Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 782: Classmate? Huan?/a>

  The person who came was called Zhou Xueren, who was the monitor of Chu Yuanxi's college. Relying on the benefits of being a monitor, I got a place for postgraduate studies, three years for a master's degree, another three years for a doctoral degree, and then they were postponed separately. Therefore, I just passed the defense at the end of last year and experienced unemployment at the age of 30.

   Mainly because of theoretical physics, I can’t eat it anymore. Stay in school and do research, dignified doctor, because there have been no results that can be achieved. Associate professors are still far away. When I was 50 years old, I might not be able to qualify as a professor.

   The key is that there is nowhere to go, but to stay cheeky under the boss, life seems to have seen the end?

  Teaching, it’s not good. I can only stay at the school and start from the faculty. I don’t need to think about it in other schools, and it’s not an education major. The path of education is really too narrow.

   As for going abroad, this used to be a dream, and it was also the motivation that supported him to get a PhD. Undergraduates don’t have good grade points and GRE, and masters don’t have good papers. If you get a PhD, you will always have a chance? But what is unexpected is that the difficulty has increased dramatically since 2016!

   He once thought that studying for a Ph.D. in China and then going abroad to do research was the safest path. As a result, he missed the final time window for completing a master's degree. Up to now, Wu Mathematics has been blocked in front of the visa threshold. The big cows who have issued the NSC said that they would not let go. Everyone who was delayed for a year is everywhere, not to mention that they are even considered as Mavericks. What about it?

   Even in the second half of last year, even well-known Chinese scientists were frequently taken away for investigation. How could it be possible in the past? It's just untimely! Why did the honeymoon period with the United States suddenly end? Painful!

   Therefore, after the alumni circle gradually boiled because of Chu Yuanxi's arrogance, Zhou Xueren's heart was restless. Just stay in the country and do it!

   Actually, since the "Sexy CEO Online Draw Car" before the Spring Festival, there have been people who have been trying to organize gatherings of college classmates, but Chu Yuanxi never attended. Not only did he not attend, he didn't even answer the phone very much, and he didn't respond to WeChat. It was visually detected that someone had been blocked.

   This is not authentic, right? Forget old classmates when they are developed? Many classmates from the same department and even in the same class rushed to the old class to cry, and Zhou Xueren's restless heart became anxious, and his heart beat: Chu Yuanxi can't help but give me face if he doesn't give others face, right?

   The key is that it’s not easy to find a job. I graduated in February, but did you find the most eye-catching job since a year ago? Unfortunately, I haven’t found it. They all say "learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and travel all over the world without fear". The problem is that after thinking about this, it is the same as the original "only one is good, then you can provide for the aged". It has a time limit. Up?

   If you are a PhD in lithium batteries, you would have been robbed crazy long ago, and the optical and acoustics are also very hot. The problem is that it is all applied physics, low-end, it is too low-end, how can we do the noble theory? This world is unfair! Huang Zhong was ruined and abandoned, Tile Fou thundered, flattering people were exalted, and wise men were nameless.

   Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi was more interviewing. Not only did she answer the phone, she also agreed to come to the company for an interview.

   Then he saw Elizabeth who was receiving him.

   Elizabeth's current official position is Chu Yuanxi's assistant. I was surprised that Chu Yuanxi went to meet such a low person in person? Her eyes have been soaked in the most high-level interpersonal circles. What is the elite of the workplace, which is the science leader, and even the senior officials in Washington. Of course, there are quite a lot of low goods, so where is a person's spiritual level, how big-hearted, and how strong she is, she is more confident than Chu Yuanxi.

   And nothing else, just the resume. The person here is a PhD, a PhD in theoretical physics, but why is the English so bad? Is it even worse than Chu Yuanxi's chenglish?

   And Zhou Xueren was shocked! Chu Yuanxi actually uses a foreign girl as an assistant? Does this foreign girl still speak Chinese? Haven't seen it in a few years and has been so high-end?

