Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 869: I caught a chicken for you too

It’s not surprising that Ali has a deep understanding of self-media and fans. Let’s not talk about others, Xiao Dajin himself is actually the earliest big internet celebrity, but it’s not an internet celebrity in the general sense, but a professional KOL similar to the bureau seat. , The number of fans is really a lot, and the time to have fans is long enough.

Although his program is not as flexible as the later self-media, it has a large volume, high-grade platform and good quality, so it actually has some advantages of self-media and can be enlarged. So if he is more idealistic in how to run the company, he must have some experience in how to run the self-media, at least it is true.

Maybe this is why he is willing to talk to the Pakistani group in person? Or is it because he thinks he can play the Zhuanba game, which can be played in the operating mode of "Troubled Times"?

Although Chu Yuanxi was reading the documents, Yu Guang kept scanning the two of them, and found that Xiao Dajin was quite leisurely, slapped twice from time to time, but Lao Fan was a little nervous and kept watching Chu Yuanxi.

He laughed in his heart, Chu Yuanxi was about to spray. Of course, spraying people is an art, and you can't spray it. He doesn't even want to show hostility. Instead, he nodded and said: "I basically agree with these terms."

After speaking, he looked up, and he was a little surprised at Shang Lao Fan.

He turned his head and asked Xiao Dajin: "But I want to know the reasons for some terms."

Xiaoda squinted his eyes tightly and saw the place where Chu Yuanxi's fingers were pressing. He said that it was so. Do you basically agree? Ha ha!

"Mr. Chu is asking about the terms of competition in the same industry?" He said and started fanning again. "Although the fans of the mobile game "Unwinding" are IP fans, it can be considered that most of them are fans of Pakistani people, right? At least many core fans were attracted from Pakistani Entertainment’s account at the beginning. If the Pakistani Group sells the game company and turns around to open another game company, and let’s say, no matter how you change, how to enter I will definitely not leave the fan mode to play games, I’m sure of this."

As he said, Aida pushed his glasses tightly, and then spread his hands: “Doesn’t this take away the fans of Pakistani games? These fans are also part of the assets. You just put the IP and some related self-media accounts. It’s not enough to pack it in. What we want is the users behind these."

Chu Yuanxi suddenly asked with a bewildered expression on her face: "Didn't you say it all? The relevant We-media accounts have been handed over as assets? Wouldn't those users be transferred to you for your face?"

Short and tight-chested: "We know that people don’t talk secretly, is this unclear? I understand that these self-media accounts are indeed direct contact with IP fans, but they have overlap. After you cut a few accounts and give me , There is still a huge self-media matrix to reach them. Can’t we buy it and you will reincarnate and bring users back? Although you may not do this, but we must write this when we make the contract , And it can only be written like this."

Lao Fan said to the side: "Yes, yes, we are bound to be unable to restrict your self-media development by signing the contract, right?"

"Oh, this is what you are worried about?" Chu Yuanxi's expression became more confused, "This is really not obvious, I think you have to think about this clause carefully."

"What?" the two said in unison.

I saw that Chu Yuanxi seemed to be very considerate of them, and said with pertinent suggestions: "You have to guard against me selling these fans to others, and then let others pull people. Our Pakistani group has always been affected by the outside world. It’s a traffic business. It’s normal to buy and sell fans in a traffic business. I have a loyal and kind little brother named Baisha. I think it’s good. Then you have to guard against me not playing games and doing other things to bring fans back. It's not just games that can pull people, I have many ways to pull people.

