Saint Seiya

Chapter 109: 108 - Forbidden Odyssey

When Saga decided to use that forbidden secret, Camiao and Shura were stunned.

"However, if that's the case..."

"The Saint Seiya who uses 'Athena's Astonishment' is no longer..."

If you can't say something like "no longer a Saint Seiya", you can't say it either.

"How is it? Are you ready to use it?"

Yu Xing asked them interestingly again, he didn't choose to do it at this time, he was trying to see if they had the courage.

"The battle of Athena's saints is a just battle, and it can only be done with dignity. Therefore, Athena hates weapons!"

"That Athena thought that it took the power of three golden saints to overthrow one of the 'Athena's Wonders', which was not allowed in a just battle, and was sealed as a despicable trick."

Both Kamui and Shura were afraid to use this trick for this reason.

"You know what? Saga!"

"If we use "Athena's Wonder", which Athena considers to be a despicable fighting technique and bans forever, then we..."

"Our proof as saints will be completely deprived, and after we die, even the future will be branded as more thieves than ghosts and animals forever!"

Because of the current anxiety and fear, Kamui finally expressed their sincere thoughts.

"...Did you both forget? What did we use the life we ​​got from Hades to come to this zodiac? No matter what we have, we must go to Athena... Athena's side! For the sake of Well, wouldn't you be willing to give up your Saint Seiya's reputation and name?"

The two who heard this, their eyes widened, they definitely did not forget, they just lost themselves because of fear.

(If you are defeated by Yusei here, everything will end)

(I have died once, I have lost my entire body, and I am happy to accept the despicable stigma and the brand of a traitor) (For Athena...)

(For the ground...)

(love and peace……)

The three of them made up their minds at this time.


"Do you want to die? Yusei!"

Milo, who was at the entrance of the Centaur Palace, could not help shouting out because he felt his fighting spirit.

"I can feel Yusei's strong little universe"

"Let's go too!"

"It's useless. To enter this place can only be done with the power of God. No matter what we do, we can't interfere in this battle."

Mu knew Yuxing's secret, no, now everyone here knows it.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to watch Yuxing be killed? Mu, you should also feel that Saga and the others are no match for Yuxing. Kill Yusei with the Trinity!"

Aiolia's emotions also became excited, and he could feel what the three of Saga were going to do.

"Even so, we still can't get in."

Mu thought to himself that even his "spiritual power" was powerless.

"Then you can only cut off this space. No matter how powerful Yuxing is, if you get 'that move', you will definitely die. If you don't do it, let me come and help him!"

Knowing that it was useless, Aiolia might as well give it a try instead of standing here and doing nothing.

Speaking of burning the small universe, he swung his right fist:

"Lightning Bolt! (Lightning Shock

Countless lights went towards the Centaur Palace, and the sound of "bang" seemed to be blocked by something. The Centaur Palace didn't even move, and the attack from Aiolia instantly cut away and disappeared completely.


The blow with all his strength was completely unshakable.

"Don't waste your efforts, Aiolia, no matter how hard we attack, we can't do anything in front of Yusei who possesses the power of the "Contractor". However, Yusei took the lead for me when I didn't expect what I was going to do. Done.


"Shaka, what do you mean?"

Everyone who heard this was very surprised.

(However, even if Saga and the others use that trick, I don’t think they can defeat Yusei. His power is definitely more than what we have seen so far. Yusei has even more power.)

Shaka, who did not answer them, looked up at the Centaur Palace, although his eyes were closed.


They faced off in the illusion space, preparing for the final blow.

"Yu Xing, now I'll give you what you expect, using 'Athena's Astonishment'..."

"Looks like I've made up my mind! But if I avoid this move, you'll be shattered!"

That means there is only one chance.

"What we know"

"Enlarge your mind and travel to Nirvana"

"Yu Xing, your death will not be in vain"

You Xing smiled, and it was too early to say that he would die.

"finally coming?"

The three of Saga took a stance, Shura and Kamiao stood up on the left and right sides, Saga squatted down and knelt on one foot, the three of them touched their palms and walked forward. The three small universes gradually merged into one, and a powerful and amazing small universe erupted.

"Athena · Exclamation"

"Athena's Wonder" appeared on a small scale with destructive power comparable to the Big Bang that created the universe.

Located in the Palace of Sagittarius, this huge garden created by Yu Xing's illusion has disappeared without a trace at this moment. The sun in the sky remains.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the sanctuary, only that Yuxing's small universe disappeared in an instant.

