Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 843: Thank you Yang Jiangang for your cooperation

The one who scratched his head the most was Li Jingfei, because he especially wanted to know how Xiaokang did it. Xiaokang supposedly faces the same problem. Chu Yuanxi also has annual membership membership. Although there is no hard threshold for entering the store, the difference between the annual fee and the annual fee membership discount is very large. I have fully understood that not being an annual membership is equivalent to losing...

As a result, I found that the understanding on paper was meaningless at all. What did Chu Yuanxi do? It's a pity that I was too cautious. I was caught jumping off the car too early. Then Yuan Mu, the scum, suddenly became extremely strict, and the mountain rang and he refused to say anything. What should I do?

As soon as Li Jingfei's eyes rolled, he saw the face of Ah-Yu pig liver, and he asked if Ah-Yu should get rid of porcelain? This is an invitation from Chu Yuanxi herself. Li Jingfei is also under great pressure because his title is CFO. Although it is said that for the opener, he, Wang Yueheng and the boss Cheng Huilin are all responsible for financing, but in most companies, the chairman and the CFO are responsible for financing.

As a result, he and Wang Yueheng had so big faces and eyes. The two investors entered the company and failed to get the financing, so they had to release the ultimate boss in Novice Village. This caused two irreversible injuries. First, the investment consultant Xue Zhengwei sent by Sun Dasheng saw him unforgettable. Second, a group of middle and senior executives suddenly dropped into the company, most of whom were from Sun Dasheng. Transferred here.

Of course, his situation is slightly better than that of Yang Zheng, who is dumb. The COO of Yang Zheng is now being grilled on fire, because many executives are eyeing the position of COO.

Yang Zhengneng relied on Cheng Huilin’s trust, but he was too young and did not show any operational wizards. The business lines of the following group of arrogant soldiers all point to him, and all of them have to report to him, which is very It's a test.

When reporting, you can’t just listen and talk, you need to give new instructions based on the situation, and you need to get to the point of operation, not always "business as usual." This kind of return happens every day, and the COO's ability is very demanding. This is one of the tests. In the general direction, the COO can implement the collective decision and follow the development strategy finalized by the four-person team, but it is impossible to have no self-exposition in the small details.

The bigger test is that the newly appointed chief revenue officer CRO often fights against the COO, because income is sometimes contrary to operation. Operational operations sometimes exist for income, sometimes for expenditure. Expenses are for growth, and growth is for future income. In the start-up stage of a startup, there is generally no need to make income, just look at growth indicators. Therefore, CRO and COO have an instinctive antagonism at this stage. If there is no antagonism, there will be no smoking, because there is actually no income to do.

Li Jingfei couldn't understand why Cheng Huilin wanted to set up a position of CRO at this time. Is it just to restrain expenditure? In short, if Yang Zheng doesn't handle it well both inside and outside, more than N people can come up as COO.

Of course, Yang Zheng is fairly stable at the moment, mainly because his abilities can really be held back. This young man had a burst of strong learning ability, which made Li Jingfei admire him. The rate of ability growth could catch up with the rate of pressure growth, and his daily operations would not stump him.

It's just that I am often passive and lack experience in tearing up with CRO. However, in the eyes of outsiders, this situation can also be understood as humility and respect for seniors. The only person who feels resentful about this is that Yang Zheng's No. 1 general, SVP, the senior vice president responsible for growth, feels too useless.

Another factor that keeps his position under the prying eyes of many coveters is the so-called new media operation method. Why does Ali lack game genes and social genes? This is because the people who work in Ali-related businesses are basically the previous generation, and they have limited understanding of the lifestyles of young people. If you look at it, you can look at the surface and think, but the deeper connotations cannot be figured out.

All the older generations know that there is a gold mine in the new media, but in the end it is all about advertising. Only Yang Zheng can pat his chest and say "I understand". This is his longboard. Li Jingfei estimates that this is also the most important reason why he can gain Cheng Huilin's trust.