The mobile Internet itself is a competition for users' time and mind, not money. Money is the prize for success. And any model innovation is the re-editing of the user's time, oh how to prevent this? The contract you wrote today cannot predict what model innovation I will propose tomorrow, catch the chicken! How about you go back and review the deal with your investment team and make a deduction? "

Xiao Dajin's eyes widened and he was silly, and his glasses almost fell off...and Lao Fan said in his heart that there is such a brazen person in the world! Have you already calculated it? These are your scheduled plans, right? what--

As a result, Chu Yuanxi didn’t finish his work, and continued to say without thinking: “There is a way, or you can just buy the Pakistani group as a whole? But it’s not insurance. I can turn my face and become a Sichuanese group. , Cavemen Group or Yuanmouren Group. Or if I don’t do it, I can teach my girlfriend to do it. In short, we evade the terms of the contract. We pull the person away with a touch of face. Swipe straight away, accurate!"

After finishing talking, Chu Yuanxi gestured to himself with a handsome thumbing brother, so angry that Lao Fan was better at it: "Hey, you are still excited, you give me almost a little bit!"

Lao Fan and Chu Yuanxi are relatively familiar with each other. There is no problem with speaking in this way, but Chu Yuanxi immediately converged on his hippie smile, as if instantly became cold.

He asked slowly: "I can be almost a little bit, but I want to know if your mentality is to buy Pakistani games and you can lie down and win? If so, I suggest you not to buy, you guarantee to lose money. Pakistani people The related assets of the game are very good weapons. You can use the blood sword and the mandarin duck sword. You still need to master the essence of martial arts before you can use it. If you can use a pig-killing knife, you will lose tens of billions. A small number. At least with Lingxi's performance in this game, I can't see any signs of advanced martial arts."

With that, Chu Yuanxi pointed at the short, big and tight fan.

Short and Tight turned into a piggyin face, but struggled to himself: "Your conclusion is too arbitrary. We must know how to use what we buy. Even if there is no unique skill, I think it is possible to get Huashan swordsmanship."

"The problem is that there is no guarantee of making money in the game industry." Chu Yuanxi sighed, "Your so-called making money may be based on the money on the books. I have explained this just now. It depends on the value of the money. . If you just realize your own accumulation, it’s not making money. And when you lose money, the glass **** is so powerful, the IP of the hero of the storm is the glass **** universe, what is the loss?"

Lao Fan no longer panicked when Chu Yuanxi sighed. He came to play support today, so he was aloof. At this time, his mentality is still balanced and he is not afraid of Chu Yuanxi’s zhuangbility. He directly asked: "Then how do you think you can play games with a high probability? Make money?"

"In the final analysis, you have to be able to do it, operate it, and have a good job, so that you can hope to make money. The key point is to compete with yourself and compete with yourself." Chu Yuanxi also returned to calm and said, "Why do I think you The idea of ​​the contract is quite funny, because you are thinking of competing with others, and you really don’t have the genes for playing games.

Do these users only pay attention to the self-media of Ba people? They’re concerned about the fact that there are dozens or hundreds of self-media accounts under different types and different apps. It’s impossible to ignore things outside the window, right? Don't I pull them, they all gather to you, and then stay together? What do you think of gamers? "

Seeing Xiao Dajin's face still not returning to nature, Chu Yuanxi found that this person is really easy to deal with, like Lao Fan, business elites, always remain calm, not easy to be stubborn, and not easy to be led away.

He thought for a moment, and said: "Let’s take an improper example. You and the old wolf are inextricably linked, and there are a group of fans in common. He retires to Jianghu and this group of fans belongs to you. But you won’t be able to sing anymore, or What should your fans do if the song is not good? Listen to Jay Chou, listen to Lin Junjie, and you can listen to any song."

"It seems that we should indeed go back and discuss it again." Xiao Da tightly said "wow" and stood up. It's pretty good to be straightforward and straightforward.

Chu Yuanxi also stood up and said while sending out: "With Ali's ability to operate Taobao and Tmall and playing traffic for 20 years, I don't think there is any hard threshold. The key is to find the right way of thinking, no matter what you do. It should be all possible."

Yuan Mu was just outside, and he greeted Lao Fan, and then sent the people out with Chu Yuanxi. She thought that Lao Fan was here to talk about the film and television of "Troubled Times", and when she came back she asked: "Why did Xiao Dajin follow? Is this because she wants to become a celebrity in Pakistani Entertainment?"

