Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 781: The ambition of the detective

   Chu Yuanxi is very confused: "Ah? Why? How could this happen? Is it because of the excessive labor intensity these days that you can't stand it?"

"No! I don't think it is necessary to use the mode of a well-off convenience store to fight. Graby started the takeaway business only after less than a year. I directly used the takeaway mode to start a business in Southeast Asia, and I might not lose! "

Elizabeth said, seeing Chu Yuanxi want to refute, and without giving him time to speak, she immediately said urgently: "Listen to me, Chu, I think so. First of all, is Graby's takeout good? My source of information seems to be average, at least very average compared to that of China, and neither penetration nor active growth surprised me.

  Secondly, the food delivery industry in Tianchao has been fighting for many years. The model is mature, the talents are particularly rich, and there are many successful and failed experiences. Even APPs and codes are readily available, and developers can recruit them at random. This is an unmatched advantage in Southeast Asia. Even Graby went to the Imperial Capital to build a R&D center to recruit siege lions. "

   Yuan Mu joined the topic at this time: "Wait for the detective, how do you know so much about Tianchao Delivery? Didn't you come to investigate shared travel?"

"Huh? I have been in the country for so long, and 90% of them are ordering takeout, and then I have some ideas. What I want most is to return to the United States to do takeout. Even before Chu dragged me into the company, I followed the takeaway rider. I ran a few laps. It’s not an exaggeration to say that now I have a better understanding of your food delivery operations and management process, and it is indeed an era ahead of the US."

When she was speaking, Chu Yuanxi kept staring at her with a weird expression, even a little too deliberately, deliberately until Elizabeth turned her eyes wide, "I know I know, I just think about it. There is no successful entrepreneurial experience. , Let alone users, investors will not believe me."

   Talking to smart people is peace of mind.

Chu Yuanxi only knows a little bit about the food delivery industry in the U.S., and the situation is mostly in 2016. The delivery riders do not calculate the piece, but use the hourly wage system, and the salary is very low. However, customers generally have the habit of paying for consumption and can find a little supplement. a little. So he was also very curious, "Is it still so slow in the US?"

"Don't mention it!" Elizabeth looked disgusted, "Basically 15 minutes to 20 minutes on your side, one hour on our side is not too slow. Your riders here are both "special delivery" and "crowdsourcing". , The back-end system transfers orders directly to riders or grabs orders. Most of our orders are sent to merchants, and then the merchants send orders by themselves. It can’t be low anymore. I introduce your advanced experience and systems. , Promise to blow them up."

"Either you have to study in the well-off society for a period of time. You are a typical person who has never done the Internet." Chu Yuanxi started taunting, "You are smart and everyone else is a fool? According to you, the heavens do so much. For takeaways, just go to the U.S. and find a local person to cooperate, and you can slap the U.S. counterparts? I don’t have any habits of thinking on the Internet.

   The Internet is an environment where learning from each other is the fastest. As long as there are advanced things and there are no barriers, they will be learned immediately. Model innovation can only lead for a very short time, no more than half a year. In this time window, entrepreneurs must build barriers, either capital barriers, or data barriers, or brand barriers, or... In short, the US The situation shows that the US cannot promote our model. However, I also had a new idea. "

   Yuan Mu chuckled in her heart, since she was trained by her older brother, she had not dared to question Chu Yuanxi easily, but carefully thought about Chu Yuanxi's routine in order to keep up with the rhythm. However, the more so, the more I prayed that Chu Yuanxi would stop having moths, and it would be better to proceed step by step. Even if he follows the rules, he is in accordance with Chu Yuanxi's own rules and regulations. According to his milestone table, he is already very advanced, and every new moth he releases represents an extra cost. The heart of being a CFO is too small. Can't bear it!

   This psychological pressure cannot be experienced without sitting in a well-off CFO position. It is really half sea water and half flame.

   But after another thought, Chu Yuanxi's Yaozi might be a little better if it was used for takeout. Speaking of takeaway, she is an investment banker who knows a little bit about it. After all, this is a popular business, and even the US has heard of it.

The U.S. food delivery market in 2018 was $17 billion, and it is still growing rapidly. This is a big market that can be seen at a glance, and the barriers to entry are not high. The dark horse that emerged recently is DoorDash, which was launched by several Chinese descents, and took SoftBank for $500 million. The investment of Xuemei Tuan is more similar, so it is rapidly eroding this market, no wonder Elizabeth is tempted.

   It’s more interesting that DoorDash’s new rise does not have data capabilities, so it requests data services from Uber to accurately measure the delivery time. At the same time, Uber is also engaged in food delivery. Its subsidiary is called UberEats. It was originally one of the top three sellers abroad. Relying on subsidies for low-cost orders to lower the threshold for delivery to obtain a certain market share, it seems that the use of data is not deep enough. The business scale has been quickly caught up by DoorDash.

   This is the status quo of rice sold abroad, and it is indeed relatively low compared to the sky. Market boss Grubhub has always promoted real-time order tracking as a selling point. In fact, it is just a little bit of poor data and map capabilities. It is a standard feature in China. Whoever does takeaway without this will be sprayed to death by users.