Therefore, it is time to encourage Yang Zheng to contact Chu and Chu Yuanxi! Anyway, at most there is nothing to gain?

On the other hand, after dinner, Chu Yuanxi was waiting for Guan Xin at the peak visual effects. After this round of talks, the business managers of both parties can come out to negotiate the terms and conditions.

In fact, the main reason for such a round of face-to-face communication is that Guan Xin finally revealed that Youtu has a little interest in investing in peak visual effects.

The last time Guan Xin came, Chu Yuanxi had been waiting for Guan Xindao to give out his investment intentions, but she was playing with Yin. Now I don't know if it is because Yin has turned into Yang, everyone is starting to be normal? It's still Yang Jiangang going out to go out, beep, beep, and beep is really positive, anyway, Youtu has become interested in investing.

Regarding the financing of peak visual effects, the Pakistani people have a veto power, so before this interest becomes an intention, some things are simply put together to chat.

Chu Yuanxi didn't worry that he wouldn't be able to finish talking all night. He felt that there was no big problem at all. You could vote for Youtu, just follow the rules. Chu Yuanxi has a bottom line about the financing of Pinnacle Visual Effects and only accepts financial financing.

Now the dock of Peak Visual Effect worship Youtu is only temporary. In the future, it will definitely develop its own webcast platform independently. Therefore, all investors with additional terms, if they are not obliged to accept, let them calm down. After all, although Peak Visual Effects also requires funds, it is not as exaggerated as Xiaokang. It is just a normal mobile Internet entrepreneurship. You know how much money is required for each step, and what terms should and must not be accepted.

What he was afraid of was no matter what kind of moth Xin Xin would produce. The ability of this guy to produce a child was really amazing.

Soon after Xin was in place, he first told Chu Yuanxi that there was no movement on the cultural brigade. After all, we have to go somewhere, and the feedback speed cannot be as fast as a startup.

"Of course, but Mr. Guan, can you give me a rough timetable?" Chu Yuanxi said faintly, "After all, there will be big moves on the well-off side immediately. I may not have so much energy and distraction. I am. You have to arrange a good time, it's really impossible to let others follow up."

Guan Xin was stunned, and said to his heart that the Pakistani people are not all shrimp soldiers except you? Who has the ability to follow up on this kind of thing?

After deciphering this expression, Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly, "Lao Yang, I'll give you a chance to exercise. That's it..."

Listening to Chu Yuanxi's interpretation, Guan Xin's face changed slightly, because Chu Yuanxi even said Guan Xin's position in the business chain and profit model.

However, this is what Yang Jiangang needs to exercise, not just to exercise his business ability, but also to exercise his ability to actively launch, the ability to be dragged into the water, and the ability to drag others into the water. He is no longer the flower of the motherland, and he cannot always be exposed to sunshine and rain, and he has to be pissed, at least mentally prepared. Even if you are not mentally prepared, you must know that there is such a thing in the world.

Yang Jiangang listened for a long time and said that co-authoring such a big project might have left me, but Chu Yuanxi's wave of your hand has nothing to do with me? I'm so hard! "Isn't this, is it not from the peak visual effects? You tell me this is?"

"You help me follow up. Anyway, you will have to communicate frequently with General Manager anyway. It happens to be you."

"Why shouldn't a certain co-founder of the Pakistani group come forward for such a big thing?"

"Oh~ this is not the case. The scale of this matter is quite large, but it's not that big. It's just a small case of authorization. I appoint you as the vice president of the Pakistani group, responsible for standing in the position of the Pakistani people. Consider the problem and guide the negotiation, isn’t it over? Let me tell you this can exercise your thinking and the ability to deal with complex relationships very well. The opportunity is indispensable. We are brothers and I will take care of you. Others don’t need exercise for the time being. Don't give this opportunity yet."