"You are funny, how many platform-take-all big internet celebrities are there." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while and decided to tell her: "Ali has the intention of buying Ba Ren games. Now the horoscopes are not finished yet, they are short and big. Come here and talk about values."

These words made Yuan Lulei a little bit outside, and suddenly he understood why Chu Yuanxi had been suggesting that they should not withdraw or withdraw when discussing the withdrawal of shares.

Wipe it! This is too awesome, right? "how much is it?"

"I told you that the salary hasn't been finished yet, but I want to sell it for 40 billion. This is all informal news. I don't have an offer, you know."

"Count you ruthless!" Yuan Mu was utterly utterly stupefied. He said that if you withdraw from the stock, you would sell a wholly-owned subsidiary for RMB 36 billion and sell a wholly-owned subsidiary for RMB 40 billion. Even if you still have some conscience, I will not withdraw! "Speaking of Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan, do they know?"

"I must have known it a long time ago."

Yuan Mu was unhappy: "Oh, co-authoring is the latest I know."

"Listen to me, if you follow the principle of confidentiality, I don’t have to tell Uncle Sheng and the others. If they don’t speak strictly, the transaction price may be affected. The impact will be billions of dollars. When I think about it, they will also be considerate of me. But since I recognize that they are my companions and partners of this company, I can't do this. Do you understand that things are not done this way?"

Yuan Mu had no choice but to nod. For the Ba people, she was not a companion, so of course she would not tell her in order to keep it secret. "But, then why are you willing to say it now?"

"You didn't see Xiao Da Jin coming, I guess I can find out without asking someone to ask, there is no need to hide it."

Yuan Mu deeply agreed. Some people have strict mouths, and some people's mouths are so big because their faces are too wide. But this kind of thing can’t be said too much. If there are too many negative opinions, it is easy to 404.

Soon Chu Yuanxi told Yuan Mu about the ins and outs, what she thought, and how she talked with each other. Although she is not a partner, she is an investor, so there is nothing wrong with exchanging information. One Ali’s side is yellow, maybe Zheng De can find another good seller.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Mu didn't grasp the key point. When Chu Yuanxi said that he used Pinduoduo to make an analogy, he suddenly asked, "Didn't you say that you don't have to die without Pinduoduo? How did the evaluation suddenly improve?"

"No improvement, no improvement. Pinduoduo relies on price discrimination and vicious harassment to invade users' lives. It doesn't care about users' feelings at all. It directly screens users through violent brainwashing marketing. How can I improve my evaluation."

Chu Yuanxi went back to the tea room with Yuan Mu and sat down and continued to drink tea, "But you have to admit that it is indeed efficient. By reducing the overall e-commerce shopping efficiency of users, it virtually steals users’ minds and improves themselves. The efficiency of the company depresses the efficiency of other friends, so Ali must be like a big enemy, and they have to grab users back."

"Then do you really care about how Ali will operate the Pakistani game after buying it?"

"Of course! Don't you know how strong my sense of responsibility is?" Chu Yuanxi said while watching the news: "With the resources I allocate to Pakistani games, I can definitely make a lot of money if I do it well, it's too bad to do it well. I'm worried. I'm afraid that they will make a mistake when running IP fans, and they will lose all the traffic every minute. Then I won't have to be sprayed."

"Are you worried about Ali? Hahahaha—" Yuan Mu smiled presumptuously, "I think Ali's idea of ​​worrying about your reincarnation is very reliable. If you don't reincarnate, no one will spray you if Ali is on the street."

Chu Yuanxi said that I care so much about the buyer's safety. Isn't it because I can reincarnate and rebirth a Ba Ren Game No. 2 in peace of mind? Why else? But as he said, he suddenly remembered that Yuan Mu didn't understand the game IP plan of Pakistani Games at all, so this is just talking about it.