It can be said that Tianchao’s food delivery is built on the great voice of users. The platform must quickly match the needs of users, otherwise it will be killed by opponents like a whirlwind. Miwai’s food is simply a primary school student, and even businesses can’t get through. Almost zero.

Therefore, Yuan Lu became more and more fascinated as she thought about it. For a while, she felt that it made sense for Elizabeth to want to go back to the U.S. to make takeaways, and then she felt that Chu Yuanxi’s deduction should be correct, so she completely forgot what Chu Yuanxi and Elizabeth discussed. Do you want to go to Southeast Asia for takeaway?

Finally, Chu Yuanxi brought the topic back: "My thought is that you will not be able to go to America for the time being, and you will not do takeout when you go to Nanyang. You will find that there is another strong opponent called Jack Walker. Out of Indonesia, into Thailand, Lijiapo, Vietnam and other places, the three main businesses of taxi, mobile payment and takeaway.

   Behind them are Meituan, Goudong and Big Penguin. In the food delivery field, they need experience, experience, technology and technology. The food delivery business will definitely become Graby’s rival, or even stronger. Graby is nothing more than taking over Uber's takeaway resources. Like you, I am not optimistic about Graby's takeaway, but you may have overlooked the power of walking Jack. You are going to do takeaway now, no matter how much money I give you, you are the third in the industry, right? Do you know the fate of the third in the industry when the boss fights the second? "

   Elephant fight! The two women in the tea room thought of this most classic business scene at the same time, especially Yuan Mu. After the domestic boss and the second child fought a vigorous battle, no one could help him, and then the third child died silently. This kind of thing is simply not too much. why? Because the eldest and secondest have spent hundreds of millions or even billions to fight, where did the money go? Form splash damage, and output to other friends indiscriminately.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, and only listened to Chu Yuanxi slowly saying, "But looking at the Nanyang takeaway market is so fat, why don't we intervene if the conditions are right? So, you still practiced according to the original plan and waited until you set off. At that time, your business can be slightly modified."

   "How to work around?"

   "Doing real-time delivery services and becoming friends of Graby and Walking Jack, what do you think? They mine and we sell them water... and, dig—them—the—mountain—root!"

   "Instant delivery service?" Yuan Mu and Elizabeth said in unison, and they were all questions, and they didn't realize what Chu Yuanxi's Chenglish was saying.

   "You mean, like flash delivery?"

Yuan Mu changed back to confirm in Chinese, but Chu Yuanxi shook his head: "The scale of the flash delivery is too small, and the C2C business is too fragmented. The plan I designed for the detective is to open a store after I go, using a convenience store as a The stronghold, slammed the rider, and seized the rider's resources through the high-quality service to the rider, and then—"

Chu Yuanxi said with a gesture of a hand knife, and the upper section tilted everything down, "When they were engaged in a takeout battle, the detective secretly turned into the head of the rider's resource. What do you think will happen? Local life in Nanyang Business cannot be as stagnant as the United States, because the population density is very large. But it is also unlikely to be as developed and smooth as the sky because it is crowded, messy and unsafe."

At this time Elizabeth's eyes became extremely focused: "Wait a minute, I suddenly thought that takeaway must deal with the relationship between the merchant, the user and the rider. According to the Chinese system, not only must there be system control, but there must also be channels in between. Operators intervene and there are webmasters to adjust orders. In short, it is an ultra-complex system. But it does not seem to be that complicated to provide instant delivery services?

"Although it will be complicated when there are more people, you are right, which is equivalent to cutting off the business of selling orders from foreign sellers. The essence of this business is to quickly and quickly form a scale, otherwise neither Graby nor Jack I will talk to you. They will treat you as a partner only if you are too big for them to ignore. So a well-off convenience store is the foundation and the only way to go.

   You don’t make takeaways, but when your scale reaches a certain level, it is equivalent to opening up the business, you can do takeaways anytime, anywhere, just like Meituan+Dianping. Why can Meituan be hungry? Because reviews are its barriers, getting through business reviews is really awesome, forcing Ali to hurriedly launch a word of mouth to contend, and then it becomes a mess. "

   "Yes, the key to making takeaways is to get through the merchants." Elizabeth has thought about it many times, and compared it to the United States. Mi’s foreign sales business is a younger brother compared with Tianchao. Why?

Because, taking Grubhub, the current leader in food delivery in the United States, for example, it has only opened up less than 60,000 merchants, accounting for less than 10% of the total number of catering businesses in the United States, and Meituan has opened up 3 million merchants through comments, accounting for 30% of the total number of restaurants in the country. This is a gap like a chasm.

   The link of thinking is like water, and the gurgling streams converge into a river. At this moment, the river in Elizabeth's mind finally closes, forming a complete closed loop, and blurted out: "When will the well-off rider take the scooter to deliver the food?"

   "This is a good idea!" Chu Yuanxi slapped her slap, "There will be no extra cost, just organize the manpower!"

   Yuan Mu asked stupidly: "How do I deliver the scooter?"