The Golden Saint Seiya and Seiya who were standing at the entrance of the Centaur Palace showed shocked expressions.



"how come?"

Milo, Aiolia, and Mu opened their eyes and gritted their teeth, they couldn't believe it.

The four of Seiya were also stunned for a moment, and only recovered after a while.

"Yu Xing... is he dead?"

Seiya's eyes flickered, and it was obvious that he couldn't accept this fact. This is the same for Zilong, Binghe, and Shun.

Milo clenched his fists in anger.

"Damn, Saga! You killed Yusei with the "Athena's Wonder" forbidden by Athena! Have you fallen into the depths? I can't forgive it!"

Aiolia threw a punch to the side, breaking the stairs, and he shed unwilling tears.

"Yu Xing, I will avenge your revenge!"

Almost all the people next to him shed tears, as did Seiya and the others.

"One... Definitely!"

However, only Shaka did not, he still watched silently, he always felt that something was wrong.

(No, that's not right. This is still there, but it hasn't been lifted!)

At this moment, Shaka smiled bitterly as he felt that he had been deceived for a moment.

"Everyone calm down"

"How can you calm down, Yusei was killed!"

However, Aiolia cried out.

"Then go get revenge"

Shaka suddenly put down the bait.

"If you can get in, get in early..."

Milo shouted excitedly, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly thought of something.


Everyone was also reminded by this sentence, and they all looked forward.

"By the way, if Yusei is dead, why is the barrier of the Centaur Palace still there?"

Mu's words broke the sadness now.

"Indeed, what exactly is this?"

Even the hot-blooded Aiolia was cooled by these words. He threw a punch and released a light-speed punch, but the barrier surrounding the Centaur Palace was blocked.

"Ah, the barrier didn't disappear? If you say that..."

"Yu Xing is still alive..."

Seiya and Shun are both happy.


In the Centaur Palace, the three of Saga knelt on the ground and gasped for breath.

"You two will survive no matter what."

"Yeah, but the body is already torn apart, so I resorted to this move when I was seriously injured..."

"My body is as heavy as lead, I'm lucky to survive, I'm almost going back to the land of death, what a terrifying opponent!"

It was only used as a last resort, and it was not surprising that if you used it with such a body, you would die.

Just when Saga stood up, his mind shook and looked around.

"What's wrong? Saga!"

"Strange, this is clearly a space created by illusion. We were originally in the Centaur Palace. Since Yusei is dead, why does this space still exist?"



Both of them were startled, stood up and looked around.

"Yes... indeed!"


"Is it?"

Just when the three were shocked, a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Excellent determination, I did see it"

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and he closed his eyes and said with a slight sneer.

The three of them were all shocked, their eyes widened, showing a look of horror. Because the person in front of them was Yu Xing himself, and he didn't even have any injuries on his body, just like when he hadn't made a move before.

"You Star!"


"If you receive the 'Athena's Astonishment' that rivals 'Big Bang', no matter what it is, there will be no ashes left!"

They were shocked by the fact that Yusei was still alive.

"However, what is this?"

How was it avoided? They have absolutely no idea.

"Unfortunately, I'm still alive, not a ghost."

Yuxing's answer is very simple.

"Impossible, you can't be alive"

Shura shouted loudly.

"Actually, when you were about to make a move, I was still hesitating whether to avoid or move on? When the attack came, I chose to take this power..."

"If you accept it, you can't die. This power is not something that humans can withstand."

"I'm not lying to you, but this is just the entrance to the 'Great Power'."

Yu Xing didn't understand what Yu Xing said, but he couldn't pretend he didn't hear it.

"You mean entrance?"

Saga asked what that meant.

"Yes, my real small universe is far above this, something bigger than 'Big Bang'. In comparison, it's just a small scale."


"I can't tell you what it is now, I'm just joking. After you release the trick, I will cut off the small universe for a moment, and then hide my body, so that others think that my small universe has disappeared, that's all... "

Yuxing's prank made them pour a basin of cold water.

"Is it all calculated by you?"

"In order to protect Athena, how could I die now, even if you use 'Athena's Amazement', it won't hurt a single finger of me."

It's not a prank, they were all tricked by Yuxing.


Feeling Yuxing's small universe reappeared, becoming stronger than before, everyone at the door also felt it.

"This is Yuxing's little universe!"

It was Seiya who opened his mouth to let out a happy voice.

