Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 23: Left me

He just woke up and didn't ask how he was doing or whether there was a problem with his leg. Instead, he first thought about taking a bath, which was not the way ordinary people think.

"I've washed it for you." Chao Xi lied to him. It was already very cold this day. When Shen Fei was at his weakest time, he always took a bath and was prone to wind and cold, and illness became worse.

"You have been asleep for a long time, you must be hungry." Chao Xi stood up, "I'll bring you food."

"Chao Xi." Shen Fei called her, "I don't know how long I slept, how long I have to sleep, it is so hot in the quilt, and the body covered by it is sticky. I woke up too uncomfortable."

Chao Xi was a little grateful immediately, and didn't bathe him, otherwise this person would never wake up again.

Speaking of strange things, she couldn't wake him up with anything. She called him, called him, and talked to him. This person didn't react at all, but he woke up because he was sticky and too uncomfortable.

Chao Xi didn't know what to say, and said after a while, "Wait, I'll boil the water."

She just stepped into the house with her front feet, and suddenly remembered something, "Shen Fei, do you want to take a bath?"

Shen Fei had a meal, "Is there?"

He didn't want to, but especially, because of conditions, there is no place to take a bath at all. He just wipes the bath every day, and has not taken a bath for a long time.

"Naturally." Chao Xi folded back, "There is a spring in the valley. I don't know what the situation is. When the weather is cold, hot water comes up, and it dries again in summer."

It’s a magical spring. The water is flowing. If the morning sun is expected to be good, the water will flow to the ground in summer, and it will come up again in the autumn when the rainy season is heavy. This is repeated, here for three years, almost every It hasn't been an accident all year, and I hope there will be this year.

"Is it far?" Shen Fei's pale hand was on the handle of the bench, his fingertips turned white with force.

He wanted to take a bath, so much.

Chao Xi felt it, "Not far, just nearby, just a few steps away, very close."

She lied again. It was actually far away, but Shen Fei liked it. It could cheer him up, and the hot spring bath was good for him, no matter how far it was, no matter how hard it was.

Shen Fei's eyes seemed to flicker, and a look overflowed from it, "Then let's go."

Sure enough, he really wanted to take a bath, so he rarely asked for it.

Normally, even if he thinks about it again, he will not say it. He is held in his own heart. If Chaoxi takes the initiative to do it for him, he will not refuse and let Chaoxi do it. If Chaoxi does not do it for him, he will not mention it. This is the first time.

Chao Xi agreed, "Okay, but you have to wait first, I'll make preparations."

The weather in early winter was a bit cold, especially in the mountains. It was humid and shady. Shen Fei wore the clothes he came from.

Chao Xi hasn’t started to make the red maple fabric on the white background because she found that she can’t do it. Shen Fei will be able to leave after two days. Please ask Aunt Liu to do it next door. Aunt Liu is a good craftsman. She has two children. If you want to bring it, it’s not convenient to work, so you can only pick up embroidery work at home. Chao Xi will give you some money.

As he was going out this time, Chao Xi put all the clothes of this man on him, fearing that it would not be enough to freeze him, so he wrapped him in a quilt.

He didn't just wrap it up casually, but simply tied the quilt around him. His legs and feet were inconvenient, and one of his hands was broken. Only one hand is good. If the quilt is loosened, it won't be able to hold him.

Bath towels, bath beans, and some food and water. Considering that he might not be able to return at noon, I brought three bamboo tubes, two of which were filled with rice and one was filled with Shen Fei’s medicine. If you can't use the medicine, you can make some fire, boil it and drink it.

What else does Chao Xi need to break the index? What did you bring? Is there anything missing?

It’s a long way to go if you’re sure there’s nowhere. If you’re afraid that you won’t be able to move by yourself, you will also call on the peace. You can save a lot of effort by putting extra things on its back, or hunching Shen Fei away.

The bear finally changed its work and rest, turned into hunting at night, sleeping during the day, and was brought back to an irregular state by Chao Xi.

There are more activities during the day, and it must be sleepy at night, and it will not take a day or two to ease it, but only this time, it is not certain whether Shen Fei can survive the remaining six injections. This is the first injection. , Looked as if there was only half a breath left, and his face was as pale as paper.

Chao Xi was very worried that he would lose his breath halfway, and from time to time he poked his head to take a look at this man. He kept walking when he was in good condition, and he was not in good condition to take a break.

Ping An also seemed to feel that this man was sick, extremely weak, and rarely caused any trouble. He obediently listened to Chao Xi's command and opened the way ahead.

There are many branches and weeds in the forest. They are partly withered in autumn, and they are softly ignored. In the past, when they encountered hard branches, they swept away with their palms and swept them aside.

Chao Xi pushed the wheelchair and walked along the way it drove. One person and one bear cooperated tacitly. It took a short time, just an hour.

It was convenient to see the puffing white smoke before arriving, and Chao Xi let out a sigh of relief.

The hot spring has already begun. There is not much rain this autumn, and the hot spring is not as deep as in previous years, only barely reaching the waist of a person. Chao Xi tried it with a wooden stick, and personally found a larger stone and placed it underneath. It is used to sit for this person, take him off almost afterwards, hug him into the hot spring, and put the changed clothes into the quilt so that he is still hot when he wears it.

