Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 792: 1 belt 1 big air outlet

Unfortunately, the time is not yet ripe. Now Chu Yuanxi has a lot of trivial things every day, presumably the market opener will soon have it. The right time is when the other side starts large-scale operations, the flywheel will turn around.

The so-called flywheel effect in business refers to the market cold start. When the flywheel just starts to rotate, it’s the hardest time to move from static to rotating. The market is the same. The environment is a desert. To create new careers for several types of ships, suitable employees are hard to find, and users don’t understand at all. They must continue to invest in education costs. Just like Goudong and Taobao after 2000, urging users to buy things online, if it weren’t for users to buy things online during the SARS epidemic, Goudong might have to take a different path.

After the flywheel is turned, it is much better, the market environment is mature, and the forward inertia is formed, and the direct hot start can run at high speed without any effort. For example, Pinduoduo found a suitable entry point and immediately stood firm in the market. Not only did it become the third in the industry, but also the momentum was extremely fierce, and its market value had caught up with the second.

Cold starters have a certain first mover advantage, hot starters can use resources to fill his first mover advantage, but it is not so simple to fill the moat formed by brand and word of mouth. And at the moment when the flywheel turns from cold to hot, people's hearts will also turn. Facing the dawn will increase infinite possibilities, which is the most challenging moment for the first mover.

During this period of time, Chu Yuanxi had to deal with the internal audits of Baren and Xiaokang, Zhang Dongdong’s help, Monica’s translation, and he finally thought of a good entrepreneurial direction for Chen Qi. , Enough to be the cause and effect of the original deep space data.

Internal audit is an indispensable link for enterprises above designated size. For example, the Ba people used Chu Yuanxi with the voice of uncle Zhu Yan and other big cats and kittens to fight the world. The internal situation is clear at a glance. In the era of collectivization, internal audits must be put on the agenda.

The well-off society is the same. Although there is no grouping, the relationship between the various departments and the grouping are not very different, but it is more efficient to run the okr system together.

Through internal audit, the internal operating efficiency of the organization can certainly be maintained at a high level, and the management risk of the previous stage can be evaluated, reflecting the effect of internal control, and helping to achieve corporate governance.

It can be said that internal audit is the protection rope of modern corporate system. Without internal audit, internal control cannot be discussed at all, and it will even affect company decision-making. For example, when doing risk control, failure of internal audit will lead to wrong risk control parameters and direct imbalance. . We must know that risk control occurs in the middle of management, and the unbalanced risk control of the entire enterprise will roll over directly like a high-speed Mercedes-Benz train derails.

Therefore, the process of this trivial matter is quite long, and various chicken feathers and garlic skins will be produced in the process, and a lot of energy will be involved. The larger ones will be summarized and reported to Chu Yuanxi for decision.

Then Chu Yuanxi was satisfied to see that the biggest risks in the two companies at present came from the blind Jaguar command of the CEO.

That's it! The ultimate goal of the internal audit is to evaluate whether the company's various businesses can proceed smoothly in accordance with the milestone plan, and whether the goals set by the CEO can be completed impartially, so as to prevent problems and errors in corporate management. What is ceo called? The CEO, what he wants is execution.

Zhang Dongdong's request for help was more miserable. The focus of film and television this year is water-infusion dramas, remake dramas, and palace battle dramas. As a result, are all costume dramas within the muzzle range? As a result, a large number of costume dramas have been affected during this period of time, and those that have been downcast are everywhere, and censorship has become extremely strict.

The ones that have been downloaded, such as, etc., can be broadcast on the webcasting platform if they are better. Some unlucky ones are directly interviewed by the regulatory authorities, so just don't shoot them.

As for the review, it is also very meticulous. Unmarried and pregnant people cannot be photographed; people who are bothered cannot be photographed. Specifically, there should be no more than three people who have a relationship with the male number one; house fighting is expressly prohibited, and family members cannot compete for property; male and female owners cannot engage in illegal occupations. These are all okay, and there are two others that make Zhang Dongdong a happy one and the other worried.

The good news is that the motives of the male protagonist cannot be too self-interested, it is best for the people of the country; the worry is that ethnic issues must be avoided.

The first one is simply designed for the purpose, the positive energy of this ip just meets the audit requirements, and the latter...

Therefore, Zhang Dongdong strongly asked Chu Yuanxi to lend Uncle Sheng to her for a period of time to coordinate content with the screenwriter of the group. After all, Uncle Sheng is the author of the comics script, and he is the first to understand this IP. With Uncle Voice, how to take advantage of the previous one is very smooth, and the second one can also help modify the settings. Then add some elements of the romance, as long as the tone of the drama is not changed, it can be coordinated.

At this point, such coordination can be made because the film was produced in a way that the big screenwriter leads the screenwriter team and team. Therefore, the script can be released and modified at any time, and you only need to be two months ahead of the shooting schedule on the big schedule of the script, and you can be at ease.

If you want to play this way, you have to and only need to satisfy one thing, that is, there is no such special big name in the cast, or that it can play big cards. For example, in a drama with a shooting period of nine months, a certain woman is in a group for six days. In less than a week, some necessary shots are taken, and then the rest is all cut out.

