Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 783: This is his glory

There are almost no physics engines in the country because they are too high-end and no one does it. If Yang Jiangang thinks that people can be found through this way, he definitely thinks too much, because before he thought of it, there were countless engine companies. A physics engine siege lion can't play around with some matrix transformations of physics algorithms. If it is, there should not be too many people who can build physics engines. There are all over universities.


"He obviously lacks interpersonal communication skills, and he thinks too much, so don't think about it. If you can't withstand any turmoil now, you have to raise money before financing, so stop financing, roll back and do "The Enemy" save another batch of DKP."

   Hearing Chu Yuanxi's implicitly displeased accusation, Yang Jiangang suddenly shrank his neck, because he had already made a fool of himself.

  The foreign appearance still appeared on Chen Kuo, and Chu Yuanxi was particularly speechless.

To say that Chen Kuo has both work ability and leadership ability, and the arrangement of patent writing is also good. The work is fully arranged for the siege lions under him, so that all the staff are bathed in the baptism of intellectual property rights. .

   This is a very good thing, and even Yu Chu Yuanxi thinks that it should be introduced to the Ba people to fully promote this kind of patent writing experience, which is a quality improvement for all siege lions.

   As a result, he lost his horse. His work assignment was so good that he had some time to go shopping with Bai Fumei. After strolling around the street a few times, I met Wang Hui and her blue-green friends out together, and this time it was pleated.

Wang Hui exploded her hair on the spot, crying and calling for reunification. Chu Yuanxi didn't know how to make trouble on the street, but she ran to the peak of the visual effects to make trouble. Chu Yuanxi heard many people say that it was said to be big There was a disturbance and threatened to commit suicide.

   Actually, this matter is not terrible, because Chu Yuanxi thinks that Wang Hui is definitely a person who loves the beauty of life and cannot have the courage to commit suicide. But Yang Jiangang didn't dare to think like that. He was silly at the time. If this is really dead, this company still has a lot of money?

   Therefore, he has been trembling in the past few days, and even found a way for Chen Kuo to escape, which was the route Wang Jing used to escape when the Pakistani were spies. He made up his mind that he had to delay the financing node anyway.

   "Don't shrink your neck, Old Yang." Chu Yuanxi didn't want to worry about it at all, but she had to do it, very upset. "It's useless for you to shrink your necks with me. Take a look. It's been posted on Weibo, and you have also cut the picture. You will be famous for your peak visual effects. Don't just nod your head. How will Wang Hui get in your company? Didn’t you have a security guard? Why was Chen Kuo interrupting the meeting? Who called Chen Kuo out?

   Does your company have any articles of association and regulations? Isn't it a copy of the Pakistani rules? Why not execute it? These are all problems, your problem! Just this matter can reflect that your company's state is not good, too loose! You have to take measures now, you can't let it go, understand? You want to raise money! Stabilize your company first! "

   Yang Jiangang asked me, I want to take measures, but what measures should I take? Who will teach me how to manage Weibo? Do I need to establish a public relations department for a company that has not financed the A round? The problem is that this is not something PR should solve!

   But Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to teach him. This kind of thing requires him to figure out his own way, and it is also a problem that will most likely be encountered when starting a company. If you change to Chu Yuanxi, there are many ways to solve it, but everything will be taught by people, which is not conducive to Yang Jiangang's improvement.

   In fact, Yang Jiangang is now working harder, because the art resources of "Animal Company" are already in rapid production, and they will be cleared just as they are outsourced.

   So what's next? Obviously, we will continue to outsource the resources of "The Enemy of Rome", which means that the official production of "Animal Company" will start, and the animation of "The Enemy of Rome" will also start, and the two works will be parallel. It’s just that the resources of "Enemy of Rome" are much larger than that of the animal company, so the animation work can't be started too fast, no matter what August.

