Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 875: Independence of Banana

A small-scale tea party is helpful to help Cao Shan understand the current situation of the company. Although Chu Yuanxi plans to let Banana go out next year, this time Cao Shan came to talk about this, but a deeper understanding still helps Cao Shan’s jobs. Otherwise, the Pakistani people may have a certain resource, but they don't know what Cao Shan needs, and Cao Shan doesn't know the company has this resource, so it's easy to make jokes.

As a result, Cao Shan was left alone by Chu Yuanxi after the tea party. After listening to his idea, she was speechless with excitement instead of following Chu Yuanxi’s script "Living on the Surface". Instead, she widened her still beautiful eyes: " What? You don't want us anymore?"

Chu Yuanxi said that fortunately you used "we" instead of "me", otherwise it would be easy for people to misunderstand!

"It's not good or bad, you can understand it as switching to an incubation mode, just like Yang Jiangang, do you understand? How cool is Yang Jiangang now?"

Cao Shan sneered: "Why is he so cool? The last time I saw him, his hair was quite thick. How long has it been? Alopecia areata all came out. Is he so cool that alopecia areata?"

Chu Yuanxi's face was embarrassed, because alopecia areata is not easy to cover. You have to talk about Chen Kuo’s baldness method. It’s actually very easy to solve. There are short hot videos on Douyin. Put a wig on the naked scalp, and then directly wash and cut the wig. Others It can't be seen to be fake at all. But after alopecia areata, you can't shave your hair completely, so you will stop eating because of choking, and you can't just make up a small piece, and you can't stick it.

So these days, Yang Jiangang's head smells like ginger, and everyone pretends to be invisible, but some people feel sad. Chu Yuanxi was afraid that she would lose her hair too. She comforted herself that Yang Jiangang would always lose her age when he was at the level of Big Brother. However, after checking a lot of information these days, the only conclusion was that **** wipes were useless at all.

Just listen to Cao Shan said: "And what good is the brand independence of Barnana for this company? Will you pay if you don't need license fees before?"

"You don't need to pay the previous IP. Pakistan's shareholding includes the existing brand licensing fee. I will talk about new IP in the future."

"What about the equity? You left the company independent and the shareholding remained unchanged? What is the difference between unchanged and not independent?"

"Oh, you are a top student in finance, don't you understand this?" Chu Yuanxi believes that Cao Shan can figure it out even if she wants to. Maybe it's too sudden, so make it clear.

"First of all, why do you want to be independent? After independence, the brand "Barnacle" can jump out of the small circle of Pakistani people. In the past, any business activities you did were limited to the Pakistani framework. You can't pick up other people's IP to Pakistan. Take this brand, right? You can only accept Pakistani people. But now, you can do it whatever you want. In the past, you had to consider the head office first, but now you only consider how your own company is cost-effective.

Secondly, your business was restricted in the past. You can make clothes, but can you make shoes and hats? In fact, it works, but you have to consider whether you have money or not. The start of this kind of project requires a lot of funds and resources, and resources can actually be converted into money. Now you have to think about money, but if you don’t have any money, you can raise funds externally. In the past, it was not possible. In the past, it was restricted by the Pakistani people. The Pakistani people asked you to join you in order to do so, and the Pakistani people cannot lose their absolute controlling rights. .

The last is equity. Of course, when you go out independently, the share of each party’s equity will not change, but the Pakistani people have cancelled certain restrictions on Panama. But you can raise money, you can sign a bet, and you can engage in incentives. Can I teach you these? In the past, these did not exist, nor did they not exist, but I asked you to do it. From now on, as long as it conforms to the company law and is in the interests of all shareholders, don't engage in emptying the company, don't engage in a small treasury, you can do it. "

Cao Shanxin said that in fact, the only thing I know about company independence is-you can no longer engage in profit transfer! Do you still have the face to mention emptying the company? Do you know how difficult it was for me to raise these redundant shop assistants? The businesses next to me and even my own employees look at me like Sabie! Do you know that I was so embarrassed when the five local shareholders asked me financial questions? Why don't they ask you?

Today, many of her subordinates, the younger brother’s younger brothers, are already important grassroots backbones on the well-off side. There are several store managers and deputy store managers. Can she still understand what's going on? In fact, I knew it in the past. I just saw it through but didn't say it. When I heard that the independent brand company was independent today, all the past events came to my mind.

However, with Chu Yuanxi's explanation, Cao Shan can certainly understand how big a bonus this is for her personally. She has changed from a professional manager to a chairman. Although temporarily speaking from the equity structure, the Pakistani Group still has the right to appoint a new chairman, but if there is no accident, it must be her. Otherwise, why didn't Chu Yuanxi change the manager directly?

"But why do you want to do this? Is there any benefit to the Pakistani group if Barnana is independent?" Cao Shan said that she was happy, and she asked me why I was struggling with this? Chu Yuanxi suddenly found out her conscience could not do it?

As a result, Chu Yuanxi said very solemnly: "You can understand that it was a planned economy in the past, and a market economy in the future. I believe that reform and opening up will definitely be better than nothing.

