Chapter 041 Alrita, leaving without saying goodbye

On this day, the Golden Merry was successfully launched, which also meant that a new journey was about to begin.

However, a small incident occurred that day.

Alrita suddenly disappeared.

She did leave without saying goodbye to everyone, but she did not escape secretly.

After all, with Lu En's current strength, it is impossible to leave quietly.

In other words,

Alrita left with Lu En's tacit consent.

In fact, not only Lu En, but also Makino, Nokigo and Nami have been mentally prepared for this matter.


Kaya, who just joined, has discovered some clues in the past few days of getting along.

It's not that everyone rejects and isolates Alrita. There are many reasons for this.

First of all, there is a world of difference between the way

Alrita and several other girls joined the team.

The others were invited by Lu En to join, while Alrita came in as a prisoner.

Because of this,

Alrita has always had a sense of inferiority in her heart, always feeling inferior to others.

Therefore, she has always been unable to deeply integrate into the circle of girls.

In addition, Alrita knew very well that the reason why Lu En did not kill her at the beginning was because she was still useful at that time and was on board as a sparring partner.

But now, the strength of other girls is already equal to her, and some have even surpassed her. Now she has no meaning as a sparring partner.

Of course, if it were just because of the above reasons,

Alrita would not choose to leave without saying goodbye.

Because she knows her heart very well. After getting along with Lu En for this period of time, she has fallen in love with Lu En.

The real reason why Alrita chose to leave without saying goodbye is actually Lu En.

She is very keenly aware that Lu En treats her differently from other girls.

In short,

Lu En has a clear sense of alienation from Alrita compared to other girls. Needless to say, Makino and Nokigo are already Lu En's women.

And Nami, although she has not yet had a substantial relationship with Lu En, is just one step away.

In addition, as a bystander, Alrita clearly saw that even the newly joined ship doctor Kaya was cared for by Lu En.

Only for her, Lu En treated her like a friend, but could never go further.


Alrita finally made up her mind and chose to leave quietly.

She left a letter for Lu En, expressing her love for Lu En directly.

She also said that if they were destined to meet again on the Grand Line in the future, Alrita wanted to officially join the team as a partner, and hoped that Lu En would accept her then.

In order to show her determination, Alrita also left her weapon, the mace. Lu En stood at the bow of the Golden Merry, holding Kaya in his left hand and the mace in his right hand.

"Let's go, next stop is Rogue Town!"

Nami leaned on the edge of the boat, looking at the blue sea.

"I'm so excited! We're heading to the Grand Line soon!"

"I want to be the first navigator to draw a nautical chart of the Grand Route!"

"I want to take the great secret treasure One Piece home!"

"Then, announce the location of the final island, Raftanlu, to the whole world!"

"Let pirates from all over the world reach Raftel"

"Let them all run in vain!"

"When they got there, they found that the great secret treasure had already been taken away by me!"

"Ha ha ha ha!……"

Nami is not only an excellent navigator, but also a girl who loves money like her life. She has always been obsessed with the great treasure One Piece.

Makino leaned in Lu En's arms with a sweet look on her face.

"I just want to accompany Lu En and travel around the world for our honeymoon!"

"As for going anywhere, as long as Lu En is here!"

Nuo Qigao hugged Lu En's waist and put his little face on Lu En's broad back.

"I think the same as Sister Makino"


"I have another dream, but I don't know if it can come true."

When Nami heard Nojiko talking about her dream, she jumped to her side and turned Nojiko's cheek to look at her.

"Come on, tell me, Nojiko, what is your other dream?"

"It will definitely work. I will help you make it happen."

"Even if I am not capable enough, I still have everyone here, and Lu En is here!"

Lu En reached out and touched Noqi Gao's head.

"Yes, Nami is right!"

"Nojigo, share your dream with everyone!"

Nojigo walked to the bow, took a look at the sea, and then faced everyone solemnly.

"I want to visit the Navy Headquarters!"

"Bellemeier was a navy officer when she was young. When I was a child, I often heard her talk about her navy days. Every time she talked about it, her eyes lit up!"


"Bellmère always had one regret"

"That is, although she had been a navy officer, she had never had the opportunity to visit the Navy Headquarters. After all, the Navy Headquarters is not a market, not everyone can go there."


"I have had this dream since I was a kid. I dreamed of going to the Navy Headquarters when I grow up. I dreamed of going to the Navy Headquarters for Belle-mère."

Nami hugged Nojiko tightly, her eyes moist,

"Isn't it just going to the Navy Headquarters?"

"It will definitely work! And I will go with Nojiko. All of us will go together!"

"Lu En, don't you think so?"

Lu En smiled and nodded.

He knew how important Bellemeier was to Nami and Nokigo.

"no problem!"

"There is just one thing, there may be some small troubles."

Nami asked anxiously,"What trouble? Tell me quickly, can't even you, Lu En, do it?"

"That’s not the case!"

"It's our navigator, the great pirate Nami with a bounty of 80 million berries. It's probably not easy for her to enter the Marine Headquarters openly!"

Nami slapped her forehead,

"Oops! How could I have forgotten about this!"


"I'm not some pirate! We're a honeymoon group, not a pirate group!"

"This is all your fault, Lu En. You should be the one the Navy wants to put a bounty on!"

"How dare you laugh at me!"

Nami said as she was about to give Lu En a fist of love.

"Sister Nami, you are not allowed to bully Lu En!"

Ke Ya stood in front of Lu En.

Nami put away her fist and teased with a smile,

"Wow! Our beautiful ship doctor, you are too protective of Captain Lu En!"

Ke Ya said with a red face.

"I'm not protecting Lu En!"

"This is my duty as the ship's doctor. I have to do my best to prevent everyone from getting hurt."

Nami pinched Kaya's little face.

"I was just kidding. Keya, what is your dream?"...........................................................

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