   In the next few months, Yang Jiangang had a wheel.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi is quite optimistic about the animation of "Animal Company". Although it is said to be a low-profile animation, first, it is a derivative of the existing IP. Whether it is a comic or TCG, it has a certain popularity basis. . So as long as Yang Jiangang's mind is not flooded when he is doing animation, the effect will not be too bad. Now Yang Jiangang has set up the form, and once the art resources are in place, the first episode of the first season of the finished product can be produced, and then after the post-processing, you can see people. It only takes a few days.

   If you can have a good start, it will definitely be a good thing for "Enemies of Rome". The main concept of the peak visual effects platform is the low-profile version of animation. Where is the low-profile? The first point is that art resources are repeatedly used to reduce costs. Therefore, the animal company's role will change to a sticker and appear in the enemy of Rome, which will invisibly increase the audience of "The enemy of Rome".

   There will be a lot of animations on this platform in the future. Reusing more than one will definitely be a negative evaluation, but the reuse of the first few works will only increase popularity.

   Knock on the blackboard to draw the key points-popularity!

   "The Enemy of Rome" suffers from the fact that it was used to put it in the European and American markets. The story environment is the ancient Mediterranean, and it is naturally not so strong in China. But now that you decide to make a mobile game, the domestic market cannot give up. By then, VR games will target Europe and the United States, and mobile games will target the country. Domestic popularity still needs the blessing of content + traffic.

   Therefore, how to pour popularity needs to use brains, because this time the carrier is not comics but animation, Chu Yuanxi thinks that the specific methods have to be more cautious. If you are not cautious, wouldn't it be right to watch an animated video? Just throw it on the Pakistani's Douyin Kuaishou account, right?

   Such simple and rude words, maybe the popularity of animation has not risen, but the popularity of the Pakistani account of Douyin Kuaishou has plummeted? You must know that Chu Yuanxi’s style of play was very delicate when he poured out "Unwinding from the Mountain", repeatedly combing the tonality of each matrix unit, performing a series of operations such as splitting, merging, diversion, and even sending out gift packages. It finally made the IP of "Troubled Times" flourish and received superb popularity.

   And this matter, is Lu Yu competent? Chu Yuanxi was really unscrupulous. Even if he writes the original road map and the reasons for doing this into a book for Lu Yu, he may not be able to learn it, because Lu Yu's biggest weakness is that he hasn't had any skill points in "hype".

   This skill can only be unspeakable. Chu Yuanxi can't teach it even if he wants to teach it. If he doesn't get it, he has to check it personally. A headache...

   It’s not the only thing that made him headache. On May 7, Chu Yuanxi was eating some delicious melons. Suddenly, Yuan Mu rushed into the tea room with a strange expression: "I found it, I found it!"

   "What did you find?" Chu Yuanxi said what happened to Yuan Mu? Is there **** on my face?

   "It was found that Graby entered the country's personnel structure." Yuan Mu said, putting a piece of paper on the tea table in front of Chu Yuanxi.

   Chu Yuanxi took a look, the chairman-Cheng Huilin.

   This elder sister is the co-founder of Graby, a family member of Cheng Sing International, and the chairman of Graby's head office, Cheng Bingyao, are relatives of the same family. They are also similar in age. They are less than 40 years old this year.

  CEO——Wang Yueheng.

   This eldest brother Chu Yuanxi is familiar with him. He also visited Ba people last year. It was the time that Chu Yuanxi gave a lecture to explain the details of the short video field from the media and help them judge the value of investment. This person is the COO of Haiyin Investment, and one of the investors is quite famous. Chu Yuanxi remembers that he has a good relationship with Lu Yongxiao, and he is a person who likes to play blockchain.

"Doesn't Wang Yueheng despise model innovation? Why did he get there?" Chu Yuanxi didn't think so, because, anyway, Li Jingfei had jumped upside down. The domestic investment circle had the support of Li Jingfei and Softbank. It's not worse than a Haiyin investment.

   So he is still in the mood to joke, "CEO is an important position, is Wang Yueheng OK? Graby is an exception. Is he the material for CEO?"

