Saint Seiya

Chapter 331: 48- The day that cuts through the black cloud comes down to the holy sword that kills t

Yusei stood up straight and looked at Loki in the sky.

"Excellent power, Loki. Even if it's a scratch, it can hurt my face, so I'll give you a compliment!"

"Hmph, you are the one who was able to defend against that blow. As expected of the power called 'Ω' that created the universe."

One-sided praise, but no one was discouraged or careless.

Yu Xing can prevent it, he thought from the beginning. After all, with that kind of power, he didn't think that a single blow could knock him down, even with such a powerful force.

"Very good, you are finally presentable, it will be more interesting."

As if he hadn't met a strong enemy in a long time, Yusei was a little warm-hearted.

"Don't be too strong"

"Be brave? You're wrong, I'm just a little excited."


"That's right, it's since the battle with Hades that made me serious. I only used 40% of my strength in the battle with you just now, so you can't resist it. In order to resist the Gunnir Gun 』It took nearly 70% of the effort to block it, and I should praise you for being able to use it to such a degree.」

What he meant, what he understood was that he hadn't used his full strength, and the power of resisting the magic spear was also, Yu Xing hadn't used 100% of his full strength.

Hearing this, Loki narrowed his eyes.

"Really, how arrogant do you have to be. It's useless for you to scare me with words, as long as there is this 'Gungnir Gun'... This ground is already mine!"

He raised the gun to Yusei.

It's more like a two-sided tomahawk than a gun. The middle is golden, but the side of the gun is silver-white, and there is a red four-cornered gem in the middle.

The handle of the gun is black, and a red cloth scarf is tied to it.

"You seem to have forgotten something, Loki!"

Yu Xing's fierce eyes made people have to be afraid.

"Forgot what?"

"That's...the fact that I have the power to manipulate time."

A sudden word knocked Loki down into the abyss.

He did forget.

"There are many ways to deal with 'Gungnir's Gun'."

Yusei raised his right hand, and the power of time spread over Valhalla Palace and the whole of Asgard.

"Time, go back! Restore everything..."

A huge clock appeared, surrounded by silver lightning.

"The return of time—"

As Yusei shouted loudly, the light flashed, and everything in the destroyed place was restored.

For only a few seconds, Loki's blow just now seemed to have never happened. For example, in the affected towns, some people were buried under the rubble due to the collapse of their houses. All of them were not injured, and the houses did not collapse.

Yuxing went back in time, and not only was no one injured, but there was not even a single place that was damaged.

Except for the people here, no one remembers the scene just now, as if it never happened.


Loki shouted in the air.

"Impossible, what did you do?"

"Oh, you don't know. The mystery possessed by the God of Time makes time start over again."

Not everyone understands Yu Xing's explanation.

"Do it again?"

"what does that mean?"

Zilong and Seiya also spoke in a questioning tone.

"Just turn back time, before you attack..."

They can understand it.

"Reverse time?"

"Is that possible?"

Glacier and Shun's question can only make Yuxing clearer.

"Even though it's going backwards, it can only be up to two minutes ago. If it exceeds this time period, even I can't go back."

Yu Xing closed his eyes and said this.

"Two minutes ago?"

Speaking of two minutes ago, it was just before Loki was about to swing his attack, and he couldn't go back to the time before he got the Gunnir's gun.

"I haven't acquired the power of time very long, so I can't use it proficiently yet. If I want to reverse time on a large scale, I need the power of the true "Ω". To be able to use it, you must have the "power of God"."

Loki gritted his teeth with hatred, and fear dominated him.

"I didn't expect the Pope to get such power!"

"Has the Pope used it before? Or is it the first time?"

"It's the first time"

"You knew it was possible the first time, right?"

The surprise of the Golden Saints is not surprising at all.

To this end, Yu Xing smiled and closed his eyes.

"It's okay if I can't, because I'm Pope Yusei!"

Say so.

- so handsome

Everyone thought so in their hearts, and they really hoped that one day they would be able to say such lines.

Yuxing looked at Loki and said with a sneer:

"Then let's fight again!"

Loki raised the "Gungnir Gun" again, and was flashing a powerful force. It seemed that no matter how unfavorable it was, this weapon really gave Loki confidence.

"I was a little careless before, but after I understand the true face and power of the Gunnir Gun, it's not enough to be afraid of. All I need is the small universe above it to smash it."

It's easy to say, but it's almost impossible for people to do it.

Yusei is a person who can turn the impossible into a possibility, and his "Ω" at this moment has not been used to the fullest. No need to go all out, eighty percent is enough to destroy it.

Just as he was walking up, his body suddenly emitted a golden light, followed by emerald green lightning emitting from his body.

" this?"

Unexpected things happened, Yu Xing didn't know why his body had this sign. He didn't activate any special abilities and didn't do anything.


