Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 849: Chu Yuanxi is about to start zhuangbility (...

The leader added 2000 words, so today is more than 7000 words big chapter


For a while, Chen Bingye thought of a lot, thinking that he had nothing to do before and returned to the Ba people in the early stage of the review. With the convenience of getting first-hand information from Chu Yuanxi and the market environment at the time, the result of the review was ——Don’t even accept ads at this time?

But there are no ads.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: “Actually, the fans operation and monetization idea of ​​Ba people is similar to that of station B. I also got a lot of inspiration from station B and observed some practical experience, so I can realize simple and rude traffic monetization methods. Upgrade. Why don’t you insist on not making this money? This money is quick and easy to earn."

Reporter: "Because you all decided to monetize through games?"

"No, no, no." Chu Yuanxi laughed, "What you see is the result, the appearance. In fact, it is because we have iterated this process unanimously, maintaining fan enthusiasm and tone through long-term operations, and then providing better The product is strongly associated with IP and consistent with traffic tonality, which is very suitable for operation and does not lose fans.

In this way of monetization, fans are happy to pay for it. Isn’t it easy to understand how I explain it? The key link of this process is to provide suitable products. It's just that we all chose the game. I chose to build an IP self-developed game, and station B chose to act as an agent for the two-dimensional game. It's that simple. "

Chen Bingye's heart is a simple ass! You are the equivalent of telling me that there are fish in that river, go fishing. The question is how to fish? But he thought about it again, it was a clear way, at least pointed out that there is indeed a way there. There is a big difference between having a road in one direction and not knowing whether there is a road.

The reporter also knew that he couldn't ask any more questions, and he couldn't ask about the commercial operation of his own IP, so he changed the subject: "So Mr. Chu made 4 billion in half a year with this operating model? 4 billion in half a year. I checked the A-shares and found that none of the GEM can hit the market, and the highest of 2.3 billion is barely more than half."

"No, no, it didn't reach 4 billion in the first half of the year. Counting last year, the total profit was only over 4 billion, not as exaggerated as you said." Chu Yuanxi hurriedly pulled back, actually in the financial report, alone in the first half of the year. The profit is very close to 4 billion, and it would be excessive if the bad debt provision is not made.

"Then are you satisfied with the operating conditions of the Pakistani people?"

"Not bad, the income level exceeded my expectations."

The reporter asked the question: "However, the income structure of the Ba people is very simple, and it seems that they rely on the income of "Troubled Times". Don't you have the mentality of being prepared for danger in times of peace?"

"If you just look at the financial data, you will definitely have this impression, but Pakistan's product line is gradually enriched, and other businesses besides "Unwinding in the Wind" also have good profitability, but "Unwinding in the Wind" is a cash cow. Other comparisons are naturally a little worse."

"Is it convenient to talk about other businesses?"

Chu Yuanxi said it was convenient. I gave you this interview outline for you to ask this question!

"After the company is grouped, Pakistani information has always been able to generate income. According to the size of the Pakistani self-media matrix and our relatively mature and leading play, it should be no problem to make a profit of 200 million yuan a year. of.

However, although we can make money in this way, we media itself can only work hard to maintain the scale, and it is very difficult to continue to maintain the expansion speed. We media itself has a churn rate, and revenue will be lost if it does not, let alone income. Therefore, in this part of the Pakistani information, I still mean to maintain growth rather than making income.

The cash flow on the media side is relatively small, tens of millions of dollars, temporarily not considered, also on the copyright side, the two sides plus Pakistani information are currently providing basic support for making money for Pakistani games. So the focus of income is still games.

Our Pakistani games are now going to try to develop a new product line, pay attention to it. This methodology is running, and it hasn’t gotten through. Once it runs through, the income can still usher in a wave of bursts, and it will completely get rid of the dependence on single products. There will be no failure of "Troubled Times" and the income of Ba people will fall to every year. The level of hundreds of millions. "

The reporter said that he nodded thoughtfully. Chen Bingye listened for a long time beside him, feeling anxious in his heart, just like all the key parts were mosaic when watching the movie...