"to be honest."

"The truth is that the Pakistani group is too strong, and there is no longer any need to hold on to it. If you want to let it go, let it go hahaha!"

Cao Shan turned her face: "This is still fair."

Chu Yuanxi smiled, remembering the few news that he had just read, "But, even though I let go, I still want to nag."

"Do you want an outsider to guide an insider?"

"No, no matter how independent your brand is, it still represents the Pakistani group on the user side, or is using the Pakistani IP. I must entrust a few words, right? It's impossible to ignore it completely."

"I know, oh, can I still do things that damage my reputation?" Cao Shan said, thinking that if I really do, you must change the chairman right away!

"This is not necessarily true, maybe you didn't think about it, but the actual operation has formed a bad effect, maybe it is." Chu Yuanxi handed the phone to Cao Shan, and it was something about Hanfu. "Banana's brand strategy is actually very similar to Hanfu in my opinion, but don't create the contempt chain ecology of Hanfu. I am worried about this."

The mobile phone is "What makes Hanfu difficult to become popular" on the mobile phone, and Cao Shan hops for joy. She is a martial arts leader by engaging in COS. No one understands the contempt chain of Hanfu better than her. She looked at the title and returned her phone to Chu Yuanxi: "In fact, this chain of contempt is quite good. Isn't everyone despising copycats a very good thing?"

"What a shame, these people in the Hanfu circle are simply inexplicable nobility. They especially love to engage in discriminatory chains, and they don’t understand respect. People outside my circle feel awkward. There is absolutely no future in this way, that is, painting. A small circle owns high, although we are also a self-built brand but—"

"Alright, don't say anything, I understand." Cao Shan rolled her eyes, because Chu Yuanxi didn't hear that she was joking. "In fact, when I meet people who wear Hanfu, I usually rush to stay away. It's not because I don't like it, I wear it myself."

"Why is that?"

"Because I can't help pointing out where others wear the wrong thing or which one is mountain. You know, Baidu Hanfu has hardly anyone who has not been criticized by me before, although I am often criticized by others hahahaha — "Cao Shan laughed arrogantly," But don’t worry, we are not the same as those Hanfu brands in the operating route. We are opening physical stores. From now on, we will go in the direction of famous brands and the direction of the mainstream. We don’t know how many, who will come here with contempt?"

When Chu Yuanxi communicated with Cao Shan, Yang Jiangang had already returned to the peak visual effects downstairs. The tea party is a kind of retreat, and you have to be pragmatic when you return to your company.

In fact, he was a bit discouraged, because the subdivision that Chu Yuanxi was uploading was actually like a window paper. Everyone could understand it at all, but he hadn't thought about it beforehand. Not only him, but also the operation team of the new configuration of Pinnacle Visual Effects did not expect that the previous heated discussions were discussing how to grow, and they did not detail which types of user growth should correspond to which types of materials and the differences in new methods. .

The only consolation is that Lu Yu didn't expect it either.

The problem is that this issue should not be thought of at all! In the final analysis, it is one thing. My company is full of product genes and lacks operational genes, so it is not sensitive to operational matters. The result of insensitivity is stepping on the pit. This time, Chu Yuanxi took a little time out of her busy schedule to turn off (fu) and note (yan) on her own and discovered this problem. If this goes on, you will definitely fall into various pits.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi asked him to take time out of the product, which can be said to be a suggestion. Now it is imminent. Yang Jiangang used to encounter retreats and it was cool, and he must beep a chase, chromium hardened this chromium hardened that, so I didn’t say much today because he has been thinking about a simple question.

That is, it is obvious that I am not good at operations. Is it now that I am reducing the time spent in other places to improve my own operational capabilities, or are I recruiting outsiders and recruiting operators with high salaries and options?

The reason for this problem is that the volume of peak visual effects is not large enough. The valuation of 800 million is only 4 million at 0.5%. However, because the company was hatched, it is structurally incomparable to Pakistani and well-off people. The stock pool left to employees is very small. It is already quite extravagant to take out 0.5% options to recruit people. If it is exposed, many key elderly people in the company may produce unbalanced.

If it is cash, it is still very attractive, but options are things that people who have been in a startup company know how to do it. There are very few people who can quickly get money through options like the Pakistani Group. It is for the real strong. It is unattractive. The peak visual effects have already reached 100 million. Fortunately, those companies that only get tens of millions of angel rounds can only deal with this situation.

This is also a problem that grassroots entrepreneurship often encounters when starting from a small company. Only when it grows out of its reach can it have enough volume to release its appeal. Of course, at that time, the company was not willing to promise options at will. This contradiction will always exist.

This is also the reason why Yang Jiangang has not made up his mind to recruit people at all costs. The company's departments have been supplemented, and the structure is complete. It can be regarded as the five internal organs of a small sparrow, but he can't guarantee how much it can play.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of what Chu Yuanxi said when he buried him, which made him improve himself from the start of recruitment.

However, before issuing new recruitment needs, he decided to do another thing-personally produce video content for recruiting UGC users, personally appear on the scene, and take interview videos!