  CFO——Li Jingfei. You don’t need to look at this, just spray it, and you won’t be wrong if you shoot it first and then try. Chu Yuanxi looked up: "That's it?"

   "Look down." Yuan Mu simply said and said nothing.

   Chu Yuanxi let out an "um", and he looked down at another line: COO-Yang Zheng.

   "Huh? I'm a little impressed by this name..."

   Because Yuan Mu specifically told him to look down, and the COO is already the last line, so who is this person? He can be sure that he has definitely seen this name, and it is really not a normal look. It is not the way to look at it from the news, but he really has no impression?

   Yuan Mu looked at his expression, couldn't help but smiled, and then exhaled, "This Yang Zheng, 21 years old this year."

   "Fuck!" Chu Yuanxi was shocked, and not pretending to be shocked. This is far more awesome than graduating from university and entering a big company as a management trainee!

   "Worked at Pakistani Entertainment."

   "Fucking cow-wait a minute, do you mean magic horse?"

   "You call him Ah Du. Do you remember this person?"

   Chu Yuanxi more than remember! He jumped up directly, then whirled down on the stool, "Fuck, fuck! I remember! I went through the formalities with his ID card! But how is it possible? Did you make a mistake?"

   "Heh, they are now the'disciples of Chu Yuanxi's post-95's," he claims to know you best." Yuan Mu finally couldn't help but smiled, clutching his stomach for a while, "Can this be wrong?"

   "When you laugh, you look like my sand sculpture netizen." Chu Yuanxi said that I have disciples. What a **** thing is this? This is Dad’s treatment, and most people cannot enjoy it! "They are... letting my disciples take charge of copying my property? It's logical! But how did they get it together?"

Yuan Mu looked at Chu Yuanxi with a very angry smile, and added a knife: "According to the results of my investigation, your good disciple ran to Southeast Asia after the Spring Festival by himself, and then moved Graby. Cheng Huilin, the co-founder of China, made it possible for Graby to enter the country this time. He is quite powerful, especially as a 21-year-old young man, you were still playing in the mud when you were 21."

   "I...fuck!" Chu Yuanxi's mouth opened into a big O shape, feeling that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, a new generation of newcomers to save others, and if he didn't work hard, he might be thrown to death on the beach.

Just listen to Yuan Mu continuing to say: "This time in the celestial dynasty, Graby is based on the Imperial Capital R&D Center. In other words, people have established a base long ago. With a little modification, it will become a centralized R&D, manpower, management and The operating diversified base camp has an initial capital of no less than 100 million US dollars. Although we have almost this amount of capital after we completed the A round of financing, we started from scratch and they directly integrated large ground storage resources. So I have to tell you bad news..."

   "They are more beautiful in the eyes of investors, at least they are more beautiful now, I know." Chu Yuanxi nodded and said it was nothing.

   But Yuan Mu dare not neglect, because she is responsible for financing, at least nominally. "It's not just a more beautiful issue. They also have two investors, Wang Yueheng and Li Jingfei, who are on the bright side, and their connections are not shallow, and the financial resources are more than us.

  The key is that there is a lot of overlap between the two of them and our Zheng De’s network system, do you understand? Many people who could have voted for us will vote for them now, or treat us as plan B.

   This directly accounts for our financing caliber. We don’t mean that we need one billion in financing. There are 10 billion on the sidelines waiting to be invested. This is where I am most afraid of your misjudgment. Don't you think that there are many people in Pre_A holding money without squeezing in, and you think it will be like this in the back. And our demand for funds for a long time is not small, if the supply is insufficient..."

"Don't worry, there are still Ba people." Chu Yuanxi was actually a little bit anxious, but thought that Xu Xin had been stabilized in advance, the Ba people's milk volume had not been released at all, and there were hundreds of millions every month. The funds are all lying on the books, so he is more stable than Yuan Mu, because he knows the biggest crux of Xiaokang financing.

The biggest crux of    Xiaokang is that it cannot be "debut is the peak."

