Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 788: Yang Jiangang tests the free market

"First of all, outsiders care if I guessed it or not. I just got it right? The result is more important than the process. Secondly, why do others believe that I can figure out the details of the opener? Because I am investigating today. Do you understand who is here?

You don’t even look at the key points in the Moments announcements. The key point is that the new person I set up for myself today is an investor. I reviewed it from the perspective of an investor and concluded that it is not worth investing. how about it? Is it okay? As for the reason, it can be seen by people of a little bit level. I am giving a real hammer to prevent them from being deceived. What I have done is a great thing!"

"You have an invincible reason! If you go to a competitor to invest, others will believe you?

"It’s okay. Otherwise, like you said, why am I so busy? Investing friends and businessmen are not incredible operations. This means that eggs are not placed in the same basket. Besides, in the eyes of outsiders, we are not a competitive relationship. They are large stores, and I am a convenience store. We are still complementary to some extent. For example, the warehouse problem proposed just now, they can also ask to use my forward warehouse for home delivery, just like Meituan grocery shopping. , Mr. Hippo."

Zhu Yan really gave up. She gave up and gave up, because Chu Yuanxi seemed to have said it very clearly, but she still didn't want to understand: "Then are you in a competitive relationship?"

"Obviously, we are competing for the funds on this circuit! Why else would I stabb them?"

While Chu Yuanxi was educating Zhu Yan, there was still the small room in the door opener, and all four of them did not leave. They were really studying Chu Yuanxi's proposal.

Just listen to Cheng Huilin's first-class Malay English question: "So, do you think we should not cooperate with Xiaokang? In fact, we can also exchange the central warehouse for Chu Yuanxi’s forward warehouse, and then rely on it. Qianqiancang develops local food delivery business, what do you think?"

Wang Yueheng immediately waved his hand: "No, no, no, local food delivery business is now being done by several giants. It is a continuation of food delivery. It will be very difficult for us to get in now. And even if we want to cooperate, it should be with these giants. Cooperate, provide them with leasing services, or exchange resources. The current situation is that we have a lot of resources, and Chu Yuanxi has few resources. We are clearly at a loss when we exchange resources."

Cheng Huilin nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at Ah Ya. Ah Ya met Wang Yueheng's eyes first, and then said: "Don't agree to any request from Chu Yuanxi. I know him best. He does everything. The purpose is that you can’t see it in advance, and you will suffer heavy losses afterwards. How to avoid it? No matter how delicious the bait he throws, just ignore it."

At this moment, Li Jingfei, who had just picked up the phone, had a solemn expression and slowly said word by word: "But we seem to have paid attention to it..."

The room is very small, and several people can see that Li Tietou is watching WeChat Moments, as if he has a heart. Aya and Wang Yueheng immediately opened the Moments, and then Wang Yueheng slapped the table with a "bang": "I **** His uncle! Chu Yuanxi is touching porcelain! How can this be prevented? It's impossible to prevent!"

Cheng Huilin did not recognize Chinese. As soon as Ah Ya explained, she immediately became suspicious: "Who leaked our secrets to him?"

Several people looked at each other immediately.

At the same time, on the Fourth Ring Road, Chu Yuanxi almost gave up his education career, "Crazy, don't struggle, business is all fictitious and real, your thinking model is too simple, you have a stick, consider This kind of problem is a torment for you. It's easier for you to consider how to dress yourself up as a professional elite."

Zhu Yan's mood is a little better, "Does this fairy still need to dress up? Doesn't I get revenge on society if I dress up again?"

"But you're an Internet celebrity."

"Is there such a big difference?"

"Of course, the so-called workplace is the battlefield where different employees are mobilized to fight for the same company. It is result-oriented and the competition is very fierce. The dressing of the workplace must conform to this characteristic, be quick and smart, and give people a kind of performance. The feeling of supremacy is convincing when you stop without opening your mouth, understand? It’s not a bag worth tens of thousands of dollars to reflect your high level of consumption."

"How should I dress up?"

"The first is the aura, to make people feel wise. The core of being wise is the look in your eyes. Your eyes should be confident and calm. It is best to be able to focus. You should not reveal that something is actually not understood. You must have the feeling that Zhizhu is holding it. .When talking to people, be serious, watch the other person, don't be foolish, don't be too casual, so that you show respect for everyone.

The second is the lips. Don’t talk easily, know how to close your mouth, show restraint, rationality, and thoughtfulness when you speak, but you should always smile a little to show that you are not influenced by emotions. This is called a “professional smile” . "

"It's so hard for me to rely on!"

"Don’t you see that Cheng Huilin just now? Although the appearance is in a mess, the business elite has the aura. They don’t talk easily, and when they speak, they are very professional and do not waste other people’s thoughts. time."

"Why didn't I see it?"