"You can also install a floor frame in front of the scooter. Large items can't be loaded. Food delivery is definitely possible." Elizabeth saw many shared electric scooters when she was in the United States, and she also personally experienced it. If you are designing a model Just consider the demand for food delivery services, it is definitely possible.

   According to the news she collected, the pace of life in Southeast Asia is much slower than that in the sky, and it’s okay to deliver food a bit slower, not to mention that scooters are not slow. The internal situation in Southeast Asia is complicated, with many narrow alleys or other chaotic terrains. The speed of delivering meals by motorcycle is absolutely fast, but there are also applicable scenarios for scooters, but this requires a field inspection to know.

   Thinking of this, Elizabeth could not help but feel a wave of waves. It is indeed a good opportunity for her to be well-off in Southeast Asia. It is the best one of all the opportunities she has seen for so long, but she still feels almost like that. One is to pick up Chu Yuanxi’s teeth, and the other is to have a low ceiling. . But now this project has become a gold project, treasure market + gold project, there are not many such opportunities even in Silicon Valley!

   Soon, this wave rose and turned into a big wave. These days, she is not only gnawing on the well-off plan, but also digesting the past of Pakistani entertainment. So at this moment, she suddenly had a bold idea, but Yuan Mu was present...

She couldn't help taking a peek at Yuan Mu with her light. She didn't expect that this little action would be seen by Chu Yuanxi: "If you have anything to say, Yuan Mu doesn't need to avoid it. I will take all of my things. Tell Yuan Mu."

   Elizabeth asked if Yuan Mu was your girlfriend? But since Chu Yuanxi said so, then...then put it mildly?

"Regarding the well-off Southeast Asia, I think...I think its value is very high now. You know, your country has an Alibaba Group that incubates Ant and Cainiao, but the shareholding structure of these two companies... unicorn."

   Chu Yuanxi understood when he heard the ant, and said in his heart that this was testing my character or did she really think so?

   He shook his head slowly, "No need."

"Why?" Elizabeth was surprised. If Chu Yuanxi really thought or thought about it this way, then as the actual operator, she would definitely be able to take a sip of soup along with it. Maybe it's more than the 30% limit. ? What specific conditions are not all Chu Yuanxi's words matter? "The relationship between Pakistani and Xiaokang, isn't that how you operate it? It's exactly the same."

"It's different. Ba Ren and Xiaokang have completely different businesses. These are the two companies. They are not in the same industrial chain, nor upstream and downstream. Even if there is any business dealings, they are very few." Chu Yuanxi did not expect Elizabeth Turns in his mind, he turned to the horizon, and couldn’t help but glanced at Yuan Mu with a guilty conscience, because in fact Elizabeth was right, his operation between Ba Ren and Xiaokang, and Jack Ma to Ali and Ant & amp; Novice operations are generally the same.

   The essence of this operation is that the first company played an incubation role, but it is not the holding company of the incubating company. Natural talents are the actual controllers of the incubated company. The Ba people actually play the role of incubation for the well-off. Not to mention the venue, how many employees are transferred? The follow-up investment in the well-off society will actually not miss the Pakistani share.

   But Xiaokang Southeast Asia really does not need to play this kind of operation again. Not to mention him, even Jack Ma’s operations have been criticized to this day, and ants and rookies can barely be said to be the upstream and downstream of Ali, but Xiaokang Southeast Asia has absolutely no upstream and downstream relationship with Xiaokang, and it is completely a parallel transplant.

   Elizabeth didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to be able to get rid of it completely. Her heart said she was really a **** of a ghost. Don't all of you like this kind of little action? Didn’t Dagoudong’s logistics and finance also be split out by Brother Qiangdong using absolute control? She heard that it was because of this vice of the entrepreneurs of the celestial dynasty that investors from across the ocean were particularly concerned about board seats and voting rights after they came here.

   Her afterlight swept to Yuan Mu again, and Yuan Mu was also thinking.

It’s as if there’s something in my Mu is thinking about the same thing. In fact, it’s not just Wall Street investors, but the native investment natives are more concerned about this kind of thing, even when they make conditions. More ruthless.

It’s just that Chu Yuanxi is a werewolf, and he doesn’t understand why he has such a wealth of experience when facing investors, that all things that might have happened were not started and ended, so that he pressed himself so close. There was no trace of Chu Yuanxi's flaws.

   Although he didn't come to Xiaokang specifically to find flaws, Yuan Mu had a dual identity no matter what, and he kept hanging in his heart. Defeating Chu Yuanxi, even if she was defeated mentally, could satisfy her, but at this moment it was too late to come.

   But Chu Yuanxi was very relaxed, not only reaping a huge intellectual achievement, but also upgrading the idea of ​​backstab Graby from tactics to strategy. If it was just a knife before, then the knife has already been heated on the flame. When it is cut down, it will cause dot damage. The target will be "bleeded" every small cycle. This is really great. .

   "Then, I have an appointment. I guess I will wait for a long time. You guys will talk first." Chu Yuanxi put down the tea cup and Shi Shiran walked out of the tea room.

   Yuan Mu and Elizabeth looked at each other again, then pursed their lips: "I guess it's a beautiful woman again."

   Elizabeth shook her head: "No, man."


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