"The spirit of thunder has gone berserk? No, that's not right!"

His body exudes countless light spots, it should be said that the elves, the elves are wrapping around his body.

"Pope, what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

Habinga and your ghost asked at the same time.


Loki didn't know what was going on, and always felt a bad premonition. He was about to attack, but the gun didn't obey his orders.

"What's up?"

When I said this, I immediately thought of the reason.

(No, it's not the gun's problem. The problem is the guy...)

Of course the "that guy" was not referring to Odin, but Yusei.

(He has a power different from that of "Ω". Besides, this huge little universe that no one can approach... is it impossible for me to attack!)

There are so many things Yuxing can shock him as a god.

Objectively speaking, even Yu Xing did not expect this scene in front of him.

It was something that had never happened in the past that the elves would run away without permission, ignoring the contract's orders. The "Contractor" should be the existence that rules them, which is also what the Elf King once said.

If the elf comes out on its own, it means violent. However, Yuxing didn't feel like he was going berserk, and he could still control the elves.

"What do you want to do?"

This is for the elves.

But it was impossible to answer, the elves were as small as fine sand and could not speak.

The elves that ran out broke away from Yu Xing's body, and all gathered in front of him less than a meter away. Countless elves gradually came close to each other, followed by dazzling flashes.

"What's up?"

"What happened again?"

Only Yusei is not obstructed by this light.

The light appeared for ten seconds, and then disappeared. In front of Yuxing, a large white sword with a golden hilt appeared there, and the sword was naturally inserted in the scabbard.

The scabbard has many strange patterns.

Of course, Seiya and the others didn't know about the sword that suddenly appeared, and only Yuxing knew about it here.

Seeing the sword appear in front of his eyes, Yu Xing's eyes widened, expressing shock.

"What is that sword?"

Cali whispered behind, and in fact everyone wanted to ask the same.

"It turned out to be... the holy sword that slays the Demon King——'Demon Slayer'"

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes and said its name.

"Demon Slayer?"

They heard the name for the first time.

(The "Holy Sword" given to me by the Elf King actually descended on this earth)

This is not a good thing, Yu Xing is very clear.


"What's the deal with the weapons that bring destruction and ignorance? They should know that I won't use this sword on this earth, why did it appear?"

No one knew what Yu Xing was talking about.

Seiya walked over to Yusei, looked at the sword and then looked at him.

"This is your weapon, Yusei! Since it's there, why don't you use it?"

The sword's body has the same breath as Yuxing, and Seiya understands it very well.

"You say it simply because you don't know what this sword is. When you do, you won't let me use it."

Yu Xing said this with a wry smile.

"What kind of sword is this? You said 'the holy sword that slays the Demon King'? Is it the same as the 'Sword that penetrates the truth' and the 'Phoenix Sky Dance' given by the Spirit King?"

"That's right, this is the weapon entrusted to me by the Lightning Spirit King when I became a 'Contractor'. The history and records of this sword are meant to be told in the distant mythological era."

Yusei completely ignored Loki.

"Can we hear it?"

Zilong and several others also came up.

"Okay, let me tell you about the history of this sword."

Yuxing raised his head into the air, and everyone held their breath.

"In the age of mythology, this was a weapon forged by the hand of the elf king—'the holy sword that slays the demon king'. The name of this sword alone is scary, and it was specially made to kill the demon king. Holy Sword

"What's wrong with that?"

Glacier also came to ask.

"It was made of the strongest metal in the universe, and the Spirit King gave it its power. However, the power of this sword was so powerful that everything that his sword light touched would be destroyed. , and the greatest masterpiece is the legendary sword that kills the Demon King Solomon with a single blow, which even a "God" can't handle."

"Demon King Solomon?"

"The king of demons from the age of mythology? I once heard the teacher say that he was the demon king of the demon kings that even the combined efforts of the Olympus gods could not defeat. Then he disappeared from the mythology for some reason. About his disappearance No one knows about the legend!" (Note: This is purely made up by the author, there is no such fact)

Zilong told the deeds of "Demon King Solomon" to everyone.

"That's right, the 'Contractor' in the age of mythology used this sword to kill him, so the sword was named that way. Although it was created to deal with the Demon King, its targets, whether it be gods or humans, also have It has the same power and effect. With the power of the sword alone, it can rival the microcosm of God. It can be said that it is a holy sword that can annihilate gods and demons.”

Everyone finally understood the history of the sword, but Yu Xing didn't plan to use it, but he didn't understand the reason. If there was such a power, it should be the only thing he could ask for.

It would be too stupid to say that "Saints cannot use weapons to fight".

You Xing didn't even have to look to know that they wanted to ask this.

"What I am afraid of is that the power of the sword is too strong to control. After I became a 'contractor', I only used it once in the spirit world, because this sword is very dangerous, if I am not careful, I am afraid that the earth will be destroyed! "

A blast of explosive bombs hit everyone.

