
In view of this,

1. The relationship between Chen Yu, a new employee of Well-off Life and Chu Yuanxi, President of Well-off Life, is a junior high school student.

2. Chen Yu joined the well-off life customer service department as a manager through the normal recruitment process.

3. Chen Yu was in the trial period when signing this statement.

Chen Yu and Chu Yuanxi declared as follows:

Chu Yuanxi, president of Xiaokang Life, promised not to actively disclose the relationship between the two parties.

Regardless of the reason, if the relationship between Chen Yu and Chu Yuanxi's junior high school students is known to the company, it is deemed that Chen Yu has taken the initiative to apply for resignation.

Below is the signature column and date of both parties.

In a printing store, Chen Yu was holding this freshly printed statement, his hands trembled with anger, and his expression was incredible: "This is the gift you want to give me?"

"Yes, so you won't be fired by the company immediately." Chu Yuanxi felt that she had handled it well. "I promised my partner that I would not recruit any relatives and classmates into the company. The monitor from my university came. For a job, I gave him very good advice and let him go."

Chen Yu's eyes widened: "What? What do you mean, Chu Yuanxi? It's amazing to be the president?"

"Sorry to be the president is great. For example, if you don't sign, I will open you immediately." Chu Yuanxi said very seriously: "This statement is not an insult to you, but a protection for me. My company, I As the president, I have the right to be selfish."

He knew what thoughts Chen Yu might have, and of course he would be a little wronged. After all, people came in for interviews based on their ability, not nepotism. Why should they sign such a statement? Therefore, it is better to explain the causal relationship face to face. In fact, there is nothing to be embarrassed about as long as you say something like "selfish" in the face.

Chu Yuanxi's upright and confident appearance shocked Chen Yu: "Is it because I was late just now?"

"No. You are late and I criticize you. This is normal, and it ends here. If Tian Baorui wants to hold you accountable after you go back, you will say that you have chased out and apologized to me. I have forgiven you. That's it. But in the same way, the company will not give you any preferential treatment. Not only there is no preferential treatment, but there may be abuse. Your promotion is different from others, and the difficulty will definitely be doubled, because when you get promoted, you will become an executive. , It hurts me more. You have to show higher ability to make me feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, do you understand?"

By this time Chen Yu certainly knew what Chu Yuanxi had done when he drove a Rolls-Royce to attend a class reunion. Every sentence this person said during the party was truthful, but the problem is that all special is misleading! The key information is concealed! The car belongs to the company. It is indeed a prize for the lottery, but the company belongs to you!

So in fact, she has always said something in her heart, but at this time, a thousand words turned into a sigh: "Chu Yuanxi, you have changed. You are too harsh on your own people. You have no friends like this."

"It's because you didn't distinguish between life and work Chen Yu. Many people take it for granted that there is a good relationship in life, and they will have a good relationship in work. Of course they will take care of it, but I didn't say that. We used to sit The friendship at the same table is not bad, at least it’s a relationship that can borrow money from each other if it’s difficult. I don’t want to be bad because of work. But Chen Yu, you are a manager as soon as you join the job. Ordinarily, the workplace experience should not be bad. Don't even understand this truth?"

"I really don't understand, why entering the company with classmates and relatives is'harmful' to you? Don't you always say that your brothers and brothers go into battle? How come you have become a scourge, like a snake, do you have any psychological problems? Huh? I went to the well-to-do customer service to apply for a job, did I trust you?"

Chu Yuanxi had planned to leave after drawing up the statement, and said to her heart that we had forced our old classmates to continue idioms, so let's say a few more words to her. "I understand that I understand that you did not make any mistakes. I did not make any mistakes. We are all for ourselves, not for dedication, right? My company is willing to take what we need from our employees, but we have not selflessly dedicated to our employees. Awareness. You came to Xiaokang not to work for my selfless dedication, right? If you say yes, this statement will be torn off immediately, and I can trust you."