After spending time on the left and right, Chao Xi set up a fire nearby, bringing the rice and medicine to heat.

It takes a while, thinking about safety, I should be hungry, so I told Shen Fei and took it out to hunt. It didn’t go far away, but stayed nearby. It went around and around, constantly expanding the search range. .

Ping An omnivorous eats everything, can't catch the prey, so he eats a vegetarian diet. He tentatively dug the yellowish bamboo, and successfully found the old bamboo shoots that are about to grow into small bamboos.

Why is it tenderer than old bamboo. Chop it and give it to Ping An as a snack. When I came back, I accidentally stumbled into the mouse’s nest. One person and one bear cooperated tacitly. Chao Xi lost a root in it and it was easy to smoke, and the smell was particularly strong. Going in, the mouse came out of the hole before long, guarded one hole safely, Chao Xi guarded one, and came out to catch one by one.

He used his paws to catch him, and Chao Xi used his cage. He knew he would be hungry, and prepared in advance. One person and one bear worked together to barely catch one. They only stayed for half a day and one meal was enough.

When Chao Xi came back, Shen Fei was still in the bath, leaning against the edge of the hot spring comfortably. The stone was also warm and very comfortable. Chao Xi had soaked.

In fact, she also wanted to soak, but she was in a pool with this person, for fear that this person would think she was stray, there seemed to be only this larger pool nearby, and the others were very small, just a small puddle, so she barely lay half of her body.

Chao Xi thought for a while, tried one by one, and managed to find a slightly deeper one, which could cover her chest when she squatted down, but it was small and she had to curl up.

Chao Xi was already satisfied, she took off her clothes, and she drew in to wash and wash. Halfway through the wash, she heard the sound of bamboo cracking. She remembered the bamboo in the fire. There was rice and Shen Fei's medicine in it. One of them burned without paying attention. , She and Shen Fei are going to be hungry.

She didn't care, Shen Fei couldn't be hungry. When he was weakest, he could not soak in hot springs because he was easily dizzy.

But Shen Fei liked it, and Chao Xi didn't want to stop it. She always forced him to do something he didn't want to do. Over time, this person would also be annoying if the number of times increased. It's better to just let him go.

Chao Xi put on a coat casually, and hurried over, the bamboo really burned a piece. It was Shen Fei’s medicine. There was fire inside. It was too hot to take it out. Chao Xi looked at the clothes on her body and wrapped it in Both hands were wrapped before the bamboo tube was picked up.

The sound of the bamboo tube burning was too loud. In addition to Chao Xi heard it, Shen Fei also heard it. Turning to find Chao Xi squatting on the ground, his clothes were loose, and large white chests and long legs were exposed.

Chao Xi didn’t care either. She lowered her head and checked the bamboo tube. One end was cracked, some spilled, and a small half tube. She erected the tube and got stuck in the cracks in the stone so that she would not leak the other two bamboo tubes. Come out, I'm afraid it will burn.

I noticed that I was not dressed properly until I was finished. Fortunately, there are only two people here, she and Shen Fei, and no one sees Shen Fei’s character. She can still trust Shen Fei’s character, not to mention that this person’s legs are broken, and she can’t do anything to her. ?

In fact, Chao Xi longed for him to become a beast and acted upon her. The key was that Shen Fei refused.

When the meal was done, Chao Xi didn’t even bother to wash again. She simply rubbed her hair and rubbed her hair, then hurriedly dried her body and changed her clothes. The bamboo tube was split to dissipate heat. When it was almost done, she brought Shen Fei up and simply wiped it. The wipe was re-stuffed into the quilt.

Still tied up, the wind is strong, afraid of freezing him, both hands are in the quilt, the rice is fed by Chao Xi, she doesn't know what Shen Fei likes to eat, anyway, she scooped a spoonful of bacon over rice, The bamboo burns very fragrantly, and Shen Fei is not very picky about eating, but he has a small appetite. He opened his mouth just to say that he was full. Chao Xi put a spoonful in it, spoonful after spoonful, all the rice in the bamboo tube was eaten by him. Finished.

He didn't go back immediately after eating. Shen Fei was intrigued. He thought about looking around. He might think that he failed the injection and was dying, so he wanted to look outside, his eyes filled with nostalgia.

This person didn't want to die, Chao Xi could see clearly, she was wondering whether to tell this person her guess, maybe it wasn't the injection failure, but just a process of detoxification.

But what if it's not detoxification or injection failure?

I told Shen Fei that Shen Fei was hopeful, but the result would only make him even more disappointed.

Chao Xi has tasted that feeling. It is really uncomfortable. If there is no hope, he will not be disappointed. This is good, if he can stay for a day, Shen Fei will feel that he has earned it. If all the seven stitches are successful and the leg is healed, he will instead. It was a surprise.

Chao Xi decided to hide it.

"Chao Xi..."

Suddenly someone called her behind him. Chao Xi looked back and saw that the person in the wheelchair was gone. Shen Fei was lying on the ground, sighing helplessly, "You dropped me."

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