Reporter: "Haha, then help Mr. Chu's annual income exceed expectations. By the way, what was Mr. Chu's expectation of income at the beginning?"

"Hey, I didn’t think that overseas income could be generated at the beginning. I thought that it would be pretty good for China to reach the level of 3 billion yuan by the middle of the year, and then add other income. Anyway, it’s not direct enough. Completed the bet."

"Hey, when it comes to gambling, I heard that investors love and hate you because the gambling is completed too quickly?" The reporter asked patiently according to the interview outline. This outline is equivalent to a script. Chu Yuanxi wanted to answer, and this paragraph was added after temporary communication last night. It was very stiff and embarrassed him...

"It is a very good thing that the bet is completed quickly. It is the result of the hard work of the founder team and the company."

Reporter: "But your setting of the number of bets is very rare in the world, right? At this time, the proportion of investors' shareholding has shrunk too much, directly downgrading from the majority shareholder with more than 5% The ratio is less than 3% for ordinary shareholders, and they don’t even have the power to make proposals to the general meeting of shareholders."

"This is true, but the setting of gambling conditions is also rare in the world, and the requirements for completion are extremely high, right? The company's valuation is only 1.5 billion, only half a year after its establishment, and the profit will be 3 billion within three years, twice the valuation. In order to guarantee not to lose, otherwise, you will lose your old bottom. How many listed companies can achieve a net profit of 3 billion in three years? There are not many on the GEM anyway. Compared with the share change brought by the gambling, this condition is for the founder The team is more demanding, and our pressure is great."

Chu Yuanxi said that he put a pose for the photographer to take a close-up, and said while posing, "Moreover, the number of bets is divided into three levels. As for the third level of betting we completed in one year, I can’t blame me for being too capable. Ah. I have specially considered the psychological feelings of investors and have been very kind."

"What is meant by being kind to investors?"

"I think I just don't care too much. Just forget it if you can or don't care about it." Chu Yuanxi said, making a gesture of booming the fly, which was faithfully recorded by the photographer, and then posted in the news.

Reporter: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yuanxi: "Oh, when the Pakistani people paid dividends at the beginning of the year, according to the agreement, they could complete a round of betting and equity adjustments, and then pay dividends, so that the founding team can score more points and give investors less points. But. It’s not necessary. It’s going to be a long time in the future. Drinking water thinks about the source. Since I took other people’s investment at the beginning, there is no need to care about it at this time, so I will divide it according to the original proportion."

This is the part where Dobby saw his nose almost irritated after seeing it, and it was unclear whether the pose irritated or the dividend was irritated.

Don't talk about Dobby, even the reporter comrades think this posture of bombarding the flies is too irritating, but there is no way, the interview outline was given by the Pakistani.

He immediately brainstormed, and suddenly asked Chaogang's question: "Mr. Chu, you said you are under a lot of pressure, but when you made this three-tier gambling agreement in July last year, was it already determined that it would be completed? That's why this condition that investors cannot refuse?"

"It's impossible to calculate it. It's not certain that you have captured Jobs and Bezos. You should be confident." Chu Yuanxi lightly pretended to be a little bit.

"Can you share your journey? I believe many readers will be curious about where your confidence came from. According to my investigation, you just launched a TCL mobile game at that time, and your income level seems to be very average?"

"That's called TCG mobile game, TCL is a refrigerator color TV..." Chu Yuanxi smiled, "The launch of TCG has nothing to do with financing, and I am very satisfied with the income level in the category of TCG. Even though it has been online for more than a year, The TCG project still has a monthly income of more than 20 million yuan, which is very impressive. Assuming that "Troubled Times" did not make a hit, but it reached my lowest expectation, the monthly flow of 50 million yuan lasted for three years, plus tcg income, almost You will be able to complete the right bet."

