Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 789: Peak visual effects roadshow

Now for peak visual effects, what must be resolved is the follow-up funds. The previous 20 million has already been burned a lot, and new money must come in. And as Chu Yuanxi calculated before, early June is a terrible time node, and the cash flow is close. exhausted. Cash flow dries up and wages owed? Sorry, salary can be delayed, what about art outsourcing? This can’t be dragged, just drag a single order and stop immediately.

In other words, if there is a problem with this financing, then the entrepreneurship risk will die. It is not just a risk, it is really out of money!

Originally, this was not a problem at all. Backed by the Pakistani Group, the account is full of cash, and you can eat and drink with just one bite of milk. It is nothing more than a question of how much you value it. Yang Jiangang and Chen Kuo have not even thought about why it is necessary to open up financing to the outside world and why it must introduce external investors instead of the Pakistani people to win the A round.

Now they seem to have finally found their feelings. After a long period of trouble, Chu Yuanxi's support for them is not unlimited and unconditional! The Ba People Group can leave at any time, but they can't leave, it's that simple!

But what's so strange about this? After all, this is their common cause, but it is not the common cause of Chu Yuanxi and them. Chu Yuanxi is just the father of the gold master, not a real father. For Chu Yuanxi, the pinnacle visual effects company couldn't be simpler. If you can support it, if it doesn't work, you can pull it down. Isn't this a normal judgment of a normal person? Why do you have hallucinations and keep them for so long?

Is it because the former colleagues have too deep feelings? Or is it because Chu Yuanxi is too caring about this small company? So that he felt that Chu Yuanxi was still the emperor and he was a minister? They just gave a few opinions and helped think of some solutions. What they did was fo's responsibility and investor's obligations. Why is he so stupid?

At this moment, Yang Jiangang clearly felt that he had realized that he no longer had the idea of ​​"Chu Yuanxi anyway" when something happened. Even if Chu Yuanxi was a Jingle cat, it could be Zhu Yan's Jingle cat, Qi Yu's Jingle cat, or even Yuan Mu's Jingle cat, but it was definitely not his Jingle cat.

It's just that this soberness made him feel stunned, as if a most sincere illusion had been picked up by himself.

However, at this time, he cannot tolerate the sadness of spring and autumn, and the Sacred Heart must be restored, otherwise the chain of company development will be broken!

Thinking of this, Yang Jiangang hurriedly blocked the door, "Chu Yuanxi, wait, I didn’t mean that. I just explored various possibilities. We must still raise funds at a valuation of 700 million yuan, which will cost a penny less. No. The investors I'm looking for are too pheasant to be on the stage at all. I have to learn from you and Yuan Mu in this regard."

Chu Yuanxi said that you learn from Yuan Mu? "It's not the problem, Lao Yang. The problem is that I have lost confidence in you, do you know? The most disappointing thing about you is that you have no entrepreneurial ambitions. A project should be 10 billion, and you should achieve 50 Billion, others think you are very successful, you should be pain-not-desire-life!

A true entrepreneur must be an aspiring person. While he is young, he must find the biggest stage to show himself. The valuation and financing amount are open to asking, making the most careful planning and enduring the most venomous beating. Do everything possible to accomplish a great thing after perseverance.

It's okay for you, there is an idea, but the little rich is safe, I don't have any confidence in you like you. You have no value. Your current value is not much higher than that of planning in the game project team. Why should I waste time? Urge you to work honestly to achieve greater value. "

"I need so much valuation and financing, what should I do if I fail to survive the severe beating?"

"If you have this kind of idea, it's not called entrepreneurship at all. You don't even have the confidence to ask for a price after you meet investors! I tell you, the more you see big-name investors, the more you want it. , Can't afford the ideal price. The so-called true essence of entrepreneurship is that how much ambition and ability you have, how many investors will accompany you. Your own heart is not big enough, no matter how great the ability is, you can only find Xiaoyu Xiaoxiao Play with you.

Are you afraid of putting investors' money in disaster? A misfortune is a misfortune! Some big investors have a heart to make you misfortune. As an entrepreneur, this should be your responsibility! You may also bring investors to fly together. Why don't you want to? Isn't it a misfortune? It is only right to take them to fly together? Such investors let them disappear quickly and smoothly. "

Yang Jiangang has never been able to fully and thoroughly understand the logical relationship between entrepreneurship and financing at any time, and he immediately felt a wave of blood rushing to the sky: "Then how can I have confidence?"

"How are you?" Chu Yuanxi thought in a blink of an eye: "You must have the consciousness of nothing if you fail to start a business, and bet everything without thinking about turning back, so that I can have confidence in you. You can't always leave room for yourself and want to retreat. Chen Kuo can think about this kind of thing, but you can't think about it."

"Okay—" Yang Jiangang gave way out aggressively and stood beside the window, "Then I am confident now! You have found investors for this financing! I will jump from here if my valuation is less than 700 million yuan!"

"Fuck you, this is the first floor!"


Suddenly, a small sand sculpture resounded above the peak visual effects.

