Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 797: Avoiding relatives or not avoiding relatives

Cao Xiang put on an air of respect, only listening to Chu Yuanxi said: "When talking about the acquisition method, we must first determine the situation of the acquisition target, right? Split the value of Bit Download, mainly in users, cash flow, intangible assets and team. .

Users are some general users, some value but not particularly great. This is where decentralization suffers. Users do not go to your ‘center’ to download.

Cash flow is the commercial advertisement of the client, and the commercial status of downloading in bits can generate tens of millions of dollars in revenue every year.

Intangible assets are patents and brand reputation. I don't know the status of patents. However, considering that there are still many competing products on the market that are downloaded peer-to-peer, the value is not particularly high. The brand is not bad, the originator-level, but it’s hard to say how valuable the brand is for products like ‘download’. There are too many download sources and too many methods, mainly relying on search, which is why the market value of Thunder is only more than 100 million US dollars.

I don’t really know the team, but I think it’s better?

Under these conditions, to acquire a foreign team and replace it with me, there is only one business option, which is a small amount of cash + equity swap. Do you understand this? The acquirer itself must have a high forward value, and the acquisition by means of equity financing must not be an empty shell with only cash.

Only in this way can we effectively retain the opposing team, and even as Old Cao said, absorb the opposing team into his company. Anyway, after the acquisition, everyone took the stock of the acquirer, and the direction of their efforts was the same. If the other team left, although the acquisition was hollowed out, the other party suffered a lot of losses, so it is possible to stay. "

Liu Lu has actually thought of the answer, but the question still to be confirmed is: "Why is this called a commercial gene?"

"The acquirer has a long-term value, which means that the acquirer is engaged in business, and only the acquirer itself has commercial genes, so that there are so many positions and corresponding business to absorb the target team and integrate the other party's business, right? This is the truth? You can study how Facebook and Google make acquisitions. Every valuable acquisition must be absorbed into your own body for digestion. This is a real merger.

Like the WaveCoin, even the white paper is bought for 5,000 yuan on Taobao. There are so many big bull siege lions in BitDownload. Why do you enter the WaveCoin? Do you play poker every day? This is called no commercial genes. Even if they really want to change the evil, they can't change it. They don't know how to change it. The entire management is not built for business. All the plans are how to cut the leeks. Can the management have room for real business? "

"All right, anyway, I understand." Liu Lu said and glanced at Cao Xiang. "Anyway, 100% cash is equivalent to telling the other party that I don't need you. You can act with me. That's what you mean. ?"

"On the good side, it is equivalent to beautifying the valuation." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, "Generally speaking, the acquisition of Bit Download is a coup. No matter what the purpose is, no matter what the final result is, it is just the team. The aura of the ancestors and the imagination it sparked are very valuable."

In the end, there is no need for Chu Yuanxi to explain. The cash lying on the account will not increase the valuation, but the merger will. Cao Xiang didn't get the answer he wanted, but he learned a lot and left in deep thought, while Liu Lu was dubious, but finally cancelled the buying plan.

At the same time, in an office building in the center of the universe, He Nami and Gu Shujun are listening to the boss's advice. Their self-media company is called "Tiger Pian", and it has formed a distinctive style. It is able to pick up the skin of two domestic air currencies basically every week, but it also attracts a lot of people. flow.

The key is safety, it is hard to say that it will not be blocked, or it may be appreciated by Dragon Father. Although this is not in line with Geng Bin's positioning of himself, it is okay. After all, he has a firm foothold in the domestic currency circle. Fans are also users in this field, but they are not accurate users.

If the two core executives know how much money they have, why do they want to do such a self-media, I am afraid they will bite off their tongues? Geng Bin thought, it's a pity that he debuted too late, and it was too late to return to China. The golden age of the country was missed. Now the environment is so bad that even attracting fans is much more difficult than imagined.

Accurate fans should be fans who have been screened. The stupid the better, the leeks that will take the initiative when the sickle is waved are the best. This kind of precision fan needs to be screened with mentally handicapped articles, not fine articles. What I did is the opposite. I can only develop these users into core seeds for further diffusion.

So the plan must be adjusted.

Thinking of his big plan, Geng Bin couldn't help stopping his spit. He was a little distracted. This plan was so unsatisfactory that it had been adjusted several times, and even the means of communication had to be changed. There were still a few key points that were still missing. The difficulty was so high that he even had the idea of ​​giving up. Anyway, no matter what the standard is, wealth is already free. Why bother?

But this is just to think about it, don't toss, sorry for my malignant name!

Just listen to Gu Shujun's needle: "Mr. Geng, do you plan to land the WaveCoin? First collect the bits to download, and then buy Buffett's lunch. Is this the rhythm of going ashore?"

"Why don't you land? The grandson wants to land in minutes, but people are **** Ethereum. It is not easy to do dapps. It is not easy to land? The official blockchain game is not over? The problem is that this is right. Does the grandson make sense? You look at that grandson from the perspective of business and valuation. Your vision is too low, too low!"

