Recently, many students left messages even more dissatisfied with Tie Da's Daily Yi.

But do you know what status codeword the author is? The state of hemoptysis.

Of course it is not the blood coughing up a handkerchief in Qiong Yao's drama, so I will definitely not update it. I was out of breath when I coughed and I had to spit first and then gasp. Some things in the saliva came out of the trachea, but it was not phlegm, and it was a little red inside.

The doctor said that when coughing, the capillaries of the respiratory tract bleed, which is not a big problem.

But I have been coughing for more than a month...

Is it good for me to update 5000 words every day? Like myself!

There are signs of improvement recently, but I still have to cough at least twice a day. The so-called cough is out of breath.

In October, when I was severe, I even lost consciousness for a short time. Once sitting at the writing desk, I suddenly had to cough unprepared. I turned forty-five degrees and started coughing. When I regained consciousness, I turned at right angles to the screen and turned again. Forty-five degrees, lying on the ground, my face and forehead hurt, my face landed, but I didn't remember how I fell. My last memory was sitting in a swivel chair, bending over and making water with my hand.

I was also a soul at that time. Three questions: Where am I? How long has passed? what happened?

It took at least 20 seconds for these three questions to think through them all.

For this reason, I also described in detail the legendary experience of onset and treatment in the QQ group (927964936). It is definitely a legendary experience. I wrote a long article that brings suspense to bring inheritance and transformation, which is very educational. I will post it on the official account later. Do you all know what the official account is?

Therefore, I admire how I can't stop the change. I went to the hospital for intravenous drips for eight days, three or four hours a day, and I have already completed the psychological construction of the change. Then I went to the big hospital, which was far away from home, twice without interruption. I was super awesome.

So don't ask about adding more things. After seeing the exemption notice, I hesitated a bit. Should I try again? It is really more than enough but not enough, and it has become the first of the three types of people in the mail of Qiangdong, collectively referred to as people who cannot fight.



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