

I only know that the maid who fights and kills is not a good maid!

It’s not to satisfy his appetite!

“Ahhh Good! ”

A flash of panic flashed in Ruiwen’s eyes, her heart fluttered, and she quickly escaped and ran to the inner room with meat and vegetables.

But in just an instant, Ruiwen ran back again.

“That, shopkeeper, memory magic food, you have to know magic to make it, I won’t!”

Hearing this, Li Fuxian groaned for a moment, walked to the weapons area, took out Mikael’s crucible, and handed it to Ruiwen.

Memory magic food, can awaken people’s good memories, together with expanding the deliciousness of food to the extreme, just listening to the introduction will make you drool.

Although Ruiwen can’t do magic, but it doesn’t matter, Mikael’s crucible is an artifact, this magic piece of cake.

Ruiwen nodded shyly, took the crucible and went to cook, in fact, Ruiwen was also curious about the memory magic food.

At the same time, the weapons zone exploded.

“What’s wrong with the crucible, it was taken out by the shopkeeper, there won’t be any danger!”

“Bah, dangerous chicken feathers, crucible is an artifact, and the characteristic is to purify all negative effects, he can be fine, I ate the scythe!”

“you, dare to eat Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu sucked all the electricity on your body dry! ”

The weapons area chatters, where a group of artifacts are noisy, especially the Electric Knife and the Scythe, who are most excited, discussing where the crucible goes.

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