Yang Jiangang said that the title of VP is so worthless? what--

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi was serious and said: "This matter, since Mr. Guan is also here, I will make it clear that the authorization of the cultural tourism project is clear. In fact, the difficulty of cooperation lies in the competition among Pakistani people."

Guan Xin couldn't help but nodded. This was also a headache for him, and he didn't know how to talk.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words: “The cultural and tourism partners must restrict the Pakistani people from continuing to delegate the peripheral rights of "Troubled Times" to other third parties. This is what we can accept and should be, but it is a magical tool. The company Panama cannot be affected. In other words, the group company must reserve the right to develop the surrounding area on its own. Do you understand? So it has to be negotiated."

In fact, this matter is nothing more than a formality for Yang Jiangang. The detailed rules are all discussed by the business manager. For example, what are the situations that need to be avoided, what period of time there may be brothers fighting, and how to solve it should be discussed in advance. But the boss only needs to determine the intention and bottom line, and Yang Jiangang is to make the determination on behalf of the boss.

Guan Xinxin said, what else is there to talk about? Doesn't this make you finish two sentences?

"Ahem." He coughed, "Actually, Mr. Chu, I thought about it after I went back. Although this matter has nothing to do with Youtu, it really can't bypass Ali. So after I go back, I look for internal relationships. After talking about it, Ali is still somewhat interested."

"What then? Ali's participation is good, it's nothing more than the shareholding ratio. Let's talk about this again." Chu Yuanxi said, oh my fuck, I hope you talk to Ali's people about this. Not to mention the possibility of the sale of Pakistani games, just for cultural travel, Pakistani and Ali are friendly forces for the time being, and Ali’s participation is of course a good thing.

"Then I was greatly praised. They all said that no one can make the bargains of the Pakistani Group. I am a big cow, hahaha!"

"Ah yes, it seems that I lost, you made, you made."

Yang Jiangang looked after Xin Shale, and he was very funny. He said that Ali really has no game genes, and Steam’s G fat stalker doesn’t know?

However, Guan Xin immediately couldn't laugh at the question he received. Guan Xin asked, "Well, Mr. Chu, I'm here today. Mainly, Mr. Yang has said everything? We need to look at the investment and financing of Peak Visual Effects. Relationship, so you need to be present. It turns out..."

Speaking of him, he took out a document of Peak VFX that could be made public to him, pointed and said: "There are no major issues with other terms. Here, why are there related restrictions on international business in Peak VFX? And with Exiting is still relevant."

Chu Yuanxi said that this has nothing to do with you, this is the big hole I dug for Yang Jiangang.

Yang Jiangang stretched his neck and glanced, his brows suddenly frowned, feeling that things were not simple. correct? Why are there international requirements in the angel round financing terms?

Now Yang Jiangang is already Yang Jiangang who has evolved twice, and it suddenly became problematic when he looked at the terms that were okay.

Recalling that year, when he proposed to start a business immediately in November last year, Chu Yuanxila Monica also made a small-scale demonstration. At that time, the significance of peak visual effects was to produce a low-profile version of "The Enemy of Rome" The animation is promoted overseas, leading overseas UGC video animation producers. This is the earliest version. At the same time, "The Enemy of Rome" will also become the pioneer and frontier of peak visual effects. It has long been said.

Today, the vicissitudes of life, Monica’s overseas work is progressing in an orderly manner. Account building, novel translation, etc. are all available, and even some European and American style comics have been drawn for "The Enemy of Rome", but "The Enemy of Rome" The projects have been postponed. This order must be adjusted, but it will definitely be on the agenda someday in the future.

So it seemed that there was nothing wrong with including these in the investment terms? For example, what if the peak visual effects wings become hard and you don't want to be "Enemies of Rome"? It must be written into the contract.

But after Chu Yuanxi's constant hammering, Yang Jiangang turned his head and looked at this clause now that it was full of weirdness, so there was no need to be linked to his withdrawal. Why can't I retreat until internationalization is successful? I never thought of retreating, huh?