"It turns out that you calculated the approximate performance based on this data and then made a bet?"

"Obviously not. The discussion on the gambling agreement must be far before the signing. It is impossible for the game to go live today and the gambling tomorrow, sign TS the day after tomorrow, and sign a legally valid equity subscription agreement the day after tomorrow, right?"

There is nothing to say about this. Chu Yuanxi recalled it, and finished the bragging: "The reason why I have confidence comes from a deep understanding of the fan economy, from my understanding of traffic, or from Douyin. Understanding. What I saw at the time of June last year was that Pakistani entertainment has become a reality. Unless WeChat and Douyin are all dumped suddenly, it will be unshakable. This is what you can't tell by analyzing the financial report. So I’m confident. I’m actually betting that I can sign a bigger deal, but then there will be nothing left for investors. I don’t want to do things too terribly, so just stop it."

Chen Bingye hadn't spoken for a long time, because he couldn't get in, just looking at Chu Yuanxi's zhuangbility, he wanted to call 666 for this occasion.

But the reporter is getting enthusiastic. Is this the bright prospect of Chu Yuanxi seeing the TikTok e-commerce supply at that time? Probably! After all, the first thing that sold good stuff on Douyin live broadcast was Pakistani Entertainment. He immediately asked: "Can you share a little bit of your profound knowledge with our readers and friends? You definitely want to hear you talk about live e-commerce in person."

"Ah, live e-commerce?" Chu Yuanxi was not on the same channel with reporters when facing this super-gang problem. He didn’t think about live e-commerce at all, so he said, “I won’t say anything specific about live e-commerce. From a strategic point of view, Douyin offers a great opportunity to make money. Level. Whether it is used for live streaming of goods for e-commerce, or short video for advertising, it is too wasteful to use it as a pig knife."

"What?" The reporter didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to say such a thing. "Isn't the Douyin e-commerce ecosystem doing a particularly good job? Has it created a new situation in e-commerce? Now so many teams have sprung up. Isn’t it all attracted by Douyin e-commerce? According to the statement of the past few years, Douyin has updated the new retail business environment and changed the consumption habits of ordinary people. Why do you say it’s bad?"

"I didn't say bad." Chu Yuanxi waved her hand, "Good is quite good. It is not a problem to make a few hundred million yuan a year, even one billion yuan. But for me, the price/performance ratio is low. Douyin has Many gameplays are more valuable than live e-commerce, and more valuable than mobile games."

"Oh, today is a great opportunity. What is the opportunity to make money, such as the live broadcast of Zhongtian, which is still strong?"

Chu Yuanxi said how much you are looking forward to 100,000+? "This is a trade secret worth several billions. I will not tell others easily."

Next to him, Chen Bingye couldn't help nodding, saying that you are a cow! I didn't say anything, let's open a Douyin account when we look back.

Originally, the interview should end here according to normal logic, but the outline of the interview was drawn up by Chu Yuanxi, so I must continue to talk about it. The reporter ended the irritating topic and asked: "I also heard that the Pakistani people make a lot of money but they are all on the account? Ordinarily, if the company makes money, it must expand production or make some investment. , In short, let the cash turnover be efficient. Why are you not moving? It is not in line with your capital efficiency in the same period last year, which is puzzling."

Chu Yuanxi asked back: "Did you hear any gossip?"

This rhetorical question immediately made Chen Bingye feel super free and easy. Is this iterating "holding it right"?

"Uh... There are rumors that you intend to invest this part of the money." The reporter felt a little bit assaulted. He even took out the outline and looked at it and found that it was time for him to ask about this paragraph, but he didn't expect Chu Yuanxi himself. It teased me. "Is it your second entrepreneurial life?"

"With this plan, depending on whether the well-off society is going well or not, and what the prospects are. The prospects are good. The Pakistani people will invest the money, and the turnover efficiency will be higher than that of the Pakistani people." Chu Yuanxi pretended to be relaxed, "I personally oppose earning money. If you have money, you will expand your territory blindly by M&A and investment. What about Pakistani M&A and investment?

