Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 424: Scientific outlook on development

What’s more, the mental outlook of the Pakistani employees is also very unusual. When it comes to working overtime, the intensity of the Pakistani is obviously greater than that of her company, especially the employees who wander around the company at this time obviously have to work overtime at night, but one by one Very cheerful, this kind of cheerful and comfortable mental state cannot be pretended.

How did he do that?

Fang Shiling took a few steps, "Chu Yuanxi, how many lines are you attacking together now?"

"I'm counting, um, I don't know, maybe more than a dozen lines? What's wrong?"

Fang Shiling choked on her chest.

She thought that at most six or seven lines would be up to the sky. After listening to Sparta, she operated four lines at the same time to attack, except for the main line of the official account, nothing was done...

The background investigation of Chu Yuanxi is the simplest thing she thinks, because first Chu Yuanxi’s resume is very simple, second they are old classmates, and third Zhu Yan is her university classmate, so the situation of Pakistani entertainment and She felt that Chu Yuanxi's personal situation was transparent.

Only in this way makes people wonder why a product manager like a salted fish can operate more than ten lines at the same time? Could it be said that Chu Yuanxi was already in a mess in her hands long ago, just forcibly bragging, outsiders can't see it?

Or, is there a **** or man behind him helping? Is it Yuan Mu from Zheng De Fund? This is quite possible, maybe the two of them still have that kind of relationship, otherwise there is no reason that Chu Yuanxi's experience in this industry can suddenly swell like this.

Is it possible that Chu Yuanxi was really a talented person, or suddenly became acquainted, so he reached the pinnacle of life? With such a great person, the problem is that it cannot be him! So many business logic matters cannot be understood by an older leftover man who has always been a salted fish. As a person who has been pierced many times on the thorny road of entrepreneurship, Fang Shiling is too aware of the hardship. Up.

Are there any young talents who have succeeded in starting a business in their 30s? Yes, but either they have the earth-shattering technology, which can hold the throat of the times with one hand, or start through model innovation, so that they must take every step and accumulate enough experience from the day they enter the society. And personal connections, let alone salted fish for a few years, the spine will be broken for a year of waste.

And what about Chu Yuanxi? His birthday was on New Year's Eve in 1989, so he was called by this name, and it was half a year before he was thirty. The road to entrepreneurship has its own scientific laws. Even if someone like Chu Yuanxi really suddenly becomes aware, he doesn’t have enough contacts to support such a big plate of entertainment for Pakistani people, unless someone behind him provides him with contacts. .

After these Kaaba Shiling conducted detailed investigation and review of the Ba people, every time he thinks about it, he is unwilling.

For Chu Yuanxi half a year ago, the most realistic development path was actually to sell faces to the gods whom he met when he was a sangjing, cash in on the resources of his connections, and then open a game company after getting angel investment and make a game. The money-pit mobile game that is eager for quick success and instant profit has a success rate of less than 1%, and then spends the budget halfway through the development. Rather than developing a niche game that doesn't make revenue, and then rushing to 1 million DAU is so outrageous.

As a result, he abruptly set up a traffic empire, and the effectiveness was verified, and the effectiveness was comparable to top traffic coffees. If the "Animal Company" mobile game is a game with no IP based, it is produced by a pure game company, whether it is to ask Wu Meiniang or Xu Caikun to endorse, it may not reach the current level.

People, the hardest thing to accept psychologically is that the person who looks down on suddenly becomes so angry. If there is anything more difficult to accept, this person is not relying on his own efforts but relying on the help of noble people.

"You take care of so many businesses at the same time, does Gu come over?" Fang Shiling chased to be parallel to Chu Yuanxi, "especially the micro movie, is it too far?"

"What's so far from making a micro movie? There are so many micro movies on the Internet. Besides, we are making videos. Just a short step forward is the micro movie."

"Is it really a small step? Didn't you be worried when you filmed "Fang Ge" before you got the money?" Fang Shiling looked at Chu Yuanxi funnyly. She was talking to the micro-film actor Yu Mei. After talking for a few words, I know that all the crews in that crew are hired from outside, and none of the Pakistani people is a formal employee. Even the director has to be a producer, a screenwriter, and a scene. What does this mean? It shows that Pakistani Entertainment is totally helpless in this business. Is this a small step?

"At least it looks like a small step? At that time, I was not too worried. At that time, I had money on my account. It didn't cost me much to film "Brother House". It would save me money if it was smaller than this." Chu Yuanxi said proudly.

If there is no "Fang Ge" project, Qi Feng's level will definitely not be honed and advanced. Then when the Pakistani people are going to do a live-action skit for "Troubled Times" recently, even if Qi Feng is caught as a temporary worker It's also a joke. As for the things that are photographed, they must not be seen.

After the training of the "Fang Ge" project team, Qi Feng himself has grown from a pure theory, from a student level to a large amount of practical experience, with relatively qualified communication skills, and can fully express his thoughts and ideas as a director. According to demand, UU reading can effectively mobilize the resources of the crew, so that the film produced is in line with his own expectations.

This is the biggest difference between a rookie director and an experienced director. Maybe a rookie director can also imagine a very high-level lens effect in his mind, but it can’t be shot and cannot be achieved; and an experienced director can make the film similar to his own expectations; a big director can not only achieve the lens effect, but also Highlight the artistic conception.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi did not regret the money he invested in the "Fang Ge" project team. Although the film that was shot at the beginning was unbearable, even Chu Yuanxi refused to put it on the Internet, and it would definitely lose fans when it was released, but the quality did gradually improve. More importantly, such a small amount of investment has allowed Pakistani people to indirectly gain the ability to take this small step. In terms of entrepreneurial sentence format, the money burned to the point, so that the company has the ability to enter a hot field Tickets.

If someone does not have much growth, then he is probably considered a poppy. But this can’t be blamed on Poppies. The others are from a science class. She is the only one who has been put into the crew by herself. In this case, she has given up face and has been slow to grow. But there are also visible improvements in astronomical telescopes.

He glanced at Poppies and found that Poppies happened to be looking at him. The two looked at each other, and Poppies despised: "What saves you money? It's obviously a capitalist who talks to us about feelings."

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