  With little effort, Chu Yuanxi appeared in this small meeting room in just over an hour.

As soon as she entered the door, Chu Yuanxi heard a sense of "popularity", just like animals using the scent to declare to each other to occupy territories, people who are worthy of the triple quality can also be good. This has nothing to do with washing or not changing clothes, and aura. It does not matter whether it is strong or not, it is a kind of "synthetic" effect.

   "It's been a long time since Lao Zhou." Chu Yuanxi took the initiative to reach out and shook it.

   I would say that Zhou Xueren's clothes are quite decent today. A pair of Tshirt with an antique style suppressed the feeling of decadence, and the hair has been re-treated, but there is no vitality in the eyes and eyes. He is also obviously blessed in figure, eight times heavier than when he graduated from college, and his big face is a bit like Teacher Gongsun. If he claims to be in his 40s, no one will doubt it.

  The appearance of people is so magical. Like Chaoyang Big Brother and Robin Lee, they are over half a hundred years old, but there is nothing wrong with claiming to be in their early thirties.

   Zhou Xueren shook hands with a stab, and withdrew back with a stab, "Isn't that a long time no see, your kid hasn't shown up for a long time, where shall we meet you?"

"It's not that I don't show up, it's that I'm really very busy. I don't go to general entertainment." Chu Yuanxi saw that Zhou Xueren didn't seem to have determined his position, and reached out his hand to stop the dignified mouth he planned to open. "Now only visual inspection It will bring great help to our company’s business, or if someone at the government level must be beaten, I will go. For example, Google’s product briefing, the game industry alliance organized by the Imperial Capital government, etc.

   What Chu Yuanxi was holding in his stomach was that he knew the level of his college classmates. The best quality of a person is to be able to discover the advantages of others, but unfortunately there are really no top talents in the university alumni circle in the original world, so it is not worth it. Of course, the world is developing, and people are constantly changing. In case of a counterattack dark horse in the original mediocre heaven group in the new year, you can also contact alone.

   This is definitely not a matter of time cost. Chu Yuanxi also wanted to scream with his friends who drink meat and drink every day without considering it from a utilitarian point of view. The question is, would others be so generous?

   Why do you want to meet Zhou Xueren? One is that Zhou Xueren is the class leader after all, and Chu Yuanxi cannot never keep dealing with his alumni. This is inseparable, even from a utilitarian point of view, otherwise his social evaluation will be greatly reduced, and he will be given more to his alma mater in the future. How much can I donate to save? So an effective communication channel is still needed.

   The second is that Zhou Xueren has been studying hard in the original world and has not found the ivory tower, and Chu Yuanxi will pass through before it shines! So he is one of the few people who may become a dark horse. It doesn't hurt to see him, just like playing a lottery.

   It's a pity that after seeing each other like this, Chu Yuanxi felt that there was nothing he could touch. Cao Xiang was also decadent, not only decadent but also guilty of conscience, but even when Zhou Mingjun declined that day, Cao Xiang's self-confidence was not lacking at all. This kind of "feel good about myself" that didn't know where it came from might be to Zhou Mingjun. Said to be a negative buff, but to Chu Yuanxi it was like a firefly at night, not dazzling, and visible to the naked eye.

   And Zhou Xueren don't talk about self-confidence. Underneath his stubborn expression is deep inferiority and confusion.

   Because of this, he was actually shocked by such a small bility that Chu Yuanxi had installed. This can't be a big cow, just try it out. "We are old classmates and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Be a little bit simpler, let us communicate simpler, and just tell me if you have anything, you will never come to me to chat or express dissatisfaction with the classmates, right?"

   "I, I..." Zhou Xueren obviously couldn't stand the direct style of Chu Yuanxi, and he was in a hurry. Why did you not play your cards according to the rules? Shouldn’t it be that Lala’s family recounts the past first, and then separately talks about the experiences of these years? I pretended to be big first, and then vomited and complained about the injustice of the scolding system, so I succeeded in arousing empathy? Are you a robot with no emotions? I am not the problem! I still have to face it!

