Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 284: No sorrow being stared at

Seeing that the problem has been resolved, No worries, he bids farewell to Jousuke and them, and leaves directly with real red.

However, it didn't take long for Wu worry to walk away, and found that he seemed to be being followed by someone.

"No worries, there are people behind."

"I know, it's red."

The two talked through telepathy, and they knew that someone was following them all the time, but they didn't know who it was.

"Is Jousuke? No, Jousuke is not that kind of person."

"That said, it was the guy who was planning to attack my double messenger."

No worries do not know why the other party will stare at him.

Only Angelo knew what happened just now.

"My strength, I feel stronger, and the secret lies in that arrow."

Angelo naturally remembered the ability of that arrow.

"Get that arrow, I will be stronger, definitely."

Angelo has been following Wushou, avoiding the disappearance of this prey.

"Find a solution to him."

Wushou brought Angelo to the outside of Duwang Town. After all, no one would see him, and no one would know that this guy would disappear outside.

Of course, Angelo thought so too.

Angelo's double turned into a ball of water, slowly approaching Wuxian from the ground.

The arrow on Wushou began to react, and Wushou jumped up quickly to avoid Angelo's attack.

"Hmph, I know you shouldn't see my substitute, but you can avoid my attack, so you seem to have some way to detect my substitute."

Angelo's voice surrounds it, making the whole scene look extraordinarily permeating.

"Don't talk nonsense, give me the arrow, I might consider making your death easier."

No worries did not speak, but instead planned to listen to Angelo's voice to judge Angelo's location.

"Huh, do you want to find me? It's useless."

The avatar turned into a pair of scissors, slashing directly across Wushou's right shoulder, scratching a blood mark.

"You can't even see me, how do you fight back?"

Indeed, Wucai now has no way to deal with other people's substitutes, regardless of whether you can see it or touch it.

"Indeed, I don't have a stand-in, and I don't know where you are."

Breathe in a familiar way.

"Even if the body is different, the memory will not change."

"Moreover, this body will not be injured because of this power."

The golden power surging in Wushou's body.



The powerful ripples, centered on Wushou, began to spread around.

"Use the ripples to control your position, you don't need to see it."

The human body is larger than other animals and has more water in the body. The goal of large size is the goal of worry-free.

"I saw it!"

"Impact ripples sprint away!"

A powerful shock wave shook the surrounding leaves directly, revealing Angelo's figure.


Ripple acceleration

Wushou rushed to Angelo in an instant, his fists filled with rippled power.

"Big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood!"

Even if he was not a vampire, he would be injured and fainted if he was hit by such a powerful ripple.

It's just that WuChou seems to be thinking something wrong.


An invisible sharp knife was directly inserted into Wushou's back.


Wushou covered his wound and fell down, watching Angelo stand up as if nothing had happened.

"What about you, ripples, it's really powerful."

Angelo walked to Wushou and stepped on Wushou's right hand as if to vent.

"If it wasn't for my spirit as a human being stronger than others, maybe I was really knocked out just now."

Angelo kicked Wushou fiercely and kicked Wushou on the grass.

"You guy, you messed me up so badly, it's not that simple to end."

The invisible attack directly nailed Wu Wushou's right hand, nailing Wu Wushou's right hand to the ground.

"I'm going to beat you hard and then take the arrow."

Just as Angelo was about to continue his attack, he found that he could not move.

"I can't move, how is it possible!"

"I have stopped for a long time."

Wushou's right hand passed directly through the transparent substitute and stood up slowly.

"When I saw you for the first time, I knew that your substitute looks like some kind of water substitute, which can deform and enter the human body."

Wushu stood up tremblingly and looked at Angelo.

"Since the ripple just now can't beat you, use the method you thought of from the beginning to hit your substitute with the ripple."

"Ripple is life energy, and the substitute naturally has life energy, but it is different from the ripple."

"Then, it is not impossible to numb your double with ripples, not to mention that most of your double is water."

Angelo saw that his double body was surrounded by golden energy, unable to deform or move.

"Since you are not a good person."

Take a deep breath, ripples all over the body.

"Then I don't need to keep my hands."

Papa, papa, papa.

No worries, take a closer look and loosen your muscles and bones.

"Big wood, big wood, big wood!"

Angelo was beaten directly by Wushou's ripples and hit him into a coma. Wushou removed Angelo's limbs for safety, and at least didn't do any evil to him.


Seeing that the transparent depression disappeared directly, Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief.

"No worries, good job."

Zhenhong walked over, looked at Wushou who was fighting just now, and gave a thumbs up in his heart.

"Really? But it's really distressing. I can't use a substitute, so it's so troublesome to play."

Zhen Hong didn't know what Wushou said, but seeing the ripples of true red, he felt that Wushou was more mysterious than she had expected.

"As long as you try your best, it's fine. After all, if you don't try your best to accomplish anything, how can you convince yourself."

"Well, it's red."

No worries, he **** Angelo and prepared to throw him directly into the police station with real red. At least this matter would be handled by the local police.

What? Angelo left with a substitute, don't be kidding, Angelo didn't heal his limbs, how could he escape from prison?

Give Angelo to the police, ignore the police's suspicion and strange gaze by the way, and leave without worry.

However, Wushou just returned to the doll shop and found that Alice was actually angrily standing at the door waiting for herself.

"Mr. Wushou, where are you going?"

"Ah, because a lot has happened."

Alice would not listen to Wushou's explanation, she grabbed Wushou's ears and pulled Wushou into the store.

"Since you are your teacher, it is the teacher's responsibility to educate the students well. If you don't make it up today, I will not let you go."

"Ahhhh, Alice, I am very tired today, or forget it."

Alice responded without sorrow, only a pair of godless eyes.


"Help me, it's red."

Zhenhong didn't want to care at all, but seriously dealt with the sweets that Alice Ribbon came over.

"Study hard, after all you are still under the fence."

Ah, a fulfilling day.

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