Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 793: Qi Yu is coming

If this information does not have a reliable source, even if it is told to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs must pay tuition to test it, and what Chu Yuanxi wants Chen Qi to do is kol this kind of information, and provide localized information consulting services. , Not a simple news report.

Making kol will bring additional added value, and now the kol in the media market is still in a vacuum. Since Chen Qi has the mood to engage in the media, even if she does it loosely, she can still have the first mover advantage. In this way, not only does it make sense to fulfill the promised 5 million flowers, and adjust the agreement conditions into a way that is beneficial to the Pakistani people. Chu Yuanxi may continue to invest in her in the future. There is also another option to seize this family at the right time. The company, if needed.

So how can I make money with the highest efficiency through this set of gameplay, I can't tell her for the time being, and telling her will be bad for me, in various senses.

During this period of time, the epic gave the audience an epic mess. As expected, even the unfinished tails are so strange that they cause global vomit, and even the programmers in the company have to vomit in their spare time.

Zhu Yan has never chased this drama, and he was particularly curious about how a bad technique can be worthy of the epic title. Yuan Mu directly cut a picture from Weibo and showed her that Tang Seng has gone through eighty-one difficulties. , Fell in love with the king of the daughter country, and personally killed the three apprentices, and returned the white dragon horse to the dragon king of Xihai, but was stabbed to death by the king of daughter country, and then the female king did not learn from her, so her cousin retrieved the truth.

Everyone understands this explanation.

However, Chu Yuanxi's taste is getting higher and higher, and he is not in the mood to eat this kind of melon. At this level, it is not even melon, at most it is melon seeds. Under the suppression of the U.S. entity list, institutions and companies from various countries have cut off the supply of Huawei. This is a big deal. In particular, Google wants to cut off Huawei’s Android services. This has caused a burst of exclamations. Huawei’s exclamations in the public. It was cold again and again.

The appearance of a certain company's name is especially distressing. However, just get used to it.

In this atmosphere, Monica always feels that overseas self-media is unreliable and may be blocked by the platform anytime and anywhere. The free and sweet air makes her worry every day. If it is really sealed, her kpi will collapse. So Chu Yuanxi gave her a suggestion to advance the translation of the novel, and then submit the English version of the novel to wuxiaword, and first catch the fans who should be caught.

This is a long-established job, but it is not yet on the schedule. The main reason is that Mallor is too slow to get out of work, but it has been gradually speeding up recently.

wuxiaword is a quite legendary English fantasy novel website. The webmaster is a diplomat. After reading fantasy novels, I resigned from office. I went back to translate Chinese fantasy and worked ten hours a day. Then I built this website personally.

The reason why it is legendary is that the website was cold-started from scratch and then quickly opened without three. No funds, no resources, no one, the website is a forum style of the 1980s, no ui, no need for a little art at all, but relying on excellent content, the result is passed word of mouth, and soon reached a million daily lives.

What is the concept of a million daily activities? Starting Point Chinese Network’s app is one million daily activities, so Starting Point Chinese Network and wuxiaword later cooperated to open up the global market through official translation of novel authorization. Therefore, wuxiaword should be the only platform that does not block Chinese submissions. His website is full of fantasy novels from the celestial dynasty. If you want to block, all the resources on his site will be screened, then his site will be gone. Therefore, the interests of the contributors and the interests of the website are completely consistent and safe.

It’s not too early for the Ba people to do this, because although Pinnacle Visual Effects has not yet been launched, the animation can already be done. With the continuous availability of art resources and the improvement of engine functions, the rest is work. The accumulation of time can be uploaded to the tubing at any time.

Therefore, the two-pronged strategy that has not been used on the Internet now has to be used on the Internet, and the novel and animation are used together to form a joint force.

But at present, this is a trivial matter for Chu Yuanxi. The big thing that can give him a headache is that Qi Yu is coming.

During this period of time, Qi Yu needs the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain. He is obsessed with work and cannot extricate himself from it. The host lineup he has entered will appear as a guest, and he is preparing for the bad idea originally presented by Chu Yuanxi. It is officially named , All other aspects are ready, but the guests are not easy to find, because it is too easy to get off the stage.

Preparations for this project began in October last year, and it has not been shot for almost a year. The main reason is that human issues are not well coordinated. If all the scripts are used, and the questions are just a cutscene, there are many celebrities who are willing to play, but the problem is that Mango Channel is not happy. This book is too difficult to compile, and the performance of the program is good or bad. The key is not to balance the interests of all parties. After all, they are all celebrity guests, not draft students. Who should be the scumbag?

But all of them came hard and hard. Even if cheat sheets are allowed, there are very few academic stars who are willing to come up and die, and those who are willing to come are basically not popular. So it is still "planning" for more than half a year.

Even so, I can see that Mango Desk is very important, at least very popular in the host circle.

Although there have been changes in the matter of Chu Yuanxi, Chu Yuanxi is always changing, so it is time to tell Qi Yu what is going on. This matter has hanged her for a long, long time.

