Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 829: The deadline is up

The second one is 7500 words in total


When Taishan National Taiwan University leader Xing Gong dragged his tired body and buzzing head back to Taishan Terrace, it was almost time to get off work. It's hard, it's really hard, but the task arranged by the leader, no matter how difficult it is, we have to perform it!

What's disgusting is that I haven't heard a good word this day. It's just sitting behind closed doors and the pot comes from the sky. What does this matter have to do with the platform? Even eight hundred poles can't be hit, so at this time there is a feeling of draining blood.

After making a cup of tea, he began to dispatch troops. In fact, the work has been arranged on the way back. It is nothing more than confirming the situation and progress of the post. At this time, if the station can make great achievements, it will be no less than a major event. The victory of the battle.

At this moment, Xu Yanping, one of the people in charge of the desk, knocked on the door and walked into the office with a pile of manuscripts.

Xing Gongxin said that Xu Yanping is very idle today, and he still has the heart to take the initiative to report to his work? Shouldn't he who is in charge of the content and the choreography have busy feet?

"What's the matter?" Xing Gong asked in a muffled voice, "I have finished editing the content that needs to be broadcast at night?"

"Ah, you have arranged it before you come back. It is in emergency filming. I will check it up after filming to ensure that the evening broadcast will not be delayed. Isn't this just free now?"

"Well, let's talk about it, what are you holding in your hand?" Xing Gong glanced at it and knew that he was coming.

"It's the one that Old Wei is in charge of, the variety show, and the manuscript is delivered over there."

"Oh, you can't finish it after you hand it in. Does this matter need to be said today?" Xing Gong said while holding his glasses, his eyes were lost all day.

"This... you still have to have a look. You can do it if you say it's OK." Xu Yanping squeezed and said, "This is not something I can make."

"Take me to take a look." Xing Gong didn't ask much, and directly turned out to be a printed sample of the manuscript. In his mind, today’s political workers have not turned around, and people are getting older. After thinking for a long time, he even opened the folder and took out the minutes of the meeting at that time. Only then did he remember how he came and went as a culture. What mission and hope does the variety show carry?

There is also the opening part of the first episode of the first season sent by Gao Wenming's trial draft in the folder, which is very amazing. Even Chu Yuanxi had read this beginning, but he had to admit that it was no worse than Bai Sha's beginning. Of course, it must be considered that Gao Wenming wrote on Baisha's shoulders. After taking Baisha's ideas, although the content is different, the direction is the same.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Gong opened the sample chapter, and his brows suddenly wrinkled. He picked up the previous demo and looked at it again, and put on the reading glasses. Why was it still completely different? Not only the text and content are different, but the first impression is different? Completely disoriented?

"Xiao Xu, did you take the wrong thing?"

"No, you see the characters in the title are still correct. Mencius, Zhuangzi, Queen of No Salt, etc. are all. Can this be wrong?"

"The problem is that this is a magical thing?" Gong Xing suddenly threw the manuscript onto the huge desk. "Where is Weining? Did Weining read it?"

"I don't know, this is a group email. We should have received it. I was too busy today, so I didn't even bother to ask him." Xu Yanping didn't mention Wei Ning's busy feet today, saying this in his heart. Do I have a chance to take over the project?

Although we haven't been involved in this period of time, we understand the project, and even understand the ins and outs of it, especially when Pakistani Entertainment Chu Yuanxi actively approached it. This special book comes out, 100% is Wei Ning’s pot, and there is nowhere to run. When the time comes, we will report the news disclosed by President Chu to the leader truthfully, without adding oil and vinegar, ha ha ha ha...

"Call me Wei Ning!" Xing Gong picked up the funny version again, and the more he looked down, the more it became a lawsuit, and he couldn't help but want to swear!

The wedding of King Qi Xuan and Queen Wuyan? Mencius was the witness of marriage, Zhuangzi came to hit the field? What a stupid thing! Can this be shown to the provincial leaders? Gift? A gift to your uncle! It's almost the same now!

In particular, today, after a day of grievances and unreasonable disasters, and a day’s fire, this broken manuscript ignited the explosive package like a fuse!

Soon, Wei Ning, who hadn’t looked at the mailbox for a day, came to the office of the chief executive without any understanding. Suddenly, Xing Gong’s anger filled the building: "Culture, is this the cultural heritage that you guarantee? Look at it. Look at what this is! I have already told the leaders of the province to blow the **** out. The leaders have special expectations of Taili, so do you just return the expectations of the leaders? Ah?