This can't be played anymore, because the script has not been decided yet, and it is still uncertain what the necessary shots are. It is only in the seventh month that all the scripts can be confirmed, but the schedule for the first female one is busy, and there is no coordination at this time. You can't blindly shoot without the heroine in the first seven months, right?

Therefore, the only thing Zhang Dongdong needs to solve is the technical problem. The problem is that Uncle Sheng is not easy to borrow. Chu Yuanxi still needs him to supervise Baisha's release of the book.

Besides, it’s not just Baisha, because Yang Jiangang’s financing is basically smooth, so the Pakistani copyright must also act, because the next step is to promote the whole society after the establishment of the peak visual effects platform, although the internal technology needs to be replaced. To make the engine truly its own, it needs to be tuned to make it easier for users to use, and it needs to be constantly supplemented with art resources, etc. How can it be released after September, but what about the copyright? Uncle Sheng must introduce a batch of copyrights as supply.

The copyright was introduced by Uncle Sheng, and then authorized to Pinnacle Visual Effects, which not only reduced Yang Jiangang's financial burden, but also kept more profits from the future value-added copyright within the Pakistani Group. This is a win-win situation. But this requires the uncle sound to take care, to introduce the ip suitable for the peak visual effects engine to produce, and to introduce the ip suitable for cartoons, and it is best to emphasize the content but not the form.

The cost of 3d animation is lower than 2d, and the cost of low configuration is much lower than that of. Those large-scale animations cost at least 50,000 yuan per minute, and even if they start in ten minutes, they cost more than 500,000 yuan, and usually only more.

But the production of peak visual effects, if the producers all learn from Li Ronghao, the cost is 0, otherwise the only need is dubbing. The sound needs to be matched by a professional voice actor to give the audience a better experience, and other costs can be controlled as low as possible .

But the cost advantage is not enough. How can such a low cost attract audiences? How can you compete with so many high-quality, big-produced and big-ip animations to compete for the audience? Rely on how to get out of the circle with Wudang Wangye?

On the one hand, it depends on traffic, on the other hand, on content, and content is the core.

Therefore, there are two ways of content. The first one is the producer's self-made ip, which does not require a platform, but only requires the producer's whimsy. In this way, the producer must prove that the ip belongs to him completely, provide the copyright link, and then share it with the platform.

The second is to use the ip provided by the platform. These ips must be found one by one, the price must be appropriate, and the content must be appropriate. The most important thing is that the bright spots are huge, and the beauty covers the ugliness, so that the audience is affected by the content. Attract, thereby ignoring the configuration.

Is there such an ip? Too much, the light of Guoman was so simple and simple that it can wear the earth low, draw a bunch of messy lines on the head and use it as hair. It is not much stronger than the stickman, but it uses the mountain pass. The strength of the mountain and the loyalty of the players, I was surprised to create a big ip with content under the condition that the art is not good, the script is not good. Its characters are particularly awesome, such as: silver scale breastplate, one piece of hardware, Hero, don't you have a silver scale breastplate?

This is its highlight. At the beginning, these characters directly jumped out of the story and swept the whole World of Warcraft circle. And the Warcraft of the year was the most powerful game, so this set of animation even achieved an out-of-the-loop achievement, so that people who don't understand or play Warcraft can also watch it with relish.

Uncle Sheng now shoulders the heavy task of finding hundreds of such IPs. Every minute is precious and can be counted as money. How can Chu Yuanxi be willing to let him go?

Moreover, Uncle Sheng also mentioned that the official created by him, although this matter is not in a hurry, it is also a meaningful thing, which is of great significance to the Pakistani group and to the Uncle Sheng himself.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi knew that for Uncle Sheng, this was what he wanted to do the most, so in the end, he handed over the right to choose and let Uncle Sheng decide whether to go or not.

As for Chen Qi, that matter is simple. Chu Yuanxi directly sent a WeChat message and gave her advice: do the information support and group matchmaking work for investors from the celestial dynasty to invest in Africa.

Chen Qi was stunned on the spot, what the **** is this? Why would you recommend it to me?

She immediately ran to the Ba people and found that Chu Yuanxi really didn't play a trick on herself this time.

The routine that Chu Yuanxi designed for her is to find a team willing to endure hardships and live in Africa, do localization consultation and provide her with information for one thing. And she stays in China, such as opening a self-media in the Imperial Capital or going to Lujiazui to report economic information and market environment in Africa, and even local users' tunes, demand for mobile Internet, etc., to absorb funds with the media as the core And resources.

Then she worked hard for a period of time. When the media took shape, she would have many opportunities to use this identity to break into the domestic venture capital circle, because this kind of information service is basically just needed for domestic teams who want to start businesses in Africa. The biggest headache of this kind of team is the lack of a leader party. It would be great if the leader party is still a Chinese entrepreneur. It can think about what the team thinks, and what the team thinks, but the key issue is to really understand.