Other institutions? With the money of mergers and acquisitions institutions, you can make five or six times the scale by doing it yourself.

M&A game? The game layout is very large, but the Pakistani people's positioning is to make one into one, with high quality and high requirements. Can the acquisition of other teams or game companies control the quality? It is difficult to even control the project approval process, let alone research and development, this kind of merger is meaningless.

In my opinion, the most efficient way to turn this money in Pakistan is to project TV dramas, which is more in line with their own tonality, but TV dramas are also facing complicated problems.

Another export is the internal incubation and entrepreneurship project. The current case peak visual effects for demonstration are doing well, but it does not cost a few dollars.

On the contrary, Xiaokang is in a huge trend dividend, making money more efficient. If this kind of company fundraising is not because I am the actual controller of the Pakistani people, the Pakistani people have little chance to invest in it, do you understand? The Pakistani people’s money can be invested in the well-off society and the Pakistani group has earned it. Some people just don't understand the primary-secondary relationship, gossiping, and confused. "

Although the reporter knew what the answer was, but Chu Yuanxi's wording itself was too informative, and it took a long time before she said in astonishment: "It turns out that you are facing the accusation of related-party transactions with this mentality? No wonder there are some investments. People think that you are not good to them, it turns out that there are huge differences in investment judgments."

"It is true. But are these investors too selfish to accuse me of not being good enough to them? How much do they hold? What is the share held by the founding team and employees of the Pakistani people? There are not many co-founders and employees. Everyone who followed me into the well-off society continued to contribute to the Pakistani Group. So why should my co-founder and employees miss the well-off express with so many shares in order to take care of their small share? Sacrifice? Is it good for them to be so big? Isn't it this kind of procrastination to hold back?"

In fact, Chu Yuanxi wanted to bury the unsatisfied mentality of the uncles of the Demon City. Originally, they wanted to say whether they had the idea of ​​low entrepreneurs and noble investors. What should I do if I get beaten up? So let's just leave the word...

Even so, the reporter was speechless. After a while, he asked: "You have more confidence in the well-off than against the Ba people! What is the relationship between the Ba people and the well-off in your mind?"

"In my mind, let me explain it in the way of games." Chu Yuanxi said the answer that he had thought up a long time ago: "I am playing a game of even strategy. Ba Ren and Xiaokang are mines. The relationship with the violent soldiers is to occupy the mines first, then the violent soldiers. Have you ever played "Heroes"? It is similar to the fact that I first established the National Assembly to explode money, and when I had the money, I made soldiers to fight.

"Hey, I'll understand when I say that." The reporter rolled his eyes, "So it takes a lot of money to be well-off."

"Of course, of course, a well-off society needs money. For example, naming a strong variety show, it's not 100 million, right? This money is dry and cannot be directly reflected in income. The funds are not strong and can not be transferred. But now the money There is basically no big problem with it."

Chu Yuanxi showed the flying knife and thought in her heart: How can we let the leaders of Taishantai see this interview? Repost it on your own circle of friends, and then leave a message to hype the topic? At least Weining and Xu Yanping should be able to see it? emmmm...

It's a pity that Fang Shiling dragged the deadline to August 10th, and it was only the second today. I wonder what mentality she can get to the 10th?

But this throwing knife was just thrown away, and the big knife below is the point and the end of the interview.

I saw the reporter looked at the outline again and asked: "A colleague of mine interviewed Ms. Cheng Huilin, the chairman of Open Doors, a few days ago, and mentioned you in a lot of places. Do you have anything to say?"

This question is rather ingenious, it is equivalent to directly picking things up, and you can pull out hatred without hatred. But because it was an outline that had been set a long time ago, Chu Yuanxi had a secret plan and said: "Open the door, I don't know Mr. Cheng, it's just a fate. I have read everything she said, and it is all short and guessing. What I want to say is that the person I feel most sorry for in the opener is Ah Du, ah, that is their COO Yang Zheng."