"Destroy the Earth!?"

"Can it have such power?"

It's not that they don't believe that Yu Xing's words must be reasonable.

"Forget it, now is not the time to say that!"

He turned his gaze to Loki, and his expression changed greatly after hearing Yusei's words.

(Elf King? Contractor? Could it be that he...)

Loki also understands Yusei's true identity.

He is not an ordinary human, but a person chosen by the Elf King.

There are creatures in this universe that exist on the same level as gods.

Among them are the 'Spirit King' and the 'Dragon', who are said to be equal to God.

"Demon·Slayer" radiated light at this time, and before the sword was unsheathed, the majestic small universe was already displayed.

At the same time, Loki's gun also flashed.

"This is... 'Gungnir's Gun' microcosm, reacting to the holy sword..."


Loki shouted.

Yu Xing stared at the sword, he probably thought.

"So that's why the sword appears automatically, ignoring me? Maybe it's just two unlucky weapons that resonate with each other, but if things become clear..."

Yuxing took a step.

"You all retreat a little bit, even if it's only a little bit, the moment you're wounded by this sword, you'll die without leaving your body behind."

This is not a warning, but a prophecy.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly retreated to the back of the far point. Only Odin left a little distance away, and he was still watching there.

(Do you want me to destroy the Gunnir Gun?)

If so, it must be used. In fact, for Yu Xing, the result is the same whether it is used or not, but since the sword has appeared, there is no reason not to use it.

Because of the "Holy Sword" that can bring destruction to the ground, Yusei did not dare to touch it easily. But now he has the "power of time" and his unique ability of "regeneration", and he is not afraid of destroying the earth.

"In order to prevent the 'Gungnir Gun' from appearing on this ground, it will never be repaired and completely destroyed."

Yusei raised his right hand and grasped the hilt of the holy sword.

"Come down on this land, 'Sacred Sword that slays the Demon King'... Now is the time to show your edge..."

Yuxing slowly pulled out the sword, the pure white light flickered as dazzling as the sun, and then burst out from the sword with overwhelming and destructive power.

"Bang" growled from a distance.

As if the sword had life, it was roaring happily for it to be unsheathed, releasing the small universe that had been closed for a long time.

The thunder and lightning in the sky kept flashing, and the earth shook. This is almost the same as the power of Loki's magic spear just now, but the difference is that the sword is just drawn, and it has already shaken the world.


"what is this?"

"What a terrible power!"

Facing this powerful storm and the overwhelming small universe, the golden saints have already lost their faces.

Even Loki was shocked. He had heard of the legend of this sword, but he did not expect it to appear in modern times.

In a nutshell, like the Gunnir Gun, it is something that absolutely cannot appear on this ground.

Yuxing pulled out his sword and held it high.

The pure white sword carries several gems and two long lines side by side. Holy and noble, the sword gives a shape that is by no means the same as its notoriety.

Yusei straightened his sword towards Loki, white light surrounding the entire sword.

"That is..."


Sheehan and Ameruda watched, and the sword that hit them just now spoke with a fearful expression.

(Unbelievable, I feel infinite power from the sword!? No doubt more than God)

Seiya explained in his heart, that's the shock the sword gave him.

"I didn't would be so strong!?"

Loki also understood the fact that this sword was not inferior to "Gungnir's Gun" at all.

"See! This is... the holy sword that can annihilate gods and demons..."Demon Slayer""


"Then, let's start, try the sharpness of the holy sword!"

Yuxing jumped up in an instant, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, that was definitely not very fast, even Loki could easily react to it.

Loki also clenched the magic spear in both hands, seeing that Yusei had already swung the holy sword, and immediately slashed it down with it.

This is the moment when two weapons collided with each other like never before on this earth since the birth of the earth.

No weapon in history so far can match them. Even Poseidon's trident, Hades' ignorant sword, and Athena's Nikki are all incomparably powerful.

The current Yusei does not have any wishes. If he insists that he has one wish, it is to defeat the evil **** Loki in front of him and save the crisis of this past era.

Yusei, who has saved the world several times, is the one who deserves to be "saved" more than anyone else.

Protecting the world is not so easy... With a warm heart, neither the world nor the people... can protect it. But he has no complaints and no regrets, fighting to protect the goddess's smile to this day, neither the past nor the future will change.

In the unshakable "faith", people often overcome everything.


"Holy Sword to Kill the Demon King" VS "Gungnir's Spear"

I am afraid that in the history of the gods, there are very few artifacts with such power colliding with each other, and perhaps they have never existed.

Because once the battle begins, there will be a threat to the world.

Now, the moment of new history is here in Asgard. Witness not only the golden saints, but also the main **** Odin.

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