Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 402: The impact of Jianwang operation (part 2)

   Du Shuang knew that the investment that had the greatest impact on him in this process was the initial investment in Gaocivilization. So although I planned to jump off the car a long time ago, when the opportunity to jump the car really appeared, I could not help but have mixed feelings.

   He heard the news that Pakistani Entertainment was interested in acquiring the official account in the circle during the lunch break, and it had a nose and an eye, and even the conditions were brought out. Obviously, someone intended to spread the news.

   For this matter, Du Shuang directly asked Fang Shiling for Chu Yuanxi's contact information, and then with a bewildered look that Fang Shiling really didn't have it. When he got the phone call from Chu Yuanxi around the corner, he was shocked to find that news had already spread from a small circle, and that Chu Yuanxi had lost six in the afternoon with thunder and ears jingling bells. A seller who contacted him.

Among the six sellers, there is no lack of second-line large-size ones. Some do emotional, some make-up, some constellation, and some do movie reviews. They all have accounts with a lot of female fans, which fully meets Chu Yuanxi’s main requirements: non The head, large, female fans account for more than 80%.

   When Du Shuang dialed the phone, his heart was drumming, because he was considered knowledgeable, and the accounts of the sellers who were rejected were actually better than the high webmaster’s home, and the asking price was not outrageous.

  As the phone was connected, he quickly said, "Hello? Is President Chu from Pakistani Entertainment? I am Du Shuang from Daxia Investment."

   "Oh, Mr. Du, we have met. Hello. Hello. Are you, what are you going to sell me?" said quietly over the phone.

   "Hahachu is always quick to talk, I heard that you are buying a female account? What do you think of Gaozhanzhijia?"

   There was a moment of silence on the phone, and only heard Chu Yuanxi's questioning question: "That's not bad, but you have contacted Lao Gao? He is willing to sell?"

   "Not yet, I will ask you first, and then I will ask him." Du Shuang shook his fist and said that there was a door, "You should have investigated the account of Gao Zhan, right? What is your bid?"

   "I heard that the high webmaster's valuation has reached 90 million?" Chu Yuanxi asked tentatively, "This price is too high, I definitely can't afford it."

   "I understand, I understand, this is different now."

   "Then, 20 million?"

   Du Shuang was hardened by the price tag chrome, took a breath, and said: "The high station master angel wheel is estimated to be 8 million, and 4 million has been melted. That was the end of 2013."

   "Your 8 million includes the valuation of Lao Gao, right? In addition, I want to acquire 100%. After the merger, Lao Gao will work for me?"

   In general mergers and acquisitions, the core asset of the acquisition target is its team, so it is necessary to bind the core team of the other party, and a contract of at least four to five years must be signed. However, since the media’s acquisition is quite special, few people make such a request, and few sellers are willing to accept it.

Chu Yuanxi's three sharp questions in a row directly hit Du Shuang's weakness, but he was not finished yet, and then offered a sharp weapon to kill the valuation: "Moreover, the virtual net assets of the high webmaster account are too small, right? "

   Du Shuang was choked with a sigh of relief and felt suffocated. The virtual net worth, in his opinion, was Chu Yuanxi's genius invention and Chu Yuanxi's dimensionality reduction blow to his colleagues.

   After more than a week of fermentation, the concept of virtual net worth has even emerged, and there is a set of virtual net worth calculation standards for the value of fans for the public. However, Gao Wenming is quite different in the second-line self-media, because the number of fans is obviously low, and only 4 million at the peak, not as good as many third-line accounts, and now it has dropped some, only more than 3 million.

   Therefore, if the virtual equity formula is applied, although the number of likes and open rate can get extra points, the number of fans is the basic value, and the basic value is lower than others. What is the use of extra points? According to that formula, the fan value of the account of the high webmaster’s home is just over 7 million and less than 8 million.

   This Nima is cheating! One of the earliest rising super accounts in China has fallen to this point?

   "You can't count it like that, Mr. Chu, if you count it like this, no one can trade."

"Then you say how much it is worth." Chu Yuanxi said lightly, "Virtual net assets are two parts, fan value and intellectual property value. My money is not brought by the wind. Is it right to doubt the transfer of benefits? You are so good at all that I can explain it to investors?"

"The copyright value of Lao Gao Na should still be ok?" Du Shuang argued for reasons. After all, Gao Zong's Home has repeatedly published explosive articles and is well-known in the entire circle. Some of the classics can even be called self-media. Annual production, phenomenon-level articles. Intellectual property rights are copyright in plain terms, and Du Shuang is a little confident when it comes to copyright value.

   But he never expected Chu Yuanxi to say: "Have you heard of Operation Sword Net 2018?"

   "Huh? What?" Du Shuang looked dumbfounded. After all, he was not in this business, he had a lot of work, and he was slow to react to this kind of things.

"The Jianwang operation started this morning, and the relevant departments took a joint action. UU Reading cracked down on self-media infringements, especially manuscript washing, and interviewed several large platforms. Up to now, I estimate that the high webmaster will delete it one day A hundred articles have to be deleted, right? Is this the copyright value you mentioned?"

   Du Shuang's other face also began to be stunned. The keyword of manuscript washing was too harsh, and this situation knocked him down. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "Why don't you talk to Lao Gao about this?" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone with a polite polite.

On the phone side, Du Shuang immediately entered his self-media group at the same speed as he was flying. Daxia has invested a lot of self-media in these years, so he vaguely led the formation of a small alliance, among which the most powerful It was the late night gallery that came from behind, and the stationmaster Gao gradually retreated behind the scenes, usually diving mainly, but some newly invested third- and fourth-tier self-media people exchange information every day.

   Waiting for him to open the group of gods and take a look, it was a doomsday scene, with people panicking and saying everything, and the amount of speech was almost 20 or 30 times the usual.

   Soon after he learned what Operation Jianwang is in 2018, he felt desperate, because there are more or less infringements in the media, and there are too few who insist on being completely original. If you go deeper, no one wants to run.

why is it like this? Because what we media like to do most is chasing hot spots, and chasing hot spots must be fast, have their own opinions on the basis of fast, and their opinions must be unique, not only to be beyond public perception, but also to be able to stand by with reason and evidence. Therefore, the best way to achieve all this is to wash the manuscript.

   Only when the tide recedes can you know who is swimming naked. At this moment, Du Shuang feels that this sentence is too vivid for the official account writer who has to save his life from the palace...

   Then he dialed Gao Wenming's number.



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