"Sure enough he's still alive"

"That guy didn't die so easily!"

Glacier and Shun both felt that they were put together.

"Great, great!"

Instantly burst into tears.

"As expected of Yusei!"

Mu looked at Aiolia and the others with a sigh of relief.

"It's really a cold sweat!"

Aiolia said that, but was very happy.

"We can't lose Yusei at this time. The battle with Hades is only starting now. He can be said to be the most important person on our side, and the only man who can control this holy war. His words will definitely defeat Hades... …”

Believing in Yusei's power more than anyone else, Shaka smiled.


Indeed, Yusei did not avoid it just now, but actually took over the "Athena's Astonishment".

In an instant, he released a small universe stronger than this one to resist, and then cut off the small universe to hide his appearance.

Seeing that he was still alive after taking over the power, Saga and the others were also strongly impacted.

"Then it's my turn this time."


Yu Xing's words made the three of them shout.

Then his eyes were shocked, "Ah", he was shocked, only to see Yu Xing put his left and right palms against the palms, just like Saga just now, but he stood up.

"Then... this time, it's my turn to use it, the forbidden secret - 'Athena's Amazement'..."

"Impossible, does he have to use 'Athena's Astonishment'!?"

"This is impossible, if we don't gather the power of the three golden saints..."

"you alone……"

Obviously it takes three people to use it, but Yu Xing wants to use this trick by one person, which is generally impossible.

"Don't underestimate me, I can unleash tricks like 'Athena's Astonishment' alone!"

You Xing doesn't say it's impossible, he thinks he has the ability to do it.

"Could it be..."

"If there is a small universe that can be equal to God, it's just a very simple thing to do. There was such a strategy in the past, it was 243 years ago, and it was also the battle with Hades. There was once a genius golden saint who performed "Athena's Marvel" alone. His small universe is not as good as I can do it, so there is no way I can't do it!"

The three of them were startled and took a step back.

"Also, I don't need the same consciousness as you. The reason why Athena forbids this move is to gather the power of the three golden saints. Once used, the evidence of the saints will be deprived, and the future will always be branded The brand that is inferior to ghosts and animals. But if it is used by one person, it does not violate the taboo, in other words, it is not subject to this rule, no matter how many times it is used.”

That's not without reason, as Yusei said.

Maybe he can do it, all three of Saga thought so.

"I thought I could defeat him with 'Athena's Marvel', but I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect this to happen..."

"This monster!"

The reason why Saga called him a monster was because he was shocked by Yuxing's extraordinary power.

"It's really rude to call someone a 'monster'. Well, forget it, it seems that the audience has been waiting at the door for a long time, so I will let them witness this last moment!"

Speaking of the small universe, the enchantment outside the Centaur Palace suddenly disappeared, and Seiya and others have already noticed it.


"The barrier is gone, you can go now!"

The golden saints nodded to each other, and all of them ran in, came to the space created by Yuxing's illusion, and watched the confrontation between the two sides.

"You Star!"

Mu and the others watched Saga's dark clothes disappear, and their bodies were seriously injured. It seemed that Yuxing had an overwhelming victory, so no one went up to help them.

Yu Xing didn't look at them, just fixed his eyes on the front.

"They're here, so it's over, Saga, Kamui, Shura, just disappear under the 'Wonder of Athena'!"

"It won't let you succeed!"

After Saga gritted his teeth, he immediately assumed a trinity posture, which shocked Seiya, Mu and the others.

"Looks like Yusei wants to utter the 'Athena's Amazement' alone!"

"Could it be that Saga and the others want to use it again?"

Milo's question became surprised.

"Our physical strength is almost gone, and we can barely stand with the remaining small universe. The only way we stay is this. We who have been banned once, even if we use "Athena's Wonder" again, there will be no hesitation. "

"Okay, for your final fighting spirit, let's use 'Athena's Marvel' to decide the outcome!"

Yuxing accepted their will, he did not hate them, and understood the reason for their resurrection.

But no one else could have let this happen.

"Stop, don't do this stupid thing!"

"What would happen if 'Athena's Wonder' collided with each other?"

Shun and Zilong felt that this was too terrifying.

"If the 'Athena's Wonders' that can rival 'Big Bang' collide with each other, the destructive power will not be doubled, not only doubled or tripled, but can also be increased to infinity. In this case, let alone The Centaur Palace, the Zodiac Palace, no, the entire Sanctuary will be wiped out!”

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