"That's because she was suppressed by my aura." Chu Yuanxi's only regret today is that she didn't collect enough information from Cheng Huilin. She was too quiet, so she didn't expose too many features, and because of her beauty. The value is relatively low, so that the fluctuation of emotional changes is not displayed in the facial expressions, and the face is very failed. "Let's not talk about her, she is not a beauty, let's still talk about the dress of a beauty in the workplace."

"Why do you care about my dress so much?"

"Isn't this more and more people coming to be well off in the future?"

"What? Are you afraid that my image will hold you back?" Zhu Yan was half ashamed and half frustrated, because even she herself had to admit that the entire company, including Ba people and Xiaokang, was like her. The people have gradually disappeared. Whether uncle Sheng or Jiao Tu, people who usually dress up touch dogs and begin to pay attention to appearance. And she, a beautiful dress, the price is definitely not cheap, she can definitely be Miaoshengshu + Jiaotu, but she feels really out of place.

This made her miss the time when she was working downstairs last year even more. At that time, although it was simple and simple, everyone was very relaxed, and the atmosphere was harmonious, which is incomparable after becoming taller.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi and sighed: "Why don't I want everyone to relax? The problem is, you can't change society, you have to cater to society and change yourself as soon as possible. Forget it, let's talk about workplace beauties, when workplace beauties make up, It is necessary to use facial configurations that highlight the sense of wisdom, such as making the face a little longer and thinner, so smart and rational. Cheekbones and jaws should also be prominent. Such a strong configuration also has a strong sense of power and an identity."

"How do I think you said it according to Elizabeth Holmes?"

"Hey, you have to admit that she is indeed an elite in the workplace, or else she can't deceive all Americans."

Zhu Yan thought about it for a while. She didn't speak easily. She realized that she was too talkative, which made Chu Yuanxi never value herself. But soon she exclaimed: "Hey, where are we going? Not the way back to the company?"

"No, no, let's go to the snow project that Pakistani invested in before."

"That's the one you suggested Zheng De set up for the round? What are you going to do? The opening ceremony?"

"No, it has been in operation for a long time. It has been in business for several months, and I have made a lot of money. Don't you look at the financial report of the Pakistani people? There will be another dividend in July. This time, there is a lot of money."

"Oh, I never look at that stuff. I will take as much as you give me. What are you doing then?"

"Hey, isn't Xiaokang's payment license taken down? Zheng De organized an investor party to celebrate Hapi."

"So fast? The mobile license is so easy to get?"

"Don't tell me, the mobile licenses on the market this year are not tight. Video licenses are also relatively easy. It is said that there are several cards ready to be traded in a city in the magic city. There are also insurance licenses like Storm."

"What is the guarantee?"

"Guarantee is going to sell it at a good price in the future. This is very good, and it can be solved with money. The more valuable is the online publishing license. It is difficult for private enterprises to obtain it. It is said that there are only two available on the market. Fortunately, Xiaokang does not have this demand."

When Chu Yuanxi went to Hapi, Yang Jiangang's peak visual effects welcomed a group of special guests, the investors he and Chen Kuo had made during this time.

It is not necessary for Chu Yuanxi to find investors. In theory, anyone can find them. Even according to the unspoken rules of financing, the investor who finds a high valuation can also get an extra share, similar The share of the additional issuance of bridge loans is used as a consideration for hunting high valuations.

It's just a matter of how many investors can be found, what quality investors can be found, how strong the willingness to invest, how high a valuation they are willing to give, and what conditions can be accepted, it depends on the ability. A person with great skill like Huangshan Zheng, found an archangel like Duan Yongping for Pinduoduo and gave him a super high valuation, so he was able to lead Pinduoduo's change of hands and cut directly from the Youta network that incubated it.

The financing node of Pinnacle Visual Effects is set at the end of May, which is already May 20. It seems that only a few days later, Yang Jiangang is also preparing for the battle. And thanks to the roadmap adjusted by Chu Yuanxi, the products have now been made. The first few episodes of the first season are doing post-production special effects and dubbing.

Because it is a low-quality animation, the post is not a post with hundreds of thousands per second, but a post to highlight the feeling. Only the dubbing must pursue high quality, but at least one episode can be matched by the end of the month, and only one episode can be used as a template!

Today, several investors came to the company mainly to look at the engine. You can also look at the finished pieces, but it is not the point. The point is to discuss in depth with Yang Jiangang and exchange opinions. In other words, Yang Jiangang is called "testing the free market" to see what the peak visual effect is in the market.

In fact, as a workplace person, you should be brave enough to try the free market under certain circumstances. For example, a part-time worker may go to another company for an interview. It may not necessarily be a departure, but you can see how much K’s monthly salary is worth in the eyes of other companies. Even if you can find a job, in order to increase the b number in your heart.

But Yang Jiangang soon found out that he was wrong. He wanted to try the free market, but the results were all low prices, thorns, and conditions. Originally planned to be valued at 700 million yuan, the plan to raise 100 million yuan was a plan made by Chu Yuanxi for Yang Jiangang. Yang Jiangang also said the same outside. Ordinarily, people should have a good idea?

