Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 776: Chu Yuanxi said we have a halo (four/five)

   In the end, Chu Yuanxi shot this board and almost shot Yu Wenhui to death. Apart from anything else, just think about the UI, that is, the various buttons and interfaces in the game, and your head will explode.

  Although many companies have developed games on different ends, such as webpages and mobile games on the same server but different ends, the display structure is the same, and the flowchart is the same, but the operation of specific UI controls is different. For example, if there is a mouse in the webpage operation, the bubbles can be displayed in the form of a floating window, and the mouse will be displayed when the mouse is moved. However, there is no concept of a mouse on the mobile phone screen, and it must be clicked to display.

   This kind of difference, although the absolute number is quite large, is not a principled difference. Experienced programmers can deal with it directly without having to look at double demand.

The difference between VR and mobile phones is too much. No matter how 3D the mobile phone is, it will eventually be presented on one surface, even if it is a curved screen, but VR is a real 3D effect, all-weather 360 degrees, how does the interface play? How to hang? What should I do if the user's head turns and the interface is gone?

   It’s a little simpler to develop a VR game separately. Two sets of clients are in parallel, and one set of servers needs to be adapted to facilitate multi-terminal games. How much hair does this have to lose?

   That's why no one thought about developing two terminals at the same time in the beginning.

   Therefore, Yu Wenhui wanted to choke Yang Jiangang to death, but Chu Yuanxi’s recent evaluation of Yang Jiangang was bottoming out.

The main reason is that although he is both well-worn and low, he has done a good job in mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees to work overtime, so that when he really has to work hard, such as when the financing node was captured by Chu Yuanxi before, this one has just been established less than half a year The team can handle the pressure and maintain the high-intensity work output without falling apart.

Is there any complaint in Pinnacle Visual Effects? Chu Yuanxi doesn’t know, just look at the results. Pinnacle Visual Effects is now a Baer’s invested company rather than a branch, let alone an incubating project, so Chu Yuanxi is right Yang Jiangang's evaluation method is very simple, to complete the established tactical task is to pass, nothing else. For Yang Jiangang, it was even simpler. As long as it reached the passing line, Chu Yuanxi would take the initiative to organize the financing for him.

   Actually, if Yang Jiangang and Chen Kuo were stealing chickens from his own company, then Chu Yuanxi would absolutely not be able to bear it, but the reason why he couldn't bear it was that he did it on his own without making a report.

But now Yang Jiangang is already the boss of the invested company. Chu Yuanxi is not particularly disgusted from the perspective of capital, because capital is afraid of red-core R&D, which is really worthless. Yang Jiangang is the most extreme one. The probability of losing the lawsuit is very low.

   Although this idea is a bit shameless, even from the perspective of quick success, it should be beaten a few times, but it is common. Tesla employees also privately backed up the source code of AutoPilot and left their jobs. Some of them joined the new forces of the Chinese automakers, some joined the U.S. self-driving car unicorns, and in short, they entered other Internet car startups and were After Elon Musk found out, he reported it, but it was difficult to tell by visual inspection.

This kind of thing will happen in the past. What Chu Yuanxi said to Yang Jiangang is: "What I am dissatisfied with is that your way of handling things is the same as paper. I think you have clean hands and feet if you mess up. In fact, it does not solve the problem. Can't stand torture."

   Therefore, the peak visual effects thing can be said to be developing in a good direction. It is very hopeful that the work will be completed before the time node comes. If it is successfully integrated into the A round, the investment of Pakistani people will be greatly increased. In the angel round valuation of 30 million, the Pakistani people gave 20 million cash, accounting for 12 million shares, which is 40%, and the Pakistani people's share is 280 million, which is absolutely done.

   This is the product of idea + technology + execution, and it is also the charm of entrepreneurship. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi is still looking forward to it, spanning two worlds, this is the first time he has appeared in an entrepreneurial project as a platform boss, enjoying the glory of the rich.

   It should be said that Chu Yuanxi’s valuation of 700 million yuan is mysterious, and there is a valuation increase brought by his platform. The valuation he gave is not bad, because it is better to build products than to build channels, and to build channels than to build platforms, and to build platforms, and it is hopeful that it can be made to a platform that can see the size and scale of users. The value has a premium. Even in the A round, the prototype of the product can be presented after the shelf is set up, and it is worth so much money.

   But if Yang Jiangang is tinkering with him, I'm sorry, the capital has no basic trust in him, no matter how good things are taken out, others will check with scrutiny eyes, and then he will wear them to help! Even if you don’t wear a gang, you are likely to be held down.

   Especially, he can't find big-name investors to vote for him, he can only find investors with no-name names. The characteristic of no-name investors is that they like to keep prices down without considering the overall situation.

  With the Chu Yuanxi platform, the aura of trust will be superimposed on Yang Jiangang, and the possibility of wearing help is greatly reduced. It can also attract big-name investors, at least experienced and formal investment institutions. It can be said that everyone is happy.

  Whether many entrepreneurial projects can get on the right track is not the product but the entrepreneur's ability to find for this reason. The product quality is often invisible in the angel round or even in the A round, only people can be seen, even if it is a good product with good ideas and creativity, but it can’t find suitable resources, it will be buried in entrepreneurship. The person walked on the way.

   Leaving aside Yang Jiangang, Yu Wenhui’s head is completely big, and he spent the entire weekend making this plan. Fortunately, he doesn't have to consider budget constraints. If the budget is to demolish the east wall to make up the west wall, he will kill Yu Wenhui and he will not even think about making a plan.

   So, Chu Yuanxi returned to the company happily after spending a weekend of high-speed and autonomous driving. Yu Wenhui also completed the plan, and then prepared to go through the formalities of project approval.

  A game project often depends on many factors, such as market, type, core gameplay, core battle, team ability, whether it is operational, etc. Now we have to consider what country to put into. In short, everything is to predict whether and how much money can be made.

   But sometimes you don’t need to watch it, as long as the boss of the company says ok. This is also the reason why the establishment of a game project is sometimes a formality, and it cannot be corrected because the game is mainly based on fate. The correct opinions before the establishment of the project may not be correct after the establishment of the project. Even if it is correct, it may not make money. There are some examples where the boss made a lot of money and made a lot of money.

  Of course, the process still needs to be walked, it is useful.


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