Blockchain game? He Nami and Gu Shujun looked at each other, why did they turn to the game again?

“I don’t know about blockchain games? I don’t know about the Pokémon of Big Penguin's cottage? Those pets can be chained. And, have you heard of crypto cats? Baidu copied a Wrights dog and Xiaomi copied one Encrypted rabbits, through the breeding of electronic cats, children and grandchildren will inherit meta-memory, and different gene combinations will be expressed in the appearance and personality of the children and grandchildren. The observable and traceable characteristics of the blockchain are used to meet the psychological needs of players. These projects can be implemented. "

Gu Shujun's eyes brightened. The implementation of blockchain is a major problem. He has been working in Hupi for several months and he obviously knows the reason. The reason is that he can't create demand. However, the needs that cannot be created by the commercial scene can be forged in a non-commercial environment. Although the so-called psychological needs of game players are very "virtual" and "ball", it is still a landing scene.

He Nami asked, "Then all air coins can land in this way, why not?"

"Are you stupid! How much money is it worth flying to the ground if there is a blue ocean? How can you make money after it has landed? That is not the case. So the air coin hype is over. The grandson has been in business for so many years. Don't understand this truth?"

In fact, the arena is far from as simple as they thought, Geng Bin understands, but Geng Bin doesn't need to say. This landing method has a very big problem, and it is also a problem that all Air Coins that want to land must face, that is, what to do when they encounter evil forces?

There is a special group of people in the currency circle asking to collude with the official mouse warehouse. The better the project, the easier it is to attract attention. The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes it possible to manipulate currency prices. Therefore, once the project shows a prosperous situation, it will attract hungry wolves.

These bad things flashed through Geng Bin's mind, only to hear He Nami continue to ask: "Then why did he buy BitDownload?"

"Money laundering. Money laundering, or other purposes. Although this grandson cuts leeks very happily, it is not as convenient as Ethereum. The cross-border currency control of the Heavenly Dynasty is strict..."

When it comes to cross-border control, Gu Shujun and He Namei are immediately worried. In the past, a person could transfer $50,000 in foreign exchange a year, and using the method of moving ants can transfer assets. Now they can still transfer $50,000, but no matter how many accounts are opened by the same target person, they can only receive two times, which is 100,000. .

This patch does not restrict citizens' normal consumption needs abroad, but also plugs many loopholes. It is really a good strategy, but it is not so easy to want to ruin the country.

He Nami is in charge of the operation. Recently, she has run a lot of articles about air currency running, and she also sorted out various running postures. At this time, her mind flashed and she exclaimed: "Is it, want to run away? Up?"

"It's not like. It's not just the feeling of running away." Geng Bin shook his head. "The running of wavelength coins must be different from the ordinary. The grandson must be special when he runs, alas."

Speaking of this, he felt a little bit of indifference, and couldn't help but sigh.

Gu Shujun was strange, "Why are you sighing?"

"Me? I feel sorry for those leeks. This grandson is not simple. You see, after his debut, so many operations are completely different from the ordinary currency circle. He is on the road of Internet celebrity and always aims to become a kol. Very high-end, which is what we lack now. This is an innovative air coin gameplay. As long as you run, it will definitely be a way to run across the wild."

Geng Bin sighed again as he spoke, "The original users of Tron coin first came from the acquisition of an app called "Accompany Me". It was a pornographic live broadcaster. Think about it. Stupid and rich, alas!"

"Wow, why do you know so much?" He Nami's eyes are all small stars.

Geng Binxin said that it was all tears when I said it. This method was clearly invented by me. Now... Forget it, the risk is too great, and the mode must be fine-tuned. There will be an opportunity in front of him that is not an opportunity. He knows that all opportunities are won. If there is no opportunity, chances will be created. What's more, the opportunity seems to have appeared. It's better to do this, this, and then layout like this!

He immediately went to a no-one's corner to call Lei Siyun, and Lei Siyun who received the call suddenly looked confused, and said that this stupid guy is doing something magical? But looking at the date, it will be clear after only a month.

The next few days were calm, nothing more than a large number of financial public accounts were suddenly blocked and caused a little disturbance. It was lively for a few days.

In fact, undercurrents have been surging in the past few days. An unobtrusive news is that US lawmakers put forward a very "just" proposal to require the New York Stock Exchange to implement policy supervision on companies listed there.

This is the dimensionality reduction blow in the financial field, which fully highlights the weakness of the celestial dynasty in the financial world and the lack of space for reciprocal countermeasures.

But also on this day, Huawei launched a big move. The technology community was shocked to the world. In the case of Google cutting and recovering a series of authorizations for Android, overseas users of Huawei mobile phones cannot use Google Store and all services, including maps and emails. These are not included in the scope of Android's free open source license, which is equivalent to scrapping this batch of phones. What should I do?

