Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

301. Isn't The Road Long? (Season Finale)

"Sure enough, it can't end so easily.

Rodin narrowed his eyes.

He swept towards the figure in robes who was walking forward step by step.


within the enchantment.

His body and fruit ability seemed to be sealed.

Can't move.

The same goes for the rest of the crew.

I can tell.

It's all Five Elders' tricks, and the purpose is to make Im.

Let's do it?!

"Thank you for your hard work."

Im glanced at the five old men who were burning their vitality, and then looked in Rodin's direction.

Eyes like a crimson moon.

Light up slightly.

"You guys, are you ready?

her lips.

Unusually bright.

"The king of the world? You've been pretending to be a ghost for so long... Hurry up if you want to do it.

Rodin sneered: "Your body can't wait."


They are about to break free from the shackles of the Five Elders, presumably the same goes for Bai Huniang and the others.

Rodin wanted to see it.


What is the ability to solve them in this short time?


Confidence is self-confidence, he will not sit still.

Foolishly waiting for the opponent to kill.


He contacted the 'four-star girly card—Ku Zan!' in the storage ring.

Under the communication of thinking.

In an instant.

A large black hole broke out in the sky within the enchantment.

This scene.

Naturally attracted Im.

She frowned.

Stretch out your plain hand, and a flash of light shoots up!

And at this moment.

A large number of cold wave ice thorns floated from the sky!!!


The two collide.

The light easily tore through the ice, and then shot in smoothly.

Immediately afterwards.

There were clicking sounds one after another.

on the black hole.

A pool of broken ice fell.

But the next second.

The ice quickly condensed and turned into a tall woman with blindfolds.

"Ah la la, is it so big when you come here||?"


Feeling the gradually stiff body, he didn't panic.

Instead, he glanced at Rodin.

"about there."

Rodin's arms began to congeal with blood.


Spreads to the back and the whole body!


He broke free!

It turned into a rapidly flickering purple lightning, and teleported in the direction of Im.

And Im.

The moment he shot down Ku Chan, he didn't expect Rodin to break free so quickly.

Put your hands together.

A pull.

A huge and dazzling white light covered her whole body.



White light turned into streamer.

They scattered towards the directions determined by the women, and one of them fell towards the top of Im's head strangely.

And at this moment.

Rodin held the Thunder Spear in his right hand, and it happened to flash directly above Im's head.

Never mind.

He stabbed straight down!

And the streamer in the sky.

It also successfully pierced Rodin's body!

When the other streaks of streamer hit the girls, the girls all broke through the restrictions and used their own moves to deal with the streamers.

In contrast to Five Elders.

After burning the last trace of life, he fell powerlessly from mid-air.

The barrier disappears.


The earth trembled and dust and smoke filled the air.



Surrounded Im.

After an unknown amount of time, the shadow robe was torn.

Im was beaten terribly under the punches and kicks, but the women thoughtfully did not hit her in the face.

but to take her true countenance,

Saved for last!

"I'm a bit disappointed, Im, I didn't expect you to lose so quickly,"

Rodin came over and lifted Im's chin, who was lying on the ground.

look at her face.

He showed a puzzled expression.

He doesn't know.

But... there is something familiar, it always feels like I have seen it somewhere.


Very similar to Nami's face.

"You look familiar to me, Convergence of the World.

"What else can a person grow into?"

Em smiled.

The smile is very free and easy: "It has been eight hundred years, and a new generation replaces an old one, just like a reincarnation.

"You, after all, will be like me."

"No, I'm nothing like you."

Rodin shook his head.

Crushed Im's jaw, then hugged her.

Here comes one.

Hug kill!

"Kacha Kacha——

There was the sound of a broken spine.

Im, the king of the world, was strangled to death in this way.


There are also credits to the women at that time.

The screen changed.

Rodin sat on the long-lost Void Throne, and a whole week had passed.


After Marine learns that the World government has been breached and a large number of Celestial Dragons have been held hostage by Rodin.

Then he has no intention of fighting again.


It also surrendered naturally.

no way.

The master is gone, what else can they do?

Fight to the death?


And the Revolutionary Army... then successfully teamed up with Rodin to push the Celestial Dragons back from the throne.

It was lifted.

The leader Drago also disappeared.

The dust settled.

Unprecedented big news spread all over the world and after the Grand Line.

The pirates didn't dare to show their faces freely, for fear that Rodin would destroy them if he got angry.

And the new Marine.

It is recruiting on a large scale, and there are many people who join enthusiastically! Compared with's like ushering in spring!

Crime rates fell sharply.


No oppression.

The quality of life has also increased rapidly, and everything is developing in a good direction!

……… (Wang Hao Zhao)

holy place.

The sun was setting.

Rodin sat on the stone, looking at the falling into a smile.

behind him.

It was Mihoko and the others.

"`~ Along the way, let you leave your hometown and come here...Do you regret it?"

He tilted his head slightly.


It made Rodin's profile face pale golden.

Very manly.

The girls laughed.

The smile is so intoxicating, so determined.

"If you regret it, you won't be able to take this step."

"Wow, Captain, don't be so sensational... It's like everyone is leaving!"

"Xixixixi, the road ahead is still long, isn't it?"


Rodin lay on the ground, spread his hands, and smiled heartily: "Grand Line has many routes, and the places where we are drawn... There are still many, aren't there?"

"Go ahead and blow!"

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