On Monday, June 3, Qi Yu took a day off from his busy schedule and flew to the imperial capital to meet Chu Yuanxi. The two met in the tea room. It is said that Qi Yu had been here, but this time I almost didn’t dare to recognize it because the number of people has soared. Not only are the Pakistani people swelling, but the entrance of the well-off society has made the entire space full. There is another office area next to it, which is close to 500 workstations overall.

Qi Yu looked out through the glass, "You might as well be thorough and find a single family. For example, if you come down from a business, you will be up and downstairs from your company. You don't need to grab the elevator with others. How convenient?"

"I have this plan, but I can't move far. Many employees rented houses nearby, and some bought houses. They were all stupid when the company moved, and there was too much movement. In fact, I should put Pengfei Technology's land last year. It’s a pity that the Pakistani people just had no money in the account at that time. I can only say that Pengfei’s bankruptcy was really uncooperative, and it would be better to last two months."

Chu Yuanxi looked at Qi Yu and saw that she was wearing a base shirt with a spliced ​​jacket and black jeans and Martin boots. It has been June and it is not too hot. Her face is dusty and darker than before. In more than a year, she has quickly changed from a career girl to an entertainment actress, and she is still the most popular variety cafe nowadays.

Why are variety cafes the most popular? Because in this era, variety shows represent traffic. The times are different. In the past, both actors and singers used their works to make a name for themselves in the arena. People who can beat their works naturally become famous. But now it’s not. The first thing that the traffic star or the agency behind the star is considering is not the work but the traffic. You must first set up a set of personality, the more **** the more topical the better, and then look at this set of personality + this Can the value of the face get to the fans?

The question is how to check whether you can get fans? On variety shows, especially variety shows in the draft category. After going up, immediately start to hype with Weibo as the main battlefield. Those who can make it have the possibility of survival. Can't it? Next person.

This set of gameplay is more scientific and economical for brokerage companies. It is equivalent to it’s product testing. The data feedback is taken and it is successful, so I continue to invest in large amounts of advertising and purchase. The success rate of 1 is good. This is called the capital game. The same goes for the entertainment industry, under the control of capital, anyway, there is little fresh meat, it is nothing more than who becomes a tool for making money, and which tool can stay is a matter of quantity, or probability.

Therefore, the talent of an artist is not as important as it used to be. The work is only considered after the flow of traffic. Do you need any bicycles for traffic?

The reason for this is that capital is all about fast production and consumption, fast in and fast out, the higher the turnover rate, the better. It may take several years for potential artists to unearth their potential. How can a brokerage company feed resources for years and wait for artists to grow? What should I do if I grow up with some moths? Isn't all resources wasted? Even if the artist's skill is reached, how to renew the contract is still a problem. What's more, even a good work may be buried. Therefore, the importance of the work is definitely lower than the flow in the eyes of capital.

As for the artists who are particularly capable and can make high-quality works before they debut? No one doesn't like it, and capital is not stupid. They like it all. The problem is that such high-quality potential stocks are not easy to find, and they are not capable of production. They cannot be applied with "methodology". Those who can apply methodology are all assembly line products.

Fundamentally speaking, when capital enters a certain field, it must be seen that there is profit in this field, and it is for the purpose of maximizing benefits, not for building this field. Of course, the propaganda must be the other way around. If you want to maximize your benefits, you can’t have a face, especially whether you can ruin a market, or whether it hurts the entire industry and makes them unable to eat.

Locusts crossing the border take food and drink as their bounden duty, and they will never care about the life and death of farmers. This principle applies everywhere.

So now the variety show is the most popular, and the host who is one step higher than Qi Yuka, may be free to play in the talent show, and it can determine the life or death of a variety show student. Even if you don't use this skill, variety cafes are also the most popular type of celebrity. They are relatively special in the entertainment industry and it is especially easy to transform.

However, Qi Yu didn't seem to have changed much. Although it became deeper and deeper, and his coffee position higher, it did not change.

I saw that Qi Yu looked different and seemed to have something special to say, but he was trying his best to suppress it. Chu Yuanxi scratched his haggard hairline, "Just say anything, don't feel like a stroke."

"Huh? I heard that your symbol is broken?"

"That's not right, didn't I tell you everything on WeChat?"

Qi Yu's excitement increased by 50 seconds. "Then should I say you deserve it or should I say you are stupid?"

Chu Yuanxi spread their hands together and acted innocently, "This is really not bad for me, what can I do if the scumbag is too scumbag?"

"Cut! I can only see other people's scum..." Qi Yu was in a good mood, "You don't want to live this time?"

"Look at my face." Chu Yuanxi pointed her index finger under the white of her eyes, "Am I like a person looking for life? How can I say goodbye to the remains of others?"

Qi Yu's eyes rolled, "Then... I hope you break the shackles of your soul?"

"This is ok, let's sing?"

