Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1025: The time to come is finally here

I don’t know why the last chapter was blocked, if it’s that reason...


There are actually several news items on this day, such as WeChat hastily closed Dingding and hastily unblocked it. Chu Yuanxi really did not expect that Dalong Dad had really sealed Dingding with a joke at the time. At this time, isn't the seal of nails just the spread of the health code? Can this work? It turned out to be really bad...

At the same time, Sun Dasheng invested 1 billion dollars to Ziruo, and the news reached Chu Yuanxi's ears, only a smile. The $1 billion is very fragrant, but he already knew what he was waiting for if he agreed to the conditions.

In fact, in the past few days, because many of the otaku from Suzuki Yu’s team have increased their exchanges and communication with the Pakistani people because they are always "concerning the island country," Chu Yuanxi accidentally heard that a new situation has emerged on the island country. ——724 has started to launch its own membership system and APP!

As soon as the news was confirmed, Chu Yuanxi picked up the mobile phone of the otaku programmers to study the 724 APP, and found that the functions were quite rich. Some of the Xiaokang did not fall, and the Xiaokang did not add some, and there were also some in it. A shared riding function.

This option made Chu Yuanxi sigh, because 724 had teamed up with Sun Dasheng to share a bicycle in 2017, and then it quickly became silent. Unexpectedly, to pick up this set again in order to learn from myself, it was really difficult for them...

Software with such rich functions cannot be developed in one month, and building a complete user system is not a matter of overnight. It takes a lot of cash to invest in a bicycle, and it is impossible not to conduct a demonstration. The work of this demonstration will not be completed within three months. Chu Yuanxi himself is a biking app maker, and with the speed of research and development in the IT industry of the island country, it is conservatively estimated to be half a year.

So why does Sun Dasheng vote for a well-off?

As a result, the Shengju family saw Chu Yuanxi smiling happily while playing with his mobile phone, and said to his heart, what are you laughing at, President?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi muttering to herself: "Don't just learn from yours? You have to learn from our side. Ah, Ikoma-san, the residents of your side, what do you think of this new thing in 724? ?"

"Is the evaluation? Not very good, it's a good evaluation, right? But it's a little weird." Ikoma's family thought, the biggest highlight of this APP for island residents is the discount coupons, but the major convenience stores themselves have tails. The discount processing of goods, the discount given by 724 is not particularly strong, but it is more flexible, and there is no need to wait for the delivery time. This is on the bright side, but...

"Um, President, I actually find the 724 app to be weird. I used to go shopping at 724, but now I see these functions, and I feel that they are not the same 724. Many functions are useless and very strange."

Chu Yuan Xixin said that of course you feel weird, "Ikoma Sang, don't you usually go shopping in Xiaokang?" If he often uses Xiaokang's app, he will definitely feel the signs of 724 copycats.

"Uh..." The Ikoma's family panicked, and Xin said how was this being seen? Is the president upset? "Heaven is a food kingdom, it's not the same as our style. Our food is subtraction, but you are adding addition. I have been experiencing your food all this time."

"That's it? By the way, Ikoma-san, did 724 start putting bikes again? Do you understand?"

"I heard that there is a very small amount, and it may need to be released one after another?"

Chu Yuanxi shook her head straight, "This is not good, it's better to make a shot quickly, it's more like learning like this."

"Now, the president." Ikoma's family asked Ai Ai, "Is this good or bad?"

"Okay, of course. Isn't it a very good thing for someone to learn from me?"

"Then why are you so happy? Are you eager to challenge?" Ikoma's family's two-dimensional attributes broke out. I don't know which anime was coming, and his expression was full of enthusiasm.

"Haha—because they have nothing to play! Do you know Jigong? Alcohol and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha sits in his heart. If the world learns from me, it is like entering the magical way!"

Chu Yuanxi laughed with anger, and wanted to watch 724 and quickly cast a lot of bikes. This way the cost would be higher and the street bashing would be more thorough!

Chu Yuanxi even had a hint of joy in his anger, watching the competitor have jumped into the hole and was about to change into a big hole.

It is very inefficient to make APPs only in island countries, because the penetration rate of mobile phones in island countries is only around 60%, which is far lower than that of the sky. In this kind of ecological environment, building a user system through mobile APP is half the effort. Not only there are a lot of hidden dangers, but even counter-effects, and ultimately run counter to the good expectations, which is very uncomfortable. Perhaps this is also the direct reason why the strong convenience stores in island countries such as 724 have not actively promoted the mobile Internet-based user system.

The reason for such a low penetration rate of mobile phones may be that the island countries have traveled far in the Internet era. The broadband experience is very good. People are used to PCs and hosts, so mobile Internet is not easy to penetrate. This is exactly the two extremes of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia has directly skipped the Internet era. Broadband is super-junk and the access rate is extremely low. The Internet era is chaotic and wild. So once it enters the mobile Internet era, the penetration rate of mobile phones is extremely high. Even higher than the country.

Therefore, 724 must and can only promote this system to the country to maximize its value. But in fact this is a false proposition.