Chen Yuxin said, what else did I say?

"Relatives and classmates, no matter how good the relationship is, it's all for yourself." Chu Yuanxi said flatly, "Maybe when you think about yourself or the company, you will be more inclined to the company? But it may not be as good as ordinary. The staff is clean. So you have to say something about fighting brothers, that's because you don't start a company. You can say that I am cruel, but I want to tell you about the drawbacks."

In fact, Chen Yu doesn't want to listen anymore, but Chu Yuanxi said interestingly: "The disadvantage is very simple. You can imagine starting a company and let your dad join the company to do it for you."

"I'm sick? Your example is too extreme. Why didn't my younger siblings join the company?"

"Don't talk about younger brothers and sisters, your husband enters the company is the same, you have to give them power? Then what happens is beyond your control. Everyone is an independent individual with his own demands and ideals.

Do you know Dangdang Internet Cafe? opened a mom-and-pop shop, and now Lao Li has left the company he founded and started his second business. Because of long-term internal reasons, it is difficult to pay for high aspirations. That's fine. The old men who have been with him for more than ten years left one by one, and the six vice presidents left five. Who suffers? In the end, this became a stain on Lao Li. He couldn't protect his subordinates. The personality was indecisive and soft, and it might even affect his second venture.

He shouldn't let his wife join the company. What kind of business does his wife want to do otherwise, and he fully supports asking people for money.

What if you got this far? The relatives don't care, anyway, it's not the relatives who suffer, and it's the same when I change to me. So in order to avoid this kind of pain for me in the future, I will not open this hole in you. As long as this hole is opened, I can't control it. All kinds of classmates and relatives will come, even if you are 100 perfect. It's useless, I made it clear? "

"No, you are still an extreme example. Dangdang is a mom-and-pop shop. It is impossible for younger siblings to be the same as husband and wife."

Chu Yuanxi turned her head exaggeratedly, "It's nothing different. It's just another form. Getting a bunch of relatives and classmates into the company is worse than the influence of the mom-and-pop shop. The normal management model can't be handled well, so there are all people on top. What do you do with you, the direct line of the president of Quante?"

"You are talking about incompetent people. Don't your relatives and friends have some capable people worthy of promotion?"

"Ability is even more terrifying. It is inevitable to join the management to build gangs, and it is a catalyst for the illness of big companies."

Chen Yu and Chu Yuanxi are about the same age, they are the most combative period of time in the workplace. They have also worked in large companies. They immediately retorted: "You obviously only look at the bad side. Why don't you think about how many startups are themselves? It was hatched from the classmates, and finally became bigger and stronger? Knowing each other, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom, why don’t you say how much extra combat power it can bring?"

Chu Yuanxi laughed, "Are you talking about Xiao Huang? You are too humorous." He admits that Chen Yu has a certain truth, but he refutes it because it is reasonable. "A certain period of time may bring more combat power. Most of the time, it’s taking a position, it’s not easy to deal with, or even blocking the liquidity of the company’s management, which is too corrosive to the company. Moreover, when their interests are the same, even the president has nothing to do. The first favor is there, and the second is that if you stand on the opposite side of everyone, the business will not function."

"Is it so serious?"

"You see too few things. When Dangdang was acquired by HNA, HNA didn’t care about Dangdang’s development direction and strategic realization path, and was not interested in book e-commerce. What it wanted was its profit and cash flow. It is used to expand the financing of financial instruments. But Lao Li doesn't want to sell, okay? Everyone wants to sell, and when the conditions fall, they want to sell. It's not as cruel as before."

"Forget it, I can't tell you." Chen Yu intends to go back to work. It has been a long time since she ran out. After she went back, she still decided how Tian Baorui would spray? "Anyway, I don't want to join your company. No one can bully me."