As a result, I don’t know whether these investors have reached a consensus or something in advance. Let alone 700 million, the valuations given one by one did not exceed 300 million. That's all, this group of provocative people made Chen Kuo blushing. If it weren't for some of them he had found himself, Chen Kuo would have ridiculed!

"This is an editor, a ugc playback engine, and it's for college students in school. It's for nine-to-five office workers. It's not for cg animation! How could it be possible to make Mao move! Really move them? Will they use it? Do they buy such expensive art resources?"

"Why do you always have this mouth shape when you speak? Because it's special, I made an action! This special is a dragon, do you understand? It's good to have a mouth shape!"

"Fool, do you know what a story is, what is called content, and what is called an ip? What the **** is this idiot, I found it!"

Chen Kuo looked at Yang Jiangang with his few hairs, and said that he might as well leave it to President Chu to do it. Our brothers are simply messing up!

But after all, Yang Jiangang has been mixed up for so many years, and he has seen this small market, so he skipped these unfriendly fuss and collected the results directly.

The result is that not only is the valuation given up to 300 million yuan, but also some conditions must be attached, such as the right to sell, such as board seats, such as a veto, and even the repurchase of shares. Individuals have unlimited joint and several liability.

"Don't even think about the right to veto. You are responsible for your own responsibility, and it has nothing to do with the Pakistani group." Chu Yuanxi said straightforwardly after returning, "I have a veto, and I will not accept these conditions. Pakistani people The Group is the only investor in Pinnacle Vision’s angel round. Wouldn’t they just ask Jaguar without looking at the previous investment agreement?"

"No, I mean, hey, what I mean is, suppose I don't have a backer like yours, and now I'm facing this situation, I want to raise money, but the investor's price is far from the target, what should I do?" Yang Jiangang was quite distressed and a little nervous, because he realized that he had an independent tendency after he finished speaking. Why else would he think about this kind of problem?

"This is easy to solve. If you don’t lack their money, it’s not happening. Continue to find other investors and find those who recognize your philosophy and entrepreneurial direction. If they lack their money, set the conditions for gambling. Valuation, then you have to accept the right bet, there is nothing to say, and even set up liquidation conditions, ready to introduce new investors to eat their shares. This is all business, nothing to be polite."

"Then you are not angry about me looking for investors?"

"Why are you like a little daughter-in-law? You haven't fallen in love with me. Am I so angry?" Chu Yuanxi was almost annoyed. "If you can find someone who is willing to give you 1 billion and then melt 200 million, I'm so happy, he can make conditions, and I will consider not using the veto power."

Yang Jiangang and Chen Kuo Lushan Waterfall Khan, because such people do not seem to exist.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continuing to vomit: "I don't know where you two real treasures got a group of such low-handed investors, this group of people will not be the same group of people who have been tortured with me on Weibo before. The two of you have remembered that it’s better to make products as channels, and as channels as platforms. You’re making platforms. The choice is greater than hard work. You have chosen the right one. No matter how you will not be reduced to low prices. It also accepts unequal treaties."

"Mr. Chu, that means that the investor you helped find has approved 700 million?" Chen Kuo's heart gradually returned to his Hearing Chu Yuanxi said that, he has become a lot easier .

But he couldn't relax immediately. He only heard Chu Yuanxi sneer: "Sorry, the investors I'm looking for have to look at the product and listen to your roadshow, ask you questions, ask questions, make things difficult for you, and you won't be able to get through a link. You When there are entrance exams, there are also recommended students? In this sense, it is also beneficial to invite a wave of low to force investors to come. You can think about how to answer these mentally handicapped questions in a more appropriate way."

Yang Jiangang suddenly became eager, because, based on the pre-valuation of 700 million yuan, the equity he owned was +. When he thinks of this number, he feels flustered, very flustered, how can he suddenly become a person worth over 100 million? Is this unscientific? What did I do?

Therefore, he and Chen Kuo and Chu Yuanxi had completely opposite thoughts. After Chu Yuanxi finished spraying, he couldn't help but say, "Actually, actually, I think 300 million is not enough? 20 million people came out."

"There is no moment." Chu Yuanxi stared at Yang Jiangang, and immediately, Yang Jiangang's eyes were a little dodging.

"Let's put it this way, if you want to say 300 million, you can also accept it. I'm fine. I'm getting rid of it."

"You, what are you doing?"

"The latter has nothing to do with me. The valuation is too low and it's not worth my trouble. Don't worry, the ip authorization that I mentioned is still there, and I still allow you to use it non-exclusively. But the traffic of Pakistani information is for you. You have to pay for it at the market price." Chu Yuanxi didn't say anything else, only analyzed the market outlook: "Even so, you are also worthwhile, because I will definitely not sell you fake traffic. You use the same so-called market price to go to others. If you buy it, it’s normal for someone to give you 30 to 50% fake traffic."

Yang Jiangang and Chen Kuo looked at each other, and felt like a catastrophe is imminent. If the Pakistani people let go, there is no such thing as 300 million!

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