In the following week, Pinnacle Visual Effects moved forward in an orderly manner at the most efficient speed, and Yang Jiangang's personally tuned products gradually matched the sound and later stages. Especially with regard to the road speech performance, because Chen Kuo was going to talk about it, the two of them almost ate and lived together during this week, and it seemed to outsiders that they were about to become friends.

Chu Yuanxi didn't hesitate to teach stunts when he saw them in this state. Those who do business only need to look at the profit rate and turnover rate, that is, the speed of making money, but doing business has constants and variables. What to say to investors? It is a good topic to say how to find your own limits, and it is easy to get the approval of investors.

The question is how to find it? After you find your own variables, you can determine where the limits of the company are by setting the variables. Of course, this requires insight into its own advantages and disadvantages.

This week is also a week of steady development of the well-off milestone. Only the number of registered users is quite gratifying, but the repurchase rate without coupons and the number of VIP users are still far behind.

This can be regarded as human nature. After all, these things of Xiaokang are not new when they are taken apart separately. They are combined together, let alone grandpa and aunt, even white-collar workers have never seen it. So it's normal to have a wait-and-wait psychology. What if the coupon will be issued later? What if you hit a bigger discount again? Just keep onlookers.

As for VIP, of course, I am not busy adding it. Although there are many benefits after adding VIP, riding is completely free, but in this era, it is really not too much to close the shop and run away after rushing to VIP. Just this month, there is a shop called Xianshengyouyou in the south, which opened more than 100 chain stores, is it big enough? There was a thunderstorm. The news that came out on May 10, it was a miserable one. The VIP card was charged with three thousand yuan to send a few hundred. The problem is that the shop has not been spent. Who can stand it?

You should know that even if it is the imperial capital, the best area in the world, the gyms, the barbershops called the styling centers, and even the catering shops, some of them are still working on membership cards but the shops are gone. Even the leopard, who can't run away no matter how they look at it, has run away. Who can tell?

Some people even changed the shop to another sign and continued to do it. The original shop is still a shop, but the previous VIPs will not admit it. The level of shamelessness is not what ordinary people can imagine. So much so that there is a saying called "run-to-dry ratio" circulating in the arena, which is the ratio of the amount of money that can be taken away by running to the hard money earned by working hard. The urge to run after this value is so large is absolute. The people who have suffered from it have been scammed again and again.

This shop is called Xiaokang. Although it doesn't do any VIP recharge, VIP is only a qualification for a service package, but it is fancy and complicated. In short, it is not a big mistake to be careful.

This was also the case when opening shops in the original world, Chu Yuanxi was completely calm. Because of this link, as long as the cycling data maintains a steady growth, it means that user viscosity is not destroyed. Those who are on the sidelines, even if they want to get more free ride tickets, they will turn around. They have not lost their way. Opening the app to sweep bicycles means interacting and waking up about twice a day. This is the benefit of combining convenience stores and bicycles.

One week passed in a blink of an eye. On May 28th, on Tuesday, Yang Jiangang was on the verge of an enemy. The entire peak visual effects staff were neatly dressed and looked spirited, because investors have already arrived.

This time the investor was actually contacted by Zheng De for help, and specifically did not find a well-off potential investor. The domestic capital power that is interested in playing the mobile Internet, especially the playing platform, has always been very large. It is a long-term outlet, and it is no less than the hot spot. Therefore, although local life and new retail concepts are very hot, it is not difficult to find strong investors for Pinnacle VFX.

Although the list has been shown to Yang Jiangang in advance, how does he know who is? Therefore, when he came to the venue, he discovered that there were three people who were particularly familiar with each other, which was a pleasant surprise.

These three are the three investors who participated in the Pakistani annual meeting online car drawing, Uberon of Aurora Capital, Gu Hongru of Haiyi Fund and Dong He of Cozy Investment. At the beginning, he had gone up under the leadership of Chu Yuanxi to say hello and had a familiar face.

This made him feel emboldened by another three-pointer.

First of all, the person on stage is responsible for the technology as usual, and in terms of peak visual effects, it is Chen Kuo. The part that Chen Kuo is responsible for is the easiest part of this financing, that is, the engine and patents that are cut first and then played.

You must know that the current engine is still the original engine, but it has only improved its functions, while patents are patents made out of thin air. Although the effects achieved are similar to those shown in existing engines, after all, the two have not yet reached the end.

Therefore, Yang Jiangang was sweating a lot, for fear of investors with technical backgrounds, so he could find the problem at a glance. If he really wanted to find it, there would always be clues.

Even Chen Kuo was ready to sacrifice himself, and when something went wrong, he slapped the pot on his bald head.

Fortunately, there was no such capable person in the audience, which allowed him to successfully complete the presentation of scientific and technological achievements.

The content of this link is full enough, the various effects of the engine are displayed, the certification of the patent application, etc., more than 20 patent applications, at least in terms of visual effects, seem quite acceptable.