   But obviously, if you can't tell why, Chu Yuanxi will really send him away. This person has changed. It's not a classmate who asked to move things and errands to run errands when he was in school. Although he laughed like he had no temper, but this grandson thinks himself too high, right? It is more pressured than the doctoral tutor. I guess there will be no next time after leaving today.

   So he made a decisive decision, decisively choosing reality in face and reality: "I am mostly at a loss after getting my Ph.D. I don't know what to do and I lost my goal."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that you should find professional job-hunting counseling. I am not Santa Claus. Besides, what advice can I give you when you engage in theoretical physics in Yang's gauge field theory?

   Zhou Xueren looked at it and he obviously didn't say it thoroughly. Why is it so inadequate? Somehow? But there is no time to blame Chu Yuanxi for not even understanding this, just bite the bullet and say: "So I want to find a suitable job."

  Chu Yuanxi finally picked up the problem: "How do you call it appropriate?"

   "The salary is worthy of my Ph.D." Zhou Xueren took it for granted, "I spent 7 and a half years longer than an undergraduate for this Ph.D. Salary can't be the same as that of a bachelor's degree?"

   "Then have you tried to find it? What's the situation?"

   "A word is hard to say..."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that you don't always feel too hard to say everything, maybe you still can't get the higher salary among recent graduates. For example, when large companies recruit and manage trainees, they must be recruited for undergraduate graduates, and they will never recruit doctoral students.

   Why? Because it’s young to graduate from a bachelor’s degree, 22 years old is an age worthy of polishing, sent to the grassroots to train for three to five years, to twenty-seven or eighty-eight is the time when you are strong and you have the ability and experience. The key is to be familiar with one's own company, no matter how many jobs there are, have personally experienced the most difficult problems, understand the "civil sufferings", know where the gaps in understanding between frontline fighters and executives are, and how to solve them I also have my own thinking.

   It’s not a little bit better to promote middle-level management than airborne management in this state. The upward career path is completely open. You can steadily move towards CXO in your early thirties or become the core leader of a branch. Before the promotion, during the three to five years of polishing, he was paid more than his colleagues in the same job category. Even if he sent express delivery, he received more subsidies than ordinary couriers. The salary was definitely not bad.

   Of course, the most important thing about Guan Peisheng's popularity is that he is a close friend of the chairman, who can speak directly to the chairman. Resting in ancient times is equivalent to having the right to write secret notes and submit them directly to the emperor, so even middle-level management is convenient for solving various problems.

   Like Zhou Xueren, the first is not to be able to do so. Doctor, can you press your head to the front line to deliver the courier for half a year? Can't stand it for half a month. Even if he can bear it, he will be 35 after five years, and then he can still move up from an ordinary middle-level position? Even if it’s a seniority, it’s impossible to cook a vegetarian meal, and the non-executive management of life and death is faster than the ordinary middle-level. But for a 35-year-old, how much more things will happen to life and family? How much energy do you put into work? This is for people who can't fight, and people with low cost performance.

   Of course, these words cannot be said to Zhou Xueren. The domestic science and engineering graduate students and even Ph.D. hardly take this kind of career path. As the name suggests, Guan trainees are management trainees who follow the career path of management posts. The strengths of science and engineering graduate students are their skills in their fields. If not, just pretend to be installed.

   Then, through this skill, I contacted the industry through external cooperation in the laboratory during my studies. When I got my degree, I had already moved around in the industry, academia, and research circles, and entered the industry with the enthusiastic degree certificate.

   This is the norm.

   But considering that the old man is studying the Yang's gauge field, this path does not seem to be easy to follow...

   Actually, Chu Yuanxi knew that Zhou Xueren hadn’t understood Yang Zhenning’s research, or else he would have been reluctant to publish papers, instead of postponing it after it was postponed. Your doctor of 7 and a half years of old man feels quite honorable, he is about to catch up with the idol trainee who has been practicing for two and a half years!