"Hey, you would be wrong if you think so. If someone bullies you, you can neither let people know that you are my classmate, nor can you complain to me, nor will I be fair to you if you complain to me. Listening to your side words, I don’t have so much energy to investigate exactly how to come and go, and what the facts are, and then I will judge the case for you. No matter how wrong you are at work, it is a trivial matter to me, the manager and the minister Because the business is in conflict, only the manager can leave. There will be no second result, do you understand?"

"I'm not talking about this kind of bullying..." Chen Yumuran said, and his heart was almost galloping when he talked, and every horse and mud horse would spit when he leaped over. "Wait, wait a minute!"

She looked at the statement in her hand again, "I didn't say here what if you voluntarily disclose that we are classmates?"

"Didn't I say that I won't take the initiative to disclose it?"

"But I didn't say what punishment would you have after breaching the contract?"

Chu Yuanxi thought, um, Chen Yu felt like he didn't recognize the situation when he arrived. Is this a fan of the authorities?

"I...I'm being punished by morals. What else can you trust in the endorsement of the president's credibility?" He said naturally, and drove away after speaking.

The reason I was anxious to go back was because I had to talk to Lu Yu about the Internet celebrity shop. The publicity of Ba Ren Information on the Xiaokang store was outside of Chu Yuanxi's plan, so it neither encouraged nor prevented it, but it is necessary to discuss it with Lu Yu in depth.

Lu Yu had no idea that Chu Yuanxi was not 100 to support this plan. After being invited to the tea room by Chu Yuanxi, he suddenly looked confused.

"Wait, President Chu, I'm not mistaken? Isn't the Pakistani propaganda of Xiaokang a planned thing?"

"Ah, it is in the plan, but the plan does not intend to turn Xiaokang into an online celebrity shop." Chu Yuanxi was very polite and made water for Lu Yu herself, "So I invite you to come over and have a chat."

Lu Yu, no matter what his previous mental journey was, Chu Yuanxi did a good job during this period of time from the result-oriented perspective. The short video itself is very impressive, and it can be regarded as opening the situation, and the official account and other data are also available. The growth has supplemented a lot of pens and is preparing to expand the video production team.

It is not only good, but also very compatible with Chu Yuanxi. It seems to see through the reasons why Chu Yuanxi’s entrepreneurial path was formed before the Ba people and then the well-off. He is very proactive in considering the well-off, and he is very accurate in positioning his own efficient propaganda tools. Makes Chu Yuan Xi Long Yan joyous many times.

But being so polite still made Lu Yu flattered, "Aren't online celebrity shops bad? I think all stores now want to become online celebrity stores. Moreover, well-off stores have the conditions to become online celebrity stores. They are uniquely endowed with black technology and are worth checking in. The store is compelling, and the semi-self-service checkout process can be supervised by no waiter, and it’s pretty good to share it. And with such a strong self-media resource, thanks to this improper Internet celebrity store? I heard that the traffic of Xiaokang has increased recently. It’s very fast, and the number of users visiting the store is increasing every day. Isn’t that bad?

"Well, let's look at it this way. Many stores want to become online celebrity stores, but they can raise prices when they become online celebrity stores, and Xiaokang can't raise prices because of this." Chu Yuanxi found that Lu Yu had no deep considerations. It can be said that the blood is very hot and the head is very iron, and he decided to follow his own plan. "Why don't you stop this kind of guidance first, I think even if you want to go to the Internet celebrity shop, it is not now, but after the large-scale promotion of the well-off nation."

"It's because it has been launched as an online celebrity shop but there are no other cities. Only the Imperial Capital is the only one. Is the promotion cost-effective?"

"No, it's a matter of user experience." Chu Yuanxi casually searched for photos of Zhang Lelecha online celebrity shop with her mobile phone.

This shop is made with milk tea and bread. It may not be so good, but it has become an online celebrity shop. In the photo, there is a long line at the entrance of the tea shop. It takes three turns to maintain order. Looking through the glass, the situation in the shop is even more ridiculous. The twists and turns are endless. Visual observation is that there are no less than in the line inside and outside. As many as one hundred and fifty people.