Chu Yuanxi spent a short period of time performing intracranial deductions and found that even if the density of mobile phones is not large enough, 724 can taste the sweetness of some user systems in the island country, which will further induce them to bring the system to the country. After all, there are thousands of stores here, and the strongest brand effect in the convenience store, the vast world is promising. and then? Then send them a socialist iron fist! 724 will find that the competitive environment on the island is not at the same level as in the country!

The competitive environment is still second, and more importantly, how naive it is that 724 wants to learn something from the cottage well-off! Xiaokang’s complex and huge systems are intertwined, and some internal logic is not even written in the document. What is written in is all that needs to be mastered by operators. Those do not need to be operated but are mined as the underlying data to form a supporting level. , There is no need to write documents at all, it is all in Chu Yuanxi's mind.

For example, the relationship between cycling data and the AI ​​leader, why does Xiaokang want to go cycling? 724 can see superficial factors, active advertisements, new weapons, etc., but can't see Xiaokang collect user movement tracks through bicycles, even if I see it, I don't understand what it is for.

Others collect user location information and user portraits. What is the use of Xiaokang to track? There are many practical uses, such as AI store manager’s smart ticket promotion, which can be used for numerical mining based on location, portrait + trajectory. With the efficiency of machine algorithm recommendation by thousands of people, the improvement of user experience is exponential, more direct and faster, and definitely far better than the situation where only user positioning and user portrait can be grasped.

This improvement is valuable to all types of advertising service providers. Even in the advertising and marketing system of Douyin Kuaishou, if user trajectory data is added, the thousands of recommendations they depend on for survival can greatly improve the user experience, and at the same time Improve the effectiveness of the advertisement itself.

The latter is actually more important, because in the end it is the advertiser who bids for the money, where the conversion rate of the advertisement is high, and where the money will flow. The reason why Toutiao's huge engine can achieve corner overtaking and kick Penguin Guangdiantong from the throne of the overlord is that it has a national application like Douyin that can cooperate with user portraits based on location for advertising, and It is also possible to choose creatives that are more suitable for users' tastes, which is an upgrade to the previous analysis of user portraits and then advertising.

This is probably why Penguin died in the short video and wanted to acquire Kuaishou several times. If you can't fully get through with Kuaishou and you can't do it, the performance of Guangdiantong will be further extended by the huge engine. It's not that Penguin has no way to get the user's location information, but there is no tool as easy to use as short videos.

What Xiaokang wants to achieve is to upgrade this industrial chain again. This key data is exchanged for a large amount of bicycles. Every piece of data is money, so it must be enriched with a lot of value. It must be collected and used reasonably. , A function of the AI ​​store manager is not enough to fully reflect.

724 Want to learn? Sun thief! Do you learn from your face?

What's even more funny is that Xiaokang's function is in batches, and the rhythm is strictly controlled. As long as 724 jumps into the pit, it will have to passively chase afterwards, then they can chase after it...

"Well, Ikju-sang, please do something." Chu Yuanxi stopped his laughter, and said to Ikju's family happily, "There must be Sunsang in this change of 724, please help Let me inquire, how much did he invest? Or it is not an investment but some other mode, just open the information, there must be related news on your side."

Ikoma's family hurriedly nodded, "Wrap it on me!"

Speaking of Chu Yuanxi preparing to leave, in fact, he was only angry for a while, and now he felt quite calm. What 724 does, it is excusable to think about it. After all, anyone who is the boss of the industry will feel like being stuck on his face.

What's more, it's still awkward. Of course, you have to study why your users go to the opponent one after another, and then find that it is the credit of this user system.

Then it's very simple. After observing it, I feel that I understand everything and start to do it, but the concept has its own design, copying it and researching it, and it is a good calculation! That's why there are many functions that don't seem to serve users, which makes users feel strange. Shanzhai has to be owned by others. How can it be called Shanzhai if you don't learn everything?

The problem is that most of the shops with Xiaokang's face and face-to-face 724 are in commercial buildings, because 724 has very few stores next to the community, and only a few of the exits of the community are the main street. With this kind of store layout, Chu Yuanxi wondered if 724 would it be fragrant when he discovered that the essence of well-off society lies in the community?

However, Ikoma's second-dimensional soul was already burning, and he immediately howled: "President, you can't just forget it! 724 is so blatant, we must give him a powerful counterattack!"

"Well, 724 is nothing but a local chicken and Wagul. I already have an action plan." Chu Yuanxi said afterwards, in fact, there is no plan, what a well-off society now needs is to do well to be invincible.

Ikoma's family members immediately beamed their eyes: "Wow! President Yoshiaki! What is the plan?"

Chu Yuanxi became extremely serious in his evil taste: "Can you keep it secret?"

"Of course!"

"Well, I can too."

During this period of time, there are some other interesting anecdotes. For example, Xiao Huang, who has not appeared in industry news for a long time, has been exposed again, this time because of the transformation of online shopping.

Yes, Xiao Huang has been working hard to repay the money. Although he has not obtained any bird use, the team queuing to refund the deposit has not been shortened, but the routine has been updated several versions. After the deposit was changed into gold coins, and the deposit was used for P2P, finally the tens of millions of loyal users who carried it were put into the arms of e-commerce. Those who owe money this year are the uncles, who owe tens of millions of users' money is the uncle among the uncles. The shopping guide rebate platforms such as nectar, flower birthday diary, pink elephant life, yuehui, save earning and so on are all shaking.

