Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 741: Li Jingfei jumping off the car (middle)

It's time for exemption again, I hope this chapter can increase greatly!


Xu Xin can spread Alipay’s social questions and answers, because this question has been asked by countless people and answered by countless people. Not only will Chu Yuanxi’s answer walking out will not arouse others’ suspicion, it will increase attention. But Xu Xin would definitely not say that Xiaokang wants to socialize when he meets everyone, let alone Chu Yuanxi herself.

Thinking of where his weight is, Chu Yuanxi said that we should give Tietoubaby a compliment, and indirectly praise others by praising myself: "Isn't that right? Don't you believe my eyes?"

He thought that it would be a big deal to share some of his social experience with Li Jingfei. These experiences are precious enough, and they also include some observations and thoughts this year, similar to scientific thought experiments, which are the crystallization of wisdom. Who can say that a thought experiment is not an experiment? Who can say that the Schrodinger cat is worthless? Without Schrödinger’s cat, where is Schrödinger’s brother?

Unexpectedly, Li Jingfei said: "I really don't believe it. I think you are so stupid to do a well-off thing."

"Ah? Where am I stupid?" When Chu Yuanxi said that even Li Jingfei could despise me?

Just listen to Li Jingfei said: "Aren't you recreating wheels? Why do convenience stores + bicycles do this? There are so many convenience store chains now, as many as the first two years of cycling, and there are a few that are still alive. Just like Hello, Xiaolan, and Xiaohong, don’t the resources become one instantly after the integration of resources? Do you need to focus on re-launching the drums? Even if you do it, others who have money and resources will directly integrate them, 724+ small Huang or Lawson + Xiao Huang, didn't it take you in an instant?"

Chu Yuanxi didn't even bother to return, because he likes to deny others, especially those who deny others based on their own limited experience without a comprehensive understanding, and their psychological level is relatively low.

What is "a gentleman is harmonious but different"? When someone is different from you, don’t rush to deny it. When you are psychologically unwilling to disagree, you can ignore it, the rain girl has no melons, but she sprays when she goes up. This is not a gentleman's harmonious way of doing things.

A gentleman can also spray people, but the gentleman first learns about 60% to 70% before spraying, and Li Jingfei and Chu Yuanxi revealed to him only 25% he sprayed, which is better than the Internet spray Not much stronger.

This actually involves a problem. When encountering new things, you should first confine yourself conservatively and protect your existing cognition; or you should embrace with an open mind. These two choices vary from person to person. It is not necessarily wrong to be conservative, and it is possible that you will eventually be cheated by embracing. This is also the reason why many new things will attract a lot of doubts when they appear. If you don’t match your life experience and common sense, spray it!

Especially in the celestial dynasty, because scammers are not enough, when encountering new things, many people's first reaction is rejection.

But what is new is because it is an upgrade of the existing knowledge system. People always become stupid as adults. The only way to prevent one from becoming stupid is to constantly update their knowledge. In particular, whenever you find a contradiction between something new and your old cognition, if a person’s emotion is not disgust but excitement, he can think enthusiastically and put forward various hypotheses to derive the possibility. Results and authenticity, such a person, in short, is that life is high.

This is why Newton has been peeing all his life since he was a child, but he can think of gravity when an apple hit his head.

But think about it carefully. People who are tough and like to lift the bar usually have a lower psychological level. This has nothing to do with character, and it is related to the way of secretion of dopamine. Li Jingfei cannot be asked to be too high.

But on the other side of the phone line, Li Jingfei was very excited, because Chu Yuanxi couldn't answer even after being asked! This is too rare, especially for Chu Yuanxi, who is known for being able to talk!

He said enthusiastically: "Besides, I still have an account that can’t be settled. You have to invest money in making a bicycle, right? We always have to talk about the input-output ratio in business, right? But your bicycle is full of members. It’s free, which has become a kind of member’s benefit, but the member itself is a super discount, and there is no deposit for bicycles. I believe that using bicycles as promotional weapons and customer acquisition tools, but is the cost too high? Even you It's done. You are equivalent to using all the income of the unicorn like the little red car for promotion expenses. This breaks through the sky? And it obviously duplicates the role of member discounts."

"Not to repeat at all." Chu Yuanxi said that if it wasn't for you to stand up to the old man when you raised money in Pakistan, I will give you one now. "Do you think it’s so easy for customers to rush for membership without a bicycle? What do you dream? Free cycling can give customers immediate benefits. The simple membership discount will not see the benefits at all at first, but you have to pay first, pay first Users are not willing to take advantage of things later, ok?"

Chu Yuanxi couldn't be more familiar with the financial issues of this area. Xiaokang's bicycle size could not be compared with Xiaohong. It was released according to demand, and the number of users would increase. In other words, if it can be compared with Xiaohong, that would be great, the money burns really well! The key is that Xiaohong has so much income? In 2018, its revenue was only 2 billion, and then it lost 6 billion, which means spending 8 billion.

Looking at this data, who cares about the 2 billion? It couldn't be better to sacrifice it. Is this comparable to a well-off mass?

" So that's it, I know." Li Jingfei was very happy to hear the voice, "Then what scale is your store going to—"

Huh? What's wrong with Li Jingfei today? Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt awkward. He still knew Li Jingfei better. This guy was really indifferent to things he didn't care about. Why did he ask so many questions? And shouldn't he continue to lift the bar? Why didn't you lift it up?

"You wait for Li Tietou first." Chu Yuanxi interrupted Li Jingfei's question, "Are there any actions on your side?"

"Hey haha ​​I can hear you..." Li Jingfei said a word and was silent. After being silent for seven or eight seconds, he said: "It does happen, I think... Well, I want to be a resource integration. Find the right resources."

This time it was Chu Yuanxi's turn to be silent. Are you angry? It is indeed angry, especially after the precious business logic is taken away. But it was more excitement and embarrassment.

The excitement is because finally, someone finally wants to copy the old man’s awesome creativity. It really is a lot earlier than in the original world. He is indeed an investor, but he did not expect that this person will be an iron head baby. Also, only his head is iron enough.

The embarrassment is...

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