"Look, the law of the development of online celebrity shops is to line up, right? Who is willing to line up? First, couples and women are willing to open and share online celebrity shops. Men are all picking up girls anyway, and queuing to pick up girls will save you money. The money is not tired, and the environment is not bad, it is very fun to chat. Second, the self-media people who specialize in the content of the shop. Ordinary people will be counseled when they see this team. You just have the idea of ​​zhuangbility, no matter how strong it is. How can you not pretend to be a petty bourgeoisie?

If this is a well-off, it would be a disaster. I am really going crazy. Does this reduce the user experience of Xiaokang? The vitality of a well-off society lies in the user experience, and the user experience is the first. So many ordinary users must have avoided it. Buying some salads and some hot meals can't buy them. Don't suffer this crime. So if the number of stores spreads across the country and the number of stores rises, then if you start an Internet celebrity store at that time, you will not be afraid of the number of people. It is easy to diverge and open. Now there are too few stores to withstand crit.

And Lu Yu, do you know that games do recharge activities, right? The stimulus effect of online celebrity stores is actually similar to that of games for recharging activities. The traffic soars and the number of stores has surged for a while. After the boom, the freshness has passed, and other online celebrity stores have appeared, and they will come back very quickly and decline. Go deep. This is a big deal I am doing, and the level of stimulation from the Internet celebrity store is not enough. "

Lu Yu could feel that Chu Yuanxi had explained so much, nothing more than to stop her self-proclaimed business and affirm her work at the same time. It's so troublesome to say... Is it too troublesome? Why bother?

When he had this question, Chu Yuanxi said, "In addition, I read your plan. Do you plan to develop e-commerce buyer business next?"

"Yes, isn't this just a report?" Lu Yu immediately sat in distress, "You can't just make money by the lipstick brother. Now many people don't talk about the lipstick brother, but just talk about the Douyin brother. Actually, what about him? It's not a big brother."

"Hahahaha, you don’t have to. I read your report, and we don’t dispute this fictitious name. Besides, his live broadcast is not the most popular, but it is indeed the most profitable." Chu Yuanxi laughed, "This live broadcast carries goods, and it is now E-commerce has become a new trend, and even Jack's father has begun to pay attention."

"Yes, yes, we were originally ahead in this has genes, how can we make more money now than last year instead of doing it? Isn't live streaming the first pot of gold for our company? "

"Our company's first pot of gold is knowledge sharing." Chu Yuanxi is half popularizing the company's glorious history and half uttering bad news. "It doesn't make money to do live broadcasts and short videos. As a result, sharing experience makes money, and then uses the money to invest in live streaming. It’s a cute artifact. But..."

"You have something to say straight." Lu Yu had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Chu Yuanxi said straightforwardly: "I have a few considerations, and I don't want to pass your plan. The first is the ability to make money. In your report, the target annual net profit reaches 1 billion, right?"

When Lu Yu nodded, he went on to say: "The first is that I think what you think is too simple and can't be achieved. You think of lipstick is too simple, and then set the goal to make more than him.

The second is that even if it is reached, this number is too small. Even if there are a large number of copycat products on the Pakistani game, it will not be so easy to shake our profits. This year's net profit of 6 billion is appropriate and will only be higher. .

Of course not to say that your billion is not good, it is very good. Dangdang is so famous that it hasn't made a billion in annual profits for so many years. But the resources you need are also very, very large, which is equivalent to completing all the resources of the Pakistani Group, including the resources of the artifact company Barnana.

You not only need self-media traffic, but also the source of goods. If you bring lipstick to others, you have to do your own business, which is equivalent to repeating the path of the artifact company in the past. You need a foundry, an e-commerce, and logistics, whatever. want. Do you know what I want to say? "


The author Jun was shocked to discover that the content of Chapter 456 of the book was brought to reality after half a year...A certain actress was scolded badly on Weibo, should I say it?

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