Soon it was Yang Jiangang's turn. The number of roadshows between him and Chu Yuanxi are completely different. Go up and do it! Demonstrate how this engine is used for ordinary people and how it can be pushed on the platform. According to fashionable words, this is called letting the product speak for itself, and according to Chu Yuanxi's words, this is called using the diligent demonstrating language in action.

The biggest feature of this engine or platform is to allow users to make content by themselves, and then share copyright revenue with the platform, one for the environment and resources for production. Then the platform has a large package, responsible for selling copyrights to the outside world, and also responsible for letting ordinary audiences on the platform broadcast, free or paid to watch.

As for where does the platform's traffic come from? Investors present today basically know what the Pakistani Group does, so there is nothing to emphasize.

As far as this form is concerned, Pinnacle's routines are very similar to online novels, and the threshold is reduced as much as possible so that everyone can create, but only the finest items can stand out. If there is no problem with copyright at all, it will enter the commercialization stage. At this time, Uncle Sheng purchased the copyright of the Pakistani people from outside to come in handy. It can be provided to producers for free, and then commercialized to generate value-added.

But in fact, this is also very different from online novels. The first is that no matter how large the art resource library is, it is impossible to be perfect. Animation creators want to produce high-quality content with the support of this set of overall low-quality art resources. Purchase the extra art resources he needs by himself. Whether it is a model, action, special effect, or scene, there are requirements for customization. This demand needs to be met by the platform as a transit station, charging animators, and then translating the animators' needs into professional needs to the art department.

The second is that the threshold still exists, and the animation content needs to be expressed in the form of a table. Yang Jiangang went up to demonstrate this process, how to mobilize resources by compiling a table to form a plot.

His expression is very focused, giving people a feeling of intoxication, and Chu Yuanxi and Chen Kuo, who are more familiar with this process, can see that his completion speed today is super fast, and he is very familiar. Like a startup company boss, more like an own gold medal producer fighting on the front line.

Soon, a short animation without post-processing was completed. Yang Jiangang first played the first episode of the first season that had been made into a boutique, and then compared it with this hot animation. Suddenly, Chu Yuanxi took the lead and applauded.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the applause was not bad, Chu Yuanxi decided to force it in. In case he didn't speak, Yang Jiangang would tremble and squat, and he would be blinded by such a good form and impression.

"I'm Chu Yuanxi, everyone knows me? I want to briefly summarize Yang Jiangang's greatest strengths. He has a particularly outstanding trait that most people don't notice, that is, he is very good at organizing overtime."

Speaking of the "wow", I laughed. I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "Working overtime increases income and operation creates value. This is a very worthwhile investment. I must make this clear to everyone, otherwise it will Affect your judgment on the value of this company."

"What does this sentence mean, President Chu?" Uberon asked while smiling, "Does it mean not paying overtime?"

"No, no, let me give you an example from the perspective of industrial management." Chu Yuanxi gestured with both hands and said, "It means that suppose an enterprise is the kind that can directly turn employees' work output into revenue. Yes, then the revenue generated by a R&D employee working for 8 hours is 20 yuan, 10 yuan is distributed to the employee, and the maintenance cost is 10 yuan. The company does not make money.

What to do if you don't make money? An operating employee adds up to 50 yuan for the benefits of this research and development in 8 hours, and also pays 10 yuan to the operation, 10 yuan for maintenance, and 10 yuan for the company. Right?

But what if they work overtime until 12 hours? The account is 75, and overtime pay is paid proportionally for R&D and operation, but the maintenance cost is actually 10+10, at most 25, so the company earns 20. Employees work overtime by half and earn twice as much. This means working overtime increases income and operations create value. .

In addition, just as the boss of Uberon said, Yang Jiangang can also consider not paying overtime pay and working overtime by playing hard work. This makes a profit. "

There was a burst of joyful laughter immediately below, as if investors had seen the money they had earned flying towards them. Only Uberon waved his hand quickly: "Hey, hey, I don't mean that. I refute this behavior. The core socialist values ​​are my criteria."

"The big guy is right. The company does not lose heart when earning this 20 yuan, because the 20 yuan is the value realized by the entrepreneurial idea. This is the cornerstone of entrepreneurship, and his value is that two people earn you 20 yuan a day. There is a ceiling for this operation. Your idea determines the height of the ceiling. Below the ceiling, there is an open area. How big the scale is, you can make money faster. But after reaching the ceiling, it will not work, and the effect of increasing the scale is not obvious.

Therefore, whether your idea is good or not determines the height of the ceiling. If the idea is good, the company value is great. As we all know, the ceiling of the platform is the highest. Theoretically, the drainage can be directed to the world. This platform can be promoted to European and American users. Anyway, the animation is a matter of fine art in appearance. It can be pushed around the world without any consideration. Language barriers, users find dubbing and bgm by themselves. "

Chu Yuanxi listened to this and decided to continue blowing, "Then, behind the scenes, there is our Pakistani Group providing an operation plan. This is basically the right thing."

Gu Hongru, who was sitting in the audience, immediately answered the question: "Mr. Chu, some people say that your operation is generally the third in the world, the first penguin, the second and the third is you, what do you think?"

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