Huawei’s answer is a high-profile claim: the Hongmeng system that I have been holding back for 7 years is finally useful! Just like Huawei HiSilicon’s replacement from the bench overnight, Hongmeng’s big move is to cover the Android system, and phones equipped with the Hongmeng system can. Directly use all apps under the Android system.

For today's major manufacturers, developing a system is actually not a particularly difficult task. Microsoft's ready-made winphones are all in the dust. The difficulty is the ecology. There is no application developer to make third-party applications. If Hongmeng is really as perfect as the description says, it would be a crit on Google. Not only Huawei can do this, but other big manufacturers can do the same. Maybe Microsoft will come back out of the world, and Android will die. .

As for map mailboxes and the like, it is nothing more than a circle. Even the Android ecosystem has been solved, which is nothing.

Even Huawei invites aptoide, the largest independent application store in the Android ecosystem, in a very disgusting manner. This is a Portuguese company. It is well known that Portugal is the first European country to actively respond to the One Belt One Road initiative. Italy will have to look at it, which is very intriguing. Chu Yuanxi said that if the old man is Pichai, a mouthful of old blood will come out, I can go to your uncle!

Sure enough, immediately, Google would rather believe that it is not credible than that it is not, and utterly proposed to the US government to exempt Huawei from the ban. Because if Huawei is allowed to develop its own operating system, then Huawei’s system will definitely be unstable and full of loopholes, so that users who use Huawei mobile phones will be more likely to be exploited by hackers, especially hackers from the heavens. How can this work? ? This endangers the national security of the United States. For the country and the people, let Huawei use Android!

It was also this Friday that Chu Yuanxi encountered a headache.

Liu Lu was still picking up the matter, and she was directly responsible for the recruitment, so she sent a resume to Chu Yuanxi's desk on Friday.

Chu Yuanxi looked at the school and year of graduation, oh, he was his university alumnus, and he was a student of the same year, named Jiao Junwang, but a different department. The senior engineer who was planning to join the front-end development team had passed three aspects.

Seeing that Liu Lu was looking at herself, Chu Yuanxi pondered for a moment and asked, "Is it a normal application?"


"Did you not be influenced by me during the interview? Didn't you mention my university?"

"It should be no."

"Now, I don't know this classmate, he shouldn't know me either, maybe he knows me. So normal recruitment will do, without any special care."

"But haven't you promised not to recruit any classmates or relatives?"

Chu Yuanxi clarified: "It's absolutely impossible for relatives to join the company. I must know the classmates? There are so many people at my school. Even if there are more than 10,000 people in the same class, I can’t give it to alumni. What kind of welfare do you mean to cut someone’s job opportunities for no reason, right? Then how do I behave? I’m not just talking about it, I’m the whole school’s previous students and teachers, and I can’t tell you back. You say me Why is this?"

"But what about the problems you were worried about before?"

"I will personally explain to the project manager that my alumni will not have any preferential treatment and excess benefits when they enter the company. If they should work overtime, there is no possibility of unexpected promotion. If this student Jiao has any ordinary complaints~ to normal working relationship, but if he intends to use me as a shield, please ask him to leave immediately. Do you think this is feasible?"

Chu Yuanxi looked at Liu Lu quietly after speaking. Liu Luxin said that I can say no?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words, “I don’t want to avoid hatred and kisses inside. It’s actually anti-human, and it’s unlikely to be the best solution. We don’t have to worry about it. I don’t open the back door to anyone. There is a firewall, but when middle managers think that they should be recruited when recruiting, that's okay? At most, I make this kind of thing into rules. If there are no other problems, you will be busy. I will go to the customer service department today."

The customer service department is not in the company, and a separate office space is set up in Tiantongyuan. First, because of cost issues, Tiantongyuan belongs to Changping, and the maintenance cost is different from Chaoyang. The second is that Datiantongyuan has a population of over one million, and it is a wonderful area of ​​the imperial capital. It is very easy for the customer service department to recruit people directly from Tiantongyuan. The third is that there is still some room for Xiaokang and Pakistani people to expand their positions, so anyway, the customer service and other departments are not so closely connected. If you have any problems, you can communicate remotely, so I set up with the headquarters.

Chu Yuanxi intends to hit the customer service department, because he pretends to be a user, and the customer service experience is extremely poor. The most hateful thing is that the business director of the customer service department claims to be from Big Penguin. He can't deny that people do things in an orderly manner. The problem is...

The deputy in charge of the customer service department is always Du Xie.

It stands to reason that Chu Yuanxi shouldn’t go over Du Xie and go directly to the customer service department, but Du Xie is someone who wants to heal his injuries, but he often doesn’t cultivate well. He either runs customer service or mentions his son Du Zetao. Chu Yuanxi is afraid of him Lie down again. However, Du Xie was inexplicably promoted to vice president, and it was impossible to stop him from doing it, so Chu Yuanxi walked with Du Xie in the name of seeing all the customer service staff.

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