Chu Yuanxi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood after seeing this question, and roared, "What are you doing wrong?"

The main reason is that Xiao Huang has set new heights this time, adding weight to user anxiety. Users who want to get back the deposit of 99 yuan need to spend more than one thousand yuan on their platform. The wool that this money is spent on Pinduoduo does not know how many 99...

Of course, this kind of thing has almost no effect on Chu Yuanxi now. What is influential is the new regulations issued by my big A shares on the night of the 6th.

At that time, he was sending the TS of Xiaokang's B round investment. On the 5th, he had collected the subscription willingness and shares submitted by various companies. As expected, the total share was indeed "in line with expectations".

Those who are not Pakistani, the total amount of intent is only about 1 billion yuan, which is not bad from the previous guesses. In addition to the previous ones, there are also some who have expressed their intentions, but the subscription shares are very small. If the investment amount of about 10 million is in the angel round and the A round, it is not worth mentioning. .

In fact, even if there is only 1 billion yuan in this year, it is quite a lot, especially as a B-round financing, the Guochao’s financing in February and March is basically tens of millions, and more than 100 million are a minority. There are only a few hundred million phoenixes, and they can be counted with one hand. After being able to compete with Xiaokang, it will be able to raise funds from SoftBank.

But although Ziru claims to raise $1 billion, in fact only 500 million is raised, and the other half is to buy shares from the founder. Whether this action itself is intriguing, whether it caused the founders and SoftBank’s previous shareholdings to go up and down, and then to seek free control rights for the time being, but what can be called financing is to enter the company’s accounts, which is actually not as well-off.

However, Chu Yuanxi was still rather unhappy, which was a big departure from what he had expected just after crossing that year. At that time, I thought that the well-off B round would face the problem of not beautiful data, which may cause some obstacles in financing. Now the data is quite beautiful, but the world is unpredictable and the obstacles are even greater!

It's just that this investment matter is definitely going to be published in the news. How to write the news then? It can only be a well-off life that has completed a 4 billion yuan B round of financing. This round of financing was led by Pakistani Group, with CC Investment, Haiyi Fund, Modern Capital, Transsion Technology, Zhengde Fund and other institutions following the investment. Orchid Capital’s sole financial advisor for this financing will be mainly used for product R&D investment, team expansion, plant production line construction, cloud data center deployment and mobile payment promotion.

When this press release was issued, it was okay to fool the laymen. As a 4 billion yuan financing, the insiders knew it was wrong.

"Unfortunately, they still don't know anything about Xiaokang..." Chu Yuanxi complained to Liu Lu, "What did you just say? Some people think that Xiaokang's development in Southeast Asia is a negative evaluation?"

"Doesn't it all depend on you?" Liu Lu laughed. A start-up company, what happened to him, directly started cross-border operations, made large foreign investments, and opened sub-bases. What happened? It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to understand.

In addition, Chu Yuanxi didn't mention the well-off Southeast Asia at all in this round of investment. In fact, he didn't mention much in the last round, but made the necessary explanation because of the need to occupy a certain amount of funds.

The more opaque the information, the more tricky it is, which makes it more incomprehensible. However, the investment and business environment in Southeast Asia is really good, the policy environment is loose, and the GDP growth rate is extremely high. The key is the low cost of production materials, the large population and the very young age structure, so it has obvious advantages. Therefore, investors cannot directly deny the decision of the well-off Southeast Asia strategy.

Like Elizabeth’s choice of starting place in Vietnam, the overall ranking in Southeast Asia can only be regarded as the middle reaches, but the policies are strong, such as "exemption of income tax for 4 years and halving the levy after 4 years", which is close to the original Khorgos. This one alone hit Chu Yuanxi's Why did Baren Entertainment call Baren Entertainment? Not because of how nice the name is, but because he has such a ready-made shell company in his hands, and his business scope is just right. The company was registered in Horgos at the time, and it moved out later.

With such strong policy incentives, Southeast Asia as a whole, the economic scale of the mobile Internet has exceeded $100 billion a year. If there are any hidden dangers, it is nothing more than the same problem as when I first started to encourage venture capital. That is to say, the exit channel of PE/VC funds is not smooth. Basically, there are only two ways to accept mergers and acquisitions or to go to Nasdaq.

However, Xiaokang is a physical store. Even if Elizabeth is released in the future, it will still appear in the shareholder list of Xiaokang Southeast Asia as a strategic investor, so this problem does not exist for Xiaokang.

In fact, based on the pissiness of those investors, if you know that the hard-core logic of throwing money in Southeast Asia lies in Elizabeth Holmes, you must have sharpened your head and drilled in. Elizabeth basically has no troubles that Korean entrepreneurs may encounter in Southeast Asia. Will encounter. Therefore, the top choices for Chinese entrepreneurs to go overseas to start businesses are Africa and India, and Southeast Asia is the second choice, but the investment enthusiasm is the same.

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