"Come on, I'm tired. I sing twice a week at Mango. I'm almost exhausted." Qi Yu went to a tea table next to the tea table and made water for himself to make tea. "You don't know what you said on WeChat. , What's the matter with that variety show? It needs to be dominant, and it needs to be kept secret. Haven't you started a second business now? I heard that you don’t even care about Pakistani affairs. It’s a big deal for billions of games and movies and TV shows. Why are you so concerned about this variety show? How much money can this variety show make?"

"This variety show..." Chu Yuanxi decided to confess, "My second business is called Xiaokang Life. This variety show is... it is a promotion tool I created for Xiaokang, including a movie later, which is completely used for promotion. Well-off, so it’s very important to me."

"Promote your convenience store in this way?" Qi Yu didn't expect this answer at all. "Is it worth it? Is it useful to spend so much money?"

"It's useful. Do you think about how much does the promotion cost of any app now? How much does it cost to subsidize users? How much does it cost to make a variety show and make a movie? It's not that kind of special effects movie. The price/performance ratio is super high, so Investing this little money is not a problem at all."

With that, Chu Yuanxi handed Qi Yu a piece of material on which the general design plan of the variety show was written. "And my variety show is like this. It is very distinctive, cultural and popular, and it may become a hit. I am also more confident in movies. After all, our Pakistani people are born in content, and we start from content. There is a gene, and the probability of success is very high. By this time the next year, I guess a group of companies will learn from me, and the effect will be exploded, and the cost-effectiveness will be high. When promoting, it is not just spending money, but also gaining reputation and even making money. Say it's worth copying?"

"Wait!" Qi Yu looked at the a4 paper in hand, and finally figured out where to start. She suddenly jumped up, "When you took me to the Mango TV show in April last year, this was what you didn't think about, right?"

What she suddenly remembered was that Chu Yuanxi solemnly told her that she had a big plan and needed a strong variety show, so she sent her to the Mango Channel. If she didn’t get it, she would come back and continue to be the anchor. Wan As soon as I was lucky enough to be selected, I would exercise at the Mango Stage, and then come back to help him support this variety show.

This is what Qi Yu has been speculating for a long time. What plans does Chu Yuanxi have? It's just that she has never jumped out of the category of Pakistani entertainment, so she never thought that Chu Yuanxi actually started to make a comfortable living a year in advance! Is this too awesome?

I saw that Chu Yuanxi was very proud, "What's the matter? We can't have a strategic vision in doing business? In the next stage, he is a rising star in the business world, a character who cannot be underestimated. What's the fuss about being so forward-looking?"

"You bull, you bull!" Qi Yu was full of teasing. Although what Chu Yuanxi said was the truth, why did he want to beat people so much? "You are so good, how did someone take away such a beautiful project?"

"Or tell you that the scumbag is too scumbag? She took the project from me abruptly. I'm so pitiful!"

"I believe you blame it, you scumbag! Say! Did you let her come? How can you do such a big thing? Fang Shiling wants your Ba people to entertain you, do you give it too?" Qi Yu Anxious, if this project is snatched away, Chu Yuanxi will suffer a great loss! What makes Chu Yuanxi annoyed is that she is not anxious at all! She is so angry that the emperor is not in a hurry. Why should I be anxious?

Chu Yuanxi is really not in a hurry. UU Reading has a scientific law for the submission of manuscripts. In the process, there must be constant communication, just like the communication between Baisha and Uncle Sheng. The manuscript will be submitted at the end of June. It has been early June and there has been no movement. No matter what the situation, Chu Yuanxi has been very calm now, "She thinks she can take it away, but she doesn't understand how difficult this thing is. The wrong estimate of the difficulty is her first step to death. In the end, it should be mine, and it will still be mine."

"Just blow it up, you can blow it up after everyone has financed it! Are you stupid?"

Qi Yu was full of anger, but Chu Yuanxi smiled mysteriously. At this time, there was no need to tell Qi Yu what was going on with Fang Shiling's financing. She could see the superficial phenomenon that she cared about herself.

This kind of being cared about by people feels very warm. Chu Yuanxi is not only not anxious, but also in the mood to joke, "Should you not enter into Fang Shiling's slander at this time?"

Qi Yu was furious at once, "Do you treat me as a scheming **** and still slander? I think you are the brain of a worm!"

"Will I be able to go to the brain? No one is more restrained than me?"

"Heh!" Qi Yu asked with a sneer, "Then what happened to Yu Yanan?"

"Yu... what's going on?"

"Still pretending? She was in my brother's crew. Do you think I don't know?" Qi Yu shook his phone, "Why does she broadcast live fitness at your home?"

Chu Yuanxi's heart chuckles, **** it! Found it? You shouldn't show Qi Yu the photos of his villa! Women are all famous detectives! Can you tell even such little clues?

But then I thought about it, since the day I let the poppies live in the villa, I didn't intend to cover it up, so I knew it once I was known, and this matter can be explained.

So he immediately relaxed. "We just lived together and didn't love each other."


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