The place where I was interviewed was not a private space, but a rest area provided on ChinaJoy. There were always people coming and going next to it, but not many people could recognize Chu Yuanxi, and even fewer reporters.

But I wonder if someone recognized Chen Bingye as coming? Even when I saw a photographer setting a gun next to him, several young ladies ran up to Chen Bingye and then attracted bees and butterflies, and more and more people watched.

When Chu Yuanxi saw this posture, she suddenly possessed the drama spirit and said affectionately: "Yang Zheng will always be my brother."

Since Chen Bingye is quite familiar with Chu Yuanxi, this expression feels weird at first glance. Is this expression too rich? Is it the kind of brother who pays the price?

Reporter: "What do you think of Mr. Yang?"

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Aya can be said to be a young hero, young and promising, I can't make it. Think about it, Ah, who is almost a zero-zero, in 1998, he actually opened the door. COO, what am I doing at this age!"

"Then how did he leave the Pakistani group?"

"It depends on me, it depends on me." Chu Yuanxi said, like a bereaved concubine, "Because at the beginning, Adu did not agree to join the Pakistani full-time. He had other miscellaneous contracts in his hand. He didn't want to break the contract and needed time to do it. Just hang out. So I didn’t give him the option at the time, but gave him the investment right. The option is relatively simple. The option is cashed out according to the length of service, and the investment right is slightly complicated. He didn’t care about it. In fact, I knew it was valuable.

Later, I should urge Ah Ya to give up his career as a voice actor and join the Ba people wholeheartedly. At least in March and April last year, the Pakistani people were already showing signs of sunrise. At that time, I told him that it should be possible to transfer full-time. He has always done quite well in Pakistan, and it is very important to our preliminary team. Many of the early works of Pakistan are dubbed by Ah-Ma, and he has also appeared on the scene. As a result, I ignored my favor. "

In fact, whether he forgot or not, only Chu Yuanxi knew what the truth was. Everyone remained silent in the original state, so he interpreted it as he pleased. In fact, Chu Yuanxi had been waiting for Ah Ya to change the contract at that time, not that he didn't want to give it, but it was impossible to give it on his own initiative.

The simplest question is, how much option is given when changing the contract? At that time, the Pakistani people had been very successful. It was different from the time when officials were appointed to make a wish in the Juyi Hall. When the company was founded, it was said to be valued at 10 million yuan, and each option was hundreds of thousands and millions. Only Chu Yuanxi's paid-in capital of 4 million is true. But in March and April, Chu Yuanxi took the initiative to change the contract for Ah Ya, and then gave him 0.5% of the option, is it appropriate? Both parties must feel that it is inappropriate, Chu Yuanxi felt that it was too much, and Ah-du must not think too much. So you have to wait for the poor and luxurious young people to take the initiative.

But now it's useless to break this, and it has been transferred to the hostile camp. Today, Chu Yuanxi raised the sword to cut people. But he didn't cut it himself.

Before and after Cheng Huilin’s interview, he drastically reorganized the management of Open Door, and dropped a large number of senior executives, especially those who came from Sun Dasheng to fill important positions. He is ready to perform the operation, but he has waited patiently until today. occasion.

This knife is called "giving people a handle." The content of the interview today is all about the handle, at least the material for the handle. It was Chu Yuanxi who carried the knife, and the one who suffered the knife was Ah Du, but who needs a "person" who uses the knife? emmmm...

The reporter didn't feel right when looking at the interview outline, but he had no choice but to say something like this: "In other words, Mr. Yang himself did not design the content but execute the content in the media?"