The hometown of Confucius and Mencius, but let's take out such a thing for business? The face of our Taishan? Political, military, economic and culture, where are the things you promised? Is this a funny show? Incompetence! Incompetence, you! Give this to the provincial leaders to see, and you can't hack my old face--"

It was the third day that Chu Yuanxi received Xu Yanping's WeChat account. When the WeChat reminded him, he was watching the three mice ipo ring the bell live broadcast.

In order to see the visual effects of the live broadcast, he specially occupies a conference room with a projection screen. No one else wants to watch this. Only Zhu Yan is by his side. There are only two people in the huge conference room.

Zhu Yan's two long legs were boringly on the front seat, looking boredly at the inexplicable people on the screen and saying inexplicable things. The key is that they didn't know any of them, and then he took three dolls and went up for a so-called knock. The bell ceremony is simply incomprehensible.

Isn't this the same as ringing the bell in the market? She also reads economic news now and then. So many of those who went to the Nasdaq and Xiangjiang to go on the market, when the bell rings, they seem to be full of flowers and catwalks on a gorgeous stage? Why is the stock market of the Great Heavenly Dynasty ringing so earthy? It's worse than the scene where the anchor started.

"Who is this?" She asked Chu Yuanxi: "Aren't you busy? Why do you have time to see them?"

"The one with the red hada on the right in the middle is Mr. Zhang of the three mice. Have you never eaten the nuts of the three mice?" Chu Yuanxi said, gazing on Zhu Yan's long legs for a while, and then continued to watch the cast. Screen.

Zhu Yan took out a pack of three mice mixed bag, twisted a walnut kernel and threw it in his mouth, "I have eaten it, but what can their people see? I think they might as well be a net celebrity brown bear. The kind of coat that did the floor push, and then the three of them wore them to ring the bell, which was better."

"You're right, but it doesn't matter. This bell is the same for anyone to ring, as long as it rings." Chu Yuanxi said, taking a cashew from Zhu Yan's hand, and it tasted crunchy.

"As for why you want to watch? Because, because I have drawn too much inspiration from the three mice, many of Xiaokang's business models can actually find a shadow in the three mice."

"for example?"

"For example, OEM." Chu Yuanxi brought another almond, "For example, the nut package in your hand is not produced by the three mice. They are a snack brand that does not produce snacks. They are all produced by OEMs. OEM, sell brand."

Zhu Yan's chewing movement suddenly became stagnant.

"So I also engage in OEM products. I found some OEMs for drinks and snacks. Then I put on the brand of Xiaokang's carefully selected products. When Xiaokang launches it next month, I will get this batch of goods."

What did Zhu Yanxin say? I have been co-authored for several years and have been foundry? "What about the quality? Can it be guaranteed?"

Chu Yuanxixin said that the foundries I looked for were all pitted in the original world, and I can guarantee that it would be hard for others to say. As for the three mice...

He faintly said: "So the name of the three mice to go public to raise funds is to invest the funds of the ipo to detect upstream foundries and build a cloud quality information platform."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Zhu Yan threw a pack of nuts onto Chu Yuanxi's lap.

"Don't you know? The three mice have always been jokingly called the'porters of foodies'. What's so great about this, three mice are pretty good." Chu Yuanxi said, thinking of three. The ups and downs of the rat's two listing applications. It can be said that the food safety issue is definitely an indicator of one-vote veto in the process of this kind of enterprise listing.

"Then what experience have you learned from others?"

"That's a lot, but why do you care about these business operations in person?" Chu Yuanxi was relatively guilty when confronted with Zhu Yan recently. Fortunately, Zhu Yan has never mentioned Feng Lin's matter, and he doesn't know. She knows or not. If she mentioned it, it would be troublesome, quite troublesome.

During this period of time, Zhu Yan has changed significantly. The phenomenon of fishing at work has dropped sharply. He has successively signed several third- and fourth-tier stars with more flexible contracts. Third- and fourth-tier celebrities are also celebrities, so Lu Yu cannot sign. Signing with Pakistani Information means being regarded as an Internet celebrity and the position is also an Internet celebrity position. However, signing with Pakistani Media is an artist and the nature of the job is different. But the actual work is the same.