"Why is this?" Chen Kuo was stunned when he heard about it. Looking from left to right, Yang Jiangang looked like a man. "Lao Yang, it's not me who said you. Do you get your hair done before you go out? "

“I’m the most suitable right now, I don’t need to do it.” Yang Jiangang said with unprecedented confidence: “If there is a parallel world, the peak visual effects company is made by someone else, and I’m still doing game planning. For a company as stupid as Pengfei Technology, peak visual effects are what I need most. This is an aperture that can change my own destiny. Therefore, I brought this product into me two years ago. I feel excited or not excited is the key Today, as far as the product is concerned, I am very convinced that it is valuable, and there will be people like me who will resonate with me. This is what I want."

Therefore, the interview was arranged quickly. The shooting conditions such as lighting, stage, make-up, etc. were all readily available on the Pakistani side. The reporter for the interview was pretended by Chen Kuo. Chu Yuanxi was very surprised when he knew it, because this could be regarded as the first time Yang Jiangang took the initiative to do something in the field of operations. It was not easy to be so brave!

So he secretly ran to the filming site to take a look, and found that the question and answer were quite professional, as if he had been rehearsed. The final presentation of the video is to be divided into multiple segments, but the interview is completed at one time.

Chen Kuo: "What caused you to have such an idea to start a business and build such a platform?"

Yang Jiangang: "It's actually a game, "Warcraft 3". In fact, the glass **** game has an editor since "StarCraft", which is equivalent to providing a player engine, allowing players to DIY the game, and can change the game type. It was amazing. When I was playing "Interstellar", I could actually extract the elements of the game to make an RPG game. Later, the engine of "Warcraft" was more powerful, which gave birth to a large number of 3C gameplay, and most importantly, "Dota". "

Chen Kuo: "It seems that you did not make less maps back then, but does it have anything to do with animation?"

Yang Jiangang smiled suddenly: "At the time I was thinking about how to make some money through this."

Chen Kuo: "It seems that making maps for "Warcraft" can make money now? Can you sell skins, pets and equipment like online games?"

Yang Jiangang: "Yes, and it's a lot of money, you can become stronger with the money. If I had the current map environment at that time, I might have no idea. I have always been engaged in games. The difficulty of developing this kind of game engine is for me. I can't even think about it, the glass **** is not perfected to the present level.

I have a lot of imagination, otherwise I can't be a game planner. So at that time, I had an idea, can I have a simpler engine, not a game, that allows me to make some money through imagination DIY? The key is not to ask for help, one person can do this with a computer, no need to build a team, no need to find venues and equipment. "

Chen Kuo: "But now it seems that the game DIY engine already exists in China?"

Yang Jiangang: "Yes, yes, it's amazing. One is Code Universe, and the other is Mini World. Code Universe follows the same path as us. The Mini World is softer, similar to "Warcraft 3", allowing players to be inside the game DIY maps, then downloaded by others."

Chen Kuo: "Let's talk about your home, so you chose the animation, right? The peak visual effects are now on the line, what are your plans?"

Yang Jiangang: "Ah, it's very simple, first find someone like me."

Chen Kuo: "What kind of person are you?"

Yang Jiangang: "It should be said to look for the same person as me a year and a half ago, a person who has not met with talent, hahahahaha—"

Chu Yuanxi felt that the laughter of this sand sculpture was very magical and should be made into a ghost.

Just listen to Yang Jiangang laughed and then said: "The first step for our platform is to need The official will continue to produce a batch, but the main thing is that users need to do it by themselves, and then realize it on the platform. Wait until The content is relatively sufficient, and then large-scale diversion to pull new, so that people who do animation can earn more."

Chen Kuo: "Are you sure you can make money with an animation like this?"

Yang Jiangang said very proudly: "Yes, it can definitely be done. The quality of "Animal Company" will definitely be able to be achieved. Some time ago, Disney executives watched our "Animal Company" animation and went to my old club without a word. I bought the IP."

Chen Kuo: "There is such a good thing?"

Yang Jiangang: "It's a pity that we only have the right to adapt this IP. There is no benefit fee of a dime, and it is all made by the old owner..."

He put on a posture, and then returned to seriousness: "We are actually ready to make money for users. First, our platform will purchase truly high-quality works. Second, we have a cooperation with Youtu and can push it to Youtu for further processing. Exposure and make money. Third, our platform will regularly organize some competitions and activities. Fourth, we have a creator support plan, and there is a guarantee for signing. Finally, there are subscription dividends, but now there are few people. After a few months, we will start large-scale When the time comes, good works will definitely make a lot of money."

Chen Kuo: "Innovation, do you need money? Do you have so much money? I saw that the public confidence company only raised 100 million yuan, and there are still so many creators support, purchases, etc., is it enough?"

Yang Jiangang: "I have never worried about this. After all, Pinnacle Visual Effects is a subsidiary of Pakistani Group, and there is absolutely no problem with communication. I am afraid that our engine is not well done and it is not easy to use, which makes users dissatisfied."


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