"Ah, there is no need to divide the design and execution so clearly. The characteristic of a small team is that everyone contributes wisdom." Instead, Chu Yuanxi "covered and said" for Ah-Yu, as if he missed the original appearance very much, and continued to treat Ah-Yu. Highly praised: "Anyway, it was my fault that the dumb option was not given in time. I didn't expect that young people were more sensitive than my old oil. This should be the reason why the Pakistani missed a general. Well, I looked like a general at the time, but now I feel like I lost my right hand! I regret that I died."

"You have such a high opinion of Mr. Yang?"

"That's not it. What the Pakistani people lack now is the handsome, not the general. After the group reorganization, the various branches are okay. The candidate who can help me coordinate the overall situation is almost impossible. At present, it is Li Lujun who shows some handsome talents. We call him Uncle Sheng. At the beginning, Ah-Yu was introduced to me by Uncle Sheng. I didn't expect him to be COO. There is a shortage of presidents and COOs in Pakistan..."

This situation has actually been messed up by Yuan Mu. I don’t know how many times. The Pakistani people are valued at 30 billion or Chu Yuanxi calculated it according to a conservative algorithm. There is no COO responsible for daily operations. Is this fair? Moreover, it is not impossible for Chu Yuanxi to be the CEO and president, but the president is responsible for each product line. Almost all product lines of Pakistani people are in a state of stocking, and there is almost no regular report. Chu Yuanxi is only asked for something.

Even if the emperor used to be an emperor, he still had to go to the court. It is also fortunate that the Pakistani people have been reorganized into a group, which can be called to exercise the leadership of each branch, otherwise it would be unsightly.

Comparing Xiaokang and Pakistani people is more obvious. Xiaokang is full of middle and senior management talents. Liu Lu is only executive vice president. Chu Yuanxi is still CEO and president, but all product lines must be reported regardless of their size. At this time, if there is a person in Pakistan who can also serve as COO and sit as the president, it is actually very ideal.

Therefore, when Chu Yuanxi said these words, the reporter might still be quite dizzy, but someone who was closer like Chen Bingye didn't feel abrupt at all.

What Chu Yuanxi waited for the timing of this interview was not to make people feel abrupt, and it was difficult to be effective. Ah Ya works in the door opener. Most people in the door opener may not be able to find his value, but Chu Yuanxi does not want him to show his value, otherwise he would really have to comfort him by "being on a different track" Up. After all, the opener has manpower and financial resources. Once he masters the correct methodology, he has a chance.

You know, in today’s interview Yuanxi’s words can be faulty, only one sentence is absolutely sincere-his understanding of the fan economy makes him know the usage of Douyin traffic. , You can use the effect of the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife, not just the pig knife.

The problem is that now he doesn't know if Ah Ya has mastered the Heavenly Sword Technique after his experience in the Ba people. What if Ah Ya thinks of it for a moment? It's not that there is no such possibility, especially after Ah Ya reappeared in Chu Yuanxi's sight as the COO of the door opener, he dare not say that there is no such possibility.

The gameplay of the well-off in this world is an upgraded version compared to the original world, and one of the key links is this set of Yitian swordsmanship. This is the reason why we want to "give others a handle" today. This possibility must be eliminated, at least the door opener must be prevented from gaining this possibility.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan Xijing waited for the reporter's last question: "How can the Ba People Group solve this problem of lack of talent?"

With a smile, Chu Yuanxi casually said, "There are still a lot of options left in the Ba people, you know."

Unexpectedly, the magical reporter Chaogang once again asked: "Do you want President Yang to return?"

"Ah!" Chu Yuanxi was taken aback for a moment, and said to her heart that your question is so good, I dare not write the script like this! "Well, it's a trade secret and cannot be disclosed."


I pushed a new book, "Being a Doctor Opened a Plug-in". The title of the book is super-earth. But looking at the content, I think it should be called "Life Department Doctor Ling Ran", which is quite impressive. The only shortcoming is that the protagonist is not as handsome as Ling Ran and can't **** him. There is no plot similar to intestinal obstruction, so you can watch it with confidence.

The writer below said that it is a portal, the starting point of the system function, click to open the pushed novel, click it!


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