   After thinking about it for almost 10 seconds, Chu Yuanxi didn't think of a reason. The key is that he can do something? I don't know, we dare not ask.

   But Zhou Xueren dared to ask: "In short, do you have any suitable work for me?"

"The question is what kind of work can you do? I don't have any work related to theoretical physics. I can't let you be a game planner, right? Do you have any valuable patents?" Chu Yuanxi did not directly refuse, although he definitely wanted to refuse. , Because he promised never to recruit relatives and classmates into the company.

   Of course, if Zhou Xueren is really that kind of radiant talent, no one who promises or does not promise will be more true. Said that this person is better than Cao Xiang, so he was rejected because he had to keep his promise? At that time, you have to study to what extent the promise must be kept.

   Zhou Xueren's nose was almost crooked, "How can I have a patent? It is for the people who are engaged in applied physics to write a patent. I am engaged in theory. Oh right!"

   He suddenly had an idea, "I can program, I know how to program!"

"Ah? Can you do AI? Can you handle big data? Data cleaning and numerical mining are also okay. This is not OK, then, what about cloud servers?" Chu Yuanxi said Zhou Xueren while shaking his head, forced Chu Yuanxi to have to Test the last possibility: "How about blockchain?"

   "How can I have the money to play blockchain? I want to speculate. I don't have the capital when I read."

   Chu Yuanxi covered his face. It seems that this situation can only be used for APP development, and it may not be straightforward to get started. The code application in the industry is changing too fast. It’s okay to do the back-end. A new language is popular for the front-end almost every two years. If you can’t keep up, you will face elimination. There is definitely no such inhuman pressure in the school. If you suddenly join the company, you may have to start with the lowest-end interface program.

Although it is impossible to recruit him, due to the love of old classmates and certain obligations that may not exist, helping him with a career plan should be a valuable help, more than a low-end code farmer career. Much bigger.

   "Then what is your salary expectation?"

   "Five, no, forty thousand?" Zhou Xueren said cautiously.

"If you have been a code farmer for 7 and a half years after undergraduate, you must now have a monthly salary of more than 40,000." Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but vomit, "40,000 is the price of the main course, and the better one is more than 40,000. "

   "It's 40,000 if nothing happens, I'm not greedy."

   "I'm greedy." Chu Yuanxi said, do you think I coax the child? "Why did you go when you were in graduate school? A group of investors circled around you with the results and started a business. You just get a doctorate degree like a high salary. Why can you be worthy of this salary? Any business You are hired to make money from you, not to lose sober!"

   "Then how much should I want?"

   "If you are at the level of an ordinary programming enthusiast, it is impossible for a large company to find a small company to start a business, twelve thousand, no more."

"I'm not as good as a fresh graduate? I have compiled the program for at least 7 years!" Zhou Xueren was suddenly excited. He may think of the various difficulties in the previous job search, or it may be that the price code accurately hits all the offers received before The upper limit, so he rediscovered himself, only in this way is it even more unable to look directly at the **** facts. "Do you remember Lu Yuan? It's the one in our class 2 who got lame. He has worked in sales for five years and found a programmer job last year. The starting salary is 18 thousand! Am I worse than a lame?"

"It's not as good as that. Enterprises can reduce taxes if they hire people with disabilities. Can they reduce taxes if they hire you? Lu Yuan doesn't do anything to contribute to the company. Can you?" Chu Yuanxi has no joy or sadness. This fact may be beneficial to Zhou Xueren. The blow was even greater, but since it's all here, let's just talk about it, and it's easiest to end this terrible meeting.

   After turning the sky, Yang Jiangang was particularly excited when he heard about it: "Fuck! Doing theoretical physics, then he should be able to describe the physical changes of the object with programs? Deformation, displacement caused by force, etc.

   "What are you doing? Do you still want to hire him to make you a physics engine?" Chu Yuanxi gave Yang Jiangang a haha.


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