Otherwise, it’s not bad to find Uncle Hei. After all, there are many Hei Uncles living in the Heavenly Dynasty. For example, there are hundreds of thousands in Yangcheng, or for example in Qilu University...

According to the singing in Peking Opera: I am the head of the local township and I have lived in this Shajiabang since I was a child. The whole village of men, women and children knows all sizes well, how can they not recognize this boss?

At this level, it's almost enough to lead the party, so it is not easy to collect this kind of team work, it is suitable for senior personnel to tap their own talent pool.

Does this sound really good? Although Chen Qi didn't want to understand, she intuitively felt that this matter did not seem to be cheating. "Then I assume that it is done, the local information team is sent over, and the self-media on my side is also in place, and then? How to make money through this information service? Is the future promising?"

"Oh, are you afraid that you can't make money after running through offline? Is it difficult to run through offline or making money? You are supporting the national one belt and one road strategy, and you can even apply for government support. Why is there no prospect? It’s much better than what geek media you do.” Chu Yuan Xixin said that I can’t tell you how to make money, and it’s not good for me to tell you now.

Hearing the words "One Belt One Road", Chen Qi suddenly fell silent.

“It’s not as difficult as you imagined to send a team in the past, because there are many more stable areas there, and there are already many teams sent by the Tian Dynasty. Your team can adapt to the local environment first and ask the pioneers for information. Even in this regard, I I can help you. Transponder is the largest team over there, no less than any engineering team. Do you understand? I will say hello to Mr. Zhao of Transponder, listen to his suggestions, and organize it for you. A road map, your team follows the route, there must be more opportunities than difficulties. What do you think?"

"I think... OK?" Chen Qi thought for a while and felt that this was indeed much more reliable than her own idea, the so-called geek media. After all, she is also the backbone of a start-up company. She understands a little simple truth. She has to do things in the air, and there are dividends in the air.

What is the outlet for Tianchao in the next 20 years? Shenma ai Shenma robots are none of them. The Belt and Road Initiative is the biggest wind outlet! These four words are magical. Just like the question of what is the biggest outlet forty years ago, the college entrance examination is resumed, is it the outlet for college entrance? Yes, but not the biggest one. Reform and opening up is the biggest outlet, nothing else. This is why when I heard that Cao County was about to reform and open up, the housing prices in Danjiang skyrocketed, close to the port.

But many people don't understand, at least back in 1979, they didn't understand, so they couldn't get the biggest dividend in the early stage of reform and opening up. They could only catch loach, rice eel and collect waste. However, this can be regarded as a small dividend of the reform and opening up, because these things were not allowed in the past, and the first people who knew that they could catch the loach and sell it in the city made the money first.

It can be seen that when a wave of huge dividends comes, even unconsciously or subconsciously, they may be taken into the car. Now this wave of bonuses has started, and Chen Qi found out that she really did it!

"If you think it's okay, you can take the 5 million in cash. The company is valued at 20 million, and the Pakistani Group accounts for 25%, right? Let's plan on the agreement or something. We will set the general direction today. 5 million It should be sufficient to build an African team. After all, it is just information gathering, more perceptual ninjas, and less steel punches. You specialize in contact and communication with people, so I think this is the most suitable for you. "

In fact, it is more difficult for Chinese entrepreneurs to go to Africa to pan for gold than Chen Qi imagined. They need countless information services.

They may encounter very subtle but important problems, such as not knowing where to rent the house after landing. And the character of African employees, etc. are all big problems. After all, Africa is a huge land, and the customs and customs are different everywhere. In some places, employees are easy to manage, and in some places, men are better than men, and they need to be proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

For example, there are rules to deduct employee wages in China, but it is usually not said in Africa, and wage deductions are absolutely not allowed. In case of a taboo, Uncle Hei, whose wages have been deducted, may encourage all employees to leave, and then write complaints to various regulatory agencies, and the company will be bombarded by more than a dozen departments.

However, the incentive and management systems of modern enterprises are not completely inapplicable. For example, the express piece rate system, as long as it is not capped, the team’s business volume will double up, indicating that even Uncle Hei is willing to work as long as there is Clear objectives.

Huawei's African business has adopted the method of over-rewarding that there must be brave husbands. It was a few years ago in Nigeria. Some hundreds of thousands of mobile phones arrived in Nigeria and the accessories did not match. The return cost was too high. For the logistics in Africa, time was not allowed, and there was no local service provider to handle it. What should I do?

Change to any other country's enterprise, nothing said, it's cold. However, the employees of the Celestial Empire cannot be overwhelmed. They recruit people directly on the spot, stacking cardboard boxes as a production line, and the temporary workers hired won't work or lose everything. What should be done? While making money to encourage, disassemble the modification mode according to the assembly line method. The more you do, the more exciting the bonus increase will be. Then the assembly line is split into dozens of decomposition actions. Each worker has one or two actions in his hand, no more than three. One, the middle-end quality control and the back-end quality control are done!

This set of work output made the local customers look stupid. The black uncle of the client company has never seen local workers with such high efficiency!

This is the practice of stepping on the mud and integrating into Africa to do this business for a long time.

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