It seems that it was because of this idea at the beginning, this one was passed without even thinking about it? But what if I had this bold idea...

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This is a clause that has to be set in consideration of the development process of peak visual effects."

Shrimp process? Yang Jiangang looked at Chu Yuanxi with a spartan face, and said in his heart that why is there any development process that I don't know about?

Chu Yuanxi on the other side continued: "There are three ultimate success destinations for peak visual effects. The first is to become bigger and stronger and become an independent unit in the Internet. It can survive without the help of others; the second, Be bigger and stronger, and then be acquired, such as being acquired by one of Douyin and Kuaishou, and become a strategic supplement to the giant; the third is to become a link in the upstream and downstream of a certain industrial chain, and it also has certain uniqueness and value."

Yang Jiangang is even more spartan. Is there really a development process that I don't know about?

"In this development process, before becoming bigger and stronger, as long as the development is good, in fact, at all times, someone may want to acquire and use banknotes to seduce Yang Jiangang. He has never seen anything in the world. The first time he starts a business, his mentality is inevitable. Fluctuations, it is inevitable to encounter difficulties and setbacks, right, Lao Yang?"

Yang Jiangang nodded subconsciously.

"So, under what circumstances do I think it is acceptable to be merged? After a certain degree of success in internationalization. At this time, the valuation has reached an ideal state. It is not that it cannot be improved, but the **** of the curve. It is the cost and time of continued development. The problem.

At this iconic milestone, I think it is acceptable even if I sell it. At least for my investment, even if it is not the value maximization, it is not regrettable. The peak visual effects continue to grow and continue to rise. I will not get off the car. Distressed. For example, A-share leeks are sold for stocks. If you buy it for ten dollars and get off at fifty dollars, it rises to one hundred. It is not particularly distressed, but it is sold for twenty dollars. "

"But you are not constraining you to get off the car, you are constraining Mr. Yang..." Guan Xin suddenly stopped talking. He already understood this adjustment. Yang Jiangang's permission to not get off the car is actually the key to Chu Yuanxi's initiative. .

Furthermore, as an in-depth practitioner in the video industry, or even an expert, Guan Xin knows that the competition between the two short video giants on Douyin Kuaishou has reached a global possible breakthrough product may have Every new category of doors should try to account for it. Therefore, the platform of Pinnacle Visual Effects may not enter the speech of the giants, but if you can’t wait for any internationalization strategy, you will be noticed when it is launched on Tateyamatou in a few months. If you make a sensation, it will not May be ignored by those responsible for mergers and acquisitions.

God, Chu Yuanxi could even consider this situation more than half a year in advance? Guan Xin was shocked. For Chu Yuanxi, Yang Jiangang must be required to insist on not being acquired before internationalization. Therefore, relevant withdrawal restrictions appeared.

What he could think of, Yang Jiangang, as a client, could of course also think of it, and suddenly said bitterly, "Chu Yuanxi, our brother, after so many years, I thought it could be simpler..."

"Brother, you are wrong to say that." Chu Yuanxi patted Yang Jiangang on the shoulder and said, "I am using legally effective terms to ensure that you can persist. You are in your thirties for the first time to start a business. , What is most lacking is not perseverance, but how to avoid fluctuations and use a decisive clause to avoid your mentality imbalance. Isn't this a very good thing?"

"It's a good thing..." Yang Jiangang couldn't help being lost. "But I didn't expect you to sell me from the beginning..."

Chu Yuanxi's eyes began to shine, and she said Yang Jiangang, you are also very cooperative! The correct posture for releasing information is like this: "Hey, what you said, isn’t I investing to make money, but to prosper the cultural market of the motherland? Of course I can accept that Peak Visual Effects has been acquired, and anyone can do it. The price is right. Don’t feel betrayed by me. I’m willing to sell even Pakistani games. Zhao Jie, I should sell it as well. Isn’t it just natural to sell you?"


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