But he didn't intend to explain too much about this. When the time comes, he will speak with data and facts. Thanks to the contributions of Lu Yu and Zhu Yan, the relevant self-media materials can be said to be very powerful. As long as Zhao Jie’s production is okay, when the purchase machine is turned on, the effect will never be bad, even The self-media traffic business in the entire market has undergone a massive upgrade.

In the past, the threshold for creating IP was very high, and it was not technically high. The novel mode at the beginning is the most obvious. It is not a good novel writer who painstakingly write a few million words can become IP, because IP=traffic + content, while the old model traffic is almost entirely dependent on the platform, it is difficult to get out of the circle. , But the flow of novel platforms is usually not high.

Later, after the comics started, a lot better, because the comic platform has more traffic, this is the most intuitive change. Therefore, when the comic IP content can match the novel, the situation is much better, making the comic circle emerge numerous gods, generally more nourishing than the novel gods.

The webcasting platform has more traffic. TV series and cartoons have benefited from this, but it is difficult to break through the platform model. Except for those dramas that are really popular across the country, the traffic is still limited, but the picture is too big. a little.

But what if it’s WeChat wool? The platform is a WeChat + Douyin Kuaishou-level platform, which is equivalent to no borders, as long as it can stimulate forwarding and even viral infection. Furthermore, how about pushing IP with your own APP? Then you can be unscrupulous, even if it is a game APP.

As a result, Yuan Mu listened to Chu Yuanxi buzzing about how the traffic came and went, and couldn’t help but vomit: “Don’t you know that Ali is the originator of traffic? With Ali’s ability, he can’t recruit any talent he wants. Some of the masters of traffic operation is that you are not the only one who can operate traffic."

"Well, can e-commerce traffic be the same as self-media traffic? When self-media operations fight, it’s KOL and hype technology." Chu Yuanxi said, glanced at the calendar and then at the schedule. "You are going to Yangcheng to fight Xiaokang for a while. How are you preparing?"

After finishing the S-P-A, Yuan Mu’s work on financing will be reduced sharply, and the next round of A+ is the financing of the Pakistani people’s investment of $ for Xiaokang, so there is no need for Yuan Mu to do anything. In the consideration of making the best use of people, Yuan Mu, as the CFO, is also the third-in-command of the well-off, so Milestone 4 went to other cities to expand the work of stores, UU Reading www. uukanshu. The field team's inspection work at the first stop of com, Yangcheng Station, fell on her.

"There is nothing to prepare when you are ready. Basically, isn't it just stepping on the enclosure according to the process? But why did you let me go?"

"Going to many people at a time, there must be someone who can live in the scene, right? Here I can't live without it for the time being. Besides, if you go to a well-off life and do all financial affairs, it will not improve you substantially, it is nothing more than a change. It’s just a role. I know you still want to return to Zheng De to invest in it in the future, but you have to add some real entrepreneurial experience, right? This time you will treat yourself as the CEO. Use the CEO's thinking to consider, don’t always stare Financial statements."

Soon, Yuan Mu left the tea room and came over in Du's shirt. Du Xie had mentioned a clerk rating plan before, and Chu Yuanxi asked him to refine the plan, which is now to be finalized. Du's job is quite special, with the title of vice president, but he is often not at the headquarters and always needs to run out, whether he is customer service, ground push or shop inspection, etc.

His office is not at the headquarters, but on the customer service side. After all, that line is directly under him.

After reading the plan, Chu Yuanxi rubbed his forehead, because there was something that had to be told to Du Tsai: "Old Du, I saw the personnel report here, did you hire a new assistant named Liu Liang?"

"Ah? Ah, yes, what's the matter?" Du Tie obviously didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to mention this.

"Excuse me, you have to quit her, she is my school girl. We Xiaokang can't recruit my relatives, do you know this rule?"

"That, I know, I even asked her specifically, she said she didn't know you."

Du Xie's expression was very stunned. He only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "But I know her."


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