Because there are two short live-action dramas and dramas that will be on at the same time, all branches of Pakistani people are fully energized. Uncle Sheng has written the beginning and outline of the early years, so whether it is Zhao Jie or short video drama Regardless of the set, you can start directly.

Therefore, it is normal for Zhu Yan to turn around. Chu Yuanxi can't figure out whether she stopped fishing because of work or because she knew Feng Lin had become her "quasi-girlfriend" and moved into a leaping villa. Style.

Zhu Yan's eyelids fluttered a few times, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and said, "Others can care about how to run a business, and I can also care."

Chu Yuanxi had finished speaking, she must know it!

After Feng Lin moved into the Yue-style villa, he did not broadcast live fitness every day like Yu Yanan, and asked Chu Yuanxi to list her a list of books on business and corporate development, and then began to nibble.

Yu Yanan was stunned. He didn't expect Feng Lin to say that he wanted to start a company. But he didn't eat books at the most suitable time in his life. Is it too late to eat now?

Feng Lin smiled meaningfully, "What you are talking about is nothing more than learning efficiency. Assuming that the efficiency in college is twice as high as it is now, you think that learning from the teachers of the university's business school and the CEO of a tens of billions of companies is efficient. How many times the difference?"

However, Chu Yuanxi was embarrassed by the book list. He read few books himself, and all came out of Ye Luzi, so he couldn't make a list of books at all. In particular, the domestic book market is full of various types of chicken soup and jokes, either Carnegie Napoleon, or Bill Gates, Buffett, Jobs, especially Jobs's books are flying all over the sky, almost like Lu Xun in chicken soup. .

There are no more jokes, anti-traditional in an atmosphere of revealing secrets, but it is really superficial. For example, let’s take this opening remark-Gates’ book won’t tell you that his grandfather is a banker, his mother is an executive of the Federal Reserve Board, and an IBM director. It was she who contributed to his son’s first big business. Buffett’s book only tells you that he knew to visit the NYSE when he was 8 years old, but it won’t tell you that his father, who was a member of the Financial Committee of Congress, took him there. It was a Goldman Sachs director who received him.

There are more members of the U.S. Financial Commission. There are more sons. The Fed’s executives have more sons, because there have been many executives in the history of the Fed for more than a century. A Buffett and a Gates. In terms of the opening situation, Buffett and Gates are not the best, and they are not even the second gear. The US lawmakers and Fed executives are not invincible Long and Buffett has a limited start than Salted Fish.

Therefore, because they have a slightly better start than the average middle class, they feel that the opponent's success is taken for granted, and it is too superficial to deny the opponent's genius and hard work, and deny the opponent's painful determination and breaking the moral shackles for success.

They won't understand why the old man wants to speculate in college, and they won't understand what precious things he paid for success. This kind of book is even more unsuitable to be added to Feng Lin's book list, and will only distort her worldview.

Therefore, in the domestic traditional book market, there is actually a scarcity of particularly outstanding domestic entrepreneurs' story books, but they are very scarce. The most common ones are success studies and thick black studies, which are either autobiographical or very out-of-form praises of big men, especially over-interpretation of Jack Ma.

So Chu Yuanxi now has a daily task, or night task, to tell Feng Lin a story about contemporary entrepreneurs in the celestial dynasty. Feng Lin gets on the car only when he is satisfied.

For example, tell the story of Hu Hecheng. A rural chemistry teacher who did not pass the postgraduate entrance examination but could teach sports, how to start from the acquisition of chemical scraps, and in three years, he turned a school-run factory into the world's largest producer of ethoxymethylene; in six years, he has overcome the world’s problem vitamin e; Twenty years have tore through the iron curtain monopolized by multinational giants, turning a school-run company into one of the world's largest vitamin manufacturers. The ancient pottery Zhugong Fan Li is nothing more than this.

Another example is the story of Liu Qianshan. He was also a school-run factory hero. How to achieve the stock price of 22 times the size of the A-share market in 3 years and 22 times the size of the A-share market, and how handsome in less than three seconds, the founder hero blacked into the capital puzzle and turned a good sunrise company into a merger and acquisition. Cash out tools for cutting leek.

Such stories made Feng Lin fascinated to hear, but Chu Yuanxi felt gradually hollowed out...

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