   Most of the companies at the peak of their debut are hard-core technology companies. Chu Yuanxi suddenly thought of the CV industry. The so-called CV is robot AI vision. This kind of company is the standard debut or peak. Early investors recognized the "founder talent valuation method". Companies can use the three magic weapons of benchmarking, top meeting and slaughter to raise funds in the early stage of entrepreneurship. .

For example, the CV companies of the Celestial Dynasty were particularly obsessed with writing papers at top international industry conferences in 2015 and 2016, and then fighting on the performance rankings of various roads. As for the benchmarking, it is relatively simple. Just mark DeepMind as Alpha Dog. After these three things are done, it is favored by venture capitalists, and valuation can blow to the sky.

   As for the product, the sales, and the profit, early investors simply did not consider it. Therefore, these companies do not need so much money in the early stage. For research and development of pure algorithms and hardware technology, 100 million in the initial stage is actually sufficient, but their money is coming very fast, and the valuation is also Very high.

As for Xiaokang, the earlier the hunger for funds, the more places to eat money, but there is no significant advantage when it comes to valuation. Relying on Chu Yuanxi’s face is not a long-term solution, only to develop to a certain extent. In order to exude charm to investors.

  In the mid-term, the situation will be completely reversed. Taking CV as an example, under the coercion of capital, the sense of urgency for commercial landing will put tremendous pressure on CV companies. If you cannot handle the pressure, you will not be able to achieve the running-in between ideal and reality. Storytelling can no longer go on, and we must find a way to monetize, and the founder’s talent attribute must be realized as a market-sales rate to continue to raise money.

Especially those who accept high valuations in the early stage, because they have already pushed their valuations to a high level. If the CFO fails to grasp the company’s capital flow and spends lavishly, then it will be a tragedy in the mid-term, and the high prices will be realized. The pressure makes the future extremely slim, and the landing has to rely on storytelling, otherwise it will not fall.

   Xiaokang doesn’t have this kind of problem, because he always walks on the ground, and he can take off at any time when he walks straight. Xiaokang is hungry for cash in both the early and mid-term, but it needs more money in the early stage. R&D, logistics, shop opening and subsidizing users are all big money-eaters.

After entering the mid-term, the expense ratio will drop significantly, many pits have been stepped on, the successful model is pushed forward, and the scale effect is superimposed, and the result is a positive cycle, at least from the perspective of capital. cycle.

  The so-called burning of money is not a derogatory term from the perspective of capital, but the efficiency of burning is not high. Xiaokang only needs to compare the number of users and the number of stores opened to the speed of burning money out of efficiency. Once the regional scale is generated, even if there is no mobile payment and social networking, it will still exude charm. But this is an effect that will only be produced in the mid-term. At that time, Chu Yuanxi believes that the funds will still be invested in a squeezed-out situation.

   Therefore, the crux that actually needs to be solved most is how to find money when debuting. The rest are minor problems. In other words, the most dangerous moment was actually passed by the time Pre_A was done, and the latter was just relatively dangerous. It can also be said that Grabi was too late to act as a demon. Chu Yuanxi had already grabbed Xu Xin's before the crisis. With big thick legs and a strong cow from Pakistan, the B round of financing is not a big problem.

   But thinking about it carefully, Chu Yuanxi was still a little nervous, nervous for the ancients. Graby may cause a lot of trouble, but if they are a month early, it will not be a lot of trouble. They have to think about how to destroy each other, such as reputation.

Now, at least in the country, you don’t need to be too fierce. For the time being, you can get along well for the time being, and even deliberately make a fuss: “It’s okay, dumb, at least he didn’t jump up suddenly while working in Pakistan. He is much better than Li Jingfei. Cheng Huilin can To be the core of Graby is definitely not easy to follow. The appearance of Ah-Yu's age can make Graby's co-founder Qingyan entrusted with important tasks, which is very entertaining for Pakistani people.

   "But he used your name to go out and wander around. Are you not angry?"

   "This is his glory, and I am even proud of him."


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